List of Least Concern species in Aruba
This is a list of Least Concern species in Aruba according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Haemulon steindachneri | Grunt | 183317 | LC |
Anchoa spinifer | Spicule Anchovy | 16406554 | LC |
Symphurus diomedeanus | Spottedfin Tonguefish | 16777242 | LC |
Calomys hummelincki | Hummelinck's Vesper Mouse | 3612 | LC |
Odontognathus compressus | Caribbean Longfin Herring | 16465952 | LC |
Dolichopteryx longipes | Spookfish | 58241062 | LC |
Bathycongrus bullisi | Bullish Conger | 199208 | LC |
Lonchopisthus higmani | Higman's Jawfish | 16545326 | LC |
Tigrigobius zebrellus | Zebrette Goby | 185902 | LC |
Eupsittula pertinax | Brown-throated Parakeet | 22685745 | LC |
Seriola zonata | Banded Rudderfish | 16507442 | LC |
Tretioscincus bifasciatus | Rio Magdalena Tegu | 44578867 | LC |
Aplatophis chauliodus | Fangtooth Snake-eel | 199221 | LC |
Pristipomoides freemani | Slender Wenchman | 154682 | LC |
Glossophaga longirostris | Miller's Long-tongued Bat | 9275 | LC |
Zonotrichia albicollis | White-throated Sparrow | 22721085 | LC |
Ijimaia antillarum | Jellynose | 196671 | LC |
Ophichthus puncticeps | Palespotted Eel | 199232 | LC |
Lonchopisthus lemur | Palemouth Jawfish | 16545346 | LC |
Cnemidophorus arubensis | Aruba Whiptail | 50011716 | LC |
Gymnomystax mexicanus | Oriole Blackbird | 22724166 | LC |
Coryphaenoides mexicanus | Mexican Grenadier | 196680 | LC |
Vermivora cyanoptera | Blue-winged Warbler | 22721610 | LC |
Peristedion miniatum | Armored Searobin | 16509008 | LC |
Chlorostilbon mellisugus | Blue-tailed Emerald | 22687313 | LC |
Leiothlypis peregrina | Tennessee Warbler | 22721621 | LC |
Bollmannia eigenmanni | Shelf Goby | 185945 | LC |
Bollmannia litura | Citrine Goby | 185946 | LC |
Ariomma regulus | Spotted Driftfish | 16407645 | LC |
Lile piquitinga | Atlantic Piquitinga | 155235 | LC |
Lepophidium brevibarbe | Shortbeard Cusk-Eel | 16501868 | LC |
Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus | Slashcheek Goby | 185966 | LC |
Diplectrum formosum | Sand Perch | 16439926 | LC |
Tramea onusta | Red Saddlebags | 164982 | LC |
Conus mus | Mouse Cone | 192633 | LC |
Symphurus ommaspilus | Ocellated Tonguefish | 16777340 | LC |
Conus jaspideus | Jasper Cone | 192637 | LC |
Symphurus parvus | Pygmy Tonguefish | 16777344 | LC |
Elacatinus randalli | Yellownose Goby | 185987 | LC |
Nezumia cyrano | 190084 | LC | |
Eleotris perniger | Smallscaled Spinycheek Sleeper | 185990 | LC |
Pontinus longispinis | Longspine Scorpionfish | 190086 | LC |
Baldwinella vivanus | Red Barbier | 16750728 | LC |
Ancylopsetta cycloidea | Cyclope Flounder | 154765 | LC |
Lycengraulis grossidens | Atlantic Sabertooth Anchovy | 186512 | LC |
Thalassophryne maculosa | Cano Toadfish | 16442003 | LC |
Gobiomorus dormitor | Giant goby | 186008 | LC |
Plectranthias garrupellus | Apricot Bass | 190105 | LC |
Mugil incilis | Parassi Mullet | 155291 | LC |
Thalassophryne megalops | Big-eyed Toadfish | 16442013 | LC |
Urophycis cirrata | Gulf Hake | 47145645 | LC |
Argentina striata | Striated Argentine | 16407217 | LC |
Ophidion dromio | Shorthead Cusk-eel | 16505522 | LC |
Microgobius signatus | Dashback Goby | 186036 | LC |
Prionotus beanii | Bean's Searobin | 16779444 | LC |
Microgobius meeki | Meek's Goby | 186039 | LC |
Gymnothorax ocellatus | Caribbean Ocellated Moray | 195771 | LC |
Priolepis dawsoni | Dawson's Goby | 186044 | LC |
Pareques iwamotoi | Blackbar Drum | 16749758 | LC |
Sublegatus arenarum | Northern Scrub-Flycatcher | 22699200 | LC |
Setophaga palmarum | Palm Warbler | 22721731 | LC |
Bagre marinus | Gafftopsail Sea Catfish | 196806 | LC |
Bassozetus taenia | 18138825 | LC | |
Neobythites monocellatus | Cusk-Eel | 20665034 | LC |
Engraulis eurystole | Silver Anchovy | 16440016 | LC |
Synagrops trispinosus | Threespine Bass | 190161 | LC |
Trichopsetta caribbaea | Caribbean Flounder | 16766162 | LC |
Spiza americana | Dickcissel | 22723796 | LC |
Trixis inula | 144255700 | LC | |
Croton niveus | 144299735 | LC | |
Nezumia atlantica | Western Atlantic Grenadier | 135385310 | LC |
Ameiva bifrontata | Cope's Ameiva | 44579553 | LC |
Quiscalus niger | Greater Antillean Grackle | 22724323 | LC |
Forpus passerinus | Green-rumped Parrotlet | 22685926 | LC |
Opistognathus lonchurus | Moustache Jawfish | 16546023 | LC |
Fowlerichthys radiosus | Singlespot Frogfish | 16467178 | LC |
Lepophidium cultratum | Blackear Cusk-Eel | 20675306 | LC |
Polydactylus oligodon | Littlescale Threadfin | 16778475 | LC |
Archosargus probatocephalus | Sheepshead | 170223 | LC |
Bellator ribeiroi | Caribbean Searobin | 190199 | LC |
Trinectes paulistanus | Slipper Sole | 193274 | LC |
Trachinotus carolinus | Florida Pompano | 16507646 | LC |
Melocactus macracanthos | 152319 | LC | |
Serranus phoebe | Tattler | 16759556 | LC |
Laemonema goodebeanorum | 190216 | LC | |
Serranus atrobranchus | Blackear Bass | 190218 | LC |
Astichopus multifidus | 180493 | LC | |
Diplectrum radiale | Aguavina | 190226 | LC |
Leptodeira bakeri | Baker's Cat-eyed Snake | 203539 | LC |
Colinus cristatus | Crested Bobwhite | 45093141 | LC |
Scorpaena agassizii | Longfin Scorpionfish | 190233 | LC |
Prionotus stearnsi | Shortwing Searobin | 16781085 | LC |
Monolene megalepis | Slim Flounder | 16765727 | LC |
Geothlypis philadelphia | Mourning Warbler | 22721824 | LC |
Saurida caribbaea | Smallscale Lizardfish | 16441631 | LC |
Lepophidium robustum | Robust Cusk-Eel | 20675363 | LC |
Hemanthias leptus | Longtail Bass | 190251 | LC |
Opistognathus macrognathus | Longjaw Jawfish | 190253 | LC |
Lepophidium pheromystax | Upsilon Cusk-Eel | 16502064 | LC |
Conus puncticulatus | Pinpoint Cone | 192822 | LC |
Lepophidium aporrhox | Dusky Cusk Eel | 190263 | LC |
Caracara cheriway | Crested Caracara | 22696255 | LC |
Citharichthys dinoceros | Doublespot Whiff | 20672326 | LC |
Peristedion imberbe | Tropical Slender Armored Searobin | 20672331 | LC |
Ostichthys trachypoma | Big-eye Soldierfish | 16443217 | LC |
Phyllodactylus julieni | Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko | 48443729 | LC |
Nezumia suilla | 190294 | LC | |
Haemulon bonariense | Grunt | 190295 | LC |
Stelgidopteryx serripennis | Northern Rough-winged Swallow | 22712152 | LC |
Scomberomorus brasiliensis | Serra | 170335 | LC |
Steatornis caripensis | Oilbird | 22689633 | LC |
Ophichthus spinicauda | Antillean Snake Eel | 190308 | LC |
Lepophidium zophochir | Sooty Cusk-Eel | 20675431 | LC |
Opuntia elatior | 152935 | LC | |
Monolene sessilicauda | Deepwater Flounder | 16765806 | LC |
Gonatodes albogularis | Yellow-headed Gecko | 197487 | LC |
Haemulon boschmae | Bronzestriped Grunt | 194415 | LC |
Caulolatilus chrysops | Atlantic Goldeneye Tilefish | 16431990 | LC |
Centropomus parallelus | Chucumite | 190327 | LC |
Sladenia shaefersi | Shaefer's Anglerfish | 190326 | LC |
Barathrites iris | 57714556 | LC | |
Bathytyphlops sewelli | 190334 | LC | |
Pontinus rathbuni | Highfin Scorpionfish | 16779138 | LC |
Sargocentron bullisi | Deepwater Squirrelfish | 16447362 | LC |
Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus | Palomette | 190340 | LC |
Astroscopus y-graecum | Southern Stargazer | 190348 | LC |
Oligoplites palometa | Maracaibo Leatherjacket | 16506766 | LC |
Idiastion kyphos | Sharpcheek Scorpionfish | 190354 | LC |
Paralichthys albigutta | Gulf Flounder | 190358 | LC |
Verilus sordidus | Black Verilus | 20665243 | LC |
Pellona harroweri | American Coastal Pellona | 16466332 | LC |
Antennatus bermudensis | Island Frogfish | 190366 | LC |
Citharichthys macrops | Spotted Whiff | 16438701 | LC |
Anolis lineatus | Striped Anole | 178607 | LC |
Dajaus monticola | Mountain Mullet | 192943 | LC |
Gillellus healae | Masked Stargazer | 155059 | LC |
Chrysolampis mosquitus | Ruby Topaz | 22687160 | LC |
Parasphyraenops incisus | Forktailed Bass | 16759230 | LC |
Scorpaena isthmensis | Smoothcheek Scorpionfish | 190398 | LC |
Eudocimus albus | White Ibis | 22697411 | LC |
Citharichthys spilopterus | Bay Whiff | 16439236 | LC |
Pleurodema brachyops | Colombian Four-eyed Frog | 57283 | LC |
Patagioenas corensis | Bare-eyed Pigeon | 22690247 | LC |
Caulolatilus guppyi | Reticulated Tilefish | 16432073 | LC |
Merluccius albidus | Offshore Hake | 16466377 | LC |
Trachinotus cayennensis | Cayenne Pompano | 190412 | LC |
Icterus icterus | Venezuelan Troupial | 22735310 | LC |
Sphyrna tiburo | Bonnethead Shark | 39387 | LC |
Scorpaena brachyptera | Shortfin Scorpionfish | 16779231 | LC |
Centropyge aurantonotus | Flameback Angelfish | 165865 | LC |
Fowlerichthys ocellatus | Ocellated Frogfish | 190441 | LC |
Gonatodes vittatus | Wiegmann's Striped Gecko | 44579307 | LC |
Lophogobius cyprinoides | Crested Goby | 190957 | LC |
Scorpaena dispar | Hunchback Scorpionfish | 16779248 | LC |
Oligoplites saliens | Castin Leatherjack | 190451 | LC |
Icterus nigrogularis | Yellow Oriole | 22724087 | LC |
Caulolatilus cyanops | Ocean Whitefish | 155128 | LC |
Neomerinthe beanorum | Spotwing Scorpionfish | 16778750 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: