List of Least Concern species in Azerbaijan
This is a list of Least Concern species in Azerbaijan according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Benthophilus leobergius | 135680 | LC | |
Benthophilus granulosus | 135682 | LC | |
Gypsophila capitata | Capitate Chalk Plant | 200198 | LC |
Heracleum trachyloma | Downy Cow-Parsnip | 200212 | LC |
Clupeonella caspia | Common kilka | 135707 | LC |
Betula raddeana | Radde's Birch | 30748 | LC |
Calomyscus mystax | Afghan Mouse-like Hamster | 3621 | LC |
Astragalus cephalotes | 19892262 | LC | |
Calomyscus urartensis | Urar Calomyscus | 3623 | LC |
Chionomys gud | Gudaur Snow Vole | 4658 | LC |
Chionomys roberti | Robert's Snow Vole | 4660 | LC |
Turricaspia caspia | 189493 | LC | |
Robinia hispida | Bristly Locust | 19892296 | LC |
Medicago astroites | 19379282 | LC | |
Poecile hyrcanus | Caspian Tit | 103761508 | LC |
Aegilops peregrina | Goatgrass | 172145 | LC |
Pseudamnicola brusiniana | 189051 | LC | |
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos | 161916 | LC | |
Quercus infectoria | Cyprus Oak | 194176 | LC |
Tetraogallus caucasicus | Caucasian Snowcock | 22678661 | LC |
Microtus schelkovnikovi | Schelkovnikov's Pine Vole | 13456 | LC |
Cordulegaster picta | Turkish Goldenring | 165526 | LC |
Oxynoemacheilus brandtii | Caucasian Sportive Loach | 19387030 | LC |
Neogobius melanostomus | Round Goby | 14524 | LC |
Alnus subcordata | Caucasian Alder | 194249 | LC |
Ponticola syrman | 188116 | LC | |
Babka gymnotrachelus | 188118 | LC | |
Anacyclus ciliatus | Ciliated German Pellitory | 199896 | LC |
Turricaspia triton | 155871 | LC | |
Darevskia daghestanica | Dagestan Lizard | 164587 | LC |
Rosa komarovii | Komarov's Brier | 200427 | LC |
Astragalus kabristanicus | Kabristanian Milk Vetch | 199950 | LC |
Darevskia rudis | Spiny-Tailed Lizard | 164633 | LC |
Bellis hyrcanica | Hyrkanian Daisy | 199964 | LC |
Aegilops peregrina var. peregrina | 110433063 | LC | |
Proterorhinus nasalis | Eastern Tubenose Goby | 135486 | LC |
Rutilus frisii | Black Sea Roach | 19782 | LC |
Oxynoemacheilus merga | 135495 | LC | |
Alburnus chalcoides | 135499 | LC | |
Stachys fominii | Fomin's Woundwort | 200523 | LC |
Stachys talyschensis | Talyshian Woundwort | 200524 | LC |
Knipowitschia longecaudata | 135509 | LC | |
Darevskia chlorogaster | Green-bellied Lizard | 164702 | LC |
Acer velutinum | Velvet Maple | 193888 | LC |
Darevskia caucasica | Caucasian lizard | 164713 | LC |
Taraxacum desertorum | Desert Dandelion | 200556 | LC |
Chondrostoma oxyrhynchum | 135536 | LC | |
Alosa kessleri | Caspian anadromous shad | 135537 | LC |
Alosa caspia | 135548 | LC | |
Sabanejewia caucasica | 135553 | LC | |
Romanogobio ciscaucasicus | 135555 | LC | |
Tamarix octandra | 19620778 | LC | |
Neogobius pallasi | Caspian Sand Goby | 135596 | LC |
Cirsium pugnax | Armed Thistle | 200626 | LC |
Rutilus caspicus | Caspian Roach | 135601 | LC |
Barbus ciscaucasicus | 135607 | LC | |
Knipowitschia bergi | 135608 | LC | |
Dreissena rostriformis | 189369 | LC | |
Dianthus schemachensis | Shemakhian Pink | 200124 | LC |
Pungitius platygaster | Aral Stickleback | 18877 | LC |
Caspiosoma caspium | 135622 | LC | |
Alosa sphaerocephala | Agrakhon shad | 98470350 | LC |
Crocidura serezkyensis | Serezkaya Shrew | 29654 | LC |
Turricaspia variabilis | 155608 | LC | |
Gobio holurus | 135646 | LC | |
Anisus kolesnikovi | 189408 | LC | |
Benthophilus macrocephalus | 135656 | LC | |
Dreissena bugensis | Quagga Mussel | 188911 | LC |
Triturus karelinii | Southern Crested Newt | 39420 | LC |
Calopteryx orientalis | 158717 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: