List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in Austria
This is a list of MAGNOLIOPSIDA in Austria according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Gentianella bohemica | 161825 | VU | |
Sorbus thayensis | 86106196 | CR | |
Betula humilis | Shrubby Birch | 194645 | LC |
Prunus fruticosa | European Ground Cherry | 172146 | LC |
Pulsatilla vulgaris | Pasque Flower | 161913 | NT |
Myosotis rehsteineri | 161933 | EN | |
Cyclamen purpurascens | 196750 | LC | |
Trifolium saxatile | 161951 | NT | |
Sorbus mougeotii | 79749287 | LC | |
Anacyclus pyrethrum | Atlas Daisy | 202924 | VU |
Aquilegia nigricans | Bulgarian Columbine | 202929 | DD |
Potentilla norvegica | 64321725 | LC | |
Galium trifidum | 64313534 | LC | |
Artemisia genipi | 161987 | LC | |
Pinguicula leptoceras | 99891420 | LC | |
Pulsatilla grandis | Greater Pasque Flower | 162014 | LC |
Cirsium brachycephalum | 162026 | LC | |
Rorippa islandica | Marsh Cress | 176369 | LC |
Rhododendron hirsutum | Hairy Alpenrose | 203008 | LC |
Limosella aquatica | Water Mudwort | 164098 | LC |
Artemisia pancicii | 162064 | DD | |
Lathyrus heterophyllus | Norfolk Everlasting-Pea | 176438 | LC |
Aconitum degenii | 129114432 | LC | |
Dianthus lumnitzeri | 162143 | DD | |
Physoplexis comosa | 162148 | LC | |
Galium palustre | 19620213 | LC | |
Cytisus ratisbonensis | 83751299 | LC | |
Ranunculus rionii | 164269 | LC | |
Elatine alsinastrum | 164271 | NT | |
Gentiana pannonica | Hungarian Gentian | 203220 | NT |
Gentiana purpurea | Purple Gentian | 203222 | LC |
Eryngium alpinum | 162328 | NT | |
Aldrovanda vesiculosa | Waterwheel | 162346 | EN |
Aquilegia alpina | 162386 | LC | |
Sorbus slovenica | 79749723 | EN | |
Littorella uniflora | Shoreweed | 164451 | LC |
Callitriche palustris | Narrow-fruited Water-starwort | 164452 | LC |
Ranunculus lateriflorus | 164495 | LC | |
Crataegus laevigata | Midland Hawthorn | 203425 | LC |
Pedicularis palustris | 19620542 | LC | |
Sanguisorba officinalis | Great Burnet | 203458 | LC |
Klasea lycopifolia | 195348 | DD | |
Drosera rotundifolia | Common Sundew | 168798 | LC |
Pyrus nivalis | Snow Pear | 173013 | DD |
Senecio aquaticus | 19614750 | LC | |
Bunium bulbocastanum | Black-caraway | 53785731 | LC |
Ranunculus baudotii | Brackish Water-crowfoot | 175244 | LC |
Sorbus collina | 86091080 | LC | |
Dianthus serotinus | 165217 | DD | |
Sorbus cucullifera | 86091137 | CR | |
Sorbus danubialis | 79748483 | LC | |
Favratia zoysii | 191892 | LC | |
Rosa abietina | Pine Rose | 83772876 | DD |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea | Lingonberry | 18748884 | LC |
Rosa rhaetica | 83772893 | DD | |
Sorbus doerriana | 86091262 | EN | |
Genista germanica | 83756546 | LC | |
Impatiens noli-tangere | 64314907 | LC | |
Salix glabra | 83826236 | LC | |
Salix helvetica | Swiss willow | 83826254 | LC |
Tetragonolobus maritimus | 19619442 | LC | |
Salix laggeri | 83826297 | LC | |
Salix mielichhoferi | 83826317 | LC | |
Cotoneaster juranus | 102827664 | LC | |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green Ash | 61918934 | CR |
Astragalus leontinus | 19892022 | LC | |
Alnus alnobetula | Green Alder | 51203944 | LC |
Vicia articulata | Monantha Vetch | 180098 | LC |
Urtica kioviensis | Kievan nettle | 167816 | DD |
Callitriche cophocarpa | Long-styled water-starwort | 167824 | LC |
Hypericum elodes | 167868 | LC | |
Betula nana | Dwarf Birch | 194495 | LC |
Utricularia intermedia | 167883 | LC | |
Nuphar pumila | Least Water-lily | 167888 | LC |
Hottonia palustris | 167912 | LC | |
Vicia oroboides | 176108 | LC | |
Ranunculus fluitans | River Water-crowfoot | 167918 | LC |
Cicuta virosa | European Waterhemlock | 167932 | LC |
Salix appendiculata | 79732733 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: