List of LILIOPSIDA species in Bahamas
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Bahamas according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Oncidium ensatum | 64176473 | LC | |
Cyperus correllii | 137679547 | CR | |
Calopogon tuberosus | 64269039 | LC | |
Paspalum acutifolium | 44393310 | NT | |
Agave cacozela | 114937092 | EN | |
Halophila engelmanni | Stargrass | 173337 | NT |
Agave nashii | 115688781 | EN | |
Tripsacum dactyloides var. dactyloides | 121935257 | DD | |
Coccothrinax inaguensis | Thatch Palm | 38483 | DD |
Basiphyllaea corallicola | Carter's Orchid | 64175902 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: