List of LILIOPSIDA species in Canada
This is a list of LILIOPSIDA in Canada according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Poa hartzii | 44392488 | LC | |
Juncus acuminatus | 64315465 | LC | |
Isotria medeoloides | Small Whorled Pogonia | 64176265 | VU |
Juncus anthelatus | 64315536 | LC | |
Juncus bolanderi | 64315562 | LC | |
Juncus brachycephalus | 64315574 | LC | |
Juncus brevicaudatus | 64315579 | LC | |
Glyceria septentrionalis | Floating Mannagrass | 44392649 | LC |
Juncus caesariensis | 64315594 | VU | |
Juncus canadensis | 64315597 | LC | |
Chondrosum gracile | 44392665 | LC | |
Juncus mertensianus | 64315615 | LC | |
Juncus militaris | 64315633 | LC | |
Juncus nodosus | 64315636 | LC | |
Puccinellia arctica | Arctic Alkali Grass | 44392694 | LC |
Juncus pelocarpus | 64315713 | LC | |
Juncus subcaudatus | 64315787 | LC | |
Juncus subtilis | 64315790 | LC | |
Juncus supiniformis | 64315805 | LC | |
Scleria triglomerata | Whip Nutrush | 44392890 | LC |
Carex digitalis | Slender Wood Sedge | 44392899 | LC |
Carex rossii | Short Sedge | 44392936 | LC |
Sagittaria brevirostra | 64324204 | LC | |
Sagittaria cristata | 64324207 | LC | |
Sagittaria cuneata | 64324210 | LC | |
Sagittaria graminea | 64324213 | LC | |
Platanthera leucophaea | Eastern Prairie White-fringed Orchid | 64176760 | LC |
Sagittaria latifolia | 64324216 | LC | |
Sagittaria rigida | 64324226 | LC | |
Carex debilis | White-Edge Sedge | 44393137 | LC |
Puccinellia angustata | 44393135 | LC | |
Schoenoplectiella purshiana | 64324425 | LC | |
Calamagrostis canadensis | Bluejoint Reed Grass | 44393334 | LC |
Carex conoidea | Cone Shaped Sedge | 44393344 | LC |
Spiranthes casei | Case's Ladies'-tresses | 44393427 | LC |
Calamagrostis lapponica | Lapland Reedgrass | 44393654 | LC |
Schoenoplectiella saximontana | Rocky mountain clubrush | 64324795 | DD |
Schoenoplectiella smithii | 64324800 | LC | |
Schoenoplectus acutus | Hardstem bulrush | 64324813 | LC |
Schoenoplectus heterochaetus | 64324821 | LC | |
Schoenoplectus subterminalis | Water bulrush | 64324832 | LC |
Schoenoplectus torreyi | Torrey's bulrush | 64324837 | LC |
Scirpus ancistrochaetus | 64324851 | NT | |
Scirpus atrocinctus | Black-girdled bulrush | 64324856 | LC |
Scirpus atrovirens | Wool bulrush | 64324859 | LC |
Scirpus cyperinus | 64324862 | LC | |
Scirpus expansus | 64324865 | LC | |
Scirpus georgianus | 64324870 | LC | |
Phyllospadix torreyi | Surfgrass | 173320 | LC |
Scirpus hattorianus | 64324874 | LC | |
Scirpus longii | 64324877 | LC | |
Scirpus microcarpus | 64324880 | LC | |
Scirpus pallidus | 64324883 | LC | |
Scirpus pedicellatus | 64324886 | LC | |
Scirpus pendulus | 64324889 | LC | |
Scleria verticillata | 64324892 | LC | |
Zostera japonica | Dwarf Eelgrass | 173348 | LC |
Phyllospadix serrulatus | Surfgrass | 173366 | LC |
Phyllospadix scouleri | Surf Grass | 173367 | LC |
Lachnanthes caroliana | 64316895 | LC | |
Sparganium americanum | 64325105 | LC | |
Sparganium androcladum | 64325108 | LC | |
Sparganium eurycarpum | 64325114 | LC | |
Sparganium fluctuans | 64325118 | LC | |
Lemna minuta | 64316939 | LC | |
Spartina gracilis | 64325157 | LC | |
Spartina pectinata | 64325161 | LC | |
Symplocarpus foetidus | 64325342 | LC | |
Platanthera praeclara | Western Prairie Fringed Orchid | 132834 | EN |
Torreyochloa pallida | 64325345 | LC | |
Tradescantia occidentalis | 64325500 | LC | |
Allium validum | 80603050 | LC | |
Luzula wahlenbergii | 64317478 | LC | |
Trichophorum alpinum | 64325767 | LC | |
Lysichiton americanus | 64317583 | LC | |
Carex unilateralis | 80603334 | LC | |
Trichophorum caespitosum | 64326156 | LC | |
Trichophorum clintonii | 64326165 | LC | |
Vallisneria americana | 64326246 | LC | |
Wolffia borealis | 64326301 | LC | |
Wolffia columbiana | 64326308 | LC | |
Xyris difformis | 64326317 | LC | |
Xyris montana | 64326321 | LC | |
Zizania aquatica | Wild Rice | 64326324 | LC |
Zizania palustris | Northern Wild Rice | 64326333 | LC |
Muhlenbergia glomerata | 64318265 | LC | |
Muhlenbergia uniflora | 64318288 | LC | |
Pleuropogon sabinei | 175241 | LC | |
Sparganium glomeratum | 175276 | LC | |
Carex adelostoma | Circumpolar sedge | 64269714 | DD |
Carex alopecoidea | 64269754 | LC | |
Cladium mariscoides | Smooth sawgrass | 64310725 | LC |
Cyperus dentatus | Toothed flatsedge | 64310870 | LC |
Cyperus erythrorhizos | Red-root flatsedge | 64310893 | LC |
Panicum scabriusculum | 64319156 | LC | |
Carex anthoxanthea | Grassy-slope arctic sedge | 64270123 | LC |
Hordeum brachyantherum | Meadow Barley | 21344051 | LC |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Irish Lady's-tresses | 175925 | LC |
Carex aperta | 64270143 | LC | |
Iris lacustris | 80604993 | NT | |
Carex arcta | Northern clustered sedge | 64270157 | LC |
Juncus kelloggii | 80605013 | DD | |
Carex arctiformis | 64270171 | LC | |
Carex atlantica | Prickly bog sedge | 64270175 | LC |
Platanthera hyperborea | Northern Green Orchid | 175967 | LC |
Juncus lesueurii | Salt Rush | 80605049 | LC |
Peltandra virginica | 64319363 | LC | |
Carex aquatilis | Aquatic sedge | 167841 | LC |
Eriocaulon aquaticum | 167860 | LC | |
Dulichium arundinaceum | Three way sedge | 64311222 | LC |
Scolochloa festucacea | 167866 | LC | |
Agrostis aequivalvis | 64262084 | LC | |
Potamogeton epihydrus | American Pondweed | 167901 | LC |
Potamogeton subsibiricus | 167910 | LC | |
Eleocharis compressa | Flat-stem spike-rush | 64311276 | LC |
Eleocharis elliptica | Elliptic spikerush | 64311283 | LC |
Sparganium hyperboreum | 167928 | LC | |
Eleocharis erythropoda | Bald spikerush | 64311292 | LC |
Eleocharis intermedia | Matted spikerush | 64311295 | LC |
Eleocharis robbinsii | Robbins' spikerush | 64311311 | LC |
Eleocharis suksdorfiana | Suksdorf's spikerush | 64311317 | LC |
Elodea bifoliata | 64311327 | LC | |
Elodea nuttallii | 64311330 | LC | |
Carex bullata | Button sedge | 64270394 | DD |
Epipactis gigantea | 64311354 | LC | |
Eriophorum callitrix | Arctic cottongrass | 64311480 | LC |
Eriophorum chamissonis | Chamisso's Cottongrass | 64311483 | LC |
Eriophorum tenellum | Few-nerved cottongrass | 64311486 | LC |
Eriophorum virginicum | Tawny cottongrass | 64311490 | LC |
Eriophorum viridicarinatum | Green-keeled cottongrass | 64311493 | LC |
Cypripedium acaule | Pink Lady's-slipper | 43315493 | LC |
Cypripedium arietinum | Ram's Head Lady's Slipper | 43315496 | NT |
Cypripedium candidum | White Lady's Slipper | 43315514 | VU |
Hordeum jubatum | Foxtail Barley | 21344760 | LC |
Carex comosa | Bristly sedge | 64270920 | LC |
Carex crinita | Fringed sedge | 64270998 | LC |
Carex cryptolepis | Northeastern sedge | 64271098 | LC |
Carex cusickii | Cusick's sedge | 64271123 | LC |
Carex emoryi | Emory's sedge | 64271133 | LC |
Carex exilis | Coastal sedge | 64271142 | LC |
Carex exsiccata | Beaked sedge | 64271146 | LC |
Carex folliculata | Northern long sedge | 64271157 | LC |
Carex glareosa | Lesser saltmarsh sedge | 64271217 | LC |
Carex granularis | Granular sedge | 64271226 | LC |
Carex gynandra | Mountain fringed sedge | 64271241 | LC |
Scheuchzeria palustris | 201616 | LC | |
Carex gynocrates | Northern bog sedge | 64271261 | LC |
Carex haydenii | Hayden's sedge | 64271276 | LC |
Hordeum pusillum | Little Barley | 21345256 | LC |
Carex hyalinolepis | Shoreline sedge | 64271385 | LC |
Juncus oxymeris | Pointed Rush | 80606278 | LC |
Carex hystericina | 64271477 | LC | |
Carex interior | Inland sedge | 64271495 | LC |
Platanthera blephariglottis | 64320684 | LC | |
Carex intumescens | Greater bladder sedge | 64271536 | LC |
Platanthera chorisiana | 64320687 | LC | |
Platanthera clavellata | 64320698 | LC | |
Carex lacustris | Lake bank sedge | 64271548 | LC |
Carex laeviconica | Smoothcone sedge | 64271551 | DD |
Platanthera huronensis | 64320706 | LC | |
Alisma subcordatum | 64263394 | LC | |
Alisma triviale | 64263415 | LC | |
Allium geyeri | 64263485 | LC | |
Carex laevivaginata | Smoothsheath sedge | 64271682 | LC |
Carex lapponica | Lapland sedge | 64271697 | DD |
Carex laxa | Weak sedge | 64271725 | DD |
Carex lenticularis | Shore sedge | 64271758 | LC |
Carex leptalea | Bristly-stalked sedge | 64271813 | LC |
Carex livida | Pale sedge | 64271818 | LC |
Pleuropogon refractus | 64320986 | LC | |
Alopecurus carolinianus | Tufted Foxtail | 64263649 | LC |
Cypripedium montanum | Mountain Lady's Slipper | 43316810 | VU |
Cypripedium parviflorum | Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper | 43316816 | LC |
Cypripedium passerinum | Sparrow's-egg Lady's-slipper | 43316819 | VU |
Cypripedium reginae | Showy Lady's Slipper | 43316825 | LC |
Carex lupulina | Hop sedge | 64272069 | LC |
Carex lurida | Sallow sedge | 64272072 | LC |
Carex luzulina | Woodrush sedge | 64272076 | LC |
Carex lyngbyei | Lyngbye's sedge | 64272080 | LC |
Carex macrochaeta | Alaska large awn sedge | 64272102 | LC |
Poa leptocoma | 64321338 | LC | |
Poa reflexa | 64321353 | LC | |
Pogonia ophioglossoides | 64321383 | LC | |
Arethusa bulbosa | 64264102 | LC | |
Potamogeton amplifolius | 64321496 | LC | |
Carex marina | Seashore sedge | 64272352 | LC |
Potamogeton bicupulatus | 64321505 | LC | |
Carex michauxiana | Miochaux's sedge | 64272369 | LC |
Potamogeton confervoides | 64321522 | LC | |
Carex nebrascensis | Nebraska sedge | 64272375 | LC |
Potamogeton foliosus | 64321531 | LC | |
Carex normalis | Greater straw sedge | 64272382 | LC |
Carex obnupta | Slough sedge | 64272387 | LC |
Potamogeton hillii | 64321546 | LC | |
Potamogeton oakesianus | 64321552 | LC | |
Potamogeton ogdenii | 64321558 | VU | |
Potamogeton pulcher | 64321565 | LC | |
Potamogeton richardsonii | 64321569 | LC | |
Potamogeton robbinsii | 64321575 | LC | |
Potamogeton spirillus | 64321581 | LC | |
Potamogeton strictifolius | 64321584 | LC | |
Potamogeton vaseyi | 64321592 | LC | |
Arctophila fulva | 161889 | LC | |
Carex oligosperma | Fewseed sedge | 64272628 | LC |
Carex paleacea | Chaffy sedge | 64272648 | LC |
Bolboschoenus novae-angliae | Saltmarsh Bulrush | 64264486 | DD |
Carex holostoma | Arctic marsh sedge | 162303 | LC |
Puccinellia nuttalliana | 64322086 | LC | |
Carex pedunculata | Longstalk sedge | 64273033 | LC |
Carex pellita | Woolly sedge | 64273037 | LC |
Carex pluriflora | Severalflower sedge | 64273045 | LC |
Carex prairea | Prairie sedge | 64273052 | LC |
Carex prasina | Drooping sedge | 64273055 | LC |
Carex rariflora | Mountain bog-sedge | 64273071 | LC |
Carex retrorsa | Knot-sheath sedge | 64273084 | LC |
Carex rotundata | Round-fruited sedge | 64273116 | LC |
Carex sartwellii | Sartwell's sedge | 64273119 | LC |
Glyceria borealis | 64314079 | LC | |
Carex saxatilis | Russet sedge | 64273122 | LC |
Glyceria canadensis | 64314082 | LC | |
Carex scabrata | Scabrous sedge | 64273126 | LC |
Glyceria grandis | 64314086 | LC | |
Glyceria leptostachya | 64314090 | LC | |
Carex simulata | Analogue sedge | 64273165 | LC |
Glyceria melicaria | 64314131 | LC | |
Carex sterilis | Sterile sedge | 64273174 | LC |
Glyceria obtusa | 64314136 | LC | |
Carex stipata | Awl-fruited sedge | 64273177 | LC |
Carex stricta | Tussock sedge | 64273180 | LC |
Glyceria pulchella | 64314144 | LC | |
Heteranthera dubia | 64314241 | LC | |
Stuckenia vaginata | 195506 | LC | |
Carex stylosa | Long-styled sedge | 64273471 | LC |
Carex subspathacea | Hoppner's sedge | 64273493 | LC |
Carex tenuiflora | Sparse-flowered sedge | 64273534 | LC |
Carex trisperma | Three-seeded sedge | 64273555 | LC |
Carex tuckermanii | Tuckerman's sedge | 64273564 | LC |
Carex wiegandii | Wiegand's sedge | 64273615 | LC |
Spartina alterniflora | Atlantic Cordgrass | 13491788 | LC |
Rhynchospora capillacea | Needle beaksedge | 64323216 | LC |
Iris brevicaulis | 64315027 | LC | |
Rhynchospora capitellata | Brownish beaksedge | 64323220 | LC |
Iris missouriensis | 64315039 | LC | |
Rhynchospora macrostachya | 64323232 | LC | |
Iris prismatica | 64315076 | LC | |
Aristida purpurea | Democrat Grass | 44392137 | LC |
Iris versicolor | 64315086 | LC | |
Iris virginica | 64315090 | LC | |
Helictotrichon canescens | 44392205 | LC | |
Poa bolanderi | Bolander's Bluegrass | 44392274 | LC |
Carex parryana | Parry's Sedge | 44392280 | LC |
Phippsia algida | Ice Grass | 44392335 | LC |
Calamagrostis inexpansa | Northern Reedgrass | 44392395 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: