List of LILIOPSIDA species in Bhutan
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Bhutan according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Bulbophyllum leopardinum var. tuberculatum | 44785788 | CR | |
Asparagus filicinus | Fern Asparagus | 20680997 | DD |
Cypripedium cordigerum | Heart-Shaped Lip Cypripedium | 43315517 | VU |
Cypripedium elegans | Elegant Cypripedium | 43315526 | EN |
Carex nigra subsp. drukyulensis | 84728197 | EN | |
Bulbophyllum cauliflorum | 15053196 | LC | |
Hedychium griersonianum | 83569062 | LC | |
Herminium pygmaeum | 84730383 | NT | |
Cypripedium guttatum | Spotted Lady's Slipper | 203370 | LC |
Cheirostylis sherriffii | 44786356 | CR | |
Carex speciosa subsp. pinetorum | 84728587 | LC | |
Allium fasciculatum | 44393228 | LC | |
Eulophia stenopetala | 44786445 | EX | |
Cyperus pseudokyllingioides | 131760918 | LC | |
Potamogeton distinctus | 168728 | LC | |
Fargesia grossa | 44393275 | LC | |
Bulbostylis densa | 62332 | LC | |
Hetaeria pelota | 44786588 | LC | |
Eleocharis congesta | 177089 | LC | |
Carex myosurus | 177090 | LC | |
Dendrobium aphyllum | 15053780 | LC | |
Caryota urens | Toddy Palm | 44393459 | LC |
Carex phacota | Lakeshore sedge | 177140 | LC |
Allium rhabdotum | 83565569 | LC | |
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum | Fairrie's Paphiopedilum | 43320321 | CR |
Carex longipes | 177166 | LC | |
Oreorchis sanguinea | 44786754 | CR | |
Carex filicina | 177244 | LC | |
Eria bhutanica | 83565676 | DD | |
Goodyera alveolata | 83565680 | DD | |
Papilionanthe greenii | 83565763 | LC | |
Pomatocalpa bhutanicum | 44786910 | DD | |
Cyanotis fasciculata | 177386 | LC | |
Eria carinata | 22486293 | LC | |
Aletris glabra | 18816281 | LC | |
Dioscorea hamiltonii | Mountain yam | 20745511 | NT |
Cypripedium himalaicum | Himalayan Cypripedium | 43316627 | EN |
Neottia acuminata | 22486439 | LC | |
Eriocaulon bhutanicum | 83566031 | LC | |
Arundinella dagana | 83566042 | DD | |
Paphiopedilum spicerianum | Spicer’s Paphiopedilum | 15052359 | EN |
Cypripedium tibeticum | Tibetan Cypripedium | 43316843 | LC |
Bambusa clavata | 83568244 | VU | |
Plectocomia himalayana | 44392124 | LC | |
Poa hirtiglumis | 44392163 | LC | |
Agrostis nervosa | 44392177 | LC | |
Cymbopogon bhutanicus | 83568379 | VU | |
Drepanostachyum annulatum | 83568395 | VU | |
Stipa bhutanica | 83568410 | LC | |
Disporum calcaratum | 44392222 | LC | |
Colpodium tibeticum | 44392227 | LC | |
Bhutanthera albosanguinea | 44785468 | DD | |
Monochoria korsakowii | 167817 | LC | |
Bulbophyllum leopardinum | Leopard Spotted Bulbophyllum | 44392371 | LC |
Bhutanthera albovirens | 44785595 | DD | |
Bhutanthera himalayana | 44785605 | LC | |
Thamnocalamus spathiflorus var. bhutanensis | 86843336 | NT | |
Musa griersonii | 83568601 | LC | |
Cephalanthera erecta var. oblanceolata | 84727783 | DD |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: