Liste de LC species en Sáhara Occidental

Esta es una lista de LC en Sáhara Occidental de acuerdo con la Lista Roja de la UICN.

Esta lista se actualizó por última vez 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nombre científiconombre comúntaxonidacategoría
Halosaurus johnsonianus 195843 LC
Tarentola boehmei 61573 LC
Acanthodactylus senegalensis 13151884 LC
Ononis tournefortii 19892364 LC
Cubiceps gracilis Savorín 198676 LC
Chalcides sphenopsiformis 178327 LC
Diplodus sargus ssp. cadenati Sargo Marroquí 170278 LC
Lesueurigobius sanzi Gobio de Sanzo 18160428 LC
Chalcides polylepis 61485 LC
Eremalauda dunni 103765809 LC
Acanthodactylus aureus 197434 LC
Mugil capurrii Galúa Africana 197058 LC
Diplecogaster ctenocrypta 60470344 LC
Panturichthys mauritanicus 195658 LC
Conus guanche 192845 LC
Aphanopus carbo Sable Negro 18179793 LC
Rajella barnardi 44650 LC
Crocidura lusitania 41332 LC
Saurodactylus brosseti 61567 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)