List of AVES species in Bermuda
This is a list of AVES in Bermuda according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Antrostomus vociferus | Eastern Whip-poor-will | 22736393 | NT |
Melospiza melodia | Song Sparrow | 22721058 | LC |
Vireo griseus | White-eyed Vireo | 22705188 | LC |
Serinus canaria | Canary | 22720056 | LC |
Junco hyemalis | Dark-eyed Junco | 22721097 | LC |
Cistothorus palustris | Marsh Wren | 22711374 | LC |
Aegolius acadicus | Northern Saw-whet Owl | 22689366 | LC |
Pterodroma cahow | Bermuda Petrel | 22698088 | EN |
Anas rubripes | American Black Duck | 22680174 | LC |
Bermuteo avivorus | Bermuda Hawk | 62183030 | EX |
Rallus limicola | Virginia Rail | 22692479 | LC |
Ixoreus naevius | Varied Thrush | 22708385 | LC |
Chondestes grammacus | Lark Sparrow | 22721191 | LC |
Scolopax minor | American Woodcock | 22693072 | LC |
Quiscalus quiscula | Common Grackle | 22724320 | NT |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Bald Eagle | 22695144 | LC |
Accipiter cooperii | Cooper's Hawk | 22695656 | LC |
Cardinalis cardinalis | Northern Cardinal | 22723819 | LC |
Antigone canadensis | Sandhill Crane | 22692078 | LC |
Colaptes oceanicus | Bermuda Flicker | 62322970 | EX |
Passerella iliaca | Red Fox-sparrow | 103779110 | LC |
Toxostoma rufum | Brown Thrasher | 22711099 | LC |
Sialia sialis | Eastern Bluebird | 22708550 | LC |
Strix varia | Barred Owl | 22689094 | LC |
Cardellina pusilla | Wilson's Warbler | 22721879 | LC |
Gavia pacifica | Pacific Loon | 22697839 | LC |
Pipilo naufragus | Bermuda Towhee | 103772527 | EX |
Sayornis saya | Say's Phoebe | 22699889 | LC |
Melanitta deglandi | White-winged Scoter | 22734194 | LC |
Bucephala albeola | Bufflehead | 22680462 | LC |
Passerculus sandwichensis | Savannah Sparrow | 103780243 | LC |
Passerella unalaschcensis | Sooty Fox-sparrow | 103779230 | LC |
Catharus fuscescens | Veery | 22708655 | LC |
Nyctanassa carcinocatactes | Bermuda Night-heron | 62286255 | EX |
Zenaida macroura | American Mourning Dove | 22690736 | LC |
Coturnicops noveboracensis | Yellow Rail | 22692275 | LC |
Catharus guttatus | Hermit Thrush | 22708667 | LC |
Aegolius gradyi | Bermuda Saw-whet Owl | 62184893 | EX |
Hylocichla mustelina | Wood Thrush | 22708670 | NT |
Archilochus colubris | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | 22688193 | LC |
Passerella schistacea | Slate-colored Fox-sparrow | 103779283 | LC |
Megascops asio | Eastern Screech Owl | 22688758 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: