The world's most endangered woodpeckers

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species evaluates the conservation status of plant and animal species. The list is based on scientific assessment of an organism's status by experts.
Conservation status of the world's woodpeckers
Species comprising the chart above include:
Family | Scientific name | Common name(s) | Red List status | Population trend |
PICIDAE | Campephilus imperialis | Imperial Woodpecker | CR | unknown |
PICIDAE | Campephilus principalis | Ivory-billed Woodpecker | CR | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dendrocopos noguchii | Noguchi's Woodpecker, Okinawa Woodpecker, Pryer's Woodpecker | CR | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Aulacorhynchus huallagae | Yellow-browed Toucanet | EN | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Celeus obrieni | Caatinga Woodpecker, Kaempfer's Woodpecker, Piaui Woodpecker | EN | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picumnus steindachneri | Speckle-chested Piculet | EN | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picumnus varzeae | Varzea Piculet | EN | stable |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Capito dayi | Black-girdled Barbet | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Capito hypoleucus | White-mantled Barbet | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Capito quinticolor | Five-colored Barbet, Five-coloured Barbet | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Capito wallacei | Scarlet-banded Barbet | VU | stable |
PICIDAE | Colaptes fernandinae | Cuban Flicker, Fernandina's Flicker | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dendrocopos dorae | Arabian Woodpecker | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dendrocopos ramsayi | Sulu Woodpecker | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dryocopus galeatus | Helmeted Woodpecker | VU | decreasing |
GALBULIDAE | Galbula pastazae | Coppery-chested Jacamar | VU | decreasing |
GALBULIDAE | Jacamaralcyon tridactyla | Three-toed Jacamar | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Lybius chaplini | Chaplin's Barbet, Zambian Barbet | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Mulleripicus pulverulentus | Great Slaty Woodpecker | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picoides borealis | Red-cockaded Woodpecker | VU | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picumnus spilogaster | White-bellied Piculet | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Ramphastos ambiguus | Black-mandibled Toucan | VU | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Andigena hypoglauca | Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Grey-breasted Mountain-toucan, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Andigena laminirostris | Plate-billed Mountain-toucan, Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan | NT | decreasing |
BUCCONIDAE | Bucco noanamae | Sooty-capped Puffbird | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Campephilus gayaquilensis | Guayaquil Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Campethera notata | Knysna Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Capito squamatus | Orange-fronted Barbet | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dendropicos stierlingi | Stierling's Woodpecker | NT | stable |
PICIDAE | Dinopium rafflesii | Olive-backed Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dryocopus hodgei | Andaman Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Dryocopus schulzi | Black-bodied Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Eubucco versicolor | Versicolored Barbet, Versicoloured Barbet | NT | unknown |
INDICATORIDAE | Indicator archipelagicus | Malaysian Honeyguide | NT | decreasing |
INDICATORIDAE | Indicator pumilio | Dwarf Honeyguide | NT | decreasing |
INDICATORIDAE | Indicator xanthonotus | Yellow-rumped Honeyguide | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Lybius rubrifacies | Red-faced Barbet | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Megalaima henricii | Yellow-crowned Barbet | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Megalaima javensis | Black-banded Barbet | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Megalaima mystacophanos | Red-throated Barbet | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Megalaima rafflesii | Red-crowned Barbet | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Meiglyptes tukki | Buff-necked Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Melanerpes erythrocephalus | Red-headed Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Melanerpes herminieri | Guadeloupe Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Piculus aurulentus | White-browed Woodpecker, Yellow-browed Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picumnus fulvescens | Tawny Piculet | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picumnus minutissimus | Arrowhead Piculet, Guianan Piculet | NT | stable |
PICIDAE | Picumnus nebulosus | Mottled Piculet | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Picus rabieri | Red-collared Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Pteroglossus bailloni | Saffron Toucanet | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Pteroglossus bitorquatus | Red-necked Aracari | NT | decreasing |
RAMPHASTIDAE | Semnornis ramphastinus | Toucan Barbet | NT | decreasing |
PICIDAE | Veniliornis chocoensis | Choco Woodpecker, Chocó Woodpecker | NT | decreasing |
The full resolution version of this
Least concern species are excluded from this list
birds-woodpeckers chart is available at here. This table and chart was last updated on August 8, 2012, based on data downloaded from the IUCN Red List site. For a species profile, click on its scientific name.
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