List of INSECTA species in Brunei
This is a list of INSECTA in Brunei according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Nesoxenia lineata | 163869 | LC | |
Mycalesis janardana | Common Bush Brown | 159800 | LC |
Cyrestis nivea | Straight Line Mapwing | 159907 | LC |
Arhopala cleander | 159927 | LC | |
Laxita teneta | 159933 | LC | |
Telosticta longigaster | 123529430 | LC | |
Euthalia merta | White Tipped Baron | 160036 | LC |
Microgomphus chelifer | 190799 | LC | |
Onychothemis culminicola | 190805 | LC | |
Dysphaea dimidiata | 190806 | LC | |
Prodasineura collaris | 190811 | LC | |
Megalogomphus sumatranus | 190824 | LC | |
Lyriothemis biappendiculata | 190830 | LC | |
Tyriobapta torrida | 190833 | LC | |
Orchithemis pulcherrima | 190838 | LC | |
Pseudothemis jorina | 190851 | LC | |
Amblypodia vivarna | Acacia Blue | 160146 | LC |
Indaeschna grubaueri | 174494 | LC | |
Tetracanthagyna plagiata | 174497 | LC | |
Anax panybeus | 168371 | LC | |
Vestalis amoena | 174517 | LC | |
Libellago aurantiaca | 174522 | LC | |
Aciagrion borneense | 174525 | LC | |
Arhopala similis | 160188 | LC | |
Archibasis viola | 174528 | LC | |
Orchithemis pruinans | 190909 | LC | |
Mortonagrion falcatum | 174534 | LC | |
Suasa lisides | Red Imperial | 160197 | LC |
Hemicordulia tenera | 174541 | LC | |
Dysphaea ulu | 122208760 | LC | |
Nacaduba sanaya | 160308 | LC | |
Prothoe calydonia | Glorious Begum | 160340 | LC |
Euthalia djata | 160365 | LC | |
Eurema tominia | 160443 | LC | |
Ideopsis vulgaris | 160466 | LC | |
Telosticta belalongensis | 123528001 | DD | |
Rapala rhodopis | 160609 | LC | |
Arhopala agesias | 160641 | LC | |
Abisara geza | 160665 | LC | |
Euphaea ameeka | 122209234 | LC | |
Una usta | 160725 | LC | |
Spindasis kutu | 160787 | LC | |
Trogonoptera brookiana | Rajah Brooke's Birdwing | 91184152 | LC |
Telosticta dayak | 123528264 | LC | |
Podolestes harrissoni | 122149969 | NT | |
Tanaecia pelea | Malay Viscount | 160854 | LC |
Valanga nigricornis | Javanese Bird Grasshopper | 107431005 | LC |
Telosticta dupophila | 123528293 | NT | |
Rhyothemis obsolescens | 169111 | LC | |
Cheritra freja | Common Imperial | 160920 | LC |
Arhopala anthelus | Bushblue | 160930 | LC |
Rhyothemis triangularis | 169123 | LC | |
Prodasineura verticalis | 167096 | LC | |
Drupadia estella | 160961 | LC | |
Coeliccia cyaneothorax | 122883268 | LC | |
Troides amphrysus | Malay Birdwing | 160996 | LC |
Brachydiplax chalybea | 167148 | LC | |
Erites elegans | 161024 | LC | |
Chersonesia intermedia | 161028 | LC | |
Taenaris horsfieldii | 161037 | LC | |
Pseudagrion pruinosum | 167212 | LC | |
Heliaeschna simplicia | 169267 | LC | |
Bullis stigmata | 161128 | LC | |
Gynacantha basiguttata | 167287 | LC | |
Euphaea tricolor | 122209665 | LC | |
Amphicnemis annae | 122150274 | NT | |
Coeliccia kenyah | 122883460 | NT | |
Orthetrum testaceum | 167384 | LC | |
Copera vittata | 167387 | LC | |
Jamides caerulea | 161255 | LC | |
Orthetrum chrysis | 167408 | LC | |
Agrionoptera sexlineata | 122447352 | LC | |
Ictinogomphus decoratus | 167416 | LC | |
Risiophlebia dohrni | 167426 | LC | |
Chersonesia excellens | 161302 | LC | |
Euthalia malaccana | 161303 | LC | |
Rhyothemis phyllis | Yellow-striped Flutterer | 167448 | LC |
Rhyothemis aterrima | 167466 | LC | |
Lestes praemorsus | 167485 | LC | |
Epophthalmia vittigera | 167492 | LC | |
Libellago hyalina | 167498 | LC | |
Drepanosticta rufostigma | 123524734 | LC | |
Orchithemis xanthosoma | 122881667 | NT | |
Mortonagrion indraneil | 122150596 | NT | |
Mortonagrion megabinluyog | 122150616 | DD | |
Bornargiolestes fuscus | 125769435 | NT | |
Drepanosticta attala | 163594 | LC | |
Heliaeschna crassa | 171791 | LC | |
Parantica crowleyi | Crowley's Tiger | 16142 | LR/lc |
Pericnemis triangularis | 163600 | VU | |
Vestalis atropha | 163602 | LC | |
Sieboldius japponicus | 171797 | LC | |
Macrogomphus parallelogramma | 163612 | LC | |
Libellago stictica | 163615 | NT | |
Euphaea impar | 163639 | LC | |
Heliaeschna idae | 163655 | LC | |
Troides miranda | Miranda Birdwing | 91189061 | LC |
Coeliccia macrostigma | 163657 | EN | |
Teinobasis rajah | 163658 | LC | |
Macromia westwoodii | 163666 | LC | |
Mortonagrion alcyone | 163670 | DD | |
Neurobasis longipes | 163677 | LC | |
Neurothemis ramburii | 163690 | LC | |
Pseudagrionoptera diotima | 163703 | DD | |
Oligoaeschna platyura | 163705 | NT | |
Ictinogomphus acutus | 163716 | NT | |
Troides andromache | Borneo Birdwing | 22301 | VU |
Leptogomphus pendleburyi | 122210185 | LC | |
Euphaea subcostalis | 163727 | LC | |
Coeliccia borneensis | 163728 | LC | |
Protosticta versicolor | 163729 | LC | |
Gynacantha maclachlani | 163745 | DD | |
Brachygonia oculata | 163747 | LC | |
Cratilla metallica | 163752 | LC | |
Prodasineura hosei | 163755 | LC | |
Podolestes orientalis | 163762 | LC | |
Leptogomphus coomansi | 163770 | LC | |
Pseudagrion lalakense | 163771 | LC | |
Orthetrum glaucum | 163780 | LC | |
Orolestes wallacei | 163789 | LC | |
Coeliccia nigrohamata | 122884061 | LC | |
Brachygonia ophelia | 163823 | EN |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: