List of GASTROPODA species in Rússia

Esta é uma lista de GASTROPODA em Rússia de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN.

Esta lista foi atualizada pela última vez em 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Nombre científicoNombre comúntaxonidnome da categoria
Anisus strauchianus 155648 DD
Aenigmomphisicola europaea 188930 DD
Choanomphalus maacki 188932 LC
Baicalia zachwatkini 188937 DD
Pseudancylastrum dorogostajkii 188944 LC
Anisus iturupensis 188946 DD
Baicalia angarensis 188954 DD
Geyeria valvataeformis 189466 DD
Caspia makarovi 155680 LC
Anisus substroemi 188961 DD
Acroloxus arachleicus 189476 DD
Acroloxus ussuriensis 188966 LC
Kobeltocochlea lindholmiana 189478 DD
Segmentina malkae 189475 DD
Segmentina starobogatovi 189481 DD
Assiminea possietica 188975 DD
Kobeltocochlea falsipumyla 189489 DD
Choanomphalus cryptomphalus 188999 DD
Pseudobenedictia michnoi 189510 VU
Anisus subfiliaris 189515 LC
Cipangopaludina zejaensis 189518 LC
Anisus carinea 189520 DD
Pseudancylastrum olgae 189602 DD
Akiyoshia sachalinensis 189015 DD
Baicalancylus njurgonicus 189528 DD
Anisus correctus 189535 DD
Choanomphalus lindholmi 189542 DD
Acroloxus klucharevae 189034 DD
Paladilhiopsis pulcherrima 189546 DD
Megalovalvata demersa 189553 DD
Horatia ljovuschkini 189567 DD
Acroloxus kolhymensis 189059 DD
Benedictia limnaeoides 189067 LC
Planorbis kubanicus 189584 DD
Baicalia florii 189586 DD
Anisus kamtschaticus 189590 LC
Acroloxus orientalis 189081 DD
Amuropaludina pachya 189596 LC
Amuropaludina praerosa 189085 LC
Contectiana ladogensis 189597 DD
Benedictia nana 189089 DD
Choanomphalus omphalotus 189092 DD
Hydrobia newtoni 155808 DD
Lymnaea carelica 189605 DD
Baicalia nana 189610 DD
Anisus kussakini 189099 DD
Baicalia jentteriana 189612 DD
Choanomphalus eurystomus 189611 DD
Godlewskia columella 189098 DD
Kolhymorbis bogatovi 189621 DD
Pseudancylastrum troschelii 189113 DD
Kobeltocochlea martensiana 189115 LC
Baicalia cancellata 189628 DD
Kobeltocochlea olchonensis 189632 DD
Paraelona milachevitchi 189123 DD
Physa sibirica 69624007 DD
Baicalia korotnevi 189154 LC
Gerstfeldtiancylus benedictiae 189159 LC
Valvata bathybia 189174 DD
Polypylis sibirica 189175 LC
Baicalia wrzeniowskii 189182 DD
Baicalia herderiana 189189 LC
Lymnaea tumrokensis 189199 NT
Choanomphalus pygmaeus 189210 DD
Kolhymamnicola wasiliewae 189215 DD
Anisus zhirmunskii 189227 DD
Anisus centrifugops 189232 LC
Kolhymorbis shadini 189236 DD
Turricaspia lindholmiana 155470 LC
Iravadia nipponica 189276 DD
Lymnaea dipkunensis 189285 DD
Carpathica boettgeri 170858 LC
Helicorbis shilkaensis 189804 DD
Lymnaea curtacorvus 189803 DD
Lymnaea ulaganica 189292 LC
Cecina alta 189299 DD
Segmentina caucasica 189304 DD
Choanomphalus okhoticus 189309 LC
Planorbella hornii 189320 DD
Choanomphalus anomphalus 189325 DD
Pseudancylastrum sibiricum 189335 LC
Paladilhiopsis subovata 189353 DD
Anisus tugurensis 189359 DD
Pseudancylastrum poberezhnyi 189370 DD
Turricaspia astrachanica 188872 DD
Anisus centrifugus 189392 LC
Caspia knipowitchi 156116 LC
Anisus thermochukchensis 188888 DD
Lymnaea arachleica 189411 CR
Polypylis likharevi 189413 LC
Benedictia kotyensis 188912 DD
Baicalancylus kobelti 189427 LC
Choanomphalus microtrochus 189432 DD
Valvata aliena 188925 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)