Deforestation statistics for Brunei Darussalam
Total land area: Brunei
Total land area | ha |
Land area | 581,253 |
Tree cover in 2018 | 516,733 |
Forest and tree cover extent: Brunei
Extent of primary forest cover and tree cover for Brunei. All area figures are in hectares (ha)Year | Primary forest | Tree cover (30%) |
2000 | 532,025 | |
2001 | 431,455 | |
2010 | 425,804 | 531,467 |
2018 | 418,170 | 516,733 |
Primary/Total tree cover 2018 | 81% | |
Tree cover/Total land area 2018 | 88.9% |
Primary forest loss and tree cover loss: Brunei
Annual loss of primary forest cover and tree cover for Brunei by year. All area figures are in hectares (ha)Year | Primary forest | Tree cover (30%) | |
2001 | 1,252 | ||
2002 | 475 | 1,093 | |
2003 | 379 | 805 | |
2004 | 585 | 1,205 | |
2005 | 603 | 1,205 | |
2006 | 442 | 1,016 | |
2007 | 639 | 1,570 | |
2008 | 761 | 1,308 | |
2009 | 1,242 | 2,188 | |
2010 | 524 | 972 | |
2011 | 1,662 | 2,646 | |
2012 | 1,119 | 1,852 | |
2013 | 609 | 895 | |
2014 | 1,380 | 2,235 | |
2015 | 807 | 1,779 | |
2016 | 1,090 | 2,592 | |
2017 | 518 | 951 | |
2018 | 450 | 812 | |
Primary loss 2002-2018 | 13,285 | ||
Tree cover loss 2001-2018 | 25,124 | ||
Primary loss/ Total tree cover loss | 52.9% | ||
Percent loss 2001-2018 | 3.1% | ||
Loss/year (2001/2-2010) | 627.92 | 1,261 | |
Loss/year (2011-2018) | 954.26 | 1,720 |
Biodiversity data: Brunei
Species count by taxa for Brunei. For consistency, all data for a given group comes from a single source. Amphibians - amphibiaweb; Reptiles - reptile-database; Fish - fishbase; Birds - birdlife; Mammals - IUCN; and Plants - World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP-WCMC).Animal / plant group | Species count |
Birds | 411 |
Amphibians | 12 |
Reptiles | 28 |
Fishes | 499 |
Mammals | |
Vascular plants |
Conservation data: Brunei
Data on threatened species in Brunei as of 2018, according to the IUCN Red List.Taxa | Species count |
Threatened mammals (2018) | 33 |
Threatened birds (2018) | 31 |
Threatened fishes (2018) | 14 |
Threatened higher plants (2018) | 127 |
Protected areas data: Brunei
Data on threatened species in Brunei as of 2017, according to the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) maintained by the United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).Protected areas (2017) | Percentage |
Terrestrial protected areas, % of total land area | 46.9 |
Marine protected areas, % of territorial waters |
Tree cover loss data for Brunei Darussalam
"Tree cover threshold" is used for defining the tree cover area. For example, 75% includes only areas with more than 75% tree cover, whereas 10% includes all areas with more than 10% tree cover. 75% tree cover reflects a dense canopy.
Tree cover threshold (%) | Total area (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2000 (ha) | % land area | Tree cover Extent in 2010 (ha) | % land area | Tree cover Extent in 2018 (ha) | % land area | Tree cover loss 2001-2018 (ha) | % tree cover loss since 2000 | Avg tree cover loss/year (ha) | Avg loss/year 2001-2010 (ha) | Avg loss/year 2011-2018 (ha) |
10 | 581253 | 536704 | 92.30% | 535915 | 92.20% | 521928 | 89.80% | 26711 | 5.00% | 1484 | 1272 | 1748 |
15 | 581253 | 535028 | 92.00% | 533946 | 91.90% | 520022 | 89.50% | 26640 | 5.00% | 1480 | 1272 | 1741 |
20 | 581253 | 534088 | 91.90% | 533516 | 91.80% | 519647 | 89.40% | 26577 | 5.00% | 1477 | 1271 | 1734 |
25 | 581253 | 533372 | 91.80% | 532660 | 91.60% | 518824 | 89.30% | 26539 | 5.00% | 1474 | 1270 | 1730 |
30 | 581253 | 532025 | 91.50% | 531467 | 91.40% | 517705 | 89.10% | 26456 | 5.00% | 1470 | 1269 | 1720 |
50 | 581253 | 526373 | 90.60% | 524825 | 90.30% | 511375 | 88.00% | 26043 | 4.90% | 1447 | 1259 | 1681 |
75 | 581253 | 510350 | 87.80% | 510495 | 87.80% | 498268 | 85.70% | 24221 | 4.70% | 1346 | 1199 | 1528 |
Biomass and land use carbon emissions data for Brunei Darussalam
"Tree cover threshold" is used for defining the tree cover area. For example, 75% includes only areas with more than 75% tree cover, whereas 10% includes all areas with more than 10% tree cover. 75% tree cover reflects a dense canopy.
Tree cover threshold (%) | Total area (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2000 (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2010 (ha) | Carbon biomass (Mt) | Biomass loss 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg biomass loss/year (Mt) | Carbon emissions 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg carbon emissions/year (Mt) |
10 | 581253 | 536704 | 535915 | 312360943 | 7288441 | 404913 | 13362142 | 742341 |
15 | 581253 | 535028 | 533946 | 312084602 | 7280864 | 404492 | 13348269 | 741571 |
20 | 581253 | 534088 | 533516 | 311919769 | 7275386 | 404188 | 13338201 | 741011 |
25 | 581253 | 533372 | 532660 | 311795159 | 7271895 | 403994 | 13331804 | 740656 |
30 | 581253 | 532025 | 531467 | 311551147 | 7264157 | 403564 | 13317635 | 739869 |
50 | 581253 | 526373 | 524825 | 310452597 | 7220694 | 401150 | 13237932 | 735441 |
75 | 581253 | 510350 | 510495 | 306548160 | 6987037 | 388169 | 12809552 | 711642 |
Tree cover data for subnational administrative areas in Brunei Darussalam
"This data is based on a definition of 30% tree cover. Areas with less than 30% canopy cover are excluded.
Administrative area | Total area (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2000 (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2010 (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2018 (ha) | % cover in 2018 | Loss 2001-2018 (ha) | % loss since 2000 | Avg loss/year since 2000 (ha) | Loss 2001-2010 (ha) | loss between 2000-2010 | Avg loss/year 2001-2010 (ha) | Loss 2011-2018 (ha) | loss between 2011-2018 | Avg loss/year 2011-2018 (ha) |
Belait | 285508 | 274969 | 274760 | 268752 | 94% | 11588 | 4% | 644 | 5580 | 2% | 558 | 6008 | 2% | 751 |
Brunei and Muara | 53833 | 30011 | 29660 | 27003 | 50% | 5553 | 19% | 309 | 2896 | 10% | 290 | 2657 | 9% | 332 |
Temburong | 128331 | 124743 | 124371 | 122802 | 96% | 2929 | 2% | 163 | 1360 | 1% | 136 | 1569 | 1% | 196 |
Tutong | 113581 | 102302 | 102676 | 99148 | 87% | 6386 | 6% | 355 | 2858 | 3% | 286 | 3528 | 3% | 441 |
Carbon dioxide emissions data for subnational administrative areas in Brunei Darussalam
"This data is based on a definition of 30% tree cover. Areas with less than 30% canopy cover are excluded.
Administrative area | Total area (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2000 (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2010 (ha) | Carbon biomass (Mt) | Carbon emissions 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg carbon emissions/year 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg carbon emissions/year 2001-10 (Mt) | Avg carbon emissions/year 2011-18 (Mt) |
Belait | 285508 | 274969 | 274760 | 170284108 | 6395396 | 355300 | 313319 | 407776 |
Brunei and Muara | 53833 | 30011 | 29660 | 13822345 | 2423190 | 134622 | 139155 | 128955 |
Temburong | 128331 | 124743 | 124371 | 72433227 | 1463946 | 81330 | 60693 | 107127 |
Tutong | 113581 | 102302 | 102676 | 55011467 | 3035103 | 168617 | 135713 | 209747 |
Biomass data for subnational administrative areas in Brunei Darussalam
This data is based on a definition of 30% tree cover. Areas with less than 30% canopy cover are excluded.
Administrative area | Total area (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2000 (ha) | Tree cover Extent in 2010 (ha) | Carbon biomass (Mt) | Avg biomass per ha (Mt) | Carbon emissions 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg annual emissions 2001-18 (Mt) | Avg annual emissions 2001-10 (Mt) | Avg annual emissions 2011-18 (Mt) |
Belait | 285508 | 274969 | 274760 | 92882242 | 338 | 3488394 | 193800 | 170901 | 222423 |
Brunei and Muara | 53833 | 30011 | 29660 | 7539461 | 251 | 1321740 | 73430 | 75903 | 70339 |
Temburong | 128331 | 124743 | 124371 | 39509032 | 317 | 798520 | 44362 | 33106 | 58433 |
Tutong | 113581 | 102302 | 102676 | 30006256 | 293 | 1655503 | 91972 | 74025 | 114407 |
Archived forest data for Brunei Darussalam | Forest data for Brunei Darussalam
Data Source: Tree cover loss: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA via Global Forest Watch. Administrative boundaries: Global Administrative Areas database (GADM), version 3.6.
Citation: Mongabay. "Deforestation statistics for [selected country name]". Accessed on [date] from
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