List of Vulnerable species in Albania
This is a list of Vulnerable species in Albania according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Stankovicia wagneri | 155904 | VU | |
Trachurus trachurus | Common Scad | 198647 | VU |
Xestopyrgula dybowskii | 155670 | VU | |
Salmo ohridanus | 81 | VU | |
Brachythecium geheebii | 85837931 | VU | |
Stankovicia pavlovici | 155773 | VU | |
Valvata hirsutecostata | 155779 | VU | |
Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse Chestnut | 202914 | VU |
Cetorhinus maximus | Basking Shark | 4292 | VU |
Pyrgohydrobia grochmalickii | 155863 | VU | |
Andreiniimon nuptialis | Splendid Bush-cricket | 44710118 | VU |
Pseudohoratia ochridana | 155893 | VU | |
Puffinus yelkouan | Yelkouan Shearwater | 22698230 | VU |
Dentex dentex | Common Dentex | 170245 | VU |
Acroloxus improvisus | 155993 | VU | |
Alburnoides prespensis | 135527 | VU | |
Alosa sp. nov. 'Skadar' | 135533 | VU | |
Gobio ohridanus | 135543 | VU | |
Ginaia munda | 156061 | VU | |
Ancylus scalariformis | 156063 | VU | |
Alopias vulpinus | Common Thresher | 39339 | VU |
Galeorhinus galeus | Liver-oil Shark | 39352 | VU |
Mustelus mustelus | Common Smoothhound | 39358 | VU |
Alburnoides ohridanus | 135617 | VU | |
Ohridohoratia polinskii | 156109 | VU | |
Dreissena blanci | 197088 | VU | |
Pseudohoratia brusinae | 156135 | VU | |
Neofossarulus stankovici | 156153 | VU | |
Salmo pelagonicus | 135709 | VU | |
Lycaena ottomana | Grecian Copper | 39486 | VU |
Chondrostoma prespense | 4792 | VU | |
Festuca galicicae | 13165254 | VU | |
Valvata relicta | 155637 | VU | |
Pedostrangalia revestita | 86807246 | VU | |
Planorbis presbensis | 156064 | VU | |
Anisarthron barbipes | 86803284 | VU | |
Cobitis meridionalis | 5034 | VU | |
Vipera ursinii | Orsini's Viper | 22997 | VU |
Testudo graeca | Greek Tortoise | 21646 | VU |
Gyralina tarabosensis | 171158 | VU | |
Colchicum macedonicum | 46200017 | VU | |
Ziphius cavirostris Mediterranean subpopulation | Cuvier’s Beaked Whale | 16381144 | VU |
Coenonympha orientalis | Balkan Heath | 173281 | VU |
Pelophylax epeiroticus | Epirus Water Frog | 58592 | VU |
Codringtonia neocrassa | 156924 | VU | |
Labrus viridis | Green Wrasse | 187654 | VU |
Bubo scandiacus | Snowy Owl | 22689055 | VU |
Cochlostoma fuchsi | 193871 | VU | |
Oxynotus centrina | Angular Rough Shark | 63141 | VU |
Gymnura altavela | Spiny Butterfly Ray | 63153 | VU |
Epinephelus marginatus | Dusky Grouper | 7859 | VU |
Leucoraja fullonica | Shagreen Skate | 161461 | VU |
Tursiops truncatus Mediterranean subpopulation | Common Bottlenose Dolphin | 16369383 | VU |
Rutilus prespensis | 61188 | VU | |
Carcharias taurus | Spotted Raggedtooth Shark | 3854 | VU |
Carcharodon carcharias | White Shark | 3855 | VU |
Squalus acanthias | Cape Shark | 91209505 | VU |
Ateuchetus semipunctatus | 47415086 | VU | |
Pomatomus saltatrix | Ancho | 190279 | VU |
Micropyrgula stankovici | 155472 | VU | |
Gyraulus albidus | 155481 | VU | |
Pseudohoratia lacustris | 155576 | VU | |
Sardinella maderensis | Madeiran Sardinella | 198582 | VU |
Microcondylaea bonellii | 155595 | VU | |
Alburnus belvica | Prespa bleak | 61391 | VU |
Palinurus elephas | Common Spiny Lobster | 169975 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: