List of NT species in Índia

Esta é uma lista de NT em Índia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Cynometra malaccensis 62021915 NT
Clarias dussumieri 172332 NT
Mystus malabaricus 172343 NT
Garra bicornuta 172504 NT
Eriocaulon gregatum 44392935 NT
Ahaetulla dispar 172589 NT
Hemidactylus anamallensis 172600 NT
Cnemaspis sisparensis 172603 NT
Cnemaspis heteropholis 172616 NT
Cnemaspis nairi 172619 NT
Peltopelor macrolepis 172623 NT
Cnemaspis ornata 172662 NT
Uperodon montanus 57986 NT
Albizia thompsonii 33644 NT
Alticola roylei 954 NT
Micrixalus fuscus 58378 NT
Nanorana annandalii 58417 NT
Clinotarsus curtipes 58583 NT
Indosylvirana temporalis 58733 NT
Cajanus cajanifolius 19891613 NT
Raorchestes beddomii 58822 NT
Cyornis nicobaricus 103761482 NT
Treron chloropterus 22726279 NT
Sphaerium austeni 165592 NT
Prionailurus rubiginosus 18149 NT
Psittacula caniceps 22685508 NT
Petaurista mishmiensis 45959040 NT
Bauhinia diphylla 19892225 NT
Cyrtodactylus gubernatoris 174113 NT
Spelaeornis chocolatinus 22735151 NT
Hyperacrius fertilis 10642 NT
Syncrossus berdmorei 166400 NT
Neolissochilus hexastichus 166454 NT
Garo khajuriai 166489 NT
Schistura devdevi 166496 NT
Parambassis lala 166511 NT
Glyptothorax striatus 166576 NT
Aborichthys kempi 166592 NT
Schistura manipurensis 166610 NT
Garra gravelyi 166629 NT
Vigna khandalensis 19892969 NT
Garra rupecula 166636 NT
Ratufa macroura 19381 NT
Laticilla burnesii 22735835 NT
Melanoneura bilineata 175151 NT
Heliogomphus promelas 175158 NT
Megalogomphus hannyngtoni 175188 NT
Phylloneura westermanni 175201 NT
Cryptocoryne consobrina 175218 NT
Indolestes indicus 167336 NT
Otus alius 22728447 NT
Semnopithecus priam 135440 NT
Garra elongata 168217 NT
Osteobrama belangeri 168218 NT
Brachypodius priocephalus 22712619 NT
Tor barakae 168258 NT
Acantopsis multistigmatus 168292 NT
Barilius lairokensis 168302 NT
Neonoemacheilus assamensis 168467 NT
Channa bleheri 168567 NT
Spilornis klossi 22729465 NT
Indotristicha tirunelveliana 176954 NT
Anthoxanthum borii 177003 NT
Moonia heterophylla 177016 NT
Eriocaulon barbeyanum 177033 NT
Ixos nicobariensis 22713250 NT
Dicraeia dichotoma 177279 NT
Utricularia praeterita 177390 NT
Gynura travancorica 177396 NT
Duttaphrynus parietalis 54725 NT
Eutropis nagarjunensis 194116 NT
Lindsaea malabarica 194152 NT
Thrigmopoeus truculentus 63673 NT
Uropeltis grandis 178411 NT
Uropeltis bicatenata 194827 NT
Columba palumboides 22690201 NT
Mangifera andamanica 31379 NT
Anthracoceros coronatus 22682433 NT
Garrulax nuchalis 22715639 NT
Pterocarpus santalinus 32104 NT
Epiophlebia laidlawi 7896 NT
Equus hemionus ssp. khur 7963 NT
Neallogaster ornata 163614 NT
Carex walkeri 44392278 NT
Merogomphus martini 163673 NT
Elattoneura atkinsoni 163686 NT
Idionyx optata 163726 NT
Trochalopteron fairbanki 103874452 NT
Asiagomphus personatus 163759 NT
Coracina dobsoni 103694300 NT
Planaeschna intersedens 163819 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)