List of INSECTA species in Bolivia
This is a list of INSECTA in Bolivia according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Gynacantha nervosa | Twilight Darner | 165050 | LC |
Battus lycidas | Lycidas swallowtail | 110519867 | LC |
Triacanthagyna caribbea | Caribbean Darner | 158817 | LC |
Acanthagrion longispinosum | 158827 | LC | |
Argia subapicalis | 158875 | DD | |
Heteragrion flavidorsum | 158882 | DD | |
Progomphus intricatus | 158895 | LC | |
Perithemis cornelia | Orange Amberwing | 158904 | LC |
Orthemis biolleyi | Yellow-lined Skimmer | 158912 | LC |
Progomphus pygmaeus | 158929 | LC | |
Argia limitata | 158934 | LC | |
Triacanthagyna obscuripennis | 158937 | LC | |
Hetaerina curvicauda | Hook-tipped Rubyspot | 158938 | LC |
Metaleptobasis lillianae | 158942 | DD | |
Perilestes kahli | 158966 | LC | |
Ormenophlebia regina | 158969 | LC | |
Perilestes attenuatus | Attenuate Twigtail | 158989 | LC |
Progomphus boliviensis | Bolivian Sanddragon | 158993 | LC |
Acanthagrion chacoense | 158995 | LC | |
Argia hamulata | 158997 | LC | |
Rhionaeschna peralta | 159008 | LC | |
Argia nigrior | 159009 | LC | |
Phyllogomphoides singularis | 159011 | DD | |
Micrathyria spinifera | 159029 | LC | |
Telebasis rubricauda | Red-and-blue Firetail | 159044 | LC |
Progomphus occidentalis | 159057 | DD | |
Micrathyria caerulistyla | Blue-tipped Dasher | 159073 | LC |
Philogenia boliviana | 159079 | LC | |
Protoneura tenuis | Scarlet-backed Threadtail | 159085 | LC |
Philogenia buenavista | 159090 | LC | |
Argia huanacina | Huanacina Dancer | 159102 | LC |
Perithemis electra | Golden Amberwing | 159106 | LC |
Progomphus tantillus | 159107 | DD | |
Oxyagrion miniopsis | 159111 | LC | |
Orthemis teres | 49254236 | DD | |
Polythore derivata | 49254237 | LC | |
Phyllocycla titschacki | 49254242 | LC | |
Oreiallagma acutum | 49254248 | LC | |
Ormenophlebia rollinati | 49254255 | DD | |
Schistolobos boliviensis | 49254262 | LC | |
Cora terminalis | 49254263 | LC | |
Polythore victoria | 49254286 | LC | |
Argia dives | 49254309 | LC | |
Teinopodagrion yunka | 49254311 | LC | |
Argia infrequentula | 49254329 | LC | |
Triacanthagyna williamsoni | 49254353 | LC | |
Tauriphila australis | Garnet Glider | 49254390 | LC |
Castoraeschna coronata | 49254396 | DD | |
Coryphaeschna viriditas | Mangrove Darner | 49254418 | LC |
Battus belus | Belus Swallowtail | 159775 | LC |
Polythore boliviana | 49254453 | LC | |
Triacanthagyna septima | Pale-green Darner | 49254483 | LC |
Argia fraudatricula | 49254490 | DD | |
Ischnura rufovittata | 49254495 | DD | |
Mecistogaster martinezi | 49254503 | DD | |
Mnesarete devillei | 49254517 | LC | |
Cora irene | 49254524 | LC | |
Teinopodagrion schiessi | 49254528 | LC | |
Phyllogomphoides lieftincki | 49254556 | LC | |
Aphylla boliviana | 49254594 | LC | |
Erythrodiplax ines | 49254603 | LC | |
Philogenia schmidti | 49254613 | DD | |
Polythore williamsoni | 49254623 | DD | |
Epigomphus llama | 49254628 | DD | |
Teinopodagrion decipiens | 49254640 | LC | |
Orthemis tambopatae | 49254654 | LC | |
Argia gerhardi | 49254693 | LC | |
Argia rosseri | 49254717 | NT | |
Acanthagrion obsoletum | 49254721 | LC | |
Proracris insignis | Upper Amazon Grasshopper | 107450852 | LC |
Progomphus montanus | 49254689 | LC | |
Eurytides callias | 121975634 | LC | |
Eurytides serville | 161102 | LC | |
Ateuchus euchalceus | 137108 | DD | |
Bombus handlirschi | 21215148 | LC | |
Bombus rubicundus | 21215152 | DD | |
Bombus funebris | 21215159 | LC | |
Bombus transversalis | 21215160 | LC | |
Bombus melaleucus | 21215164 | DD | |
Bombus excellens | 21215165 | DD | |
Bombus vogti | 21215171 | DD | |
Dichotomius nimuendaju | 137163 | LC | |
Dichotomius worontzowi | 137172 | LC | |
Canthidium viride | 137187 | LC | |
Canthon simulans | 137195 | DD | |
Canthon coloratus | 137205 | DD | |
Canthidium angulicolle | 137241 | DD | |
Dichotomius glaucus | 137302 | LC | |
Phanaeus bispinus | 137303 | LC | |
Canthidium latum | 137333 | LC | |
Uroxys variabilis | 137339 | LC | |
Dichotomius planicollis | 137363 | LC | |
Canthon plagiatus | 137423 | DD | |
Ontherus dentatus | 137431 | LC | |
Ontherus raptor | 137565 | LC | |
Canthidium flavicorne | 137585 | DD | |
Bdelyrus cochabambae | 137613 | DD | |
Canthon helleri | 137644 | DD | |
Canthon heyrovskyi | 137666 | LC | |
Gromphas aeruginosa | 137677 | LC | |
Deltochilum carinatum | 137720 | LC | |
Ontherus brevicollis | 137804 | LC | |
Canthidium viridicolle | 137867 | DD | |
Bdelyrus boliviensis | 137871 | DD | |
Onthophagus onorei | 137889 | LC | |
Dichotomius prietoi | 137937 | LC | |
Besourenga horacioi | 137959 | LC | |
Phanaeus sororibispinus | 138043 | LC | |
Dichotomius calcaratus | 138150 | LC | |
Hansreia affinis | 138153 | LC | |
Canthidium nitidum | 138223 | DD | |
Anomiopus virescens | 138238 | LC | |
Scybalocanthon sexspilotus | 138264 | LC | |
Canthidium viridiobscurum | 138298 | DD | |
Canthon triangularis | 138320 | LC | |
Sylvicanthon bridarollii | 138338 | LC | |
Ontherus obliquus | 138373 | LC | |
Canthon subhyalinus | 138407 | LC | |
Canthon rubrescens | 138506 | LC | |
Canthidium bicolor | 138511 | LC | |
Heraclides garleppi | 15989 | LC | |
Parides pizarro | 16244 | LC | |
Parides steinbachi | 16245 | DD |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: