List of INSECTA species in Áustria

Esta é uma lista de INSECTA em Áustria de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Gampsocleis glabra 44711951 LC
Pseudotriphyllus suturalis 157714 NT
Grynocharis oblonga 157730 LC
Xylophilus corticalis 157755 LC
Triplax pygmaea 157769 DD
Microrhagus pygmaeus 157786 LC
Clytus tropicus 157795 LC
Dacne notata 157802 LC
Ampedus melanurus 157810 DD
Stenagostus rufus 157827 LC
Ampedus auripes 157833 LC
Triplax tergestana 157840 DD
Microrhagus emyi 157844 LC
Ropalopus femoratus 157848 LC
Microrhagus lepidus 157867 LC
Ampedus brunnicornis 157868 VU
Ampedus carinthiacus 157883 NT
Reitterelater bouyoni 157891 NT
Denticollis interpositus 157899 DD
Hylis cariniceps 157914 LC
Epeolus alpinus 19198313 LC
Phengaris teleius 12664 LR/nt
Antaxius difformis 64547196 LC
Troglophilus cavicola 68485512 LC
Troglophilus neglectus 68485569 LC
Formica aquilonia 8642 LR/nt
Formica lugubris 8643 LR/nt
Formica polyctena 8644 LR/nt
Formica rufa 8645 LR/nt
Formicoxenus nitidulus 8656 VU
Hylaeus nivalis 19198424 DD
Euphydryas maturna 10713 DD
Osmia alticola 19198422 LC
Lasioglossum bavaricum 19198444 LC
Andrena nuptialis 19198461 LC
Aeshna viridis 563 LC
Barbitistes obtusus 64549449 LC
Evodinus clathratus 86805067 LC
Andrena strohmella 19198572 LC
Isomira marcida 96189058 DD
Bombus alpinus 13152906 VU
Mycetochara nigripes 87329433 DD
Stelis franconica 19198643 DD
Megachile alpicola 19198647 DD
Lasioglossum alpigenum 19198672 LC
Isophya camptoxypha 62147291 LC
Isophya pienensis 62147304 NT
Phyllodesma ilicifolia 17169 VU
Isophya modesta 62147367 LC
Ampedus hjorti 157692 VU
Dytiscus latissimus 6970 VU
Hoplitis lepeletieri 19198805 LC
Nomada verna 19198806 DD
Nehalennia speciosa 60265 NT
Epeolus fasciatus 19198837 DD
Colletes hederae 13306742 LC
Lasioglossum pleurospeculum 19198858 DD
Lasioglossum minutulum 19198862 NT
Hylaeus nivaliformis 19198899 DD
Hoplitis loti 19198902 LC
Coenagrion hylas ssp. freyi 5080 VU
Coenagrion mercuriale 5081 NT
Leucorrhinia dubia 158683 LC
Aeshna caerulea 158688 LC
Coenonympha oedippus 5100 LR/nt
Hoplitis ravouxi 19198960 LC
Coenagrion hastulatum 158706 LC
Nomada errans 19198963 NT
Nomada melathoracica 19198970 LC
Formica pratensis 41984 LR/nt
Ophiogomphus cecilia 15364 LC
Chelostoma grande 19199003 DD
Mycetochara straussii 87327788 NT
Hylaeus alpinus 19199021 DD
Allecula morio 86862896 LC
Plagiolepis ampeloni 17465 VU
Megachile parietina 19199035 LC
Lasius reginae 11356 VU
Nomada argentata 19199076 NT
Nomada atroscutellaris 19199092 LC
Andrena suerinensis 19199106 DD
Halictus carinthiacus 13325442 EN
Andrena curtula 19199110 DD
Erebia mnestra 173203 LC
Epeolus productulus 19199127 DD
Erebia stiria 173210 LC
Oeneis glacialis 173227 LC
Erebia montana 173230 LC
Lasioglossum lissonotum 19199151 DD
Erebia pluto 173237 LC
Erebia eriphyle 173242 LC
Pyrgus warrenensis 173243 LC
Coenonympha gardetta 173245 LC
Nomada alpigena 19199167 DD
Erebia tyndarus 173248 LC
Melitaea asteria 173251 LC
Erebia claudina 173258 NT
Erebia flavofasciata 173259 NT
Erebia nivalis 173264 LC
Melitaea varia 173270 LC
Erebia manto 173275 LC
Erebia alberganus 173278 LC
Erebia pharte 173283 LC
Erebia calcaria 173285 LC
Leptophyes boscii 44709104 LC
Isomira hypocrita 86883574 DD
Erebia melampus 173303 LC
Hylaeus crassanus 19199230 NT
Erebia styx 173316 LC
Euphydryas cynthia 161036 LC
Osmoderma eremita 15632 NT
Graphoderus bilineatus 9494 VU
Isomira testacea 86883612 DD
Miramella carinthiaca 15039793 LC
Andrena barbareae 19199296 DD
Nomada signata 19199306 LC
Chorthippus alticola 16084353 LC
Odontopodisma schmidtii 16084382 LC
Nomada bluethgeni 19199394 LC
Epeolus cruciger 19199398 NT
Lasioglossum breviventre 19199413 EN
Chorthippus eisentrauti 16084410 LC
Pidonia lurida 86848967 LC
Stenobothrus crassipes 16084425 LC
Halictus langobardicus 13338059 LC
Nomada hirtipes 19199437 LC
Nomada baccata 19199440 NT
Andrena batava 66221527 DD
Isophya brevicauda 68398583 LC
Panurginus tyrolensis 20426231 DD
Podismopsis styriaca 16084476 VU
Lasioglossum setulosum 19199486 NT
Harpagoxenus sublaevis 9732 VU
Colletes pannonicus 16657932 LC
Nomada fabriciana 19199510 LC
Osmia pilicornis 19199519 LC
Pseudopodisma fieberi 16084543 LC
Stylurus flavipes 165466 LC
Nomada flava 19199584 LC
Anonconotus alpinus 47709793 LC
Sympetrum danae 165473 LC
Anonconotus italoaustriacus 47709810 EN
Oedipoda germanica 16084601 LC
Aeshna subarctica 165508 LC
Lasioglossum danuvium 19199622 DD
Leucorrhinia albifrons 11911 LC
Leucorrhinia caudalis 11912 LC
Antaxius pedestris 47709836 LC
Meconema meridionale 68427413 LC
Bombus cryptarum 13340340 DD
Bombus distinguendus 13340348 DD
Corticeus bicoloroides 87328451 EN
Andrena fulvata 19199694 DD
Xylosteus spinolae 86859528 LC
Nomada piccioliana 19199761 LC
Megachile lagopoda 19199784 LC
Bombus inexspectatus 13340462 EN
Cucujus cinnaberinus 5935 NT
Ropalopus ungaricus 157487 EN
Andrena bucephala 19199797 DD
Ampedus vandalitiae 157505 DD
Tenebroides fuscus 157510 DD
Bombus jonellus 13340493 DD
Isoriphis marmottani 157521 LC
Crepidophorus mutilatus 157530 NT
Panurginus montanus 13317979 DD
Eriogaster catax 8029 DD
Nomada ferruginata 19199844 LC
Ampedus quadrisignatus 157547 EN
Barbitistes constrictus 64548720 LC
Limoniscus violaceus 157572 EN
Andrena freygessneri 19199922 DD
Isophya costata 44709818 LC
Ropalopus insubricus 157631 NT
Ampedus triangulum 157636 LC
Andrena rogenhoferi 19199941 LC
Isophya kraussii 68399046 LC
Ampedus karpathicus 157640 DD
Ceruchus chrysomelinus 157641 NT
Tritoma bipustulata 157645 LC
Clytus lama 157659 LC
Panurginus sericatus 13318107 DD
Mycetochara thoracica 86884323 NT
Hylis procerulus 157688 LC
Lioderina linearis 157695 DD


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)