Total North America: Forest Cover, 2005
Total Land Area (ha) | 2,069,930,000 | Total Forest Area (ha) | 677,464,000 | Percent Forest Cover | 32.73% | Primary Forest Cover (ha) | - | Primary Forest, % total forest | 0.00% | Primary Forest, % total land | 0.00% | Other wooded land (ha) | 111,866,000 |
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Total North America: Breakdown of forest types, 2005
Primary forest (ha | %) | - | 0.0% | Modified natural (ha | %) | - | 0.0% | Semi-natural (ha | %) | - | 0.0% | Production plantation (ha | %) | - | 0.0% | Production plantation (ha | %) | - | 0.0% |
Total North America: Change in Forest Cover
TOTAL FOREST COVER | Forest 1990 (ha) | 677,801,000 | Forest 2000 (ha) | 677,971,000 | Forest 2005 (ha) | 677,464,000 | Annual Change 1990-2000 (ha | %) | 17,000 | 0.00% | Annual Change 2000-2005 (ha | %) | (101,400) | -0.01% | Total Change 1990-2005 (ha | %) | (337,000) | -0.05% | Change in rate (%) | -696.32% | PRIMARY FOREST COVER | Primary 1990 (ha) | - | Primary 2000 (ha) | - | Primary 2005 (ha) | - | Annual Change 1990-2000 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Annual Change 2000-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Total Change 1990-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Change in rate (%) | #DIV/0! | OTHER WOODED LAND | Other 1990 (ha) | - | Other 2000 (ha) | - | Other 2005 (ha) | - | Annual Change 1990-2000 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Annual Change 2000-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Total Change 1990-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Change in rate (%) | #DIV/0! | PLANTATIONS | Other 1990 (ha) | - | Other 2000 (ha) | - | Other 2005 (ha) | - | Annual Change 1990-2000 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Annual Change 2000-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Total Change 1990-2005 (ha | %) | - | #DIV/0! | Change in rate (%) | #DIV/0! | TOTAL DEGRADATION/CONSERVSION Forest area+Wooded Area-Plantations | Other 1990 (ha) | 677,801,000 | Other 2000 (ha) | 677,971,000 | Other 2005 (ha) | 677,464,000 | Annual Change 1990-2000 (ha | %) | 17,000 | 0.00% | Annual Change 2000-2005 (ha | %) | (101,400) | -0.01% | Total Change 1990-2005 (ha | %) | (337,000) | -0.05% | Change in rate (%) | -696.32% |
Total North America: Primary
Primary or "old-growth" vegetation | Primary Forest 2005 (ha) | 0 | Other primary wooded land 2005 (ha) | 0 | Other primary wooded land 2005 (ha) | 0 | Undisturbed vegetation 2005 (% land area) | 0.00% |
Total North America: Forest designation
Ownership of forest land, 2000 | Public (%) | 66.7% | Private (%) | 29.3% | Other (%) | 4.0% | Ownership of other wooded land, 2000 | Public (%) | 85.3% | Private (%) | 1.7% | Other (%) | 13.0% | Designated functions of forest � primary function 2005 | Production (%) | 6.0% | Protection (%) | 0.1% | Conservation (%) | 11.8% | Social Services (%) | 0.0% | Multiple Services (%) | 78.9% | None of Unknown (%) | 3.3% |
Total North America: Disturbances affecting forest land 2000
Forest Area annually affected by | Fire (%) | 0.00% | Insects (ha) | 0.00% | Diseases (ha) | 0.00% | Other (ha) | 0.00% |
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Total North America: Value of forests
Biomass stock in forest, 2005 | Above-ground biomass (M t) | | Below-ground biomass (M t) | | Dead wood (M t) | | Total (M t) | | Carbon stock in forest, 2005 | Carbon in above-ground biomass (M t) | | Carbon in below-ground biomass (M t) | | Carbon in dead wood (M t) | | Carbon in litter (M t) | | Soil carbon (M t) | | Change in growing stock 1990 - 2005 | Annual change rate (1000 cubic m/yr) | 1990-2000 | | 2000-2005 | | Growing stock per hectare 1990 - 2005 | Annual change rate ( cubic m/ha per yr) | 1990-2000 | | 2000-2005 | | Wood removal 2005 | Industrial roundwood (1000 cubic m) | | Wood fuel (1000 cubic m) | | Total wood removal 2005 (1000 cubic m) | | Total wood removal 2005 (% of growing stock) | | Plant products 2005 | Food (t) | | Fodder (t) | | Raw material for medicine and aromatic products (t) | | Raw material for colorants and dyes (t) | | Raw material for utensils, handicrafts & construction (t) | | Ornamental plants (t) | | Exudates (t) | | Other plant products (t) | | Animal products 2005 | Living animals (units) | | Hides, skins and trophies (units) | | Wild honey and bee-wax (t) | | Bush meat (t) | | Raw material for medicine and aromatic products (t) | | Raw material for colorants and dyes (t) | | Other edible animal products (t) | | Other non-edible animal products (t) | | Value of wood and non-wood forest product removal 2005 | Industrial roundwood (US$) | $,000 | Wood fuel (US$) | $,000 | Non-wood forest products (US$) | $,000 | Total value (US$) | $,000 | Total value ($USD/ha) | $ | Employment in forestry 2000 | Total people employed | |
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Total North America
: References & Data Sources
Environment, Land use / Resources, Economy, Population / Demographics, Infrastructure, Health -- CIA World Factbook, 2005
Forest Cover, Forest types, Breakdown of forest types, Change in Forest Cover, Primary forests, Forest designation, Disturbances affecting forest land, Value of forests, Production, trade and consumption of forest products -- The FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS's Global Forest Resources Assessment (2005) and the State of the World�s Forests (2005, 2003, 2001)
Protected Areas, Plant and animal biodiversity -- United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). 2004. World Database on Protected Areas.
Biosphere reservers -- United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Man and Biosphere Program. 2004. UNESCO - MAB Biosphere Reserves Directory.
RAMSAR sites -- The Bureau of the Convention on Wetlands . 2005. The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance.
World Resources Institute's EarthTrends web site
The 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Population Data -- United Nations Population Fund
With additional analysis by Rhett Butler of