The world's most endangered pelicans and allies

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species evaluates the conservation status of plant and animal species. The list is based on scientific assessment of an organism's status by experts.
Conservation status of the world's pelicans and allies
Species comprising the chart above include:
Family | Scientific name | Common name(s) | Red List status | Population trend |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax perspicillatus | Pallas's Cormorant | EX | |
FREGATIDAE | Fregata andrewsi | Andrews' Frigatebird, Christmas Frigatebird, Christmas Island Frigatebird | CR | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax onslowi | Chatham Island Shag, Chatham Islands Shag, Chatham Shag | CR | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Papasula abbotti | Abbott's Booby | EN | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax featherstoni | Pitt Island Shag | EN | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax neglectus | Bank Cormorant | EN | decreasing |
BALAENICIPITIDAE | Balaeniceps rex | Shoebill, Whale-headed Stork | VU | decreasing |
FREGATIDAE | Fregata aquila | Ascension Frigatebird, Ascension Is. Frigatebird | VU | unknown |
SULIDAE | Morus capensis | Cape Gannet | VU | decreasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus crispus | Dalmatian Pelican | VU | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax campbelli | Campbell Island Shag | VU | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax carunculatus | New Zealand King Shag, Rough-faced Shag | VU | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax chalconotus | Bronzed Shag, Bronze Shag, Stewart Island Shag | VU | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax colensoi | Auckland Island Shag, Auckland Islands Shag | VU | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax harrisi | Flightless Cormorant, Galapagos Cormorant | VU | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax nigrogularis | Socotra Cormorant | VU | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi | Bounty Island Shag, Bounty Islands Shag | VU | stable |
ANHINGIDAE | Anhinga melanogaster | African Darter, Darter, Oriental Darter | NT | decreasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus philippensis | Grey Pelican, Spot-billed Pelican | NT | decreasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus thagus | Peruvian Pelican | NT | increasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax bougainvillii | Guanay Cormorant | NT | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax capensis | Cape Cormorant | NT | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax coronatus | Crowned Cormorant | NT | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax gaimardi | Red-legged Cormorant | NT | decreasing |
ANHINGIDAE | Anhinga anhinga | Anhinga | LC | decreasing |
ANHINGIDAE | Anhinga novaehollandiae | Australasian Darter, Australian Darter | LC | stable |
ANHINGIDAE | Anhinga rufa | African Darter, Darter | LC | decreasing |
FREGATIDAE | Fregata ariel | Lesser Frigatebird | LC | decreasing |
FREGATIDAE | Fregata magnificens | Magnificent Frigatebird | LC | increasing |
FREGATIDAE | Fregata minor | Greater Frigatebird, Great Frigatebird | LC | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Morus bassanus | Gannet, Northern Gannet | LC | increasing |
SULIDAE | Morus serrator | Australasian Gannet, Australian Gannet | LC | increasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus conspicillatus | Australian Pelican | LC | stable |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos | American White Pelican | LC | increasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus occidentalis | Brown Pelican | LC | increasing |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus onocrotalus | Great White Pelican, White Pelican | LC | unknown |
PELECANIDAE | Pelecanus rufescens | Pink-backed Pelican | LC | stable |
PHAETHONTIDAE | Phaethon aethereus | Red-billed Tropicbird | LC | decreasing |
PHAETHONTIDAE | Phaethon lepturus | White-tailed Tropicbird | LC | decreasing |
PHAETHONTIDAE | Phaethon rubricauda | Red-tailed Tropicbird | LC | stable |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax africanus | Long-tailed Cormorant, Reed Cormorant | LC | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax aristotelis | European Shag, Shag | LC | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax atriceps | Imperial Cormorant, Imperial Shag | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax auritus | Double-crested Cormorant | LC | increasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax brasilianus | Neotropic Cormorant | LC | increasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax capillatus | Japanese Cormorant | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax carbo | Black Shag, Cormorant, Great Cormorant, White-breasted Cormorant | LC | increasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax fuscescens | Black-faced Cormorant | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax fuscicollis | Indian Cormorant | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax magellanicus | Magellan Cormorant, Rock Shag | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax melanoleucos | Little Pied Cormorant, Little Shag | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax niger | Little Cormorant | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax pelagicus | Kenyon's Shag, Pelagic Cormorant | LC | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax penicillatus | Brandt's Cormorant | LC | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax punctatus | Spotted Shag | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax pygmeus | Pygmy Cormorant | LC | increasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax sulcirostris | Little Black Cormorant, Little Black Shag | LC | unknown |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax urile | Red-faced Cormorant | LC | decreasing |
PHALACROCORACIDAE | Phalacrocorax varius | Australian Pied Cormorant, Large Pied Cormorant, Pied Cormorant, Pied Shag | LC | unknown |
SCOPIDAE | Scopus umbretta | Hamerkop | LC | stable |
SULIDAE | Sula dactylatra | Masked Booby | LC | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Sula granti | Nazca Booby | LC | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Sula leucogaster | Brown Booby | LC | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Sula nebouxii | Blue-footed Booby | LC | stable |
SULIDAE | Sula sula | Red-footed Booby | LC | decreasing |
SULIDAE | Sula variegata | Peruvian Booby | LC | stable |
The full resolution version of this
birds-pelicans chart is available at here. This table and chart was last updated on August 8, 2012, based on data downloaded from the IUCN Red List site. For a species profile, click on its scientific name.
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