Deforestation statistics for Belize
Belize: Demographic data
Population (2022) | 397,628 |
Annual population growth rate (2022) | 1.90% |
Population density (people/sq km) | 17 |
Net migration | 1,200 |
Fertility rate | 2.3 |
Median age | 25 |
Urban population share | 46% |
Belize: Land cover and land use change data
Land area (sq km): 22,810 |
Tree cover (30%) Tree cover extent in 2000 (ha): 1,748,278 Tree cover extent as % of land area: 76.60% Tree cover loss from 2001-20 (ha): 261,673 Tree cover extent as % of 2000 tree cover: 15.00% |
Tropical primary forest Primary forest extent in 2001 (ha): 1,164,467 Primary forest extent as % of land area: 51.10% Primary forest extent as % of 2000 tree cover: 66.60% Primary forest loss from 2002-20 (ha): 127,371 Primary forest loss from 2002-20 as % of 2001 primary forest cover: 10.90% Primary forest extent in 2020 (ha): 1,037,096 Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of land area: 45.50% Primary forest extent in 2020 as % of 2000 tree cover area: 59% |
Belize: Annual forest and tree cover data
Belize: Tropical primary forest loss by year All figures in hectares
Year: Hectares 2002: 5,574 2003: 2,998 2004: 2,103 2005: 3,208 2006: 1,897 2007: 4,123 2008: 3,609 2009: 4,405 2010: 4,769 2011: 16,295 2012: 6,762 2013: 8,449 2014: 9,027 2015: 6,600 2016: 11,477 2017: 6,591 2018: 4,789 2019: 8,745 2020: 15,951 |
Belize: Tree cover loss by year 30% tree cover threshold; all figures in hectares
Year: Hectares 2001: 8,212 2002: 13,474 2003: 6,844 2004: 4,312 2005: 8,104 2006: 4,270 2007: 12,264 2008: 8,216 2009: 10,264 2010: 9,766 2011: 26,386 2012: 11,528 2013: 16,373 2014: 16,465 2015: 12,271 2016: 20,511 2017: 16,366 2018: 11,164 2019: 18,373 2020: 26,512 |
Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 1)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Tree cover extent (2001) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-05) ha | Tree cover loss (2006-10) ha | Tree cover loss (2011-15) ha | Tree cover loss (2016-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) % |
Belize | 216,616 | 2,153 | 2,423 | 4,887 | 5,807 | 15,270 | 7.0% |
Cayo | 490,640 | 12,535 | 14,681 | 30,124 | 38,064 | 95,404 | 19.4% |
Corozal | 101,365 | 2,462 | 3,466 | 8,235 | 7,899 | 22,062 | 21.8% |
Orange Walk | 348,523 | 9,854 | 11,420 | 21,804 | 17,036 | 60,114 | 17.2% |
Stann Creek | 195,201 | 2,787 | 3,760 | 3,579 | 4,537 | 14,662 | 7.5% |
Toledo | 395,930 | 11,155 | 9,029 | 14,393 | 19,582 | 54,160 | 13.7% |
Tree cover loss by year at the subnational level (administrative level 2)
Sub-national admin area 1 | Admin area 2 | Tree cover extent (2000) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-05) ha | Tree cover loss (2006-10) ha | Tree cover loss (2011-15) ha | Tree cover loss (2016-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) ha | Tree cover loss (2001-20) % |
Belize | 121,135 | 703 | 1,234 | 3,196 | 3,564 | 8,697 | 7.2% | |
Cayo | 342,292 | 3,022 | 5,624 | 18,641 | 21,845 | 49,133 | 14.4% | |
Corozal | 54,997 | 620 | 1,599 | 5,899 | 5,186 | 13,304 | 24.2% | |
Orange Walk | 228,885 | 3,255 | 4,829 | 12,419 | 8,959 | 29,462 | 12.9% | |
Stann Creek | 140,353 | 1,017 | 1,400 | 1,479 | 1,461 | 5,356 | 3.8% | |
Toledo | 276,805 | 5,267 | 4,118 | 5,498 | 6,537 | 21,420 | 7.7% |
2019 forest data for Belize | Archived forest data for Belize | Forest data for Belize
Data Source: Tree cover loss: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA via Global Forest Watch. Administrative boundaries: Global Administrative Areas database (GADM), version 3.6.
Citation: Mongabay. "Deforestation statistics for [selected country name]". Accessed on [date] from
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