Liste de VU en Yémen

Ceci est une liste de VU dans Yémen conformément à la liste rouge de l'UICN.

Cette liste a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 2019-09-14.


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

nom scientifiquenom communtaxonidcatégorie
Rughidia milleri 45080 VU
Coelocarpum haggierensis 45082 VU
Festuca yemenensis 13580562 VU
Fuirena felicis 13580773 VU
Seddera spinosa 44881 VU
Passer hemileucus 22735599 VU
Pinheyschna yemenensis Aeschne du Yémen 60283 VU
Hypericum balfourii 33684 VU
Indigofera sokotrana 33685 VU
Metaporana obtusa 33689 VU
Dendrosicyos socotrana 33691 VU
Croton sarcocarpus 33693 VU
Albuca yerburyi 44393381 VU
Dichrostachys dehiscens 37861 VU
Dyerophytum pendulum 37862 VU
Dyerophytum socotranum 37863 VU
Boswellia popoviana 37866 VU
Sideroxylon fimbriatum 37868 VU
Euphorbia socotrana 37870 VU
Turraea socotrana 37872 VU
Vernonia unicata 37873 VU
Euphorbia meuleniana 37884 VU
Secamone cuneifolia 44768 VU
Buteo socotraensis 22732235 VU
Euclea balfourii 30419 VU
Euclea laurina 30420 VU
Duttaphrynus scorteccii 54758 VU
Euphorbia obcordata 30423 VU
Dirachma socotrana 30381 VU
Asplenium schweinfurthii 44729 VU
Barleria tetracantha 44737 VU
Blepharis spiculifolia 44738 VU
Chorisochora minor 44739 VU
Chorisochora striata 44740 VU
Justicia alexandri 44744 VU
Punica protopunica 30404 VU
Boswellia ameero 30414 VU
Boswellia elongata 30415 VU
Boswellia socotrana 30416 VU
Croton sulcifructus 30422 VU
Cryptolepis macrophylla 44758 VU
Cryptolepis socotrana 44759 VU
Dracaena cinnabari 30428 VU
Echidnopsis bentii 44761 VU
Clerodendrum galeatum 30434 VU
Clerodendrum leucophloeum 30435 VU
Echiochilon pulvinata 44775 VU
Grewia turbinata 30433 VU
Heliotropium kuriense 44776 VU
Heliotropium paulayanum 44777 VU
Heliotropium aff. wagneri 44779 VU
Heliotropium wagneri 44778 VU
Heliotropium riebeckii 44801 VU
Heliotropium dentatum 44805 VU
Heliotropium nigricans 44806 VU
Trichodesma scotti 44809 VU
Wellstedia socotrana 44810 VU
Boswellia sp. A 44811 VU
Boswellia bullata 44812 VU
Boswellia dioscoridis 44813 VU
Boswellia nana 44814 VU
Gymnocarpos bracteatus 44819 VU
Gymnocarpos kuriensis 44820 VU
Polycarpaea hassalensis 44824 VU
Polycarpaea kuriensis 44826 VU
Polycarpaea paulayana 44828 VU
Maytenus sp. nov. A 44829 VU
Helichrysum nimmoanum 44835 VU
Helichrysum sp. nov. A 44838 VU
Helichrysum sp. nov. B 44839 VU
Helichrysum suffruticosum 44844 VU
Kleinia scotti 44845 VU
Launaea crepoides 44846 VU
Marsdenia robusta 44766 VU
Searsia sp. nov. A 44736 VU
Pluchea obovata 44865 VU
Pulicaria vieraeoides 44874 VU
Seddera fastigiata 44878 VU
Seddera semhahensis 44880 VU
Kalanchoe robusta 44883 VU
Farsetia socotrana 44885 VU
Farsetia inconspicua 44886 VU
Hemicrambe townsendii 44887 VU
Lachnocapsa spathulata 44888 VU
Eureiandra balfourii 44890 VU
Andrachne schweinfurthii 44892 VU
Cephalocroton socotranus 44893 VU
Euphorbia hajhirensis 44894 VU
Aloe squarrosa 44898 VU
Dipcadi kuriensis 44914 VU
Ruellia kuriensis 44749 VU
Ruellia paulayana 44750 VU
Holothrix socotrana 44944 VU
Euphorbia kuriensis 44946 VU
Exacum caeruleum 44953 VU
Hypericum fieriense 44957 VU
Leucas flagellifolia 44961 VU
Leucas hagghierensis 44962 VU
Leucas penduliflora 44964 VU
Leucas samhaensis 44965 VU
Orthosiphon ferrugineus 44969 VU
Crotalaria socotrana 44978 VU
Lotus mollis 44982 VU
Echidnopsis inconspicua 44762 VU
Taverniera sericophylla 44984 VU
Tephrosia socotrana 44986 VU
Echidnopsis insularis 44763 VU
Echidnopsis milleri 44764 VU
Hibiscus malacophyllus 44999 VU
Echidnopsis socotrana 44765 VU
Hibiscus scottii 45002 VU
Dorstenia socotrana 45005 VU
Polygala kuriensis 45010 VU
Portulaca kuriensis 45011 VU
Gaillonia putorioides 45018 VU
Kraussia socotrana 45022 VU
Pyrostria socotrana 45028 VU
Oldenlandia ocellata 45026 VU
Socotrella dolichocnema 44770 VU
Graderia fruticosa 45032 VU
Nanorrhinum kuriense 45034 VU
Spiniluma discolor 45031 VU
Thamnosma socotrana 45030 VU
Grewia bilocularis 45043 VU
Grewia milleri 45044 VU
Nirarathamnos asarifolius 45045 VU
Oreofraga morrisiana 45046 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)