Liste de ACTINOPTERYGII en Équateur

Ceci est une liste de ACTINOPTERYGII dans Équateur conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Andinoacara blombergi 64790998 LC
Andinoacara sapayensis 64791043 DD
Archosargus pourtalesii 47137303 NT
Paracetopsis esmeraldas 66601511 NT
Calamus taurinus 47137515 NT
Chaetostoma aequinoctiale 66601730 LC
Cordylancistrus platycephalus 66601812 DD
Sturisomatichthys frenatus 66601913 CR
Panaqolus albomaculatus 58386276 LC
Etrumeus acuminatus 99167147 LC
Myxodagnus sagitta 183221 VU
Cottoclinus canops 183258 DD
Bellator farrago 183300 LC
Uropterygius polystictus 183333 DD
Labrisomus jenkinsi 183360 VU
Xenocys jessiae 183395 VU
Eleotrica cableae 183407 VU
Chriolepis tagus 183441 DD
Atherinella nesiotes 183455 DD
Serranus stilbostigma 183476 LC
Orthopristis forbesi 183534 DD
Arcos poecilophthalmus 183563 VU
Cheilopogon dorsomacula 183575 LC
Chilara taylori 183598 LC
Cratinus agassizii 183659 NT
Opisthopterus effulgens Poisson-papier vaqueira 183670 DD
Cynoscion nortoni 183686 DD
Xenichthys agassizii 183690 VU
Orthopristis lethopristis 183702 DD
Opisthonema berlangai Chardin des Galapágos 183720 VU
Ogilbia deroyi 183745 LC
Paralabrax albomaculatus 183769 EN
Lythrypnus gilberti 183782 VU
Pareques perissa Évêque bizarre 183784 DD
Platygillellus rubellulus 183794 VU
Girella freminvillei 183805 LC
Prionotus miles 183820 VU
Ogcocephalus darwini 183821 LC
Citharichthys gnathus 183834 DD
Chlopsis bicollaris 183842 NT
Panaqolus dentex 58388003 LC
Starksia galapagensis 183853 VU
Pseudorhombus binii 183860 DD
Menticirrhus ophicephalus Bourrugue serpent 183869 LC
Acanthemblemaria castroi 183873 VU
Callechelys galapagensis 183884 DD
Pomadasys schyrii 183912 DD
Hypsoblennius robustus 183924 LC
Panaqolus gnomus 58388084 LC
Orthopristis cantharinus 183937 DD
Epinephelus cifuentesi Galápagos Islands subpopulation Mérou Poule 44680 VU
Gymnothorax serratidens 183966 DD
Stellifer pizarroensis Magister Pizarro 183974 LC
Chaenopsis schmitti 184004 VU
Panaqolus nocturnus 58388164 LC
Azurina eupalama 184017 CR
Plectrochilus wieneri 167655 LC
Brycon alburnus 66596930 NT
Bujurquina pardus 66638121 DD
Pseudochalceus bohlkei 66598016 DD
Pseudochalceus lineatus 66598039 LC
Rhoadsia minor 66598216 LC
Pseudocurimata boehlkei 66598508 DD
Acestrocephalus boehlkei 49829511 LC
Paraclinus fehlmanni 183513 VU
Bryconamericus zamorensis 64689833 LC
Astroblepus supramollis 49829590 VU
Ceratobranchia obtusirostris 49829608 LC
Lipopterichthys carrioni 49829628 DD
Chaetostoma dermorhynchum 49829644 DD
Astroblepus ubidiai 46862 CR
Trichomycterus taenia 49829662 LC
Astroblepus prenadillus 49829709 NT
Astroblepus boulengeri 49829713 DD
Astroblepus fissidens 49829726 NT
Chaetostoma marginatum 49829733 LC
Brycon dentex 49829791 LC
Brycon coxeyi 49829820 DD
Pyrrhulina eleanorae 49829834 LC
Anablepsoides monticola 49829872 DD
Knodus delta 49829876 DD
Corydoras atropersonatus 49829896 DD
Chaetostoma breve 49829934 DD
Bujurquina zamorensis 49829942 LC
Pseudohemiodon apithanos 49829955 LC
Apistogramma payaminonis 49830023 DD
Cetopsis montana 49830046 LC
Peckoltia furcata 49830136 LC
Creagrutus gracilis 49830216 LC
Sicydium rosenbergii 72766608 NT
Astroblepus vaillanti 49830265 DD
Apistoloricaria condei 49830266 LC
Pimelodella elongata 49830276 LC
Hemibrycon polyodon 49830340 LC
Odontostilbe ecuadorensis 49830411 LC
Lasiancistrus heteracanthus 49830426 LC
Bryconamericus simus 49830430 DD
Pimelodella buckleyi 49830455 DD
Lamontichthys stibaros 49830481 LC
Creagrutus muelleri 49830500 LC
Ceratobranchia elatior 49830504 DD
Astroblepus pholeter 49830520 NT
Melanocharacidium rex 49830560 LC
Scopaeocharax rhinodus 49830566 LC
Gymnotus esmeraldas 66599596 LC
Creagrutus gephyrus 49830581 LC
Astroblepus sabalo 49830603 DD
Trichomycterus bomboizanus 49830648 DD
Astroblepus mindoensis 66599702 NT
Farlowella knerii 49830692 LC
Hemibrycon orcesi 49830696 LC
Astroblepus regani 66599736 DD
Astroblepus vanceae 49830731 DD
Ogilbia galapagosensis 15184 VU
Sturisoma guentheri 49830753 LC
Bathygobius lineatus 154657 VU
Pseudopoecilia fria 66599043 LC
Maurolicus breviculus 154747 LC
Halichoeres raisneri 187531 DD
Halieutopsis tumifrons 154791 DD
Gymnothorax mordax Murène De Calìfornie 195761 LC
Malacoctenus zonogaster 154817 VU
Halosaurus attenuatus 195841 LC
Astroblepus theresiae 66600283 NT
Calamopteryx jeb 154990 LC
Kali macrodon 155106 LC
Sternarchorhynchus stewarti 58383857 LC
Creagrutus kunturus 49830054 LC
Lepidonectes corallicola 155156 VU
Astroblepus whymperi 66600487 DD


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)