List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Namíbia

Esta é uma lista de MAGNOLIOPSIDA em Namíbia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Lotononis pachycarpa 46813 LC
Searsia undulata 149511193 LC
Ozoroa dispar 149508654 LC
Gymnosporia linearis 143717940 LC
Lavrania haagnerae 46823 LC
Pteronia spinulosa 46751 LC
Tylecodon aurusbergensis 46840 NT
Stapelia pearsonii 46827 LC
Tridentea pachyrrhiza 46828 LC
Selago lepida 46856 LC
Tylecodon aridimontanus 46839 NT
Plectranthus unguentarius 46834 VU
Priva auricoccea 46835 DD
Nicotiana africana 34937 LC
Plumbago wissii 46836 LC
Acacia montis-usti 30339 LR/nt
Anginon streyi 46749 LC
Marlothiella gummifera 46750 LC
Felicia alba 46752 LC
Felicia gunillae 46753 LC
Nidorella nordenstamii 46754 LC
Lasiopogon ponticulus 46755 LC
Pentatrichia avasmontana 46756 LC
Anisopappus pseudopinnatifidus 46757 LC
Eriocephalus klinghardtensis 46758 LC
Pentzia tomentosa 46759 LC
Eremothamnus marlothianus 46760 LC
Euryops mucosus 46761 NT
Euryops walterorum 46762 LC
Othonna clavifolia 46763 LC
Arctotis frutescens 46764 LC
Gazania thermalis 46765 CR
Namacodon schinzianum 46766 LC
Amphibolia obscura 46768 LC
Antimima argentea 46769 LC
Antimima aurasensis 46770 LC
Antimima buchubergensis 46771 LC
Antimima eendornensis 46772 VU
Antimima modesta 46773 LC
Antimima quartzitica 46774 LC
Astridia hallii 46775 LC
Brownanthus namibensis 46776 LC
Brownanthus pubescens 46777 LC
Cephalophyllum compressum 46778 LC
Cephalophyllum confusum 46779 LC
Conophytum halenbergense 46780 VU
Delosperma klinghardtianum 46781 LC
Jensenobotrya lossowiana 46782 VU
Juttadinteria deserticola 46783 LC
Juttadinteria kovisimontana 46784 VU
Juttadinteria simpsonii 46785 LC
Juttadinteria suavissima 46786 LC
Lithops fulviceps 46787 LC
Lithops francisci 46788 VU
Lithops hermetica 46789 VU
Lithops optica 46790 NT
Lithops ruschiorum 46791 LC
Lithops vallis-mariae 46792 LC
Lithops werneri 46793 VU
Namibia cinerea 46794 NT
Nemesia violiflora 46851 LC
Kirkia dewinteri 34946 LC
Acacia robynsiana 34512 LR/nt
Psammophora nissenii 46795 LC
Euphorbia angrae 46802 LC
Euphorbia friedrichiae 46803 LC
Euphorbia kaokoensis 46804 LC
Euphorbia lavrani 46805 LC
Euphorbia leistneri 46806 VU
Euphorbia namibensis 46808 LC
Euphorbia namuskluftensis 46807 VU
Euphorbia otjipembana 46809 VU
Euphorbia verruculosa 46810 LC
Leobordea mirabilis 46812 LC
Lebeckia dinteri 46814 LC
Eriosema harmsiana 46815 LC
Decorsea dinteri 46816 LC
Brachystelma schinzii 46817 LC
Brachystelma schultzei 46818 LC
Ceropegia dinteri 46819 LC
Hoodia juttae 46820 LC
Hoodia ruschii 46821 LC
Hoodia triebneri 46822 LC
Baynesia lophophora 46825 LC
Australluma peschii 46826 LC
Huernia hallii 46829 LC
Huernia plowesii 46830 LC
Indigofera procumbens 185583 LC
Larryleachia tirasmontana 46824 LC
Oxalis ausensis 46831 LC
Oxalis luederitzii 46832 LC
Cyphostemma bainesii 46837 LC
Cyphostemma juttae 46838 LC
Oxalis schaeferi 46833 LC
Crassula aurusbergensis 46841 LC
Crassula luederitzii 46843 LC
Barleria pseudosomalia 48153852 EN
Crassula numaisensis 46844 LC
Neoluederitzia sericeocarpa 46846 LC
Hygrophila gracillima 46847 LC
Monechma serotinum 46849 LC
Diclis tenuissima 46852 LC
Chamaegigas intrepidus 46854 LC
Cromidon pusillum 46855 VU
Dintera pterocaulis 46853 DD
Nemesia karasbergensis 46850 LC
Bergia anagalloides 185611 LC
Adenia pechuelii 46860 LC
Cucumella clavipetiolata 46859 LC
Elephantorrhiza rangei 46861 EN
Ozoroa namaquensis 34955 DD
Sesamothamnus leistneranus 46858 LC
Lobelia hereroensis 46767 VU
Ozoroa crassinervia 149508393 LC
Selago nachtigalii 46857 LC
Lindernia bolusii 185204 LC
Didelta spinosa 149513085 LC
Zygophyllum giessii 46845 LC
Searsia populifolia 149506975 LC
Pachypodium namaquanum 31142 LR/nt
Portulacaria namaquensis 149352358 LC
Psammophora saxicola 46796 LC
Ruschianthus falcatus 46797 VU
Ruschia namusmontana 46798 LC
Caesalpinia merxmuelleriana 47608258 LC
Schwantesia constanceae 46799 VU
Suaeda salina 46800 LC
Suessenguthiella caespitosa 46801 LC
Rhigozum obovatum 149511635 LC
Tarchonanthus parvicapitulatus 149506527 LC
Schotia afra 19891698 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)