Liste de EN en Thaïlande

Ceci est une liste de EN dans Thaïlande conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Cyrtodactylus phuketensis Cyrtodactyle de Phuket 104698021 EN
Cnemaspis niyomwanae 104683759 EN
Euphaea pahyapi 190785 EN
Niviventer hinpoon 14821 EN
Pachydrobia zilchi 184855 EN
Anulotaia forcarti 184894 EN
Leptobrachella sola 135770 EN
Terniopsis chanthaburiensis 195173 EN
Mangifera collina 37507 EN
Ellopostoma mystax 180894 EN
Cycas elephantipes 178862 EN
Vatica diospyroides 33482 EN
Globba laeta 44393199 EN
Schistura pridii 181015 EN
Oreoglanis heteropogon 181081 EN
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki 2953 EN
Crinum thaianum 201627 EN
Camellia thailandica 191441 EN
Magnolia sirindhorniae 191489 EN
Paphiopedilum godefroyae 43320345 EN
Acer chiangdaoense 191522 EN
Damrongia fulva 201781 EN
Henckelia smitinandii 201787 EN
Oreocharis hirsuta 201788 EN
Paraboea amplifolia 201795 EN
Paraboea argentea 201796 EN
Paraboea chiangdaoensis 201797 EN
Paraboea glabra 201800 EN
Paraboea rabilii 201807 EN
Oreoglanis siamensis 15459 EN
Cyrtodactylus khelangensis Cyrtodactyle de Lampang 104692853 EN
Globba colpicola 201894 EN
Paraboea glabrescens 201928 EN
Paraboea longipetiolata 201930 EN
Salangathelphusa anophrys 134354 EN
Geostachys chayanii 117327072 EN
Iomon nan 134374 EN
Siamthelphusa holthuisi 134499 EN
Doimon doichiangdao 134544 EN
Sayamia melanodactylus 134616 EN
Doimon doisutep 134661 EN
Paraboea patens 202245 EN
Tetraphyllum roseum 202249 EN
Thaksinthelphusa yongchindaratae 134752 EN
Boiga saengsomi 192137 EN
Cryptelytrops kanburiensis 192181 EN
Modellnaia siamensis 171851 EN
Indochinamon bhumibol 135035 EN
Caliphaea angka 163758 EN
Fluvitrygon kittipongi 161719 EN
Acer pseudowilsonii 120483837 EN


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)