List of Near Threatened species in Algeria
This is a list of Near Threatened species in Algeria according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Acanthodactylus bedriagai | Bedriaga's Fringe-fingered Lizard | 61453 | NT |
Acanthodactylus savignyi | Savigny's Fringe-fingered Lizard | 61461 | NT |
Esarcus leprieuri | 47265836 | NT | |
Daboia deserti | Desert Viper | 61493 | NT |
Daboia mauritanica | Moorish Viper | 61494 | NT |
Psammodromus blanci | Blanc's Sand Racer | 61559 | NT |
Hypericum afrum | 163973 | NT | |
Uromastyx alfredschmidti | Schmidt’s Mastigure | 61590 | NT |
Hedysarum flexuosum | 19892375 | NT | |
Gymnopleurus sturmi | 47268005 | NT | |
Carum foetidum | 61612 | NT | |
Hydrobia brondeli | 184506 | NT | |
Linaria fallax | 164035 | NT | |
Solenopsis bicolor | 164043 | NT | |
Calchaenesthes sexmaculata | 157913 | NT | |
Sonchus mauritanicus | 164076 | NT | |
Limonium cymuliferum | 164095 | NT | |
Lysimachia cousiniana | 164105 | NT | |
Anagallis crassifolia | 164117 | NT | |
Gagea mauritanica | 13142314 | NT | |
Thorectes marginatus | 47941962 | NT | |
Agrostis tenerrima | 164172 | NT | |
Lathyrus amphicarpos | 176488 | NT | |
Chrysosplenium dubium | 164214 | NT | |
Elatine brochonii | 164216 | NT | |
Dactylorhiza elata | Stately Dactylorhiza | 164218 | NT |
Callitriche cribrosa | Angular water-starwort | 164252 | NT |
Convolvulus durandoi | 164267 | NT | |
Campanula alata | 164295 | NT | |
Mentha cervina | 164304 | NT | |
Exaculum pusillum | 164355 | NT | |
Scrophularia tenuipes | 164406 | NT | |
Bellis prostrata | 164412 | NT | |
Apium crassipes | 164472 | NT | |
Juncus heterophyllus | 164491 | NT | |
Peucedanum munbyi | 164498 | NT | |
Najas marina subsp. ehrenbergii | Spiny Naiad | 164548 | NT |
Prospero obtusifolium | 15418073 | NT | |
Jacobaea gigantea | 13593322 | NT | |
Onychogomphus costae | Faded Pincertail | 60291 | NT |
Barbarophryne brongersmai | Brongersma's Toad | 54594 | NT |
Fritillaria oranensis | 13137310 | NT | |
Orchis laeta | 13164185 | NT | |
Ateuchetus cicatricosus | 47415075 | NT | |
Enteromius deserti | 182057 | NT | |
Uromastyx geyri | Geyr’s Spiny-tailed Lizard | 198536 | NT |
Raja brachyura | Blonde Ray | 161691 | NT |
Pamphagus batnensis | Belezma Stone Grasshopper | 107450346 | NT |
Ranunculus batrachioides | 167916 | NT | |
Polyommatus atlanticus | Atlas Blue | 62148595 | NT |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: