List of GASTROPODA species in Canada

This is a list of GASTROPODA in Canada according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Amnicola limosa Mud Amnicola 69615713 LC
Aplexa elongata Lance Aplexa 69623954 LC
Physa jennessi Obtuse Physa 69623978 LC
Valvata perdepressa Purplecap Valvata 69632213 DD
Physa skinneri Glass Physa 69624052 LC
Physa vernalis Vernal Physa 69624091 LC
Campeloma decisum Pointed Campeloma 69632293 LC
Acroloxus coloradensis Rocky Mountain Capshell 315 NT
Cincinnatia integra Midland Siltsnail 188756 LC
Physella gyrina Tadpole Physa 156003 LC
Physella ancillaria Pumpkin Physa 69624175 LC
Physella lordi Twisted Physa 69624258 LC
Physella magnalacustris Great Lakes Physa 69624283 LC
Planorbula armigera Thicklip Rams-horn 188899 LC
Laevapex fuscus Dusky Ancylid 188920 LC
Galba dalli Dusky Fossaria 188923 LC
Lyogyrus granum Squat Duskysnail 69616139 LC
Stagnicola catascopium Woodland Pondsnail 189006 LC
Lyogyrus walkeri Canadian Duskysnail 69616303 LC
Valvata tricarinata Threeridge Valvata 189129 LC
Physella propinqua Rocky Mountain Physa 69624538 LC
Physella virginea Sunset Physa 69624589 LC
Galba bulimoides Prairie Fossaria 189207 LC
Physella winnipegensis Lake Winnipeg Physa Snail 69624615 DD
Physella wrighti Hotwater Physa 69624623 CR
Planorbella corpulenta Corpulent Ramshorn 189281 DD
Planorbella trivolvis Marsh Rams-horn 189351 LC
Valvata sincera Mossy Valvata 189373 LC
Gyraulus circumstriatus Disk Gyro 189394 LC
Bulimnaea megasoma Mammoth Lymnaea 189444 LC
Galba exigua Graceful Fossaria 189460 LC
Physa megalochlamys Cloaked Physa 189472 DD
Stagnicola elodes Marsh Pondsnail 189641 LC
Stagnicola exilis Flat-whorled Pondsnail 189645 LC
Valvata humeralis Glossy Valvata 189646 LC
Galba peninsulae 189649 LC
Stagnicola montanensis Mountain Marshsnail 189653 LC
Spurwinkia salsa Saltmarsh Hydrobe 69616870 LC
Stagnicola traski Widelip Pondsnail 189673 LC
Micromenetus dilatatus Bugle Sprite 189692 LC
Sibirenauta pictus 189778 LC
Physella johnsoni Banff Springs Physa 165539 CR
Birgella subglobosus Globe Siltsnail 69617454 LC
Marstonia lustrica Boreal Marstonia 69617724 LC
Ferrissia rivularis Creeping Ancylid 69626187 LC
Gyraulus deflectus Flexed Gyro 69626195 LC
Gyraulus hornensis Tuba Gyro 69626225 LC
Cipangopaludina chinensis Chinese Mystery Snail 166265 LC
Probythinella emarginata Delta Hydrobe 69618071 LC
Ferrissia parallela oblong ancylid 166312 LC
Helisoma anceps Two-ridge Ramshorn 69626368 LC
Menetus opercularis Button Sprite 69626399 LC
Planorbella binneyi Coarse Ramshorn 69626410 DD
Planorbella columbiensis Caribou Ramshorn 69626424 CR
Planorbella pilsbryi File Ramshorn 69626451 LC
Planorbella subcrenata Rough Ramshorn 69626464 LC
Planorbula campestris Meadow Ramshorn 69626479 LC
Promenetus exacuous Sharp Sprite 69626517 LC
Fluminicola fuscus Ashy Pebblesnail 69618356 NT
Promenetus umbilicatellus Umbilicate Sprite 69626580 LC
Gillia altilis Buffalo Pebblesnail 69618792 LC
Acella haldemani Spindle Lymnaea 69618813 NT
Fisherola nuttalli Shortface Lanx 69619345 EN
Haliotis kamtschatkana Northern Abalone 61743 EN
Galba galbana Boreal Fossaria 69620611 LC
Galba humilis Marsh Fossaria 69620636 LC
Galba modicella Rock Fossaria 69620662 LC
Galba obrussa Golden Fossaria 69620696 LC
Galba parva Pygmy Fossaria 69620727 LC
Galba rustica 69620757 LC
Galba techella 69620782 LC
Galba vancouverensis 69620808 EX
Lymnaea atkaensis Frigid Lymnaea 69621010 LC
Elimia livescens Liver Elimia 69629544 LC
Pleurocera acuta Sharp Hornsnail 69629631 LC
Pomatiopsis lapidaria Slender Walker 69629745 LC
Vertigo paradoxa 22945 DD
Planorbella campanulata Bellmouth Ramshorn 203723 LC
Stagnicola apicina Abbreviate Pondsnail 69622798 DD
Stagnicola arctica Arctic Pondsnail 69622875 LC
Stagnicola caperata Wrinkled Marshsnail 69622894 LC
Stagnicola emarginata St. Lawrence Pondsnail 69622912 LC
Stagnicola woodruffi Coldwater Pondsnail 69623082 LC
Valvata lewisi Fringed Valvata 69631392 LC


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)