List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Etiópia

Esta é uma lista de MAGNOLIOPSIDA em Etiópia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Commiphora sphaerocarpa 128045093 LC
Erythrina abyssinica 146210922 LC
Erythrina brucei 128045190 LC
Acacia bussei 19892420 LC
Euphorbia betulicortex 128045255 CR
Sesbania somalensis 19892424 LC
Euphorbia burgeri 128045281 CR
Euphorbia piceoides 128045317 CR
Gymnosporia addat 128045355 VU
Gymnosporia harenensis 128045378 EN
Commiphora corrugata 35164 NT
Commiphora unilobata 35166 LR/nt
Cordia suckertii 35167 LR/nt
Steganotaenia commiphoroides 35171 LR/nt
Tamarix mascatensis 46102929 LC
Gymnosporia serrata 128045478 VU
Kleinia dolichocoma 63924679 LC
Entada leptostachya 144286179 LC
Millettia ferruginea 128045548 LC
Kleinia leptophylla 63924770 EN
Cuscuta kilimanjari 47348281 LC
Moringa ruspoliana 128045642 DD
Uvaria leptocladon 158303 LC
Duosperma longicalyx subsp. longicalyx 66349716 LC
Kirkia burgeri subsp. burgeri 35506 LR/lc
Gymnosporia arbutifolia subsp. sidamoensis 35508 VU
Searsia glutinosa subsp. glutinosa 35507 LR/lc
Senna truncata 19892956 LC
Anagallis serpens 13579011 LC
Polysphaeria aethiopica 128045847 EN
Rinorea friisii 128045953 EN
Crotalaria rufocaulis 19893130 LC
Croton dichogamus 144311191 LC
Sesbania melanocaulis 128045978 VU
Terminalia basilei 128045992 DD
Vepris dainellii 128046012 LC
Commiphora albiflora 35814 LR/nt
Commiphora guidottii 35815 VU
Commiphora hodai 35824 LR/nt
Commiphora sphaerophylla 35825 LR/nt
Commiphora truncata 35831 LR/nt
Pistacia aethiopica 37880 LR/nt
Dichrostachys kirkii 35837 LR/nt
Sphaeranthus zavattarii 185366 DD
Commiphora ogadensis 133268514 DD
Kotschya recurvifolia 179244 LC
Sphaeranthus ukambensis 185389 LC
Acacia fumosa 128044099 LC
Sphaerothylax abyssinica 185417 LC
Acacia hamulosa 144290907 LC
Boswellia rivae 128044164 LC
Turraea mombassana 179336 LC
Turraea nilotica 146207941 LC
Duosperma longicalyx 48153839 LC
Commiphora boranensis 128044306 LC
Lepidagathis pseudoaristata 48153879 EN
Barleria polhillii 48153916 LC
Barleria paolioides 48153965 LC
Commiphora oddurensis 128048544 LC
Barleria boranensis 48154036 LC
Cordia ellenbeckii 128048575 EN
Crotalaria somalensis 19891655 LC
Pluchea sordida 185803 LC
Trifolium schimperi 19891665 LC
Barleria polhillii subsp. polhillii 48154089 LC
Dicraeopetalum stipulare 32238 VU
Delonix baccal 32239 NT
Senna baccarinii 19891706 LC
Acacia paolii 144293392 LC
Kirkia burgeri 62994 LR/lc
Euphorbia adjurana 128048676 VU
Acacia prasinata 34384 EN
Boswellia ogadensis 34385 CR
Euphorbia doloensis 34386 VU
Euphorbia ogadenensis 34387 EN
Acacia pseudonigrescens 34388 CR
Commiphora monoica 34389 CR
Erythrophysa septentrionalis 34390 EN
Euphorbia nigrispinioides 34391 LR/nt
Euphorbia uniglans 34392 EN
Maytenus harenensis 34393 VU
Boswellia pirottae 34394 VU
Cussonia ostinii 34395 VU
Erythrina burana 34396 LC
Indigofera rothii 34398 EN
Moringa rivae 128046685 NT
Polyscias farinosa 34400 LR/nt
Crotalaria exaltata 34401 LC
Crotalaria distantiflora 19891818 LC
Terminalia hararensis 36466 DD
Terminalia hecistocarpa 36467 DD
Hypericum gnidiifolium 36468 CR
Dombeya longebracteolata 36470 VU
Acacia condyloclada 34432 LR/nt
Commiphora ciliata 34440 NT
Coffea neoleroyi 18290348 EN
Cordeauxia edulis 30386 EN
Commiphora hildebrandtii 128044736 LC
Vepris borenensis 42690 VU
Dombeya burgessiae 146224959 LC
Bottegoa insignis 34638 LR/nt
Dombeya aethiopica 34653 LC
Baphia abyssinica 34657 VU
Acacia negrii 19892073 NT
Satanocrater fellatensis 92458917 VU
Aeschynomene ruspoliana 19892137 CR
Commiphora obovata 34799 LR/nt
Commiphora serrulata 128045051 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)