List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Cocos (Keeling) Islands
This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Cocos (Keeling) Islands according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Trimma flammeum | 118355328 | LC | |
Centropyge joculator | Yellowhead Angelfish | 165890 | LC |
Chaetodon madagaskariensis | Seychelles Butterflyfish | 165642 | LC |
Hipposcarus harid | Candelamoa Parrotfish | 190733 | LC |
Chlorurus troschelii | Troschel's Parrotfish | 190741 | LC |
Aspidontus tractus | Mimic Blenny | 48342166 | LC |
Chlorurus strongylocephalus | Indian Ocean Steephead Parrotfish | 190742 | LC |
Epinephelus faveatus | Barred-chest Grouper | 132760 | LC |
Canthigaster tyleri | Tyler's Toby | 193820 | LC |
Chromis dimidiata | Bicolor Damselfish | 188318 | LC |
Chaetodon mitratus | Indian Butterflyfish | 165666 | LC |
Pterocaesio lativittata | Wide-band Fusilier | 20252707 | LC |
Cirripectes gilberti | 48342182 | LC | |
Parascorpaena mossambica | Mozambique Scorpionfish | 69798315 | LC |
Cephalopholis nigripinnis | Darkfin Hind | 132786 | LC |
Tetraodon implutus | 193721 | DD | |
Gorgasia maculata | Whitespotted Garden Eel | 155071 | LC |
Bodianus diana | Diana's Hogfish | 187587 | LC |
Cephalopholis polleni | Harlequin Hind | 132805 | LC |
Ctenochaetus truncatus | Squaretail Bristletooth | 177992 | LC |
Phoxocampus tetrophthalmus | Trunk-barred pipefish | 65372876 | LC |
Acanthurus tennentii | Doubleband Surgeonfish | 177997 | LC |
Centropyge colini | Cocos-Keeling Angelfish | 165838 | LC |
Pseudanthias evansi | 117016784 | LC | |
Anarchias cantonensis | Canton Moray | 195670 | LC |
Scarus viridifucatus | Greenlip Parrotfish | 154971 | LC |
Paraconger ophichthys | 199388 | DD | |
Chlorurus enneacanthus | Captain Parrotfish | 190692 | LC |
Caesio xanthonota | Yellowback Fusilier | 20250214 | LC |
Genicanthus bellus | Ornate Angelfish | 165864 | LC |
Chlorurus capistratoides | Pink-margined Parrotfish | 190697 | LC |
Scarus scaber | Five-saddle Parrotfish | 190700 | LC |
Enchelycore pardalis | Dragon Moray | 195696 | LC |
Scarus ghobban | Blue-barred Parrotfish | 190705 | LC |
Scarus russelii | Eclipse Parrotfish | 190706 | LC |
Chaetodon guttatissimus | Peppered Butterflyfish | 165619 | LC |
Coris cuvieri | African coris | 187640 | LC |
Penetopteryx taeniocephalus | Oceanic Pipefish | 65372543 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: