List of GASTROPODA species in Bosnia & Herzegovina
This is a list of GASTROPODA in Bosnia & Herzegovina according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Emmericia narentana | 156161 | DD | |
Medora contracta | 171526 | LC | |
Belgrandiella dabriana | 155656 | NT | |
Paladilhiopsis bosniaca | 156172 | DD | |
Tandonia reuleauxi | 171027 | LC | |
Aegopis tenerrimus | 171035 | NT | |
Lithoglyphus fuscus | 156189 | LC | |
Saxurinator montenegrinus | 156194 | EN | |
Vitrea kutschigi | 171043 | LC | |
Hauffenia jadertina | 155686 | EN | |
Graziana vrbasensis | 155690 | DD | |
Mediterranea wiktori | 171051 | LC | |
Cochlostoma cinerascens | 170541 | LC | |
Vitrea kiliasi | 171582 | LC | |
Cochlostoma mostarensis | 170561 | NT | |
Pseudamnicola confinis | 155728 | DD | |
Delima vidovichii | 171089 | LC | |
Agathylla exarata | 171618 | LC | |
Plagigeyeria tribunicae | 155746 | CR | |
Sarajana apfelbecki | 155762 | DD | |
Islamia bosniaca | 155763 | VU | |
Zospeum subobesum | 170611 | LC | |
Delima semirugata | 171640 | LC | |
Tandonia cavicola | 171128 | LC | |
Lanzaia vjetrenicae | 155771 | VU | |
Vitrea sturanyi | 171133 | LC | |
Zospeum amoenum | 170626 | LC | |
Radomaniola bosniaca | 155781 | DD | |
Aegopis spelaeus | 171148 | NT | |
Chilostoma crinita | 156303 | NT | |
Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona | 155795 | EN | |
Chilostoma kleciachi | 156835 | LC | |
Lanzaia bosnica | 155816 | DD | |
Hiltrudia mathildae | 156849 | LC | |
Chondrula quinquedentata | 156850 | LC | |
Cochlostoma sturanii | 120402105 | LC | |
Plagigeyeria plagiostoma | 155842 | DD | |
Emmericia ventricosa | 155856 | VU | |
Oxychilus nautiliformis | 171736 | NT | |
Plagigeyeria mostarensis | 155641 | DD | |
Delima binotata | 171746 | LC | |
Xerocampylaea zelebori | 156388 | LC | |
Delima laevissima | 171243 | LC | |
Paraegopis mauritii | 171253 | LC | |
Delima pachystoma | 171259 | LC | |
Chilostoma insolita | 156411 | LC | |
Sadleriana fluminensis | 155899 | LC | |
Renea spectabilis | 156926 | LC | |
Tandonia bosnensis | 171776 | DD | |
Spelaeoconcha paganettii | 156929 | LC | |
Oxychilus absoloni | 171285 | DD | |
Monacha parumcincta | 156950 | LC | |
Iglica absoloni | 155927 | LC | |
Iglica bosnica | 155935 | DD | |
Chilostoma pentheri | 156449 | NT | |
Agathylla sulcosa | 171313 | LC | |
Cilgia dalmatica | 155954 | DD | |
Aegopis septentrionalis | 171316 | LC | |
Narentiana vjetrenicae | 155958 | EN | |
Radomaniola curta | 155971 | LC | |
Medora macascarensis | 171332 | LC | |
Monachoides fallax | 156997 | VU | |
Bythinella samecana | 155473 | DD | |
Lanzaia edlaueri | 155987 | DD | |
Agardhiella biarmata | 195412 | LC | |
Vinodolia hadouphylax | 155478 | CR | |
Plagigeyeria robusta | 155484 | DD | |
Hauffenia edlaueri | 155499 | DD | |
Vitrea erjaveci | 76137325 | LC | |
Plagigeyeria nitida | 155504 | DD | |
Saxurinator brandti | 156019 | VU | |
Plagigeyeria klemmi | 156030 | DD | |
Marstoniopsis vrbasi | 156040 | CR | |
Vitrea spelaea | 171401 | EN | |
Hauffenia plana | 156045 | NT | |
Narentiana albida | 156050 | NT | |
Belgrandiella koprivnensis | 156056 | DD | |
Bithynia mostarensis | 156062 | DD | |
Trochulus waldemari | 156576 | LC | |
Pseudamnicola troglobia | 156065 | LC | |
Chilostoma setosa | 156579 | LC | |
Aegopis acies | 170924 | LC | |
Mediterranea serbica | 171444 | LC | |
Paladilhiopsis solida | 156087 | DD | |
Herilla pavlovici | 170941 | LC | |
Islamia valvataeformis | 155589 | DD | |
Dilataria bosnica | 76023758 | NT | |
Medora dalmatina | 171476 | LC | |
Chilostoma moellendorffi | 157144 | LC | |
Paladilhiopsis brandisi | 156121 | DD | |
Delima latilabris | 171487 | LC | |
Dabriana bosniaca | 155616 | NT | |
Cecilioides spelaea | 171499 | DD | |
Aegopis croaticus | 171503 | LC | |
Theodoxus subterrelictus | Metkovich Cave Nerite | 165359 | EN |
Plagigeyeria edlaueri | 156151 | DD | |
Herilla durmitoris | 171001 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: