List of Least Concern species in Belgium
This is a list of Least Concern species in Belgium according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Labrus bergylta | Ballan Wrasse | 187398 | LC |
Pleuronectes platessa | European Plaice | 135690 | LC |
Azeca goodalli | 171540 | LC | |
Cottus rhenanus | 135710 | LC | |
Elymus violaceus | 64311334 | LC | |
Sisymbrium supinum | 161831 | LC | |
Ciliata mustela | Five-beard Rockling | 18125362 | LC |
Ptychostomum bornholmense | Potato Bryum | 84254771 | LC |
Racomitrium obtusum | 85845557 | LC | |
Hordeum secalinum | False-rye Barley | 172091 | LC |
Linophryne pennibarbata | 21112898 | LC | |
Ciliata septentrionalis | Northern Rockling | 18125379 | LC |
Rhodostethia rosea | Ross's Gull | 22694476 | LC |
Oxychilus navarricus | 171086 | LC | |
Lissotriton helveticus | Palmate Newt | 59475 | LC |
Gomphus simillimus | Yellow Clubtail | 165461 | LC |
Hydrobia ventrosa | 155734 | LC | |
Taurulus bubalis | Longspined Sea-scorpion | 198741 | LC |
Valeriana dioica | 64326239 | LC | |
Alnus cordata | Alder of Corsica | 194657 | LC |
Leucophytia bidentata | 170598 | LC | |
Anthus petrosus | Eurasian Rock Pipit | 22718567 | LC |
Maurolicus muelleri | Hatchetfish | 198760 | LC |
Myosotella denticulata | Mouse-eared snail | 170601 | LC |
Assiminea grayana | Dun Sentinel | 155755 | LC |
Phoca vitulina | Common Seal | 17013 | LC |
Salix atrocinerea | Rusty Willow | 164470 | LC |
Euconulus trochiformis | 171642 | LC | |
Phoca vitulina ssp. vitulina | Eastern Atlantic Harbor Seal | 17020 | LC |
Nansenia groenlandica | Greenland Argentine | 18140801 | LC |
Symphodus bailloni | Baillon's Wrasse | 187522 | LC |
Phocoena phocoena | Harbour Porpoise | 17027 | LC |
Candidula gigaxii | 156805 | LC | |
Onchidella celtica | Celtic Sea Slug | 155784 | LC |
Candidula intersecta | Wrinkled Snail | 156302 | LC |
Entelurus aequoreus | Snake Pipefish | 18258072 | LC |
Breutelia chrysocoma | Bottle-brush Moss | 83659929 | LC |
Geokichla sibirica | Siberian Thrush | 22708382 | LC |
Raja montagui | Spotted Skate | 63146 | LC |
Carum verticillatum | 175275 | LC | |
Ranunculus hederaceus | Ivy-Leaved Crowfoot | 164528 | LC |
Aegilops speltoides | 172216 | LC | |
Callitriche truncata | 164024 | LC | |
Hydrobia acuta | 155835 | LC | |
Delphinapterus leucas | White Whale | 6335 | LC |
Echiodon drummondii | 18138815 | LC | |
Gobiusculus flavescens | Two-spotted Goby | 18159817 | LC |
Apium inundatum | Lesser Marshwort | 164049 | LC |
Benthodesmus simonyi | Simony's Frostfish | 18179796 | LC |
Micrenophrys lilljeborgii | Norway Bullhead | 18237151 | LC |
Ephippiger diurnus | Western Saddle Bush-cricket | 68315380 | LC |
Xerosecta cespitum | 156409 | LC | |
Erica cinerea | Bell Heather | 203006 | LC |
Scomberesox saurus | Garfish | 190211 | LC |
Enchelyopus cimbrius | Fourbeard Rockling | 15522054 | LC |
Dialytrichia saxicola | 87561992 | LC | |
Liparis montagui | Montagu's Sea Snail | 18237707 | LC |
Acicula fusca | Point Snail | 156942 | LC |
Osmerus eperlanus | Smelt | 15631 | LC |
Procambarus clarkii | Red Swamp Crayfish | 153877 | LC |
Nerophis lumbriciformis | Worm Pipefish | 18258202 | LC |
Seligeria calycina | English Rock-bristle | 85849889 | LC |
Coelorinchus labiatus | Spearsnouted Grenadier | 15522095 | LC |
Pollachius pollachius | Pollack | 18125103 | LC |
Ranunculus penicillatus | Stream Water-crowfoot | 164160 | LC |
Solenostoma paroicum | Shining Flapwort | 87530828 | LC |
Heleobia stagnorum | Lagoon Spire Snail | 155989 | LC |
Luronium natans | 162134 | LC | |
Cottus perifretum | 135511 | LC | |
Raniceps raninus | Tadpole Fish | 18125145 | LC |
Somateria spectabilis | King Eider | 22680409 | LC |
Lipophrys pholis | Blenny | 185180 | LC |
Myrica gale | 64318305 | LC | |
Aegilops speltoides var. ligustica | 110433135 | LC | |
Eutamias sibiricus | Siberian Chipmunk | 21360 | LC |
Fissidens celticus | Welsh Pocket-moss | 84768113 | LC |
Phrynorhombus norvegicus | Norwegian Topknot | 18227064 | LC |
Melanitta perspicillata | Surf Scoter | 22680441 | LC |
Pterycombus brama | Fanfish | 190330 | LC |
Trichomanes speciosum | Killarney Fern | 162169 | LC |
Chlorophorus glabromaculatus | 157573 | LC | |
Lagenorhynchus acutus | Atlantic White-sided Dolphin | 11141 | LC |
Alosa alosa | Allis Shad | 903 | LC |
Lagenorhynchus albirostris | White-beaked Dolphin | 11142 | LC |
Halichoerus grypus ssp. macrorhynchus | Northeast Atlantic Grey Seal | 61382025 | LC |
Rhynchospora alba | 19618181 | LC | |
Notoscopelus kroyeri | Kroyer's Lanternfish | 60481936 | LC |
Callitriche platycarpa | Various-leaved Water-starwort | 167829 | LC |
Pomatoschistus pictus | Painted Goby | 198550 | LC |
Lobelia dortmanna | Water Lobelia | 167831 | LC |
Trisopterus esmarkii | Norway Pout | 18125208 | LC |
Callionymus reticulatus | Reticulated Dragonet | 198554 | LC |
Centrolabrus exoletus | Rock-cook | 187803 | LC |
Lagopus lagopus | Willow Grouse and Red Grouse | 22679460 | LC |
Lepidium heterophyllum | Smith's Pepperwort | 176549 | LC |
Cobitis taenia | Spined Loach | 5037 | LC |
Atherina presbyter | Atherine | 194991 | LC |
Merlangius merlangus | Whiting | 198585 | LC |
Gymnammodytes semisquamatus | Smooth Sand Eel | 18155963 | LC |
Halichoerus grypus | Grey Seal | 9660 | LC |
Pomatoschistus lozanoi | Lozano's Goby | 18160573 | LC |
Uria aalge | Common Murre | 22694841 | LC |
Zonitoides excavatus | 171455 | LC | |
Isoetes echinospora | Spring Quillwort | 167877 | LC |
Lampetra fluviatilis | River Lamprey | 11206 | LC |
Sorbus intermedia | Swedish Whitebeam | 61957574 | LC |
Cernuella aginnica | 156617 | LC | |
Utricularia ochroleuca | 167884 | LC | |
Cepphus grylle | Black Guillemot | 22694861 | LC |
Hyperoplus lanceolatus | Launce | 18155982 | LC |
Limanda limanda | Dab | 18214863 | LC |
Pilularia globulifera | Pillwort | 167887 | LC |
Mercuria anatina | 155602 | LC | |
Agonus cataphractus | Hook-nose | 18227168 | LC |
Arion subfuscus | 171489 | LC | |
Alytes obstetricans | Common Midwife Toad | 55268 | LC |
Lysimachia thyrsiflora | Tufted Loosestrife | 167914 | LC |
Clupea harengus | Atlantic Herring | 155123 | LC |
Pungitius laevis | 135667 | LC | |
Romanogobio belingi | 135668 | LC | |
Euphorbia palustris | 19618301 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: