List of AGARICOMYCETES species in Austria
This is a list of AGARICOMYCETES in Austria according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Cortinarius suaveolens | 71542819 | NT | |
Cortinarius atrovirens | Olive Webcap | 147163231 | NT |
Cortinarius haasii | 147837035 | VU | |
Hygrophorus calophyllus | 147323011 | EN | |
Sarcodon leucopus | 75124883 | NT | |
Cortinarius eucaeruleus | 147163295 | NT | |
Hydnellum compactum | 70408373 | VU | |
Hydnellum mirabile | 70408415 | VU | |
Entoloma bloxamii | Big Blue Pinkgill | 147245319 | VU |
Rhodotus palmatus | Wrinkled Peach | 70402359 | NT |
Buchwaldoboletus lignicola | Wood Bolete | 125434218 | VU |
Tricholoma acerbum | 76265852 | VU | |
Cortinarius cupreorufus | 76196246 | NT | |
Hygrocybe citrinovirens | Citrine Waxcap | 70406652 | VU |
Clavaria zollingeri | Violet Coral | 70402563 | VU |
Cortinarius ionochlorus | 125434446 | NT | |
Rubinoboletus rubinus | 75123278 | VU | |
Squamanita schreieri | 70406908 | EN | |
Cortinarius dalecarlicus | 147778354 | VU | |
Arrhenia discorosea | 147129245 | VU | |
Entoloma griseocyaneum | Felted Pinkgill | 147278769 | VU |
Porpolomopsis calyptriformis | Pink Waxcap | 125434807 | VU |
Baeospora myriadophylla | 147135428 | VU | |
Entoloma excentricum | Excentric Pinkgill | 70417370 | NT |
Flaviporus citrinellus | Lemon-colored Antrodiella | 147295216 | EN |
Hygrocybe splendidissima | Splendid Waxcap | 147321990 | VU |
Armillaria ectypa | Marsh Honey Fungus | 75097245 | NT |
Cortinarius odoratus | 70425822 | VU | |
Catathelasma imperiale | Imperial Mushroom | 147158431 | NT |
Boletopsis grisea | Grey Falsebolete | 58521185 | NT |
Sarcodon joeides | 75124333 | VU | |
Hapalopilus croceus | Orange Polypore | 58521209 | VU |
Ramaria rufescens | 148203182 | NT | |
Hydnellum gracilipes | 76170958 | VU | |
Hygrocybe ingrata | Dingy Waxcap | 71595761 | VU |
Paraxerula caussei | 147537697 | VU | |
Cortinarius citrino-olivaceus | 79515429 | VU | |
Tricholoma apium | 79515478 | VU | |
Pseudotricholoma metapodium | Mealy Meadowcap | 70401892 | EN |
Entoloma porphyrophaeum | Lilac Pinkgill | 147285942 | VU |
Cortinarius meinhardii | 147851191 | NT | |
Phylloporus pelletieri | Golden Gilled Bolete | 75118539 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: