AAU | | Assigned Amount Unit |
ACoGS | | Avoided Conversion of Grasslands and Shrublands |
ACR | | American Carbon Registry (link) |
AFOLU | | Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use |
ALM | | Agricultural Land Management |
ANR | | Assisted or Accelerated Natural Regeneration |
APC | | Avoiding Planned Conversion |
APD | | Avoided Planned Deforestation |
ARR | | Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation |
AUC | | Avoiding Unplanned Conversion |
AUDD | | Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation and/or Degradation |
AUM | | Assets Under Management |
AUMDD | | Avoiding Unplanned Mosaic Deforestation and Degradation |
BAU | | Business-as-Usual |
BECCS | | Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage |
CAR | | Climate Action Reserve (link) |
CCB | | Climate, Community, Biodiversity Standards (link) |
CCX | | Chicago Climate Exchange (link) |
CDM | | Clean Development Mechanism (link) |
CDS | | Credit Default Swap |
CER | | Certified Emission Reduction |
CFAI | | CFA Institute (link) |
CGLC | | Cropland and Grassland Land-use Conversions |
CO2 | | Carbon Dioxide |
CO2e | | Carbon Dioxide Equivalent |
CRT | | Climate Reserve Tonnes |
CUPP | | Conservation of Undrained or Partially Drained Peatland |
D&O | | Directors and Officers Insurance |
DNA | | Designated National Authority |
DNS | | Debt-for-Nature-Swap (link) |
E&O | | Errors and Omissions Insurance |
ER | | Emission Reductions |
ERA | | Extended Rotation Age / Cutting Cycle |
ERM | | Enterprise Risk Management |
ERPA | | Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement |
ERU | | Emission Reduction Unit |
ESG | | Environmental, Social, Governance Risk |
FASB | | Financial Accounting Standards Board, (link) |
FCMC | | Forest Carbon, Markets, and Communities Program |
GHG | | Greenhouse Gases |
GIPS® | | Global Investment Performance Standards (link) |
GWP | | Global Warming Potential |
ICM | | Improved Cropland Management |
IFM | | Improved Forest Management |
IGM | | Improved Grassland Management |
IPCC | | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (link) |
IPS | | Investment Policy Statement |
IRR | | Internal Rate of Return |
ISO | | International Organization for Standardization |
JI | | Joint Implementation (link) |
JNRI | | Jurisdictional nested REDD+ Initiative |
LtHP | | Low-Productive to High-Productive Forest |
LtPF | | Logged to Protected Forest |
LULUCF | | Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry |
MP | | Monitoring Plan |
MRV | | Measurement, Reporting and Verification |
NAMA | | Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions |
NTFP | | Non-Timber Forest Products |
OE | | Operational Entity |
PD | | Project Document |
PDD | | Project Design Document |
PES | | Payment for Ecosystem Service |
PFSI | | New Zealand Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (link) |
PIN | | Project Information Note |
PIU | | Pending Issuance Unit |
PLI | | Professional Liability Insurance |
POA | | Program of Activities |
PRC | | Peatland Rewetting and Conservation |
RDP | | Rewetting of Drained Peatland |
REDD | | Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation |
RIL | | Reduced Impact Logging |
R-PP | | Readiness Preparation Proposal (link) |
SAF | | Society of American Foresters (link) |
SFM | | Sustainable Forest Management |
SRI | | Socially Responsible Investing |
USAID | | United States Agency for International Development (link) |
VCS | | Verified Carbon Standard (link) |
VCU | | Verified Carbon Unit |
VERPA | | Voluntary Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement |