List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Côte d’Ivoire
This is a list of MAGNOLIOPSIDA in Côte d’Ivoire according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Placodiscus pseudostipularis | 34817 | EN | |
Robynsia glabrata | 34818 | VU | |
Schumanniophyton problematicum | 34819 | VU | |
Trichilia ornithothera | 34821 | VU | |
Trichoscypha cavalliensis | 34824 | VU | |
Uvariodendron occidentale | 34826 | VU | |
Warneckea memecyloides | 34828 | VU | |
Dactyladenia dinklagei | 34836 | VU | |
Dactyladenia hirsuta | 34837 | EN | |
Leocus pobeguinii | 142717008 | VU | |
Argocoffeopsis lemblinii | 18290783 | EX | |
Justicia guineensis | 85719142 | NT | |
Drypetes laciniata | 32925 | LR/nt | |
Haplormosia monophylla | 32926 | VU | |
Hexalobus salicifolius | 32927 | EN | |
Loesenera kalantha | 32928 | VU | |
Chidlowia sanguinea | 144259233 | LC | |
Nothospondias staudtii | 32929 | VU | |
Calpocalyx brevibracteatus | 144267453 | LC | |
Rungia eriostachya | 85719259 | NT | |
Justicia jamisonii | 92459277 | EN | |
Copaifera salikounda | 33041 | VU | |
Cordia platythyrsa | West African Cordia | 33043 | VU |
Guibourtia ehie | Black Hyedua | 33053 | LC |
Turraea adjanohounii | 32214 | VU | |
Pterygota macrocarpa | 33060 | VU | |
Terminalia ivorensis | Black Afara | 33062 | VU |
Stenandrium buntingii | 85719335 | LC | |
Tieghemella heckelii | Cherry Mahogany | 33063 | EN |
Vitex micrantha | 62019878 | LC | |
Lipotriche tithonioides | Simandou Daisy | 15368493 | EN |
Teclea carpopunctifera | 32219 | VU | |
Zanthoxylum atchoum | 32220 | VU | |
Zanthoxylum psammophilum | 32221 | EN | |
Osbeckia porteresii | 85743950 | EN | |
Brachystephanus jaundensis subsp. nimbae | 45407 | VU | |
Homalium smythei | 35180 | VU | |
Coffea stenophylla | Highland coffee | 18538903 | VU |
Pauridiantha afzelii | 136114583 | LC | |
Phyllanthus bancilhonae | 85731741 | NT | |
Indigofera megacephala | 116124065 | VU | |
Strephonema pseudocola | 136114690 | LC | |
Trichoscypha bijuga | 39472 | NT | |
Lepidagathis epacridea | 119468655 | EN | |
Aeschynomene deightonii | 138095248 | NT | |
Berlinia occidentalis | 33464 | VU | |
Cryptosepalum tetraphyllum | 33465 | VU | |
Drypetes ivorensis | 136112879 | LC | |
Uvariopsis guineensis | 85730032 | LC | |
Echinops guineensis | 116122417 | EN | |
Pyrenacantha cordicula | 45873 | EN | |
Isomacrolobium vignei | 136112956 | LC | |
Dorstenia astyanactis | 45895 | VU | |
Plagiosiphon emarginatus | 144305041 | LC | |
Ceropegia tourana | 201648 | DD | |
Aganope leucobotrya | 144290743 | LC | |
Dopatrium senegalense | 185292 | LC | |
Pauridiantha ziamaeana | 138095593 | LC | |
Uvaria afzelii | 136109520 | LC | |
Macropodiella heteromorpha | 185399 | VU | |
Physacanthus nematosiphon | 185409 | NT | |
Ruellia primuloides | 185410 | LC | |
Coffea humilis | 18537570 | NT | |
Xylopia villosa | 136109157 | LC | |
Heritiera utilis | 33904 | VU | |
Sericanthe toupetou | 33915 | EN | |
Drypetes pellegrinii | 33916 | VU | |
Sapium aubrevillei | 33917 | VU | |
Placodiscus boya | 33919 | VU | |
Droogmansia scaettaiana | 85738630 | NT | |
Aspilia lisowskiana | 85730519 | VU | |
Pavetta platycalyx | 145433826 | VU | |
Bussea occidentalis | 144303342 | LC | |
Eriosema spicatum subsp. collinum | 81179893 | VU | |
Uvaria sofa | 85728510 | LC | |
Gilbertiodendron limba | 19891458 | NT | |
Bertiera fimbriata | 132416797 | LC | |
Droogmansia chevalieri | 85742923 | EN | |
Soyauxia floribunda | 136103261 | LC | |
Scytopetalum tieghemii | 62020964 | LC | |
Crotalaria mortonii | 19891588 | LC | |
Tricalysia faranahensis | 132416950 | VU | |
Placodiscus attenuatus | 32190 | EN | |
Cola umbratilis | 32191 | VU | |
Aubregrinia taiensis | 32193 | CR | |
Croton aubrevillei | 32194 | VU | |
Gluema ivorensis | 32195 | VU | |
Hymenostegia aubrevillei | 32196 | NT | |
Tapura ivorensis | 32197 | VU | |
Salacia miegei | 32205 | VU | |
Hemandradenia chevalieri | 32206 | EN | |
Macaranga beillei | 32208 | VU | |
Homalium patoklaense | 32209 | VU | |
Drypetes singroboensis | 32207 | VU | |
Cassia aubrevillei | 32210 | VU | |
Cassia fikifiki | 32211 | EN | |
Gilbertiodendron robynsianum | 32212 | VU | |
Eugenia tabouensis | 32215 | VU | |
Cassipourea hiotou | 32216 | VU | |
Fagara mezoneurospinosa | 32218 | EN | |
Strychnos millepunctata | 32213 | VU | |
Synsepalum aubrevillei | 32222 | VU | |
Rhaptopetalum beguei | 32224 | LR/lc | |
Gymnostemon zaizou | 32225 | VU | |
Byttneria ivorensis | 32226 | EX | |
Cola attiensis | 32227 | EN | |
Cola lorougnonis | 32228 | CR | |
Pavetta lasioclada | 32230 | VU | |
Premna grandifolia | 32229 | VU | |
Synsepalum tsounkpe | 32223 | EN | |
Tristemma involucratum | 116125164 | VU | |
Garcinia afzelii | 34294 | VU | |
Omphalocarpum ahia | 116127223 | EN | |
Monopetalanthus compactus | 32258 | VU | |
Berlinia confusa | 62021125 | LC | |
Karima scarciesii | 87754264 | NT | |
Kanahia laniflora | 13581896 | LC | |
Synsepalum afzelii | 136103497 | LC | |
Millettia zechiana | 19891824 | LC | |
Vepris felicis | 65064584 | CR | |
Xylia evansii | 144285380 | LC | |
Sterculia oblonga | Yellow Sterculia | 61787857 | VU |
Carapa procera | 61794032 | LC | |
Genlisea barthlottii | 88700681 | VU | |
Craterispermum caudatum | 136113957 | LC | |
Polyceratocarpus parviflorus | 137006909 | LC | |
Amanoa bracteosa | 34644 | VU | |
Breviea sericea | 34646 | LR/nt | |
Tarenna vignei | 136107862 | LC | |
Chrysophyllum azaguieanum | 34652 | EN | |
Cola reticulata | 34656 | VU | |
Craibia atlantica | 34658 | VU | |
Drypetes afzelii | 34674 | VU | |
Gilbertiodendron bilineatum | 34716 | VU | |
Gilbertiodendron splendidum | 34717 | VU | |
Tabernaemontana africana | 136107951 | LC | |
Trichoscypha mannii | 34782 | VU | |
Anthonotha vignei | 34786 | VU | |
Heteradelphia paulojaegeria | 85719017 | EN | |
Alafia whytei | 200684 | VU | |
Maclaudia felixii | 200692 | NT | |
Tarrietia utilis | 61788148 | LC | |
Neolemonniera clitandrifolia | 34806 | VU | |
Neostenanthera hamata | 34807 | VU | |
Lepidagathis pobeguinii | 85719034 | NT | |
Pellegriniodendron diphyllum | 34812 | LR/nt | |
Piptostigma fugax | 34813 | VU | |
Placodiscus bancoensis | 34814 | VU | |
Placodiscus bracteosus | 34815 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: