Liste de MAMMALIA en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

Ceci est une liste de MAMMALIA dans Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Hydromys neobritannicus 10313 DD
Baiyankamys shawmayeri 10314 LC
Dactylopsila tatei 6224 EN
Pseudohydromys murinus 48265359 LC
Pteropus rayneri 18754 NT
Spilocuscus kraemeri 20637 NT
Petaurus abidi 16726 CR
Pseudohydromys fuscus 14528 LC
Pteralopex anceps 18656 EN
Uromys neobritannicus 22804 NT
Rattus niobe 20758 LC
Rattus vandeuseni 20760 EN
Pteropus admiralitatum 18713 LC
Dendrolagus dorianus 6427 VU
Dendrolagus matschiei 6433 EN
Dendrolagus scottae 6435 CR
Dendrolagus spadix 6436 VU
Pteropus gilliardorum 18726 DD
Pteropus mahaganus 18736 LC
Peroryctes broadbenti Péramèle Géant 16710 EN
Pseudohydromys eleanorae 48265607 DD
Hyomys goliath 10633 LC
Phalanger lullulae Couscous De Woodlark 16846 EN
Phalanger matanim Couscous De Telefomin 16851 CR
Leptomys paulus 47989221 DD
Pharotis imogene 16887 CR
Mallomys aroaensis 12721 LC
Chiruromys forbesi 4691 LC
Chiruromys lamia 4692 LC
Chiruromys vates 4693 LC
Mirzamys norahae 48265836 DD
Nyctimene masalai 14959 DD
Nyctimene major 14965 LC
Nyctimene vizcaccia 14967 LC
Dobsonia pannietensis 6776 NT
Dobsonia praedatrix 6777 LC
Dobsonia inermis 6778 LC
Dorcopsis atrata 6794 CR
Dorcopsulus macleayi 6801 LC
Nyctophilus microdon 15007 DD
Kerivoula agnella 10968 DD
Kerivoula muscina 10979 LC
Kerivoula myrella 10980 DD
Rhinolophus mcintyrei 84372245 DD
Melomys bougainville 13115 DD
Protochromys fellowsi 13119 LC
Paramelomys levipes 13124 LC
Paramelomys moncktoni 13127 LC
Phalanger intercastellanus 16857 LC
Melonycteris melanops 13139 LC
Melonycteris woodfordi 13140 LC
Echymipera echinista Péramèle De La Riviére Fly 7016 DD
Echymipera davidi Péramèle Épineux De David 7017 EN
Rattus giluwensis 19318 LC
Nyctophilus shirleyae 85289876 DD
Rattus mordax 19349 LC
Rattus novaeguineae 19354 LC
Pipistrellus wattsi 17369 LC
Mirzamys louiseae 48266217 LC
Thylogale lanatus 136255 EN
Microperoryctes papuensis Péramèle-souris Papou 13390 LC
Dobsonia anderseni 136374 LC
Pteropus capistratus 136373 NT
Pseudohydromys pumehanae 48020705 DD
Coccymys shawmayeri 112393452 LC
Melomys arcium 136431 DD
Myoictis leucura 136449 DD
Pseudohydromys carlae 48020754 DD
Hydromys ziegleri 136476 DD
Otomops papuensis 15649 DD
Otomops secundus 15650 DD
Melomys matambuai 136522 EN
Pseudohydromys germani 136523 DD
Ozimops loriae 82345325 DD
Thylogale calabyi 21873 EN
Pteralopex flanneryi 136587 CR
Leptomys elegans 11691 LC
Leptomys signatus 11693 LC
Abeomelomys sevia 17879 LC
Pogonomys championi 17882 DD
Emballonura dianae 7673 LC
Paramelomys gressitti 136701 EN
Coccymys kirrhos 112391705 DD
Dendrolagus notatus 136732 EN
Pseudohydromys berniceae 45958680 LC
Pseudohydromys sandrae 45958686 DD
Rattus detentus 112139816 DD
Pogonomys fergussoniensis 136763 EN
Anthops ornatus 1620 DD
Murexia rothschildi Rat Marsupial Rayé 13931 NT
Melomys dollmani 136818 LC
Myoictis wavicus 136829 DD
Pseudohydromys musseri 42646 DD
Pseudochirulus forbesi 40639 LC
Microhydromys argenteus 48004865 DD
Solomys ponceleti 20333 CR
Solomys salebrosus 20335 EN
Aproteles bulmerae 1933 CR
Hipposideros dinops 10129 DD
Hipposideros edwardshilli 10133 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)