List of Vulnerable species in Brunei

This is a list of Vulnerable species in Brunei according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis Ternate Sergeant 188546 VU
Mezzettia umbellata 120455328 VU
Gonystylus maingayi 32942 VU
Caprimulgus concretus Bonaparte's Nightjar 22689993 VU
Monocarpia euneura 120455379 VU
Knema ashtonii var. ashtonii 37100 VU
Knema curtisii var. amoena 37114 VU
Nisaetus nanus Wallace's Hawk-Eagle 22696186 VU
Knema tridactyla subsp. tridactyla 37118 VU
Knema kunstleri subsp. coriacea 37131 VU
Macaca nemestrina Southern Pig-tailed Macaque 12555 VU
Anisoptera laevis 33065 VU
Cotylelobium lanceolatum 33069 VU
Hopea pachycarpa 33094 VU
Horsfieldia gracilis 37193 VU
Petinomys genibarbis Whiskered Flying Squirrel 16735 VU
Shorea laevis 33121 VU
Petinomys setosus Temminck's Flying Squirrel 16739 VU
Petinomys vordermanni Vordermann's Flying Squirrel 16740 VU
Gnetum acutum 194935 VU
Myristica corticata 37304 VU
Myristica extensa 37307 VU
Dyera polyphylla 33243 VU
Diplogale hosei Hose's Civet 6635 VU
Notochelys platynota Malayan Flat-shelled Turtle 14856 VU
Centropus rectunguis Short-toed Coucal 22684222 VU
Artocarpus anisophyllus 86528589 VU
Staurois parvus Bornean Rock Frog 135759 VU
Hopea sangal 31314 VU
Eusideroxylon zwageri Borneo Ironwood 31316 VU
Maxomys rajah Rajah Sundaic Maxomys 12904 VU
Maxomys whiteheadi Whitehead's Spiny Rat 12907 VU
Hydrornis baudii Blue-headed Pitta 22698631 VU
Mangifera pajang 31394 VU
Pitta nympha Fairy Pitta 22698684 VU
Nepenthes bicalcarata 39624 VU
Betta macrostoma Brunei Beauty 2782 VU
Nepenthes fallax 39661 VU
Nepenthes lowii 39669 VU
Lophura pyronota Bornean Crestless Fireback 22727425 VU
Sus barbatus Bearded Pig 41772 VU
Anisophyllea ferruginea 37683 VU
Chloropsis sonnerati Greater Green Leafbird 22704950 VU
Combretocarpus rotundatus 37687 VU
Dacryodes macrocarpa var. patentinervia 37701 VU
Setornis criniger Hook-billed Bulbul 22713158 VU
Anthracoceros malayanus Black Hornbill 22682441 VU
Nycticebus menagensis Philippine Slow Loris 39760 VU
Buceros rhinoceros Rhinoceros Hornbill 22682450 VU
Aglaia angustifolia 33716 VU
Dryobalanops sumatrensis 61998024 VU
Tarsius bancanus Horsfield's Tarsier 21488 VU
Knema minima 37889 VU
Egretta eulophotes Chinese Egret 22696977 VU
Rheithrosciurus macrotis Tufted Ground Squirrel 19474 VU
Dacryodes elmeri 31877 VU
Dacryodes expansa 31878 VU
Amyda cartilaginea Southeast Asian Softshell Turtle 1181 VU
Gonystylus affinis 38050 VU
Gonystylus lucidulus 38060 VU
Aquilaria beccariana 38067 VU
Horsfieldia fragillima 31938 VU
Horsfieldia sabulosa 31943 VU
Knema rufa 31958 VU
Knema sericea 31959 VU
Shorea foxworthyi 31970 VU
Tabernaemontana antheonycta 38180 VU
Rousettus spinalatus Bare-backed Rousette 19751 VU
Cyornis caerulatus Large-billed Blue-Flycatcher 22709558 VU
Artocarpus tamaran Elephant Jack 86533435 VU
Treron capellei Large Green Pigeon 22691198 VU
Spilornis kinabaluensis Mountain Serpent Eagle 22695306 VU
Melanoperdix niger Black Partridge 22678934 VU
Neofelis diardi Sunda Clouded Leopard 136603 VU
Dipterocarpus conformis subsp. borneensis 36273 VU
Shorea ferruginea 36300 VU
Baccaurea costulata 120454620 VU
Tomistoma schlegelii Tomistoma 21981 VU
Etlingera aurantia 117317098 VU
Philautus ingeri 58856 VU
Nageia motleyi 42483 VU
Shorea atrinervosa 36350 VU
Dendrochilum imitator 22486529 VU
Podocarpus polystachyus 42525 VU
Cyornis brunneatus Brown-chested Jungle-flycatcher 103761460 VU
Ptilocichla leucogrammica Bornean Wren-babbler 22716010 VU
Elaeocarpus miriensis 36513 VU
Vatica mangachapoi 32461 VU
Presbytis hosei Hose's Leaf Monkey 18128 VU
Aglaia tenuicaulis 34538 VU
Lophura bulweri White-tailed Wattled Pheasant 22679278 VU
Alangium havilandii 34559 VU
Aglaia ramotricha 36612 VU
Durio grandiflorus 34567 VU
Durio kutejensis 34568 VU
Aglaia scortechinii 36619 VU
Durio testudinarum 34570 VU
Calophyllum havilandii 34573 VU
Pericnemis triangularis 163600 VU
Horsfieldia disticha 34589 VU
Aglaia cumingiana 36640 VU
Aglaia laxiflora 36641 VU
Alpinia havilandii 117266233 VU
Psittacula longicauda Long-tailed Parakeet 22685513 VU
Hipposideros ridleyi Ridley's Leaf-nosed Bat 10108 VU
Ducula pickeringii Grey Imperial Pigeon 22691710 VU
Troides andromache Borneo Birdwing 22301 VU
Alpinia ligulata 117266384 VU
Dillenia borneensis 120455139 VU


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)