List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Guiné

Esta é uma lista de MAGNOLIOPSIDA em Guiné de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Pavetta leonensis 116137986 EN
Anisotes guineensis 85719057 EN
Kotschya uniflora 56564760 EN
Rhynchosia chevalieri 116124187 EN
Talbotiella cheekii 138094621 EN
Inversodicraea abbayesii 185374 CR
Barleria asterotricha 85719076 CR
Macropodiella macrothyrsa 185381 DD
Dissotis humilis 85743145 VU
Sabicea bracteolata 85749284 CR
Napoleonaea alata 90022959 EN
Tephrosia djalonica 116124725 CR
Dissotis linearis 85743161 EN
Nymphoides guineensis 185408 DD
Keetia susu 140149314 EN
Utricularia tetraloba 100441159 VU
Inversodicraea pepehabai 116125768 EN
Dissotis splendens 85743183 EN
Emilia djalonensis 87753816 CR
Stonesia fascicularis 185443 CR
Lipotriche felicis 85730412 CR
Polycarpaea pobeguinii 116135020 EN
Heterotis sylvestris 85743214 EN
Cailliella praerupticola 85743729 EN
Striga magnibracteata 145139318 EN
Bothriocline fruticosa 116122754 EN
Ceropegia bracteolata 142670470 EN
Vernonia nimbaensis 116126856 EN
Lepidagathis capituliformis 85719182 NT
Vernonia djalonensis 87753868 CR
Guibourtia leonensis 138095255 VU
Lepidagathis fimbriata 85719191 NT
Keetia futa 140149404 CR
Cassipourea adami 116125855 EN
Lepidagathis sericea 85719200 LC
Sericanthe trilocularis 138095778 EN
Dichaetanthera echinulata 132415655 EN
Bidens occidentalis 100440745 VU
Eriosema arenicola 138095276 VU
Eriosema triformum 15368367 CR
Dissotis pobeguinii 15368391 VU
Phyllanthus felicis 87754437 CR
Impatiens bennae 119319243 CR
Cola angustifolia 111385294 EN
Hygrophila stagnalis 185551 DD
Landolphia macrantha 98565331 VU
Lebbiea grandiflora 138770643 CR
Pleioceras afzelii 145436373 EN
Kotschya micrantha 15368421 VU
Rinorea djalonensis 116138214 EN
Microglossa caudata 85730538 CR
Raphionacme caerulea 21481198 EN
Stonesia heterospathella 185587 DD
Allophylus samoritourei 116125943 EN
Mikaniopsis camarae 85730553 CR
Xysmalobium samoritourei 15368444 EN
Impatiens nzoana 85730562 EN
Glenniea adami 138094852 VU
Stonesia gracilis 185612 CR
Gilbertiodendron tonkolili 43945756 EN
Acalypha guineensis 15368484 VU
Eriosema adami 85742889 CR
Dactyladenia smeathmannii 138094894 EN
Aspilia chevalieri 116121903 EN
Tessmannia baikieaoides 119319344 VU
Eriosema lateriticola 85742900 EN
Feliciadamia stenocarpa 85743940 CR
Cincinnobotrys felicis 116137797 EN
Cola baldwinii 111385415 VU
Inversodicraea pygmaea 98569037 CR
Barleria maclaudii 87753039 EN
Ritchiea afzelii 116127063 CR
Indigofera pobeguinii 85742936 CR
Heterosamara bennae 85749082 CR
Fegimanra afzelii 87753054 NT
Kotschya lutea 56564578 VU
Mostuea adamii 116125026 EN
Dialium pobeguinii 116124015 VU
Indigofera scarciesii 85742959 EN
Bacopa lisowskiana 116126074 EN
Eugenia liberiana 138095483 EN
Utricularia pobeguinii 85742982 EN
Plectranthus linearifolius 21481366 EN
Psychotria samoritourei 87999384 VU
Indigofera elliotii 19892125 LC
Cyathula pobeguinii 85724575 VU
Stonesia taylorii 125036449 EN
Bryaspis humularioides 116136874 EN
Lepidagathis chevalieri 116134318 VU
Droogmansia montana 132415407 EN
Diospyros feliciana 32179 EN
Baphia heudelotiana 32180 VU
Fleurydora felicis 32181 EN
Pseudoprosopis bampsiana 116123583 VU
Agelanthus guineensis 116125122 CR
Microstachys faradianensis 138095046 EN
Tarenna hutchinsonii 21480902 CR
Kindia gangan 140149707 EN
Placodiscus riparius 132416977 VU
Bafodeya benna 35798 VU
Osbeckia praviantha 116125143 EN
Inversodicraea adamesii 185307 DD
Heterotis pygmaea 85743593 EN
Trichoscypha longifolia 116121077 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)