List of INSECTA species in Belize
This is a list of INSECTA in Belize according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Erythrodiplax fervida | Red-mantled Dragonlet | 49254417 | LC |
Telebasis salva | Desert Firetail | 49254446 | LC |
Lestes tenuatus | Blue-striped Spreadwing | 49254550 | LC |
Battus laodamas | Green-patch swallowtail | 110516396 | LC |
Brechmorhoga praecox | Slender Clubskimmer | 49254575 | LC |
Planiplax sanguiniventris | Mexican Scarlet-tail | 51280096 | LC |
Dichotomius maya | 137520 | LC | |
Erythrodiplax funerea | Black-winged Dragonlet | 49254720 | LC |
Neoerythromma cultellatum | Caribbean Yellowface | 51364195 | LC |
Acanthagrion quadratum | Mexican Wedgetail | 51302880 | LC |
Sympetrum corruptum | Variegated Meadowhawk | 51290637 | LC |
Aeshna williamsoniana | Williamson's Darner | 564 | DD |
Argia anceps | Cerulean Dancer | 80679593 | LC |
Epigomphus maya | Maya Knobtail | 60256 | EN |
Aphylla angustifolia | Broad-striped Forceptail | 51178524 | LC |
Telebasis digiticollis | Marsh Firetail | 164923 | LC |
Progomphus mexicanus | 164929 | LC | |
Orthemis ferruginea | Roseate Skimmer | 164944 | LC |
Protoneura amatoria | 164950 | LC | |
Aphylla protracta | Narrow-striped Forceptail | 164956 | LC |
Argia cuprea | Coppery Dancer | 51332201 | LC |
Protoneura cupida | 164983 | LC | |
Rhodopygia hinei | 158841 | LC | |
Argia extranea | Spine-tipped Dancer | 51332233 | LC |
Palaemnema nathalia | 165009 | LC | |
Telebasis griffinii | 165018 | LC | |
Leptobasis lucifer | Lucifer Swampdamsel | 165040 | DD |
Ischnura posita | Fragile Forktail | 165042 | LC |
Erpetogomphus leptophis | 165046 | DD | |
Lestes tikalus | 165057 | LC | |
Argia immunda | Kiowa Dancer | 51332292 | LC |
Micrathyria dissocians | Caribbean Dasher | 165060 | LC |
Erpetogomphus eutainia | Blue-faced Ringtail | 51178694 | LC |
Leptobasis vacillans | Red-tipped Swampdamsel | 158918 | LC |
Palaemnema paulina | 165067 | LC | |
Phyllogomphoides duodentatus | 165075 | LC | |
Neoneura amelia | Amelia’s Threadtail | 165078 | LC |
Phyllocycla volsella | 165082 | LC | |
Libellula croceipennis | Neon Skimmer | 165095 | LC |
Protoneura aurantiaca | 165099 | LC | |
Argia oenea | Fiery-eyed Dancer | 51332333 | LC |
Argia frequentula | 165102 | LC | |
Macrothemis inequiunguis | Jade-striped Sylph | 51279102 | LC |
Cora marina | 158975 | LC | |
Hetaerina sempronia | 159019 | LC | |
Cannaphila insularis | Gray-waisted Skimmer | 51273005 | LC |
Acanthagrion inexpectum | 159034 | LC | |
Coprophanaeus corythus | 138556 | LC | |
Paltothemis lineatipes | Red Rock Skimmer | 51279601 | LC |
Hetaerina titia | Smoky Rubyspot | 51293970 | LC |
Archilestes grandis | Great Spreadwing | 49254284 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: