Liste de LC en Bénin
Ceci est une liste de LC dans Bénin conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.
Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
nom scientifique | nom commun | taxonid | catégorie |
Illadopsis puveli | Grive-akalat de Puvel | 22715906 | LC |
Potadoma moerchi | 165382 | LC | |
Polysphaeria arbuscula | 147042311 | LC | |
Mesocnemis singularis | 59912 | LC | |
Utricularia rigida | 185350 | LC | |
Raphia hookeri | Palmier Raphia | 95366666 | LC |
Cisticola guinea | Cisticole de Dorst | 22713355 | LC |
Potadoma freethi | 175120 | LC | |
Melamphaes leprus | 21132819 | LC | |
Mops nanulus | Tadaride naine | 13843 | LC |
Crudia klainei | 144270361 | LC | |
Biomphalaria camerunensis | 175130 | LC | |
Epiplatys grahami | 182297 | LC | |
Corynanthe pachyceras | 136113695 | LC | |
Clarias macromystax | 182304 | LC | |
Lanistes libycus | 175137 | LC | |
Potamopyrgus ciliatus | 175136 | LC | |
Pachymelania byronensis | 175140 | LC | |
Praomys derooi | 45095 | LC | |
Maerua duchesnei | 144038957 | LC | |
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum | 182831 | LC | |
Pyrrhurus scandens | Bulbul à queue rousse | 22712882 | LC |
Funisciurus anerythrus | Funisciure À Dos Rayé Du Niger | 8756 | LC |
Nephila constricta | 89292340 | LC | |
Aedesia glabra | 185398 | LC | |
Funisciurus leucogenys | Funisciure À Tete Orange | 8761 | LC |
Brycinus longipinnis | 182330 | LC | |
Indicator willcocksi | Indicateur de Willcocks | 22680634 | LC |
Berlinia grandiflora | Bois de Rose | 62021182 | LC |
Chlopsis olokun | 195647 | LC | |
Hemidactylus beninensis | 203839 | LC | |
Polydactylus quadrifilis | 21132355 | LC | |
Chromis limbata | Castagnole à queue rayée | 188486 | LC |
Apterichtus monodi | 199240 | LC | |
Aeschynomene kerstingii | 19891789 | LC | |
Hyliota violacea | Hyliota à dos violet | 22715471 | LC |
Camaroptera chloronota | 103774800 | LC | |
Nycteris grandis | 14929 | LC | |
Wheelerigobius maltzani | 21131347 | LC | |
Phago loricatus | 181846 | LC | |
Cola lateritia var. maclaudii | 130052185 | LC | |
Phyllastrephus baumanni | Bulbul de Baumann | 22712924 | LC |
Phyllomacromia pseudafricana | 59998 | LC | |
Copera sikassoensis | 60001 | LC | |
Carpolobia lutea | 136101986 | LC | |
Centropus leucogaster | Coucal à ventre blanc | 22684260 | LC |
Entomacrodus cadenati | 7778 | LC | |
Mungos gambianus | Mangue de Gambie | 13922 | LC |
Enteromius chlorotaenia | 181864 | LC | |
Arthroleptis poecilonotus | 54380 | LC | |
Drypetes leonensis | 147042412 | LC | |
Malimbus scutatus | Malimbe à queue rouge | 22719087 | LC |
Dacryodes klaineana | 136112754 | LC | |
Thysochromis ansorgii | 182902 | LC | |
Ficus sagittifolia | 147036279 | LC | |
Litogyne gariepina | 185463 | LC | |
Ptychadena aequiplicata | 58489 | LC | |
Crossarchus platycephalus | Mangue du Caméroun | 41596 | LC |
Hugonia planchonii | 136108669 | LC | |
Cercopithecus mona | Cercopithèque mone | 4222 | LC |
Pauridiantha hirtella | 147042942 | LC | |
Dasymys rufulus | 6272 | LC | |
Potamalpheops monodi | 197758 | LC | |
Cyclothone pseudoacclinidens | 60469890 | LC | |
Pedaria estellae | 137859 | LC | |
Scorpaena laevis | Rascasse du Senegal | 15622789 | LC |
Stiphrornis erythrothorax | 103763077 | LC | |
Trithetrum navasi | 60039 | LC | |
Tetrathemis camerunensis | 60041 | LC | |
Pancovia bijuga | 147041938 | LC | |
Aloe macrocarpa | 201363 | LC | |
Marcusenius ussheri | 182420 | LC | |
Gobioides sagitta | 182933 | LC | |
Macaranga heterophylla | 136108182 | LC | |
Ptychadena pumilio | 58521 | LC | |
Synodontis budgetti | 182427 | LC | |
Ploceus castaneofuscus | 103812253 | LC | |
Raphia vinifera | Palmier Raphia | 95366816 | LC |
Ptychadena tournieri | 58530 | LC | |
Memecylon afzelii | 147040419 | LC | |
Ptychadena trinodis | 58531 | LC | |
Aidia genipiflora | 136113832 | LC | |
Clarias ebriensis | 181930 | LC | |
Gonionotophis grantii | 176810 | LC | |
Yongeichthys thomasi | 181933 | LC | |
Zyxomma atlanticum | 60079 | LC | |
Phractolaemus ansorgii | 181936 | LC | |
Dentex maroccanus | Denté Du Maroc | 170166 | LC |
Laccosperma opacum | Rotin | 95366327 | LC |
Evermannella melanoderma | 13462713 | LC | |
Lindernia diffusa | 19620537 | LC | |
Keetia multiflora | 147040956 | LC | |
Synsepalum dulcificum | 87719610 | LC | |
Cyperus congensis | 185535 | LC | |
Phaulopsis angolana | 185540 | LC | |
Pelmatolapia mariae | 182470 | LC | |
Vitex grandifolia | 136109258 | LC | |
Desplatsia dewevrei | 144289483 | LC | |
Dyaphorophyia hormophora | 22736075 | LC | |
Aphyosemion calliurum | 181965 | LC | |
Eustomias melanonema | 21133003 | LC | |
Microspathodon frontatus | 188622 | LC | |
Phyllastrephus albigularis | 103819468 | LC | |
Baphia pubescens | 144292055 | LC | |
Bathymicrops regis | 13462745 | LC | |
Cynometra megalophylla | 144312026 | LC | |
Bathypterois atricolor | 13462748 | LC | |
Lycophidion semicinctum | 176855 | LC | |
Oneirodes carlsbergi | 18128090 | LC | |
Natriciteres fuliginoides | 176865 | LC | |
Tapura fischeri | 149352162 | LC | |
Pentila picena | 159972 | LC | |
Onthophagus juvencus | 137957 | LC | |
Bathypterois quadrifilis | 13462760 | LC | |
Malapterurus minjiriya | 181992 | LC | |
Sapho ciliata | 169194 | LC | |
Nicholsina collettei | 190701 | LC | |
Panaspis togoensis | 186093 | LC | |
Hildegardia barteri | 147042543 | LC | |
Laeviscutella dekimpei | 182512 | LC | |
Leptonychia pubescens | 147043055 | LC | |
Paradeudorix eleala | 159983 | LC | |
Dicrurus atripennis | Drongo de forêt | 22706931 | LC |
Amphimas pterocarpoides | 60761332 | LC | |
Dyaphorophyia blissetti | Gobemouche caronculé à joues rouges | 22707957 | LC |
Chlorocypha radix | 169206 | LC | |
Scarus hoefleri | Perroquet de Guinée | 190703 | LC |
Uranomys ruddi | 22771 | LC | |
Voacanga bracteata | 147041527 | LC | |
Bleda canicapillus | Bulbul moustac à tête grise | 22713083 | LC |
Glossanodon polli | 15601916 | LC | |
Glauconycteris poensis | 44798 | LC | |
Elionurus platypus | 44392704 | LC | |
Vangueriella nigerica | 147042045 | LC | |
Phrynobatrachus gutturosus | 58116 | LC | |
Clitaetra clathrata | 78591749 | LC | |
Macaranga heudelotii | 136108806 | LC | |
Euphaedra themis | 160519 | LC | |
Odontostomias masticopogon | 21133064 | LC | |
Chaetodon robustus | 4364 | LC | |
Schoenoplectiella juncea | 185613 | LC | |
Perodicticus potto | Poto de Bosman | 91995408 | LC |
Baphia nitida | Bois rouge | 19891986 | LC |
Afrixalus weidholzi | 56085 | LC | |
Panicum comorense | 44393240 | LC | |
Mansonia altissima | 62753 | LC | |
Detarium microcarpum | Petit Detar | 19893027 | LC |
Allocnemis elongata | 169257 | LC | |
Distemonanthus benthamianus | 62025002 | LC | |
Potamochoerus porcus | Potamochère roux | 41771 | LC |
Prognathodes marcellae | 165674 | LC | |
Dendromus messorius | 6445 | LC | |
Atherurus africanus | 2353 | LC | |
Ephippus goreensis | Chèvre de Mer | 21128498 | LC |
Pternistis ahantensis | Francolin d'Ahanta | 22678835 | LC |
Scleria iostephana | 44393272 | LC | |
Horizocerus albocristatus | Calao à huppe blanche | 22725946 | LC |
Lestes ictericus | 59900 | LC | |
Atheris chlorechis | Vipère de bananier | 178495 | LC |
Coloconger cadenati | 198975 | LC | |
Hyperolius concolor | 56127 | LC | |
Lestes ochraceus | 59901 | LC | |
Chaetodon hoefleri | Chaetodon | 165700 | LC |
Premna hispida | 147041093 | LC | |
Astrangia poculata | 133446 | LC | |
Lannea nigritana | 147042632 | LC | |
Hyperolius fusciventris | 56137 | LC | |
Bycanistes fistulator | Calao siffleur | 22725962 | LC |
Laccosperma secundiflorum | Rotin | 95366474 | LC |
Macaranga barteri | 144271689 | LC | |
Polycentropsis abbreviata | 182604 | LC | |
Pseudorhynchus pungens | 20635974 | LC | |
Chalcomitra adelberti | Souimanga à gorge rousse | 22717778 | LC |
Hypleurochilus langi | 185170 | LC | |
Oxyanthus subpunctatus | 147043155 | LC | |
Myrichthys pardalis | Serpenton Léopard | 198998 | LC |
Cynometra vogelii | 144254295 | LC | |
Parachanna africana | 181590 | LC | |
Cordia senegalensis | 147036001 | LC | |
Epiplatys togolensis | 181604 | LC | |
Nesciothemis pujoli | 158571 | LC | |
Parazyxomma flavicans | 59755 | LC | |
Gymnallabes typus | 182637 | LC | |
Poropanchax luxophthalmus | 182124 | LC | |
Micromacromia zygoptera | 158575 | LC | |
Trachylaemus togoensis | 22725996 | LC | |
Myrophis plumbeus | 183153 | LC | |
Uvariopsis tripetala | 34669 | LC | |
Cyrenoida dupontia | 184691 | LC | |
Pareutropius buffei | 181620 | LC | |
Pantodon buchholzi | Poisson papillon | 183157 | LC |
Tetrathemis godiardi | 158582 | LC | |
Phyllomacromia hervei | 184183 | LC | |
Lanius gubernator | Pie-grièche à dos roux | 22705017 | LC |
Euphorbia drupifera | 147041658 | LC | |
Allocnemis subnodalis | 158587 | LC | |
Eremospatha macrocarpa | Rotin | 95317371 | LC |
Chlorocypha rubida | 158589 | LC | |
Paragomphus serrulatus | 184186 | LC | |
Phaon camerunensis | 184185 | LC | |
Pseudagrion glaucum | 158590 | LC | |
Stochomys longicaudatus | 20863 | LC | |
Agama parafricana | 16393603 | LC | |
Pseudagrion hemicolon | 158595 | LC | |
Trachinus pellegrini | Vive du Cap Vert | 21132668 | LC |
Dendroaspis viridis | 13265799 | LC | |
Cuviera acutiflora | 136114058 | LC | |
Trithemis dejouxi | 184203 | LC | |
Hipposideros cyclops | 10126 | LC | |
Pseudovigna argentea | 19893135 | LC | |
Gobionellus occidentalis | 182165 | LC | |
Ceriagrion rubellocerinum | 184214 | LC | |
Hydrocharis chevalieri | 185237 | LC | |
Python regius | Python Royal | 177562 | LC |
Pyxicephalus edulis | 76317591 | LC | |
Dendropicos pyrrhogaster | Pic à ventre rouge | 22680989 | LC |
Pseudagrion epiphonematicum | 184222 | LC | |
Stizorhina finschi | 103879069 | LC | |
Elattoneura balli | 184225 | LC | |
Pseudagrion camerunense | 29602 | LC | |
Charaxes imperialis | 160165 | LC | |
Gomphidia gamblesi | 184237 | LC | |
Pseudagrion aguessei | 184239 | LC | |
Nanonycteris veldkampii | 14333 | LC | |
Pollimyrus adspersus | 181684 | LC | |
Prionops caniceps | 22730676 | LC | |
Pycreus mortonii | 185273 | LC | |
Sudanonautes aubryi | 134072 | LC | |
Arvicanthis rufinus | 44992 | LC | |
Holacanthus africanus | 165825 | LC | |
Leptopelis spiritusnoctis | 56258 | LC | |
Sudanonautes monodi | 135105 | LC | |
Enteromius parablabes | 181702 | LC | |
Mesocnemis robusta | 184263 | LC | |
Clarias agboyiensis | 182216 | LC | |
Vidua larvaticola | Combassou Bako | 22719944 | LC |
Nannocharax occidentalis | 182220 | LC | |
Mochlus guineensis | Scinque de Guinée | 178637 | LC |
Sorindeia grandifolia | 147043280 | LC | |
Corniger spinosus | 190420 | LC | |
Rhyothemis notata | 184279 | LC | |
Anthonotha crassifolia | 144277466 | LC | |
Grammonus longhursti | 60470750 | LC | |
Pycreus nuerensis | 185312 | LC | |
Gynacantha cylindrata | 59874 | LC | |
Cinnyris minullus | Souimanga minulle | 22717923 | LC |
Gynacantha nigeriensis | 59877 | LC | |
Paragomphus nigroviridis | 184296 | LC | |
Chlorocypha selysi | 184299 | LC | |
Hadrothemis infesta | 59885 | LC | |
Erythrina senegalensis | 19892718 | LC | |
Desmocaris trispinosa | 197625 | LC | |
Dalbergia louisii | 19892218 | LC | |
Ficus barteri | 146188283 | LC | |
Drypetes gilgiana | 136110589 | LC | |
Vidua togoensis | Veuve de Togo | 22719998 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: