List of AVES species in Antigua & Barbuda

This is a list of AVES in Antigua & Barbuda according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Setophaga dominica Yellow-throated Warbler 22724793 LC
Gallinula galeata Common Gallinule 62120280 LC
Myadestes genibarbis Rufous-throated Solitaire 22708596 LC
Myiarchus tyrannulus Brown-crested Flycatcher 22700436 LC
Myiarchus nugator Grenada Flycatcher 22700439 LC
Myiarchus oberi Lesser Antillean Flycatcher 22700458 LC
Catharus minimus Grey-cheeked Thrush 22708658 LC
Tyrannus savana Fork-tailed Flycatcher 22700503 LC
Tyrannus dominicensis Grey Kingbird 22700509 LC
Laterallus jamaicensis Black Rail 22692353 NT
Fulica americana American Coot 62169677 LC
Coccyzus erythropthalmus Black-billed Cuckoo 22684328 LC
Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo 22684331 LC
Turdus fumigatus Cocoa Thrush 22708908 LC
Coccyzus minor Mangrove Cuckoo 22684337 LC
Turdus nudigenis Yellow-eyed Thrush 22708919 LC
Larus smithsonianus Arctic Herring Gull 62030590 LC
Crotophaga ani Smooth-billed Ani 22684434 LC
Porzana carolina Sora 22692684 LC
Porphyrio martinicus Purple Gallinule 22692827 LC
Zenaida asiatica White-winged Dove 22733956 LC
Pelecanus occidentalis Brown Pelican 22733989 LC
Limosa haemastica Hudsonian Godwit 22693154 LC
Limosa fedoa Marbled Godwit 22693162 LC
Numenius americanus Long-billed Curlew 22693195 LC
Bartramia longicauda Upland Sandpiper 22693203 LC
Tringa melanoleuca Greater Yellowlegs 22693231 LC
Tringa flavipes Lesser Yellowlegs 22693235 LC
Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper 22693239 LC
Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper 22693277 LC
Tringa semipalmata Willet 22693319 LC
Limnodromus griseus Short-billed Dowitcher 22693344 LC
Limnodromus scolopaceus Long-billed Dowitcher 22693348 LC
Calidris pusilla Semipalmated Sandpiper 22693373 NT
Calidris mauri Western Sandpiper 22693376 LC
Calidris minutilla Least Sandpiper 22693396 LC
Calidris bairdii Baird's Sandpiper 22693404 LC
Calidris himantopus Stilt Sandpiper 22693437 LC
Calidris subruficollis Buff-breasted Sandpiper 22693447 NT
Steganopus tricolor Wilson's Phalarope 22693472 LC
Haematopus palliatus American Oystercatcher 22693644 LC
Loxigilla noctis Lesser Antillean Bullfinch 22734677 LC
Recurvirostra americana American Avocet 22693717 LC
Pluvialis dominica American Golden Plover 22693740 LC
Charadrius semipalmatus Semipalmated Plover 22693764 LC
Charadrius wilsonia Wilson's Plover 22693774 LC
Charadrius vociferus Killdeer 22693777 LC
Charadrius melodus Piping Plover 22693811 NT
Charadrius collaris Collared Plover 22693842 LC
Euphonia flavifrons Lesser Antillean Euphonia 103868436 LC
Catharacta skua Great Skua 22694160 LC
Catharacta maccormicki South Polar Skua 22694218 LC
Rynchops niger Black Skimmer 22694256 LC
Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull 22694317 LC
Larus marinus Greater Black-backed Gull 22694324 LC
Larus philadelphia Bonaparte's Gull 22694432 LC
Rallus crepitans Clapper Rail 62155296 LC
Larus atricilla Laughing Gull 22694455 LC
Sicalis luteola Grassland Yellow-Finch 22735428 LC
Thalasseus maximus Royal Tern 22694542 LC
Cypseloides niger Black Swift 22686440 VU
Mimus gilvus Tropical Mockingbird 22711029 LC
Sterna forsteri Forster's Tern 22694646 LC
Streptoprocne zonaris White-collared Swift 22686476 LC
Sternula antillarum Least Tern 22694673 LC
Cinclocerthia ruficauda Brown Trembler 22711130 LC
Allenia fusca Scaly-breasted Thrasher 22711140 LC
Margarops fuscatus Pearly-eyed Thrasher 22711147 LC
Anous minutus Black Noddy 22694799 LC
Chaetura martinica Lesser Antillean Swift 22686698 LC
Chaetura cinereiventris Gray-rumped Swift 22686701 LC
Chaetura brachyura Short-tailed Swift 22686725 LC
Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite 22694971 LC
Circus hudsonius Northern Harrier 22727740 LC
Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck 22727750 LC
Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite 22695017 LC
Glaucis hirsutus Rufous-breasted Hermit 22686911 LC
Florisuga mellivora White-necked Jacobin 22687097 LC
Anthracothorax viridigula Green-throated Mango 22687122 LC
Eulampis jugularis Purple-throated Carib 22687151 LC
Eulampis holosericeus Green-throated Carib 22687154 LC
Orthorhyncus cristatus Antillean Crested Hummingbird 22687164 LC
Progne dominicensis Caribbean Martin 22712104 LC
Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk 22695891 LC
Geranoaetus albicaudatus White-tailed Hawk 22695906 LC
Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk 22695933 LC
Numida meleagris Tufted Guineafowl 22679555 LC
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota American Cliff Swallow 22712427 LC
Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling-Duck 22679746 LC
Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling-duck 22679763 LC
Dendrocygna arborea West Indian Tree-duck 22679770 VU
Dendrocygna autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling-duck 22679780 LC
Nomonyx dominicus Masked Duck 22679789 LC
Falco sparverius American Kestrel 22696395 LC
Aix sponsa Wood Duck 22680104 LC
Mareca americana American Wigeon 22680163 LC
Podilymbus podiceps Pied-billed Grebe 22696574 LC
Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater 45959182 LC
Spatula discors Blue-winged Teal 22680229 LC
Spatula cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal 22680233 LC
Phaethon lepturus White-tailed Tropicbird 22696645 LC
Setophaga subita Barbuda Warbler 22729426 NT
Anas bahamensis White-cheeked Pintail 22680287 LC
Anhinga anhinga Anhinga 22696702 LC
Aythya valisineria Canvasback 22680364 LC
Aythya collaris Ring-necked Duck 22680370 LC
Nannopterum brasilianus Neotropical Cormorant 22696773 LC
Nannopterum auritus Double-crested Cormorant 22696776 LC
Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup 22680402 LC
Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser 22680472 LC
Egretta rufescens Reddish Egret 22696916 NT
Egretta tricolor Tricolored Heron 22696931 LC
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron 22696944 LC
Egretta thula Snowy Egret 22696974 LC
Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron 22696998 LC
Vireo flavifrons Yellow-throated Vireo 22705237 LC
Vireo philadelphicus Philadelphia Vireo 22705240 LC
Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo 22705243 LC
Vireo altiloquus Black-whiskered Vireo 22705254 LC
Setophaga americana Northern Parula 22721639 LC
Setophaga petechia Golden Warbler 22721657 LC
Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler 22721664 LC
Setophaga magnolia Magnolia Warbler 22721667 LC
Setophaga tigrina Cape May Warbler 22721670 LC
Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler 22721673 LC
Gallinago delicata Wilson's Snipe 22729867 LC
Setophaga virens Black-throated Green Warbler 22721689 LC
Setophaga fusca Blackburnian Warbler 22721695 LC
Setophaga discolor Prairie Warbler 22721725 LC
Setophaga castanea Bay-breasted Warbler 22721734 LC
Setophaga striata Blackpoll Warbler 22721737 NT
Setophaga plumbea Plumbeous Warbler 22721743 LC
Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler 22721758 LC
Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart 22721762 LC
Protonotaria citrea Prothonotary Warbler 22721765 LC
Helmitheros vermivorum Worm-eating Warbler 22721768 LC
Nyctanassa violacea Yellow-crowned Night Heron 22697203 LC
Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird 22721779 LC
Parkesia noveboracensis Northern Waterthrush 22721793 LC
Parkesia motacilla Louisiana Waterthrush 22721803 LC
Geothlypis formosa Kentucky Warbler 22721812 LC
Oporornis agilis Connecticut Warbler 22721818 LC
Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 22680868 LC
Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat 22721836 LC
Setophaga citrina Hooded Warbler 22721876 LC
Cardellina canadensis Canada Warbler 22721882 LC
Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern 22697314 LC
Botaurus lentiginosus American Bittern 22697340 LC
Icteria virens Yellow-breasted Chat 22722057 LC
Coereba flaveola Bananaquit 22722080 LC
Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl 22689353 LC
Platalea ajaja Roseate Spoonbill 22697574 LC
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos American White Pelican 22697611 LC
Coragyps atratus American Black Vulture 22697624 LC
Setophaga coronata Myrtle Warbler 103798425 LC
Fregata magnificens Magnificent Frigatebird 22697724 LC
Fulmarus glacialis Fulmar 22697866 LC
Piranga rubra Summer Tanager 22722456 LC
Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager 22722466 LC
Chordeiles minor Common Nighthawk 22689714 LC
Antrostomus carolinensis Chuck-will's-widow 22689778 NT
Hydropsalis cayennensis White-tailed Nightjar 22689823 LC
Pterodroma hasitata Black-capped Petrel 22698092 EN
Bulweria bulwerii Bulwer's Petrel 22698132 LC
Ardenna gravis Greater Shearwater 22698201 LC
Patagioenas leucocephala White-crowned Pigeon 22690229 NT
Patagioenas squamosa Scaly-naped Pigeon 22690241 LC
Volatinia jacarina Blue-black Grassquit 22723396 LC
Zenaida auriculata Eared Dove 22690747 LC
Zenaida aurita Zenaida Dove 22690750 LC
Columbina passerina Common Ground-Dove 22690774 LC
Melanospiza bicolor Black-faced Grassquit 22723611 LC
Geotrygon mystacea Bridled Quail-dove 22690958 LC
Geotrygon montana Ruddy Quail-dove 22690966 LC
Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted Grosbeak 22723813 LC
Elaenia martinica Caribbean Elaenia 22699259 LC
Elaenia flavogaster Yellow-bellied Elaenia 22699262 LC
Passerina cyanea Indigo Bunting 22723951 LC
Hydrobates castro Band-rumped Storm-petrel 132341128 LC
Calonectris borealis Cory's Shearwater 22732244 LC
Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole 22724126 LC
Sporophila nigricollis Yellow-bellied Seedeater 105963139 LC
Quiscalus lugubris Carib Grackle 22724326 LC
Lathrotriccus euleri Euler's Flycatcher 22699751 LC
Molothrus bonariensis Shiny Cowbird 22724345 LC
Dolichonyx oryzivorus Bobolink 22724367 LC
Contopus latirostris Lesser Antillean Pewee 22699836 LC
Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar Waxwing 22708153 LC
Megaceryle alcyon Belted Kingfisher 22683623 LC
Megaceryle torquata Ringed Kingfisher 22683634 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)