List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Bahamas

This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Bahamas according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Emblemaria caldwelli Caribbean Blenny 47142918 LC
Gnathophis tritos 190487 LC
Eustomias micropterygius 135436328 DD
Prionotus paralatus Mexican Searobin 196696 LC
Lucifuga spelaeotes New Providence Cusk-eel 12398 VU
Porogadus silus 135397502 DD
Gymnachirus melas North American Naked Sole 16765067 LC
Symphurus pusillus Northern Tonguefish 16777363 LC
Prionotus alatus Spiny Searobin 16779436 LC
Paraclinus marmoratus Marbled Blenny 46104765 LC
Pycnocraspedum phyllosoma 135397573 DD
Prionotus carolinus Northern Searobin 16779491 LC
Emblemariopsis occidentalis Flagfin Blenny 47143173 LC
Hypsoblennius exstochilus Longhorn Blenny 47141177 LC
Sonoda paucilampa 135434569 LC
Opistognathus robinsi Spotfin Jawfish 16546127 LC
Ogcocephalus rostellum Palefin Batfish 20664658 LC
Starksia atlantica Smooth-eye Blenny 194905 LC
Starksia lepicoelia Blackcheek Blenny 194908 LC
Bembrops gobioides Goby Flathead 16425314 LC
Coryphaenoides rupestris Roundnose Grenadier 15522149 CR
Calamopteryx robinsorum Teacher Brotula 16427386 LC
Liopropoma eukrines Wrasse Bass 16759176 LC
Stathmonotus gymnodermis Naked Blenny 47143314 LC
Acanthemblemaria chaplini Papillose Blenny 47141293 LC
Joturus pichardi Bobo Mullet 192944 LC
Stathmonotus tekla Northern Eelgrass Blenny 47143351 LC
Dactyloscopus boehlkei Shortchin Stargazer 47143381 LC
Merluccius bilinearis New England hake 16466393 NT
Dactyloscopus comptus Ornamented Stargazer 47143391 LC
Hypoplectrus providencianus Masked Hamlet 10724 LC
Dactyloscopus poeyi Shortchin Stargazer 47143407 LC
Myxodagnus belone Dartfish 47143476 DD
Rypticus bornoi Largespotted Soapfish 16759348 LC
Cynoscion nothus Silver Weakfish 47147574 LC
Bythites gerdae Fivepore Brotula 20664904 LC
Opistognathus megalepis Largescale Jawfish 47145548 LC
Acyrtus lanthanum Orange-spotted Clingfish 68282959 LC
Platygillellus smithi Sailfinned Stargazer 47143503 DD
Gastropsetta frontalis Shrimp Flounder 16777813 LC
Gordiichthys irretitus Horsehair Eel 199267 LC
Dysomma anguillare Arrowtooth Eel 199278 LC
Syngnathus springeri Bull Pipefish 47153791 LC
Astroscopus guttatus Northern Stargazer 47153800 LC
Lepophidium marmoratum Marbled Cusk-Eel 20664969 LC
Opistognathus leprocarus Scalecheek Jawfish 47145611 LC
Trachyscorpia cristulata ssp. echinata Spiny scorpionfish 15622813 DD
Antilligobius nikkiae Sabre Goby 47143593 LC
Gnathophis bathytopos Blackgut Conger 199338 LC
Acanthemblemaria maria Secretary Blenny 47141570 LC
Enneanectes pectoralis Redeye Triplefin 178898 LC
Chriodorus atherinoides Hardhead Halfbeak 191196 LC
Callechelys muraena Blotched Snake Eel 199390 LC
Conger oceanicus Conger 199391 LC
Enneanectes boehlkei Roughhead Triplefin 178910 LC
Larimus fasciatus Banded Drum 47147749 LC
Brevoortia patronus Gulf Menhaden 191208 LC
Bairdiella chrysoura Silver Perch 193264 LC
Bathycongrus polyporus 199409 LC
Cynoscion nebulosus Spotted Weakfish 193266 LC
Leiostomus xanthurus Spot Croaker 193267 LC
Micropogonias undulatus Atlantic Croaker 193268 LC
Sciaenops ocellatus Red Drum 193270 LC
Stellifer lanceolatus American Stardrum 193271 LC
Lepophidium gilmorei Pepperfin Cusk-Eel 20675360 LC
Paralichthys oblongus Fourspot Flounder 16778030 LC
Urophycis floridana Southern Codling 47145793 LC
Danacetichthys galathenus Young Whalefish 60470089 DD
Floridichthys carpio Goldspotted Killifish 191308 LC
Acanthemblemaria paula Dwarf Spinyhead Blenny 47141712 DD
Fundulus similis Longnose Killifish 191314 LC
Acanthemblemaria spinosa Spinyhead Blenny 47141736 LC
Ophidion puck Pallid Cusk-eel 135396217 DD
Enneanectes jordani Mimic Triplefin 179116 LC
Peristedion unicuspis 135406539 DD
Ogilbichthys longimanus Longfinned Coralbrotula 16501708 LC
Halieutichthys bispinosus Two-spine Batfish 68283383 LC
Phyllorhinichthys balushkini 60482553 LC
Nybelinella erikssoni 57453584 DD
Apagesoma edentatum 135390246 LC
Otophidium dormitator Sleeper Cusk-eel 16505933 LC
Caulolatilus williamsi Yellowbar Tilefish 154725 DD
Pariah scotius Peppered Goby 154770 LC
Gymnothorax hubbsi Lichen Moray 195738 LC
Polydactylus octonemus Atlantic Threadfin 16778406 LC
Canthigaster jamestyleri Goldface Toby 193725 LC
Nemaclinus atelestos Threadfin Blenny 154837 LC
Pinnichthys saurimimica Lizardfish Goby 135402719 DD
Monomitopus agassizii 154865 LC
Menticirrhus saxatilis Kingfish 46105847 LC
Aldrovandia rostrata 195839 LC
Derilissus nanus Dwarf Clingfish 195879 DD
Apterichtus kendalli Western Atlantic Finless Eel 154939 LC
Elops saurus Tenpounder 191822 LC
Cosmocampus hildebrandi American Dwarf Pipefish 47150446 LC
Varicus adamsi Twilight Goby 135402870 LC
Strongylura notata Redfin Needlefish 189819 LC
Trachyscorpia cristulata Atlantic Thornyhead 189828 LC
Bassogigas gillii Longline Cusk-eel 135390600 LC
Caulolatilus dooleyi Bankslope Tilefish 155041 DD
Malacoctenus boehlkei Diamond Blenny 47144358 LC
Gambusia rhizophorae Mangrove Gambusia 46103983 LC
Ophichthus melanoporus Blackpored Eel 155069 LC
Derilissus lombardii Clingfish 46104003 DD
Chriolepis bilix Thread-spined Goby 53753301 LC
Malacoctenus erdmani Imitator Blenny 47144448 LC
Stygnobrotula latebricola Black Brotula 155148 LC
Lupinoblennius vinctus Mangrove Blenny 46104077 NT
Malacoctenus versicolor Barfin Blenny 47144466 LC
Bathylychnops brachyrhynchus 155169 DD
Varicus nigritus Banded Splitfin Goby 135403041 DD
Psilotris kaufmani Kaufman's Goby 185896 LC
Acanthemblemaria aspera Roughhead Blenny 46104116 LC
Vomerogobius flavus Lemon Goby 185911 DD
Evermannichthys spongicola Sponge Goby 185915 LC
Chaenopsis limbaughi Yellowface Pikeblenny 46104124 LC
Evermannichthys convictor Tenant Goby 185917 DD
Chaenopsis ocellata Bluethroat Pikeblenny 46104127 LC
Apogon leptocaulus Slendertail Cardinalfish 185927 LC
Emblemaria pandionis Sailfin Blenny 46104136 LC
Synaphobranchus oregoni 155211 LC
Apogon mosavi Sawcheek cardinalfish 185932 LC
Paraclinus barbatus Goatee Blenny 47144528 LC
Lipogramma robinsi Yellowbar Basslet 155218 DD
Hemiemblemaria simulus Wrasse Blenny 46104147 LC
Stathmonotus hemphillii Blackbelly Blenny 46104150 LC
Stathmonotus stahli Seagrass Blenny 46104153 LC
Argentina georgei Blackbelly Argentine 139890267 LC
Varicus imswe Whiteband Goby 185949 DD
Acromycter perturbator 155234 LC
Coryphopterus punctipectophorus Spotted Goby 185959 LC
Gillellus uranidea Warteye Stargazer 46104173 LC
Chaunax pictus Redeye 190064 LC
Platygillellus rubrocinctus Saddle Stargazer 46104176 LC
Jenkinsia majua Little-eye Round Herring 155253 LC
Elacatinus atronasus Exuma Goby 185977 EN
Elacatinus genie Cleaning goby 185978 LC
Elacatinus louisae Spotlight Goby 185985 LC
Paralichthys squamilentus Broad Flounder 190081 LC
Paraclinus infrons Bald Blenny 47144580 LC
Brockius albigenys Whitecheek Blenny 46104199 LC
Gobiesox lucayanus Bahama Skilletfish 186000 LC
Gobioclinus bucciferus Puffcheek Blenny 46104208 LC
Liopropoma aberrans Eyestripe Bass 155279 LC
Gobioclinus gobio Palehead Blenny 46104211 LC
Gobioclinus guppyi Mimic Blenny 46104218 LC
Gobiosoma grosvenori Rockcut Goby 186013 LC
Fundulus grandis Gulf Killifish 190111 LC
Gobioclinus haitiensis Reef Blenny 46104227 LC
Lipogramma rosea Rosy Basslet 186020 LC
Lipogramma klayi Bicolor Basslet 186021 LC
Lipogramma regia Royal Basslet 186022 LC
Lipogramma flavescens Yellow Basslet 186023 DD
Lipogramma anabantoides Spotfin basslet 186025 LC
Lythrypnus heterochroma Diphasic Goby 186029 LC
Lythrypnus okapia Okapi Goby 186031 LC
Brockius nigricinctus Spotcheek Blenny 46104241 LC
Paraclinus naeorhegmis Surf Blenny 47144628 LC
Microgobius microlepis Banner Goby 186038 LC
Malacoctenus aurolineatus Goldline Blenny 46104251 LC
Hyperoglyphe bythites Driftfish 190140 LC
Ogcocephalus pumilus Dwarf Batfish 155325 LC
Malacoctenus gilli Dusky Blenny 46104265 LC
Tomicodon rupestris Surge Clingfish 186061 LC
Eustomias patulus 21133006 DD
Malacoctenus triangulatus Saddled Blenny 46104272 LC
Ariosoma anale Longtrunk Conger 190166 LC
Prionotus murielae Barred Searobin 16781035 DD
Ogilbichthys kakuki Lemon Brotula 190192 LC
Symphurus stigmosus Blotchfin Tonguefish 190209 LC
Lucifuga lucayana Lucayan Cave Brotula 16467724 EN
Halieutichthys aculeatus Pancake Batfish 20664078 LC
Robinsia catherinae Catherine's False Moray 190231 LC
Starksia elongata Elongate Blenny 47144741 LC
Penetopteryx nanus Worm Pipefish 47150895 LC
Trichopsetta melasma Spot-fin Sash Flounder 20672310 LC
Catesbya pseudomuraena False Moray Eel 190268 DD
Parahollardia lineata Jambeau Spikefish 190281 LC
Hypoplectrus gemma Bad Lucks 190290 LC
Aldrovandia oleosa 190312 LC
Hippocampus zosterae Dwarf Seahorse 10089 LC
Paraclinus fasciatus Banded Blenny 46104430 LC
Opsanus phobetron Scarecrow Toadfish 190320 LC
Eustomias bimargaritatus 190371 LC
Starksia fasciata Blackbar Blenny 47144879 LC
Ogcocephalus cubifrons Polka-dot Batfish 20664248 LC
Ogilbia boehlkei Boehlke's Coralbrotula 190395 LC
Neobythites multidigitatus 190410 DD
Starksia nanodes Dwarf Blenny 47144911 LC
Cetomimus kerdops 190421 DD
Opistognathus gilberti Yellow Jawfish 190428 LC
Prionotus martis Gulf of Mexico Barred Searobin 190436 LC
Coralliozetus cardonae Twinhorn Blenny 47142899 LC
Ariopsis felis Hardhead Sea Catfish 190456 LC
Symphurus plagiusa Blackcheek Tonguefish 190462 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)