List of Near Threatened species in Austria
This is a list of Near Threatened species in Austria according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Pseudotriphyllus suturalis | 157714 | NT | |
Cortinarius suaveolens | 71542819 | NT | |
Iberolacerta horvathi | Horvath's Rock Lizard | 61515 | NT |
Cortinarius atrovirens | Olive Webcap | 147163231 | NT |
Pulsatilla vulgaris | Pasque Flower | 161913 | NT |
Sarcodon leucopus | 75124883 | NT | |
Cortinarius eucaeruleus | 147163295 | NT | |
Trifolium saxatile | 161951 | NT | |
Ampedus carinthiacus | 157883 | NT | |
Reitterelater bouyoni | 157891 | NT | |
Unio mancus | 22737 | NT | |
Vallonia declivis | 22832 | NT | |
Rhodotus palmatus | Wrinkled Peach | 70402359 | NT |
Petasina subtecta | 16713 | NT | |
Gyromitra korshinskii | Round-spored False Morel | 75118940 | NT |
Galanthus nivalis | Snowdrop | 162168 | NT |
Cortinarius cupreorufus | 76196246 | NT | |
Vertigo angustior | Narrow Mouthed Whorl Snail | 22935 | NT |
Elatine alsinastrum | 164271 | NT | |
Gentiana pannonica | Hungarian Gentian | 203220 | NT |
Eryngium alpinum | 162328 | NT | |
Chilostoma ziegleri | 4645 | NT | |
Cortinarius ionochlorus | 125434446 | NT | |
Arianta stenzii | 156329 | NT | |
Isophya pienensis | Pieninsky' Plump Bush-cricket | 62147304 | NT |
Somateria mollissima | Common Eider | 22680405 | NT |
Nehalennia speciosa | Sedgling | 60265 | NT |
Lasioglossum minutulum | 19198862 | NT | |
Pseudoplectania melaena | 147440561 | NT | |
Alca torda | Razorbill | 22694852 | NT |
Alzoniella hartwigschuetti | 980 | NT | |
Coenagrion mercuriale | Southern Damselfly | 5081 | NT |
Entoloma excentricum | Excentric Pinkgill | 70417370 | NT |
Nomada errans | 19198963 | NT | |
Mycetochara straussii | 87327788 | NT | |
Zospeum kupitzense | 113609811 | NT | |
Orcula pseudodolium | 15448 | NT | |
Nomada argentata | 19199076 | NT | |
Armillaria ectypa | Marsh Honey Fungus | 75097245 | NT |
Erebia claudina | White Speck Ringlet | 173258 | NT |
Erebia flavofasciata | Yellow-banded Ringlet | 173259 | NT |
Hylaeus crassanus | 19199230 | NT | |
Osmoderma eremita | Hermit Beetle | 15632 | NT |
Bythinella badensis | 3390 | NT | |
Catathelasma imperiale | Imperial Mushroom | 147158431 | NT |
Epeolus cruciger | 19199398 | NT | |
Arianta schmidtii | 157104 | NT | |
Nomada baccata | 19199440 | NT | |
Brotherella lorentziana | 87578080 | NT | |
Lasioglossum setulosum | 19199486 | NT | |
Chilostoma achates | 157224 | NT | |
Trochulus oreinos | 22110 | NT | |
Boletopsis grisea | Grey Falsebolete | 58521185 | NT |
Ramaria rufescens | 148203182 | NT | |
Triturus dobrogicus | Danube Crested Newt | 22216 | NT |
Oxychilus clarus | 171740 | NT | |
Cucujus cinnaberinus | 5935 | NT | |
Crepidophorus mutilatus | 157530 | NT | |
Gavia adamsii | White-billed Diver | 22697847 | NT |
Cortinarius meinhardii | 147851191 | NT | |
Ropalopus insubricus | 157631 | NT | |
Ceruchus chrysomelinus | 157641 | NT | |
Hirudo medicinalis | European Medicinal Leech | 10190 | NT |
Mycetochara thoracica | 86884323 | NT |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: