List of GASTROPODA species in Bulgária

Esta é uma lista de GASTROPODA em Bulgária de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Belgrandiella bachkovoensis 172032 CR
Belgrandiella dobrostanica 172033 VU
Belgrandiella zagoraensis 172034 VU
Bythinella gloeeri 172035 CR
Bythinella walkeri 172036 DD
Grossuana angeltsekovi 172037 LC
Grossuana thracica 172038 CR
Bythinella markovi 172039 CR
Lindholmiola pirinensis 157192 LC
Radomaniola rhodopensis 172041 VU
Monacha ovularis 156693 NT
Agardhiella parreyssii 156694 LC
Vitrea vereae 76138524 LC
Alinda vratzatica 75883552 NT
Vestia ranojevici 171042 LC
Macedonica frauenfeldi 171055 LC
Tandonia totevi 171573 LC
Cattania haberhaueri 156730 LC
Mentissella rebeli 171581 LC
Chilostoma pelia 156735 LC
Lehmannia horezia 171072 LC
Bulgarica urbanskii 171074 NT
Leiostyla anglica 171587 LC
Carinigera schuetti 171083 LC
Daudebardia wiktori 171091 LC
Laciniaria bajula 171092 LC
Platyla orthostoma 17516 NT
Milax verrucosus 171118 LC
Oxyloma dunkeri 171119 DD
Spinophallus uminskii 171634 NT
Hydrobia pontieuxini 155778 DD
Bulgarica pseudofraudigera 171658 LC
Mastus etuberculatus 156811 LC
Orcula zilchi 156819 VU
Macedonica pirinensis 171159 LC
Deroceras bulgaricum 170648 DD
Deroceras bureschi 170649 LC
Monacha solidior 156319 LC
Eubrephulus bicallosa 156323 LC
Sadleriana bulgarica 155822 DD
Carpathica bielawskii 171695 LC
Xerolenta depulsa 156334 NT
Leucomastus kindermanni 156339 LC
Idyla castalia 171703 LC
Alinda atanasovi 75881148 LC
Carinigera buresi 171716 LC
Laciniaria macilenta 171202 LC
Vitrea neglecta 171721 LC
Macedonica zilchi 171214 VU
Deroceras thersites 170708 LC
Vitrea ulrichi 76138200 VU
Theodoxus transversalis 21726 EN
Spelaeodiscus triarius 155360 LC
Tandonia serbica 171234 LC
Macedonica brabeneci 171237 VU
Multidentula ovularis 156401 LC
Balea kaeufeli 171267 LC
Bulgarica bulgariensis 171780 LC
Macedonica marginata 171779 LC
Paladilhiopsis buresi 155907 VU
Xerolenta spiruloides 156937 LC
Bulgarica fraudigera 171282 LC
Monacha venusta 156953 NT
Helix thessalica 85591839 LC
Mastus carneolus 156452 LC
Agardhiella langaleta 195366 NT
Soosia diodonta 156467 NT
Belgrandiella hessei 155959 VU
Xerolenta razlogi 156475 DD
Pontobelgrandiella nitida 155466 VU
Micridyla pinteri 170829 LC
Helicopsis arenosa 156497 DD
Agardhiella armata 195411 LC
Agardhiella caesa 195413 LC
Milax parvulus 171349 LC
Helix pomacella 157016 LC
Monacha oshanovae 156499 NT
Macedonica martae 170845 CR
Alinda wagneri 75883875 LC
Bulgarica fritillaria 170851 LC
Macedonica macedonica 171364 DD
Tandonia pinteri 171368 LC
Horatia lucidulus 155497 CR
Helicopsis instabilis 156527 LC
Belgrandiella bureschi 155507 VU
Lehmannia brunneri 170868 LC
Platyla similis 156536 LC
Macedonica hartmuti 171391 NT
Bulgarica hiltrudae 171393 LC
Xerolenta macedonica 157069 LC
Chondrus tournefortianus 156561 LC
Gyraulus piscinarum 155540 LC
Chondrula tricuspidata 156566 LC
Balcanodiscus frivaldskyanus 170904 LC
Iglica acicularis 155546 VU
Bythinella hansboetersi 171952 NT
Insignia macrostoma 155566 VU
Chilostoma polinskii 157117 LC
Monacha carascaloides 156605 LC
Plagigeyeria gladilini 156095 VU
Belgrandiella bulgarica 155587 VU
Monacha ocellata 156619 LC
Zebrina varnensis 156621 LC
Belgrandiella angelovi 155599 VU
Cattania trizona 157136 LC
Helix figulina 157135 LC
Mastus rossmaessleri 156630 LC
Cattania kattingeri 187351 LC
Cattania rumelica 187352 LC
Cavernisa zaschevi 155609 VU
Agardhiella macrodonta 171996 LC
Spelaeodiscus bulgaricus 171994 VU
Chilostoma sztolcmani 156641 NT
Tandonia piriniana 170975 NT
Macedonica teodorae 76028901 VU
Bulgarica varnensis 170986 LC
Macedonica pinteri 171498 VU
Cattania ardica 172012 NT
Chondrus zebra 157167 LC
Tandonia kusceri 171518 LC
Belgrandiella pusilla 156159 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)