List of Vulnerable species in Bolivia
This is a list of Vulnerable species in Bolivia according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Telmatobius marmoratus | Marbled Water Frog | 57349 | VU |
Telmatobius verrucosus | 57367 | VU | |
Telmatobius yuracare | 57369 | VU | |
Puya alata | 44392505 | VU | |
Neomorphus geoffroyi | Rufous-vented Ground-cuckoo | 62144610 | VU |
Bertholletia excelsa | Brazil-nut Tree | 32986 | VU |
Polylepis pepei | 32992 | VU | |
Puya herrerae | 44392881 | VU | |
Conopias cinchoneti | Lemon-browed Flycatcher | 22700560 | VU |
Laterallus xenopterus | Rufous-faced Crake | 22692374 | VU |
Heleobia ortoni | 189181 | VU | |
Lipaugus uropygialis | Scimitar-winged Piha | 22700847 | VU |
Chelonoidis denticulata | Yellow-footed Tortoise | 9008 | VU |
Rhamphopoma magnum | 189257 | VU | |
Podocarpus rusbyi | 34097 | VU | |
Retrophyllum rospigliosii | 34110 | VU | |
Podocnemis unifilis | Yellow-spotted River Turtle | 17825 | VU |
Prumnopitys montana | 42540 | VU | |
Ramphastos culminatus | Yellow-ridged Toucan | 22726239 | VU |
Amburana acreana | 34426 | VU | |
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus | Hyacinth Macaw | 22685516 | VU |
Geositta poeciloptera | Campo Miner | 22701974 | VU |
Primolius couloni | Blue-headed Macaw | 22685593 | VU |
Pyrrhura perlata | Crimson-bellied Parakeet | 22685812 | VU |
Asthenes helleri | Puna Thistletail | 22702250 | VU |
Liolaemus variegatus | Variegated Tree Iguana | 50956576 | VU |
Touit huetii | Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet | 22686014 | VU |
Cranioleuca curtata | Ash-browed Spinetail | 22702420 | VU |
Cnipodectes superrufus | Rufous Twistwing | 22735464 | VU |
Tinamus tao | Gray Tinamou | 22678135 | VU |
Solanum roseum | 35456 | VU | |
Solanum exiguum | 35457 | VU | |
Tinamus osgoodi | Black Tinamou | 22678145 | VU |
Hypocnemis ochrogyna | Rondonia Warbling-Antbird | 22735491 | VU |
Nothocercus nigrocapillus | Hooded Tinamou | 22678160 | VU |
Leopardus tigrinus | Northern Tiger Cat | 54012637 | VU |
Nothoprocta taczanowskii | Taczanowski's Tinamou | 22678246 | VU |
Arachis cruziana | 19893017 | VU | |
Boeckella calcaris | 2841 | VU | |
Nectandra angusta | 35666 | VU | |
Nectandra apiculata | 35667 | VU | |
Nectandra brittonii | 35673 | VU | |
Nectandra citrifolia | 35678 | VU | |
Nectandra latissima | 35694 | VU | |
Apinagia boliviana | 58084246 | VU | |
Pouteria longifolia | 35856 | VU | |
Pouteria nemorosa | 35866 | VU | |
Ruagea ovalis | 36020 | VU | |
Phyllomyias weedeni | Yungas Tyrannulet | 22736120 | VU |
Freziera angulosa | 36136 | VU | |
Brachionidium diaphanum | 42831264 | VU | |
Lophornis gouldii | Dot-eared Coquette | 22687187 | VU |
Callimico goeldii | Goeldi’s Monkey | 3564 | VU |
Freziera alata | 36447 | VU | |
Freziera caesariata | 36448 | VU | |
Freziera caloneura | 36449 | VU | |
Freziera glabrescens | 36450 | VU | |
Freziera uncinata | 36457 | VU | |
Abarema centiflora | 36568 | VU | |
Hylopezus auricularis | Masked Antpitta | 22728454 | VU |
Polylepis besseri subsp. besseri | 37145 | VU | |
Polylepis besseri subsp. incarum | 37146 | VU | |
Polylepis besseri subsp. subtusalbida | 37147 | VU | |
Polylepis crista-galli | 37148 | VU | |
Polylepis neglecta | 37149 | VU | |
Polylepis racemosa subsp. lanata | 37150 | VU | |
Polylepis racemosa subsp. triacontandra | 37151 | VU | |
Polylepis tomentella subsp. incanoides | 37153 | VU | |
Nectandra dasystyla | 37395 | VU | |
Mazama chunyi | Peruvian Dwarf Brocket | 12913 | VU |
Discocactus boliviensis | 152252 | VU | |
Telmatobius sanborni | Sanborn's Water Frog | 135889 | VU |
Telmatobius hintoni | 136017 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella illampu | 136030 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella ankohuma | 136053 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella quimsacruzis | 136104 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella chacaltaya | 136165 | VU | |
Psophia viridis | Green-winged Trumpeter | 45470705 | VU |
Isoetes herzogii | 58127435 | VU | |
Echinopsis backebergii | 152729 | VU | |
Agamia agami | Agami Heron | 22697200 | VU |
Atelopus tricolor | Three-coloured Harlequin Toad | 54559 | VU |
Ficus aguaraguensis | 38219 | VU | |
Diplokeleba herzogi | 38222 | VU | |
Phyllostylon orthopterum | 38223 | VU | |
Inga pallida | 38225 | VU | |
Inga amboroensis | 38261 | VU | |
Inga approximata | 38291 | VU | |
Rhinella justinianoi | 54675 | VU | |
Tropidurus xanthochilus | 49845682 | VU | |
Rhinella quechua | 54742 | VU | |
Tremarctos ornatus | Andean Bear | 22066 | VU |
Pyrrhura snethlageae | Madeira Parakeet | 45422369 | VU |
Aphyolebias obliquus | killfish | 49829689 | VU |
Potamites ocellatus | 44578718 | VU | |
Kageneckia lanceolata | 39030 | VU | |
Acanthosyris asipapote | 39032 | VU | |
Knodus longus | 58693842 | VU | |
Contomastix vittata | 178408 | VU | |
Capito dayi | Black-girdled Barbet | 22681917 | VU |
Spectrolebias pilleti | 58693964 | VU | |
Ancistrus bolivianus | 58693998 | VU | |
Tangara argyrofenges | Straw-backed Tanager | 22722946 | VU |
Patagioenas subvinacea | Ruddy Pigeon | 22690328 | VU |
Aspronema cochabambae | 47102577 | VU | |
Sporophila nigrorufa | Black-and-tawny Seedeater | 22723468 | VU |
Ipomoea lactifera | 134667267 | VU | |
Yunganastes ashkapara | 56433 | VU | |
Zimmerius cinereicapilla | Red-billed Tyrannulet | 22699135 | VU |
Catasetum kempfii | 22486277 | VU | |
Masdevallia notosibirica | 22486536 | VU | |
Swietenia macrophylla | Bigleaf Mahogany | 32293 | VU |
Xyris boliviana | 44392141 | VU | |
Mezilaurus ita-uba | 32486 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella adenopleura | 57199 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella kempffi | 57215 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella pinguis | 57226 | VU | |
Psychrophrynella wettsteini | Wettstein's Andes Frog | 57230 | VU |
Telmatobius huayra | 57342 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: