List of Least Concern species in Colombia
This is a list of Least Concern species in Colombia according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Cercomacroides parkeri | Parker's Antbird | 22724618 | LC |
Chlorostilbon olivaresi | Chiribiquete Emerald | 22724623 | LC |
Piper bogotense | 42532896 | LC | |
Clathrotropis brachypetala | 62021670 | LC | |
Klarobelia anomala | 145661996 | LC | |
Cacicus flavicrissus | Black-tailed Cacique | 103792695 | LC |
Trachinotus stilbe | Shortfin Pompano | 184003 | LC |
Costus curvibracteatus | 56344647 | LC | |
Vismia lauriformis | 58933322 | LC | |
Mesothuria rugosa | 180299 | LC | |
Machaerium arboreum | 145678440 | LC | |
Chrysochlamys eclipes | 147300458 | LC | |
Sporophila ophthalmica | Black-breasted Seedeater | 103817331 | LC |
Carex luridiformis | 58933368 | LC | |
Palicourea standleyana | 150003834 | LC | |
Dendropsophus norandinus | North Andean Treefrog | 63062140 | LC |
Holothuria zacae | 180369 | LC | |
Lepanthes lindleyana | 44392596 | LC | |
Xenurobrycon heterodon | 49830187 | LC | |
Gymnosiphon suaveolens | 44392627 | LC | |
Digitaria curvinervis | 44392653 | LC | |
Trichomycterus banneaui | 49830196 | LC | |
Hemibrycon palomae | 64692439 | LC | |
Atractus iridescens | Iridescent Ground Snake | 44581089 | LC |
Vampyriscus nymphaea | Striped Yellow-eared Bat | 22840 | LC |
Zanthoxylum setulosum | 145653989 | LC | |
Copernicia tectorum | 44392691 | LC | |
Atractus lasallei | Lasalle's Ground Snake | 44581109 | LC |
Sipia laemosticta | Dull-mantled Antbird | 22724857 | LC |
Xiphorhynchus chunchotambo | Tschudi's Woodcreeper | 103670009 | LC |
Palmorchis trilobulata | 44392699 | LC | |
Randia grandifolia | 150012156 | LC | |
Arremon atricapillus | Black-headed Brush-finch | 22724887 | LC |
Labidodemas maccullochi | 180516 | LC | |
Atractus manizalesensis | 44581160 | LC | |
Arremon assimilis | Grey-browed Brush-finch | 22724905 | LC |
Epidendrum criniferum | Bract Carrying Epidendrum | 44392750 | LC |
Solanum stenophyllum | 42533170 | LC | |
Calliandra magdalenae | 150004024 | LC | |
Anthurium umbricola | 44392768 | LC | |
Atractus melas | Dark Ground Snake | 44581189 | LC |
Cecropia telenitida | 42533197 | LC | |
Atractus multicinctus | Banded Ground Snake | 44581200 | LC |
Rhipidomys couesi | Coues's Climbing Mouse | 19607 | LC |
Dendropsophus luddeckei | 63062363 | LC | |
Palicourea angustifolia | 150012251 | LC | |
Rhipidomys fulviventer | Buff-bellied Climbing Mouse | 19608 | LC |
Rhipidomys latimanus | Broad-footed Climbing Mouse | 19609 | LC |
Leandra subseriata | 136790380 | LC | |
Utricularia asplundii | 107250036 | LC | |
Myiarchus venezuelensis | Venezuelan Flycatcher | 22700408 | LC |
Grallaricula nana | Slate-crowned Antpitta | 22724986 | LC |
Myadestes coloratus | Varied Solitaire | 22708602 | LC |
Myiarchus panamensis | Panamanian Flycatcher | 22700411 | LC |
Rhipidomys venezuelae | Venezuelan Climbing Mouse | 19616 | LC |
Myiarchus apicalis | Apical Flycatcher | 22700424 | LC |
Palicourea acetosoides | 150004107 | LC | |
Synallactes aenigma | 19743115 | LC | |
Phaethornis atrimentalis | Black-throated Hermit | 22733197 | LC |
Piculus litae | Lita Woodpecker | 22681234 | LC |
Entomodestes coracinus | Black Solitaire | 22708624 | LC |
Catharus aurantiirostris | Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush | 22708631 | LC |
Elachistocleis panamensis | Panama Humming Frog | 57761 | LC |
Cryptotis squamipes | Scaly-footed Small-eared Shrew | 41378 | LC |
Cryptotis thomasi | Thomas's Small-eared Shrew | 41379 | LC |
Atractus paisa | 44581291 | LC | |
Amazilia cyanifrons | Indigo-capped Hummingbird | 119194033 | LC |
Atractus pamplonensis | Pamplona Ground Snake | 44581300 | LC |
Apteronotus eschmeyeri | 64790965 | LC | |
Tyrannus niveigularis | Snowy-throated Kingbird | 22700479 | LC |
Atractus titanicus | 44581333 | LC | |
Scytalopus micropterus | Long-tailed Tapaculo | 22733272 | LC |
Andinoacara latifrons | 64791010 | LC | |
Stelis magdalenae | 44392940 | LC | |
Asplundia peruviana | 44392942 | LC | |
Conopias albovittatus | White-ringed Flycatcher | 22700536 | LC |
Laterallus albigularis | White-throated Crake | 22692346 | LC |
Atractus univittatus | One-banded Ground Snake | 44581377 | LC |
Xiphorhynchus aequatorialis | Southern Spotted Woodcreeper | 103670275 | LC |
Ornithidium nubigenum | 44392964 | LC | |
Cyanolyca armillata | Black-collared Jay | 103727626 | LC |
Ferdinandusa loretensis | 145687052 | LC | |
Blakea subconnata | 150012429 | LC | |
Pitcairnia arcuata | 44392976 | LC | |
Cyrtochilum halteratum | 44392992 | LC | |
Caenolestes fuliginosus | Silky Shrew Opossum | 41506 | LC |
Handleyomys fuscatus | Dusky Montane Mouse | 547 | LC |
Atractus wagleri | Wagler's Ground Snake | 44581414 | LC |
Tolmomyias traylori | Orange-eyed Flycatcher | 22733350 | LC |
Ctenophryne aterrima | Costa Rica Nelson Frog | 57900 | LC |
Tillandsia michelii | 44393006 | LC | |
Atractus werneri | Werner's Ground Snake | 44581425 | LC |
Saguinus geoffroyi | Geoffroy’s Tamarin | 41522 | LC |
Pitcairnia nigra | 44393015 | LC | |
Stelis immersa | Sunken Pleurothallis | 44393017 | LC |
Hemibrycon rafaelense | 64692799 | LC | |
Phelpsia inornata | White-bearded Flycatcher | 22700609 | LC |
Solanum venosum | 146113090 | LC | |
Plecturocebus discolor | Red Titi Monkey | 41553 | LC |
Conostegia bracteata | 150012500 | LC | |
Ficus trianae | 145580636 | LC | |
Cyanolyca quindiuna | Quindio Jay | 103727711 | LC |
Dipsas pratti | Pratt's Snail-eater | 44581484 | LC |
Pachyramphus albogriseus | Black-and-white Becard | 22700655 | LC |
Tovomita stylosa | 120234616 | LC | |
Philodendron grandipes | 44393081 | LC | |
Pachyramphus homochrous | One-colored Becard | 22700673 | LC |
Solanum microleprodes | 146113155 | LC | |
Utricularia endresii | 107250310 | LC | |
Elachistocleis pearsei | 57993 | LC | |
Turdus fulviventris | Chestnut-bellied Thrush | 22708879 | LC |
Huntleya burtii | 44393106 | LC | |
Synapturanus rabus | Vaupes Disc Frog | 58017 | LC |
Chiasmocleis carvalhoi | Carvalho's Silent Frog | 58020 | LC |
Turdus obsoletus | Pale-vented Thrush | 22708905 | LC |
Brownea rosa-de-monte | 144261802 | LC | |
Cetopsis othonops | 64791214 | LC | |
Calamus brachysomus | Pacific Porgy | 47137465 | LC |
Coccyzus lansbergi | Gray-capped Cuckoo | 22684346 | LC |
Brownea coccinea | 144278214 | LC | |
Eriocnemis luciani | Sapphire-vented Puffleg | 61162182 | LC |
Solanum barbulatum | 146113227 | LC | |
Centrochir crocodili | 64791246 | LC | |
Akodon affinis | Colombian Grass Mouse | 724 | LC |
Paepalanthus ensifolius | 44393174 | LC | |
Neomicroxus bogotensis | Bogota Grass Mouse | 727 | LC |
Basileuterus cabanisi | Yellow-crowned Warbler | 103801561 | LC |
Goethalsia meiantha | 150012638 | LC | |
Scleria amazonica | 44393196 | LC | |
Pipreola riefferii | Green-and-black Fruiteater | 22700782 | LC |
Pipreola aureopectus | Golden-breasted Fruiteater | 22700791 | LC |
Pipreola jucunda | Orange-breasted Fruiteater | 22700794 | LC |
Faramea jasminoides | 150004475 | LC | |
Licania macrocarpa | 144130811 | LC | |
Clusia schomburgkiana | 147301118 | LC | |
Pipreola lubomirskii | Black-chested Fruiteater | 22700797 | LC |
Alchornea grandis | 145703698 | LC | |
Cacicus uropygialis | Subtropical Cacique | 22733589 | LC |
Snowornis cryptolophus | Olivaceous Piha | 22700838 | LC |
Guapira cuspidata | 145662760 | LC | |
Lipaugus fuscocinereus | Dusky Piha | 22700844 | LC |
Pipa parva | 58162 | LC | |
Sterigmapetalum guianense | 145687358 | LC | |
Amazilia grayi | Gray's Hummingbird | 22733641 | LC |
Cotinga nattererii | Blue Cotinga | 22700877 | LC |
Amazilia humboldtii | Humboldt's Hummingbird | 22733646 | LC |
Brachionidium phalangiferum | 44393304 | LC | |
Henriettea tuberculosa | 150012765 | LC | |
Enulius flavitorques | Pacific Longtail Snake | 197484 | LC |
Carpodectes hopkei | Black-tipped Cotinga | 22700910 | LC |
Gymnophthalmus speciosus | 197488 | LC | |
Imantodes gemmistratus | Central American Tree Snake | 197490 | LC |
Virola macrocarpa | 145662848 | LC | |
Inti chartacifolia | 44393374 | LC | |
Melanerpes pulcher | Beautiful Woodpecker | 22733737 | LC |
Cerithidea pliculosa | Horn Shell | 189357 | LC |
Muscisaxicola alpinus | Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant | 22733758 | LC |
Solanum sycophanta | 146113477 | LC | |
Pristimantis yukpa | 173004 | LC | |
Callisia gracilis | 44393424 | LC | |
Epidendrum gentryi | 44393448 | LC | |
Conirostrum fraseri | Ochraceous Conebill | 103834605 | LC |
Thamnodynastes gambotensis | 44581876 | LC | |
Batrochoglanis transmontanus | 66601974 | LC | |
Cinnycerthia olivascens | Sharpe's Wren | 22733815 | LC |
Oreobolus cleefii | 58934277 | LC | |
Lueddemannia pescatorei | 44393486 | LC | |
Pomacea aldersoni | 189456 | LC | |
Chiroxiphia lanceolata | Lance-tailed Manakin | 22701074 | LC |
Macrobrachium reyesi | 197658 | LC | |
Masius chrysopterus | Golden-winged Manakin | 22701087 | LC |
Pitcairnia macranthera | 44393520 | LC | |
Manacus aurantiacus | Orange-collared Manakin | 22701106 | LC |
Manacus vitellinus | Golden-collared Manakin | 22701109 | LC |
Furnarius longirostris | Caribbean Hornero | 103670838 | LC |
Acaciella villosa | 146777150 | LC | |
Anthurium promininerve | 44393534 | LC | |
Machaeropterus deliciosus | Club-winged Manakin | 22701122 | LC |
Haplophaedia aureliae | Greenish Puffleg | 22733896 | LC |
Epidendrum geminiflorum | 44393548 | LC | |
Furnarius cinnamomeus | Pacific Hornero | 103670862 | LC |
Pleurothallis rowleei | 44393559 | LC | |
Olyra standleyi | 44393565 | LC | |
Tillandsia cornuta | 44393566 | LC | |
Argia pocomana | 164965 | LC | |
Pomacea aurostoma | 189558 | LC | |
Micrurus ornatissimus | 44582007 | LC | |
Haematoxylum brasiletto | 130221177 | LC | |
Mormolyca acutifolia | Rufous Tiger Orchid | 44393599 | LC |
Holothuria pluricuriosa | 19711112 | LC | |
Puffinus subalaris | Galapagos Shearwater | 22733979 | LC |
Saccoderma hastata | 61662364 | LC | |
Perissolestes remotus | 165023 | LC | |
Macrobrachium cortezi | 197796 | LC | |
Platyrrhinus vittatus | Greater Broad-nosed Bat | 17574 | LC |
Pseudophallus starksii | Yellowbelly pipefish | 65373357 | LC |
Notharchus subtectus | Lesser Pied Puffbird | 61998257 | LC |
Urochroa bougueri | Rufous-gaped Hillstar | 22725814 | LC |
Macrobrachium tenellum | 197816 | LC | |
Erpetogomphus sabaleticus | 165049 | LC | |
Urochroa leucura | White-tailed Hillstar | 22725822 | LC |
Atlapetes albinucha | White-naped Brush-Finch | 22734026 | LC |
Gracilinanus dryas | Wood Sprite Gracile Mouse Opossum | 9418 | LC |
Gracilinanus marica | Northern Gracile Mouse Opossum | 9420 | LC |
Thamnophilus melanonotus | Black-backed Antshrike | 22701263 | LC |
Thamnophilus multistriatus | Bar-crested Antshrike | 22701285 | LC |
Saccoderma robusta | 61662443 | LC | |
Dactyloscopus fallax | 48342252 | LC | |
Thamnophilus nigriceps | Black Antshrike | 22701296 | LC |
Ouratea polyantha | 145695998 | LC | |
Thamnophilus unicolor | Uniform Antshrike | 22701312 | LC |
Dubusia taeniata | Buff-breasted Mountain-tanager | 103843076 | LC |
Bothrops venezuelensis | Venezuela Lancehead | 44582180 | LC |
Solanum deflexiflorum | 146113832 | LC | |
Lonchocarpus macrophyllus | 145704239 | LC | |
Isoetes bischlerae | 58983728 | LC | |
Miconia napoana | 145687878 | LC | |
Dysithamnus puncticeps | Spot-crowned Antvireo | 22701384 | LC |
Clusia octandra | 147301722 | LC | |
Swartzia macrosema | 19891548 | LC | |
Thalassoma lucasanum | Cortez Rainbow Wrasse | 154954 | LC |
Isoetes cleefii | 58983779 | LC | |
Pythonichthys sanguineus | Caribbean Mud Eel | 195661 | LC |
Potimirim glabra | 197992 | LC | |
Macrobrachium americanum | 198018 | LC | |
Guapira costaricana | 145663377 | LC | |
Mabea klugii | 145687954 | LC | |
Epinecrophylla fulviventris | Checker-throated Antwren | 22701469 | LC |
Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis | 61662625 | LC | |
Epinecrophylla spodionota | Foothill Antwren | 22701484 | LC |
Clitoria glaberrima | 19891631 | LC | |
Macrobrachium hancocki | 198107 | LC | |
Hyphessobrycon proteus | 61662684 | LC | |
Macrobrachium crenulatum | 198116 | LC | |
Macrolobium colombianum | 145679858 | LC | |
Oreopanax mutisianus | 118212086 | LC | |
Tepuihyla tuberculosa | Canelos Treefrog | 113788406 | LC |
Malacoctenus sudensis | 48342523 | LC | |
Atya crassa | 198153 | LC | |
Anoura latidens | Broad-toothed Tailless Bat | 1568 | LC |
Anoura luismanueli | Luis Manuel's Tailless Bat | 1569 | LC |
Hyphessobrycon taguae | 61662762 | LC | |
Pteroglossus sanguineus | Stripe-billed Araçari | 22726208 | LC |
Euchrepomis callinota | Rufous-rumped Antwren | 22701650 | LC |
Heliangelus clarisse | Longuemare's Sunangel | 60859989 | LC |
Macrobrachium panamense | 198239 | LC | |
Aulacorhynchus caeruleogularis | Blue-throated Toucanet | 22726263 | LC |
Bauhinia beguinotii | 19891831 | LC | |
Macrobrachium rathbunae | 198263 | LC | |
Opistognathus signatus | Dark-spotted Jawfish | 190076 | LC |
Cephalopholis panamensis | Pacific Graysby | 132733 | LC |
Hyporthodus niphobles | Star-studded Grouper | 132734 | LC |
Witheringia coccoloboides | 120137351 | LC | |
Epinephelus analogus | Spotted Grouper | 132744 | LC |
Epinephelus labriformis | Starry Grouper | 132750 | LC |
Alphestes immaculatus | Pacific Mutton Hamlet | 132754 | LC |
Neacomys tenuipes | Narrow-footed Bristly Mouse | 42649 | LC |
Dermatolepis dermatolepis | Leather Bass | 132767 | LC |
Cordia lutea | 145499814 | LC | |
Aegiphila odontophylla | 149997230 | LC | |
Cecropia putumayonis | 145680052 | LC | |
Swartzia amplifolia | 19891892 | LC | |
Xenocephalus egregius | Freckled Stargazer | 190135 | LC |
Dioclea sericea | 19891901 | LC | |
Alphestes multiguttatus | Rivulated Mutton Hamlet | 132809 | LC |
Cestrum humboldtii | 146114258 | LC | |
Sipia berlepschi | Stub-tailed Antbird | 22701779 | LC |
Paranthias colonus | Pacific Creole-fish | 132822 | LC |
Priolepis robinsi | Goby | 18145 | LC |
Sipia nigricauda | Esmeraldas Antbird | 22701813 | LC |
Colaptes rivolii | Crimson-mantled Woodpecker | 22726390 | LC |
Lupinus bogotensis | 19891959 | LC | |
Bolitoglossa adspersa | Peter's Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59135 | LC |
Hieronyma huilensis | 145671937 | LC | |
Johnrandallia nigrirostris | Blacknosed Butterflyfish | 165633 | LC |
Chaetodon humeralis | Threebanded Butterflyfish | 165635 | LC |
Bolitoglossa biseriata | Two-lined Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59140 | LC |
Priapichthys chocoensis | 64694032 | LC | |
Heteromys anomalus | Caribbean Spiny Pocket Mouse | 10004 | LC |
Heteromys australis | Southern Spiny Pocket Mouse | 10005 | LC |
Dermanura bogotensis | 83683094 | LC | |
Bolitoglossa equatoriana | Ecuador Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59160 | LC |
Senna oxyphylla | 19891991 | LC | |
Bolitoglossa hypacra | Paramo Frontino Salamander | 59170 | LC |
Bolitoglossa lozanoi | 59175 | LC | |
Bolitoglossa nicefori | San Gil Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59185 | LC |
Bolitoglossa palmata | Amazon Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59191 | LC |
Scytalopus stilesi | Stiles's Tapaculo | 22734658 | LC |
Bolitoglossa sima | 59207 | LC | |
Sphenopsis frontalis | Oleaginous Hemispingus | 22722230 | LC |
Bolitoglossa vallecula | Yarmal Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59215 | LC |
Setopagis heterura | Todd's Nightjar | 22734672 | LC |
Hylophylax naevioides | Spotted Antbird | 22701911 | LC |
Hylatomus fuscipennis | Dusky-winged Woodpecker | 22726497 | LC |
Proechimys canicollis | Colombian Spiny Rat | 18276 | LC |
Dioscorea sericea | 165734 | LC | |
Bassaricyon medius | Western Lowland Olingo | 48637802 | LC |
Desmopsis panamensis | 143320952 | LC | |
Proechimys semispinosus | Tome's Spiny Rat | 18297 | LC |
Phaenostictus mcleannani | Ocellated Antbird | 22701971 | LC |
Anthurium lingua | 42917 | LC | |
Cnemoscopus rubrirostris | Grey-hooded Tanager | 103819177 | LC |
Ophichthus hyposagmatus | Faintsaddled Snake Eel | 190379 | LC |
Oedipina complex | Gamboa Worm Salamander | 59310 | LC |
Fusaea peruviana | 145696687 | LC | |
Oedipina parvipes | Colombian Worm Salamander | 59319 | LC |
Cymbopetalum lanugipetalum | 143321023 | LC | |
Dermanura rava | 83683265 | LC | |
Thlypopsis ornata | Rufous-chested Tanager | 22722257 | LC |
Ramphastos citreolaemus | Citron-throated Toucan | 62220237 | LC |
Senna viminea | 19892197 | LC | |
Inga psittacorum | 19892203 | LC | |
Tabernaemontana robinsonii | 149997550 | LC | |
Citharichthys valdezi | Large-tooth Flounder | 190448 | LC |
Holacanthus passer | King Angelfish | 165880 | LC |
Pomacanthus zonipectus | Cortez Angelfish | 165889 | LC |
Pyrrhura pacifica | Choco Parakeet | 45426696 | LC |
Cinclodes excelsior | Stout-billed Cinclodes | 22702095 | LC |
Erythrolamprus melanotus | Shaw's Dark Ground Snake | 174098 | LC |
Hoplomys gymnurus | Armored Rat | 10259 | LC |
Imparfinis usmai | 64792601 | LC | |
Pimelodella conquetaensis | 64792604 | LC | |
Pimelodella reyesi | 64792607 | LC | |
Sessea corymbiflora | 146114597 | LC | |
Hamelia magnifolia | 150013996 | LC | |
Cecropia insignis | 145590320 | LC | |
Inga polita | 19892279 | LC | |
Coeligena torquata | Collared Inca | 22726720 | LC |
Annona rensoniana | 143321159 | LC | |
Artibeus amplus | Large Fruit-eating Bat | 2121 | LC |
Coeligena conradii | Green Inca | 22726729 | LC |
Cruciglanis pacifici | 64792655 | LC | |
Pseudopimelodus schultzi | 64792658 | LC | |
Rumex tolimensis | 59017314 | LC | |
Trichomycterus gorgona | 64792679 | LC | |
Trichomycterus sandovali | 64792690 | LC | |
Trichomycterus santanderensis | 64792693 | LC | |
Trichomycterus sketi | 64792696 | LC | |
Caecilia leucocephala | White-headed Caecilian | 59518 | LC |
Caecilia nigricans | Rio Lita Caecilian | 59521 | LC |
Caecilia orientalis | La Bonita Caecilian | 59523 | LC |
Caecilia perdita | Andagoya Caecilian | 59525 | LC |
Oxypogon guerinii | Green-bearded Helmetcrest | 22726790 | LC |
Caecilia subdermalis | Moscopan Caecilian | 59527 | LC |
Caecilia subnigricans | Magdalena Valley Caecilian | 59528 | LC |
Asthenes fuliginosa | White-chinned Thistletail | 22702217 | LC |
Trichomycterus uisae | 64792707 | LC | |
Caecilia thompsoni | Thompson's Caecilian | 59532 | LC |
Scytalopus latrans | Blackish Tapaculo | 22730438 | LC |
Schistes albogularis | Western Wedge-billed Hummingbird | 22726824 | LC |
Pleurothyrium trianae | 145688749 | LC | |
Microcaecilia albiceps | Tiny White Caecilian | 59570 | LC |
Oscaecilia ochrocephala | Yellow-headed Caecilian | 59583 | LC |
Microcaecilia nicefori | Honda Caecilian | 59587 | LC |
Microcaecilia pricei | El Centro Caecilian | 59588 | LC |
Solanum hazenii | 146114755 | LC | |
Typhlonectes natans | Rubber Eel | 59601 | LC |
Calliandra pittieri | Carbonero de Avenidas | 129738968 | LC |
Synallaxis brachyura | Slaty Spinetail | 22702308 | LC |
Physalis lagascae | 105908457 | LC | |
Forpus conspicillatus | Spectacled Parrotlet | 22685937 | LC |
Habia carmioli | Carmiol's Tanager | 103811314 | LC |
Epicrionops bicolor | Two-coloured Caecilian | 59639 | LC |
Fungia distorta | Distorted Mushroom Coral | 133371 | LC |
Synallaxis subpudica | Silvery-throated Spinetail | 22702331 | LC |
Urera elata | 149891326 | LC | |
Brotogeris jugularis | Orange-chinned Parakeet | 22685980 | LC |
Synallaxis unirufa | Rufous Spinetail | 22702366 | LC |
Synallaxis cinnamomea | Stripe-breasted Spinetail | 22702381 | LC |
Leptopogon superciliaris | Slaty-capped Flycatcher | 103680303 | LC |
Synallaxis candei | White-whiskered Spinetail | 22702387 | LC |
Touit batavicus | Lilac-tailed Parrotlet | 22686006 | LC |
Hellmayrea gularis | White-browed Spinetail | 22702405 | LC |
Touit dilectissimus | Blue-fronted Parrotlet | 22686021 | LC |
Cranioleuca erythrops | Red-faced Spinetail | 22702408 | LC |
Mayna grandifolia | 145590609 | LC | |
Cora aurea | Black-banded Bannerwing | 59734 | LC |
Cranioleuca hellmayri | Streak-capped Spinetail | 22702426 | LC |
Cranioleuca subcristata | Crested Spinetail | 22702429 | LC |
Costus lima | 56346976 | LC | |
Myrcia insignis | 117197187 | LC | |
Hedyosmum goudotianum | 149932431 | LC | |
Pavona chiriquiensis | 133520 | LC | |
Pyrilia pulchra | Rose-faced Parrot | 22686107 | LC |
Faramea axillaris | 145656229 | LC | |
Porites panamensis | 133549 | LC | |
Pheugopedius columbianus | Colombian Wren | 105294263 | LC |
Automolus virgatus | Western Woodhaunter | 103672251 | LC |
Hypnelus ruficollis | Russet-throated Puffbird | 61999582 | LC |
Gonzalagunia rosea | 150014443 | LC | |
Asthenes flammulata | Many-striped Canastero | 22702572 | LC |
Campephilus haematogaster | Crimson-bellied Woodpecker | 22727150 | LC |
Pionus chalcopterus | Bronze-winged Parrot | 22686195 | LC |
Vochysia lehmannii | 61983256 | LC | |
Palicourea pyramidalis | 150014514 | LC | |
Cynoscion similis | Tonkin Weakfish | 47147582 | LC |
Hypnelus bicinctus | Two-banded Puffbird | 61999682 | LC |
Strengeriana risaraldensis | 134265 | LC | |
Hedyosmum scaberrimum | 149932619 | LC | |
Batrachoides manglae | Cotuero Toadfish | 2644 | LC |
Siptornis striaticollis | Spectacled Prickletail | 22702676 | LC |
Gordiichthys randalli | Rope Eel | 199256 | LC |
Xenerpestes minlosi | Double-banded Graytail | 22702687 | LC |
Anthurium bogotense | 129739372 | LC | |
Trichospermum galeottii | 150014585 | LC | |
Thomasomys cinereiventer | Ashy-bellied Oldfield Mouse | 96791166 | LC |
Erythrina costaricensis | 144288384 | LC | |
Isthmomys pirrensis | Mt. Pirri Isthmus Rat | 10887 | LC |
Anthurium glaucospadix | 129739402 | LC | |
Nothocercus bonapartei | Highland Tinamou | 22678154 | LC |
Nothocercus julius | Tawny-breasted Tinamou | 22678157 | LC |
Piper imperiale | 150006411 | LC | |
Crypturellus berlepschi | Berlepsch's Tinamou | 22678163 | LC |
Myiotriccus ornatus | Western Ornate Flycatcher | 103680660 | LC |
Myiotriccus phoenicurus | Eastern Ornate Flycatcher | 103680670 | LC |
Syndactyla subalaris | Lineated Foliage-gleaner | 22702771 | LC |
Anthurium hodgei | 129739450 | LC | |
Hyloscirtus larinopygion | Cordillera Central Treefrog | 78965436 | LC |
Cuatresia riparia | 146115266 | LC | |
Anas andium | Andean Teal | 22735557 | LC |
Bathycongrus macrurus | Shorthead Conger | 199374 | LC |
Anthurium hygrophilum | 129739480 | LC | |
Crypturellus casiquiare | Barred Tinamou | 22678235 | LC |
Philydor fuscipenne | Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner | 22702814 | LC |
Anthurium macarenense | 129739492 | LC | |
Cypseloides lemosi | White-chested Swift | 22686447 | LC |
Bauhinia hymenaeifolia | 19892992 | LC | |
Malpighia romeroana | 149932814 | LC | |
Ortalis cinereiceps | Grey-headed Chachalaca | 22678308 | LC |
Ortalis garrula | Chestnut-winged Chachalaca | 22678312 | LC |
Ortalis ruficauda | Rufous-vented Chachalaca | 22678315 | LC |
Thripadectes ignobilis | Uniform Treehunter | 22702887 | LC |
Thripadectes virgaticeps | Streak-capped Treehunter | 22702893 | LC |
Thripadectes melanorhynchus | Black-billed Treehunter | 22702896 | LC |
Thripadectes flammulatus | Flammulated Treehunter | 22702902 | LC |
Coccoloba padiformis | 145705791 | LC | |
Zimmerius parvus | Mistletoe Tyrannulet | 103680835 | LC |
Mesobaena huebneri | Inirida Worm Lizard | 44550993 | LC |
Penelope argyrotis | Band-tailed Guan | 22678354 | LC |
Etmopterus schultzi | Fringefin Lanternshark | 60246 | LC |
Poliocrania exsul | Chestnut-backed Antbird | 103659811 | LC |
Lonchocarpus punctatus | 144313221 | LC | |
Mesagrion leucorrhinum | 60294 | LC | |
Cebus capucinus ssp. capucinus | Colombian White-throated Capuchin | 43934 | LC |
Myrcia neomontana | 117197732 | LC | |
Diplectrum pacificum | Inshore sand perch | 183206 | LC |
Hypsoblennius paytensis | Peruvian Blenny | 183207 | LC |
Genyatremus pacifici | Carruco Sargo | 183208 | LC |
Zimmerius albigularis | Choco Tyrannulet | 22735786 | LC |
Symphurus varius | Mottled Tonguefish | 183215 | LC |
Atherinella panamensis | Panama Silverside | 183216 | LC |
Neoopisthopterus tropicus | Tropical longfin herring | 183217 | LC |
Poliocrania maculifer | Short-tailed Antbird | 103659822 | LC |
Zimmerius chrysops | Golden-faced Tyrannulet | 22735791 | LC |
Chrysochlamys bracteolata | 145673141 | LC | |
Gymnothorax dovii | Finespotted moray | 183224 | LC |
Opistognathus punctatus | Finespotted jawfish | 183226 | LC |
Stathmonotus culebrai | Panamanian Worm Blenny | 183228 | LC |
Synchiropus atrilabiatus | Antler dragonet | 183229 | LC |
Diplectrum labarum | Highfin Sand Perch | 183230 | LC |
Eugerres lineatus | Streaked mojarra | 183231 | LC |
Monolene maculipinna | Pacific Deepwater Flounder | 183232 | LC |
Hypolobocera meineli | 134082 | LC | |
Opisthonema medirastre | Middling thread herring | 183235 | LC |
Ariosoma prorigerum | Black-fin conger | 183237 | LC |
Guentheridia formosa | Spotted Puffer | 183238 | LC |
Diplectrum maximum | Greater sand perch | 183239 | LC |
Gloeospermum longifolium | 145656776 | LC | |
Mitu salvini | Salvin's Curassow | 22678472 | LC |
Anchoa panamensis | Anchovy | 183244 | LC |
Anchoa ischana | Anchovy | 183245 | LC |
Gymnothorax panamensis | Masked moray | 183246 | LC |
Capparidastrum petiolare | 145583058 | LC | |
Gobiesox adustus | Panamic clingfish | 183250 | LC |
Nebris occidentalis | Pacific smalleye croaker | 183252 | LC |
Dormitator latifrons | Pacific Fat Sleeper | 183257 | LC |
Reithrodontomys mexicanus | Mexican Harvest Mouse | 19411 | LC |
Apogon atradorsatus | Blacktip Cardinalfish | 183259 | LC |
Hemanthias signifer | Damsel bass | 183261 | LC |
Phallangothelphusa dispar | 134115 | LC | |
Syacium ovale | Oval Flounder | 183268 | LC |
Annona duckei | 145689575 | LC | |
Cathorops dasycephalus | Big-bellied sea catfish | 183272 | LC |
Cynoscion stolzmanni | Pelano weakfish | 183278 | LC |
Pontinus furcirhinus | Red Scorpionfish | 183281 | LC |
Lutjanus inermis | Golden snapper | 183282 | LC |
Microgobius emblematicus | Emblem goby | 183285 | LC |
Atherinella pachylepis | Thickscale Silverside | 183286 | LC |
Hypolobocera conradi | 134135 | LC | |
Gymnothorax angusticeps | Wrinkled Moray | 183288 | LC |
Ogilbia sedorae | Sedora's Brotula | 183291 | LC |
Pronotogrammus multifasciatus | Threadfin bass | 183283 | LC |
Caranx vinctus | Jack | 183293 | LC |
Hoplopagrus guentherii | Barred pargo | 183295 | LC |
Paraconger californiensis | Californian conger | 183297 | LC |
Phacellodomus inornatus | Plain Thornbird | 103672834 | LC |
Phallangothelphusa magdalenensis | 134144 | LC | |
Guatteria pittieri | 103435269 | LC | |
Strongylura exilis | Californian Needlefish | 183294 | LC |
Diplectrum euryplectrum | Bighead Sand Perch | 183304 | LC |
Ophioblennius steindachneri | Panamic Fanged Blenny | 183308 | LC |
Anchoa argentivittata | Regan's anchovy | 183309 | LC |
Prionurus laticlavius | Razor Surgeonfish | 183310 | LC |
Lutjanus novemfasciatus | Dog snapper | 183311 | LC |
Chlopsis apterus | Stripesnout false moray | 183312 | LC |
Pomadasys macracanthus | Longspine grunt | 183313 | LC |
Campylorhynchus albobrunneus | White-headed Wren | 22711316 | LC |
Campylorhynchus nuchalis | Stripe-backed Wren | 22711319 | LC |
Coralliozetus springeri | Springer's Tube Blenny | 183319 | LC |
Faramea eurycarpa | 145656858 | LC | |
Tachornis furcata | Pygmy Swift | 22686747 | LC |
Caranx caninus | Pacific Crevalle Jack | 183324 | LC |
Uropterygius versutus | Crafty moray | 183322 | LC |
Microlepidotus brevipinnis | Brassy grunt | 183328 | LC |
Xenistius californiensis | Californian salema | 183330 | LC |
Trinectes fluviatilis | Freshwater Sole | 183331 | LC |
Paralonchurus rathbuni | Bearded banded croaker | 183332 | LC |
Xiphorhynchus lachrymosus | Black-striped Woodcreeper | 22703140 | LC |
Ardisia opegrapha | 149933095 | LC | |
Galium ascendens | 59018279 | LC | |
Lile stolifera | Pacific Piquitinga | 183336 | LC |
Eleotris picta | Spotted Sleeper | 183340 | LC |
Canthigaster punctatissima | Spotted sharpnose puffer | 183341 | LC |
Isopisthus remifer | Bigeye corvina | 183342 | LC |
Clavija costaricana | 149933103 | LC | |
Cordia eriostigma | 149892147 | LC | |
Selene orstedii | Mexican Moonfish | 183349 | LC |
Ophioscion simulus | Snub-nosed croaker | 183350 | LC |
Cinnycerthia unirufa | Rufous Wren | 22711351 | LC |
Lindacatalina orientalis | 134204 | LC | |
Cybianthus sprucei | 149933117 | LC | |
Cynoscion reticulatus | Striped corvina | 183358 | LC |
Lythrypnus dalli | Bluebanded goby | 183363 | LC |
Pontinus sierra | Speckled Scorpionfish | 183365 | LC |
Malacoctenus zonifer | Glossy Blenny | 183366 | LC |
Zanthoxylum mollissimum | 136793157 | LC | |
Hippoglossina bollmani | Spotted flounder | 183374 | LC |
Echidna nocturna | Freckled moray | 183375 | LC |
Lepophidium negropinna | Specklefin cusk eel | 183377 | LC |
Halichoeres chierchiae | Wounded wrasse | 183378 | LC |
Lycengraulis poeyi | Pacific Sabretooth Anchovy | 183379 | LC |
Larimus pacificus | Pacific drum | 183380 | LC |
Symphurus elongatus | Elongate Tonguefish | 183376 | LC |
Campylorhamphus pusillus | Brown-billed Scythebill | 22703191 | LC |
Aphylla tenuis | 158810 | LC | |
Larimus effulgens | Shining drum | 183386 | LC |
Achirus klunzingeri | Brown Sole | 183389 | LC |
Odontognathus panamensis | Panama longfin herring | 183387 | LC |
Ophioscion scierus | Point-Tuza croaker | 183390 | LC |
Phaenomonas pinnata | Elastic eel | 183392 | LC |
Strengeriana restrepoi | 134238 | LC | |
Thomasomys laniger | Butcher Oldfield Mouse | 96799835 | LC |
Umbrina dorsalis | Longfin croaker | 183388 | LC |
Heteristius cinctus | Banded stargazer | 183396 | LC |
Abudefduf troschelii | Panama sergeant major | 183397 | LC |
Diplectrum eumelum | Orange-spotted Sand Perch | 183398 | LC |
Formicarius nigricapillus | Black-headed Antthrush | 22703206 | LC |
Acanthemblemaria balanorum | Clubhead Blenny | 183400 | LC |
Formicarius rufipectus | Rufous-breasted Antthrush | 22703209 | LC |
Apogon pacificus | Pink Cardinalfish | 183403 | LC |
Pheugopedius fasciatoventris | Black-bellied Wren | 22711401 | LC |
Pheugopedius spadix | Sooty-headed Wren | 22711398 | LC |
Bellator loxias | Barred searobin | 183410 | LC |
Chamaeza turdina | Schwartz's Antthrush | 22703218 | LC |
Haemulon maculicauda | Spottail grunt | 183412 | LC |
Evorthodus minutus | Small Goby | 183413 | LC |
Pheugopedius mystacalis | Whiskered Wren | 22711410 | LC |
Elaeagia utilis | 145681529 | LC | |
Arcos rhodospilus | Rock clingfish | 183418 | LC |
Apogon retrosella | Barspot Cardinalfish | 183419 | LC |
Malacoctenus ebisui | Fishgod Blenny | 183420 | LC |
Coryphopterus urospilus | Redlight goby | 183421 | LC |
Pliosteostoma lutipinnis | Yellowfin Herring | 183416 | LC |
Pittasoma michleri | Black-crowned Antpitta | 22703231 | LC |
Hypsoblennius brevipinnis | Barnacle Blenny | 183425 | LC |
Etropus peruvianus | Peruvian flounder | 183428 | LC |
Oligoplites refulgens | Slender Leatherjacket | 183429 | LC |
Neobythites stelliferoides | Thread brotula | 183430 | LC |
Pheugopedius rutilus | Rufous-breasted Wren | 22711427 | LC |
Lile nigrofasciata | Blackstripe Herring | 183437 | LC |
Cantorchilus nigricapillus | Bay Wren | 22711438 | LC |
Mugil setosus | Liseta mullet | 183438 | LC |
Neostrengeria macropa | 134285 | LC | |
Myripristis leiognathus | Panamic soldierfish | 183443 | LC |
Cantorchilus leucopogon | Stripe-throated Wren | 22711444 | LC |
Pareques viola | Gungo highhat | 183444 | LC |
Gobiesox daedaleus | Dotted Clingfish | 183448 | LC |
Enchelycore octaviana | Slenderjaw moray | 183450 | LC |
Grallaria haplonota | Plain-backed Antpitta | 22703259 | LC |
Hypolobocera aequatorialis | 134296 | LC | |
Grallaria dignissima | Ochre-striped Antpitta | 22703262 | LC |
Dacnis egregia | Yellow-tufted Dacnis | 103812255 | LC |
Espadarana audax | Napo Giant Glass Frog | 78163103 | LC |
Poeciliopsis turrubarensis | Barred Livebearer | 183453 | LC |
Hypolobocera beieri | 134309 | LC | |
Anchoa lucida | Bright Anchovy | 183464 | LC |
Gobiomorus maculatus | Pacific Sleeper | 183466 | LC |
Engyophrys sanctilaurentii | Speckledtail Flounder | 183467 | LC |
Grallaria ruficapilla | Chestnut-crowned Antpitta | 22703274 | LC |
Anchoa exigua | Anchovy | 183470 | LC |
Larimus argenteus | Silver drum | 183471 | LC |
Microspathodon bairdii | Bumphead damselfish | 183472 | LC |
Scarus compressus | Azure parrotfish | 183468 | LC |
Triplaris cumingiana | 149998765 | LC | |
Ctenogobius sagittula | Longtail Goby | 183475 | LC |
Gymnothorax castaneus | Chestnut moray | 183477 | LC |
Glaucis aeneus | Bronzy Hermit | 22686903 | LC |
Dactyloscopus fimbriatus | Fringed Stargazer | 183480 | LC |
Ormenophlebia imperatrix | 158903 | LC | |
Abudefduf concolor | Dusky seargent | 183483 | LC |
Ariosoma gilberti | Sharpnose Conger | 183485 | LC |
Grallaria nuchalis | Chestnut-naped Antpitta | 22703296 | LC |
Gobiosoma paradoxum | Paradox goby | 183490 | LC |
Haemulon scudderii | Grey grunt | 183487 | LC |
Malacoctenus margaritae | Margarita Blenny | 183486 | LC |
Myioborus ornatus | Yellow-fronted Whitestart | 103804095 | LC |
Notarius planiceps | Thick-lip Sea-catfish | 183495 | LC |
Alfaroa williamsii | 66784456 | LC | |
Grallaria flavotincta | Yellow-breasted Antpitta | 22703305 | LC |
Ichthyapus selachops | Smiling sand eel | 183498 | LC |
Grallaria hypoleuca | White-bellied Antpitta | 22703308 | LC |
Occidentarius platypogon | Cominate Sea Catfish | 183499 | LC |
Ophichthus frontalis | Deathbanded snake eel | 183502 | LC |
Stellifer ericymba | Hollow stardrum | 183501 | LC |
Haemulopsis axillaris | Axil grunt | 183507 | LC |
Chiloconger dentatus | Shortsnout conger | 183509 | LC |
Letharchus rosenblatti | Black sailfin eel | 183511 | LC |
Myioborus chrysops | Golden-fronted Whitestart | 103804115 | LC |
Phaethornis guy | Green Hermit | 22686934 | LC |
Phaethornis syrmatophorus | Tawny-bellied Hermit | 22686937 | LC |
Phaethornis yaruqui | White-whiskered Hermit | 22686931 | LC |
Anchoa scofieldi | Yellow Anchovy | 183516 | LC |
Elacatinus puncticulatus | Redhead goby | 183517 | LC |
Abatia parviflora | 149933278 | LC | |
Heteragrion erythrogastrum | 158943 | LC | |
Dactyloscopus pectoralis | Whitesaddle Stargazer | 183521 | LC |
Antennatus strigatus | Bandtail Frogfish | 183522 | LC |
Erythrodiplax andagoya | 158947 | LC | |
Cathorops multiradiatus | Box sea catfish | 183524 | LC |
Ophioscion typicus | Point-nosed croaker | 183523 | LC |
Anarchias galapagensis | Hardtail moray | 183526 | LC |
Coeligena bonapartei | Golden-bellied Starfrontlet | 61172969 | LC |
Hylopezus perspicillatus | Streak-chested Antpitta | 22703339 | LC |
Lutjanus colorado | 183531 | LC | |
Neostrengeria tencalanensis | 134377 | LC | |
Hylopezus fulviventris | White-lored Antpitta | 22703343 | LC |
Phaethornis anthophilus | Pale-bellied Hermit | 22686955 | LC |
Stegastes arcifrons | Galapagos gregory | 183530 | LC |
Enypnias seminudus | Silt goby | 183540 | LC |
Dactyloscopus lunaticus | Moonstruck Stargazer | 183541 | LC |
Eucinostomus gracilis | Graceful Mojarra | 183543 | LC |
Philogenia cassandra | 158968 | LC | |
Bathygobius andrei | 183545 | LC | |
Syacium latifrons | Beach Flounder | 183547 | LC |
Elaenia brachyptera | Coopman's Elaenia | 103681276 | LC |
Peprilus snyderi | Salema Butterfish | 183549 | LC |
Lonchopisthus sinuscalifornicus | Longtailed jawfish | 183553 | LC |
Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus | Song Wren | 22711554 | LC |
Orthothelphusa venezuelensis | 134403 | LC | |
Euthore fastigiata | 158980 | LC | |
Zimmerius improbus | Mountain Tyrannulet | 104008963 | LC |
Stellifer melanocheir | Black stardrum | 183562 | LC |
Bregmaceros bathymaster | East Pacific Codlet | 183566 | LC |
Atherinella starksi | Star Silverside | 183568 | LC |
Ophidion galeoides | Spotfin cusk-eel | 183571 | LC |
Stellifer mancorensis | Smooth stardrum | 183569 | LC |
Achirus scutum | Network Sole | 183574 | LC |
Caranx caballus | Green Jack | 183579 | LC |
Elattarchus archidium | Bluestreak drum | 183580 | LC |
Lepophidium prorates | Prowspine cusk eel | 183584 | LC |
Strengeriana fuhrmanni | 134436 | LC | |
Eutoxeres aquila | White-tipped Sicklebill | 22687013 | LC |
Diplectrum macropoma | Mexican sand perch | 183590 | LC |
Forsteria venezuelensis | 134439 | LC | |
Porichthys margaritatus | Daisy midshipman | 183593 | LC |
Androdon aequatorialis | Tooth-billed Hummingbird | 22687019 | LC |
Gymnothorax phalarus | Small-spotted Moray | 183597 | LC |
Alchornea costaricensis | 150007086 | LC | |
Hyporhamphus gilli | Choelo halfbeak | 183595 | LC |
Lutjanus viridis | Blue and gold snapper | 183596 | LC |
Symphurus chabanaudi | Chabanaud's Tonguefish | 183601 | LC |
Tangara glaucocolpa | Glaucous Tanager | 22722531 | LC |
Conopophaga castaneiceps | Chestnut-crowned Gnateater | 22703412 | LC |
Ekemblemaria myersi | Reefsand Blenny | 183605 | LC |
Symphurus prolatinaris | Halfstriped Tonguefish | 183606 | LC |
Argia variata | 159031 | LC | |
Serranus tico | Cocos Serrano | 183608 | LC |
Polioptila schistaceigula | Slate-throated Gnatcatcher | 22711611 | LC |
Neostrengeria botti | 134461 | LC | |
Serranus huascarii | Flag Serrano | 183616 | LC |
Haemulon sexfasciatum | Graybar grunt | 183617 | LC |
Solanum trachycyphum | 146115906 | LC | |
Anchoa curta | Short Anchovy | 183619 | LC |
Anisotremus taeniatus | Catalina | 183620 | LC |
Hypolobocera lloroensis | 134471 | LC | |
Neostrengeria appressa | 134473 | LC | |
Evermannia zosterura | Bandedtail Goby | 183627 | LC |
Synodus sechurae | Iguana lizardfish | 183622 | LC |
Acanthemblemaria exilispinus | Bluntspine Blenny | 183629 | LC |
Citharichthys gilberti | Bigmouth Sanddab | 183632 | LC |
Anchoa eigenmannia | Eigenmann's Anchovy | 183635 | LC |
Gobionellus microdon | Estuary Goby | 183633 | LC |
Metaleptobasis mauffrayi | 159054 | LC | |
Neostrengeria guenteri | 134485 | LC | |
Otophidium indefatigabile | Bighead cusk eel | 183634 | LC |
Apogon dovii | Tailspot Cardinalfish | 183640 | LC |
Paralonchurus goodei | Angel croaker | 183639 | LC |
Muraena clepsydra | Hourglass moray | 183643 | LC |
Tylosurus pacificus | Pacific agujon | 183637 | LC |
Strengeriana villaensis | 134495 | LC | |
Bathygobius ramosus | Panamic frillfin | 183649 | LC |
Cinclodes albidiventris | Chestnut-winged Cinclodes | 22736226 | LC |
Haemulon flaviguttatum | Cortez grunt | 183651 | LC |
Menticirrhus elongatus | Pacific kingcroaker | 183648 | LC |
Chromis atrilobata | Scissortail damselfish | 183653 | LC |
Ancylopsetta dendritica | Three-spot Flounder | 183656 | LC |
Ptereleotris carinata | Panamic Dartfish | 183650 | LC |
Trinectes fonsecensis | Spottedfin Sole | 183658 | LC |
Campylopterus falcatus | Lazuline Sabrewing | 22687083 | LC |
Notarius kessleri | Sculptured sea catfish | 183661 | LC |
Hetaerina majuscula | 159088 | LC | |
Muraena argus | Argus Moray | 183664 | LC |
Gymneleotris seminudus | Splitbanded goby | 183668 | LC |
Saguinus nigricollis ssp. hernandezi | Hernández-camacho's Black Mantle Tamarin | 19828 | LC |
Isoetes palmeri | 58985846 | LC | |
Prionotus horrens | Bristly searobin | 183671 | LC |
Elacatinus inornatus | Inornate goby | 183673 | LC |
Metaleptobasis foreli | 159098 | LC | |
Eucinostomus currani | Pacific Flagfin Mojarra | 183675 | LC |
Myornis senilis | Ash-colored Tapaculo | 22703483 | LC |
Rypticus bicolor | Mottled Soapfish | 183677 | LC |
Genyatremus dovii | Spotted Head Sargo | 183680 | LC |
Symphurus oligomerus | Whitetail Tonguefish | 183683 | LC |
Syacium longidorsale | Longfin flounder | 183687 | LC |
Hemicaranx zelotes | Blackfin Scad | 183688 | LC |
Ophichthus triserialis | Pacific snake eel | 183692 | LC |
Sufflamen verres | Orangeside Triggerfish | 183693 | LC |
Euthore fassli | 159120 | LC | |
Chlorostilbon poortmani | Short-tailed Emerald | 61197713 | LC |
Sargocentron suborbitalis | Tinsel squirrelfish | 183697 | LC |
Scorpaena russula | Reddish Scorpionfish | 183700 | LC |
Scytalopus vicinior | Narino Tapaculo | 22703505 | LC |
Hippotis brevipes | 145698200 | LC | |
Echiodon exsilium | Nocturnal pearlfish | 183707 | LC |
Xenomugil thoburni | Thoburn's Mullet | 183713 | LC |
Orthopristis chalceus | Brassy grunt | 183714 | LC |
Chaenomugil proboscideus | Mullet | 183716 | LC |
Physiculus nematopus | Codling | 183718 | LC |
Strengeriana maniformis | 134566 | LC | |
Trachinotus kennedyi | Permit | 183719 | LC |
Stellifer ephelis | 183721 | LC | |
Neostrengeria monterrodendoensis | 134570 | LC | |
Micropogonias altipinnis | Golden croaker | 183726 | LC |
Halichoeres melanotis | Golden wrasse | 183731 | LC |
Vismia billbergiana | 149999028 | LC | |
Fowlerichthys avalonis | Roughjaw Frogfish | 183737 | LC |
Stellifer chrysoleuca | Shortnose stardrum | 183740 | LC |
Dialommus macrocephalus | Foureye rockskipper | 183741 | LC |
Syngnathus auliscus | Barred Pipefish | 183743 | LC |
Acropternis orthonyx | Ocellated Tapaculo | 22703554 | LC |
Stegastes flavilatus | Beaubrummel | 183747 | LC |
Bellator gymnostethus | Nakedbelly searobin | 183751 | LC |
Maytenus macrocarpa | 145657289 | LC | |
Arremon axillaris | Yellow-mandibled Sparrow | 103771596 | LC |
Ilisha fuerthii | Hatchet Herring | 183757 | LC |
Brotula ordwayi | Fore-spotted brotula | 183758 | LC |
Hypolobocera chocoensis | 134607 | LC | |
Neoconger vermiformis | Smalleye Spaghetti-eel | 183759 | LC |
Lutjanus aratus | 183763 | LC | |
Bagre panamensis | Chilhuil Sea Catfish | 183765 | LC |
Hemiramphus saltator | Longfin halfbeak | 183767 | LC |
Membras gilberti | Landia Silverside | 183772 | LC |
Hypolobocera bouvieri | 134622 | LC | |
Lutjanus guttatus | Rose snapper | 183777 | LC |
Lutjanus jordani | Red snapper | 183780 | LC |
Paroaria nigrogenis | Masked Cardinal | 22736357 | LC |
Hemanthias peruanus | Rose thread-fin bass | 183786 | LC |
Lophornis stictolophus | Spangled Coquette | 22687211 | LC |
Benthosema panamense | Panama Lanternfish | 130338284 | LC |
Paraclinus mexicanus | Mexican Blenny | 183788 | LC |
Pomadasys branickii | Sand grunt | 183795 | LC |
Symphurus callopterus | Chocolate Tonguefish | 183796 | LC |
Casearia praecox | 61959669 | LC | |
Merluccius angustimanus | Hake | 183799 | LC |
Arcos decoris | Elegant clingfish | 183802 | LC |
Bottiella niceforei | 134651 | LC | |
Starksia fulva | Yellow Blenny | 183804 | LC |
Symphurus fasciolaris | Banded tongue-fish | 183803 | LC |
Symphurus melasmatotheca | Darkbelly Tonguefish | 183806 | LC |
Pseudomyrophis micropinna | Plain worm eel | 183807 | LC |
Carangoides otrynter | Threadfin Jack | 183808 | LC |
Strengeriana chaparralensis | 134657 | LC | |
Anchoa mundeola | False Panama Anchovy | 183811 | LC |
Odontoscion xanthops | Yelloweye croaker | 183812 | LC |
Nicholsina denticulata | Loosetooth Parrotfish | 183813 | LC |
Hemicaranx leucurus | Bluntnose Jack | 183814 | LC |
Ariopsis seemanni | Tete Sea Catfish | 183818 | LC |
Tomicodon myersi | Blackstripe clingfish | 183819 | LC |
Mabea montana | 149999117 | LC | |
Microspathodon dorsalis | Giant damselfish | 183825 | LC |
Sylviocarcinus piriformis | 134675 | LC | |
Matisia idroboi | 145657365 | LC | |
Paralonchurus petersii | Peters' banded croaker | 183829 | LC |
Haemulopsis leuciscus | Raucous grunt | 183833 | LC |
Perrottetia sessiliflora | 149933597 | LC | |
Neostrengeria lasallei | 134686 | LC | |
Scarus perrico | Bumphead Parrotfish | 183839 | LC |
Acanthemblemaria hancocki | Hancock's Blenny | 183841 | LC |
Brycon sinuensis | 64687651 | LC | |
Batrachoides pacifici | Pacific toadfish | 183844 | LC |
Chironius spixii | Sipo | 68603427 | LC |
Sciades dowii | Brown Sea Catfish | 183847 | LC |
Umbrina bussingi | Bigeye croaker | 183843 | LC |
Kyphosus elegans | Cortez chub | 183849 | LC |
Sciurus granatensis | Red-tailed Squirrel | 20010 | LC |
Discosura conversii | Green Thorntail | 22687275 | LC |
Myiopagis parambae | Choco Grey Elaenia | 103681584 | LC |
Mimosa colombiana | 129134131 | LC | |
Apterichtus equatorialis | Equatorial eel | 183866 | LC |
Dactyloscopus byersi | Notchtail Stargazer | 183867 | LC |
Chromis alta | Oval chromis | 183870 | LC |
Ctenogobius manglicola | Mangrove goby | 183871 | LC |
Opisthopterus equatorialis | Equatorial longfin herring | 183876 | LC |
Cetengraulis mysticetus | Anchovy | 183878 | LC |
Neostrengeria tonensis | 134727 | LC | |
Lozania mutisiana | 150007369 | LC | |
Entomacrodus chiostictus | Rock Blenny | 183886 | LC |
Echiophis brunneus | Pacific spoon-nose eel | 183888 | LC |
Lepophidium microlepis | Finescale cusk-eel | 183889 | LC |
Prognichthys tringa | Panamic flyingfish | 183891 | LC |
Symphurus leei | Lee's Tonguefish | 183892 | LC |
Umbrina analis | Longspine croaker | 183893 | LC |
Prionotus albirostris | Whitesnout searobin | 183897 | LC |
Cynoscion squamipinnis | Weakfish | 183901 | LC |
Perissias taeniopterus | Flag Flounder | 183903 | LC |
Symphurus melanurus | Drab Tonguefish | 183906 | LC |
Parahypsos piersoni | Slender Blenny | 183907 | LC |
Opisthonema bulleri | Slender thread herring | 183910 | LC |
Stellifer oscitans | Yawning stardrum | 183911 | LC |
Lophogobius cristulatus | Pacific Crested-goby | 183915 | LC |
Gobulus hancocki | Sandtop goby | 183916 | LC |
Anchovia macrolepidota | Bigscale Anchovy | 183917 | LC |
Chlorostilbon gibsoni | Red-billed Emerald | 22687342 | LC |
Guatteria stipitata | 103435887 | LC | |
Prionotus birostratus | Twobeak searobin | 183919 | LC |
Chlorostilbon russatus | Coppery Emerald | 22687345 | LC |
Muraena lentiginosa | Jewel moray | 183921 | LC |
Decodon melasma | Blackspot wrasse | 183923 | LC |
Chlorostilbon stenurus | Narrow-tailed Emerald | 22687348 | LC |
Miconia cazaletii | 145673844 | LC | |
Opisthopterus dovii | Pacific Longfin Herring | 183922 | LC |
Senna mutisiana | 129134192 | LC | |
Mugil hospes | Mullet | 183929 | LC |
Grammonus diagrammus | Purple Brotula | 183930 | LC |
Achirus mazatlanus | Mazatlan Sole | 183932 | LC |
Hippoglossina tetrophthalma | Foureye Flounder | 183933 | LC |
Chaceus pearsei | 134785 | LC | |
Rypticus nigripinnis | Twice-spotted Soapfish | 183938 | LC |
Neostrengeria charalensis | 134787 | LC | |
Ophioscion strabo | Squint-eyed croaker | 183946 | LC |
Bollmannia chlamydes | 183947 | LC | |
Hypolobocera gorgonensis | 134795 | LC | |
Lutjanus argentiventris | Amarillo snapper | 183948 | LC |
Epinephelus cifuentesi | Olive Grouper | 44686 | LC |
Hyporhamphus naos | Pacific silverstripe halfbeak | 183951 | LC |
Haemulopsis nitidus | Shining grunt | 183956 | LC |
Neostrengeria boyacensis | 134816 | LC | |
Bellator xenisma | Splitnose searobin | 183971 | LC |
Sorocea affinis | 149933732 | LC | |
Diapterus aureolus | Golden mojarra | 183973 | LC |
Microgobius curtus | Low-crested Goby | 183975 | LC |
Liopropoma fasciatum | Rainbow basslet | 183976 | LC |
Polydactylus opercularis | Yellow bobo | 183977 | LC |
Serranus aequidens | Deepwater serrano | 183978 | LC |
Plagiotremus azaleus | Sabertooth Blenny | 183980 | LC |
Gobioides peruanus | Peruvian Eelgoby | 183981 | LC |
Argentina aliceae | Alice Argentina | 183982 | LC |
Microgobius crocatus | Yellow-spotted Goby | 183983 | LC |
Bairdiella armata | Armed croaker | 183984 | LC |
Bagre pinnimaculatus | Long-barbeled Sea Catfish | 183986 | LC |
Juliamyia julie | Violet-bellied Hummingbird | 22687411 | LC |
Citharichthys platophrys | Small sandab | 183988 | LC |
Menticirrhus paitensis | Paita kingcroaker | 183989 | LC |
Lepidopyga coeruleogularis | Sapphire-throated Hummingbird | 22687414 | LC |
Neostrengeria niceforoi | 134839 | LC | |
Thalassoma grammaticum | Sunset wrasse | 183985 | LC |
Ophioscion vermicularis | Vermiculated croaker | 183995 | LC |
Lepidopyga goudoti | Shining-green Hummingbird | 22687421 | LC |
Ophioscion imiceps | Blinkard croaker | 183997 | LC |
Anchoa starksi | Starks's Anchovy | 184000 | LC |
Sorocea trophoides | 149933757 | LC | |
Lepophidium pardale | Leopard cusk eel | 184005 | LC |
Kathetostoma averruncus | Smooth Stargazer | 184006 | LC |
Cheilopogon xenopterus | Whitetip flyingfish | 184008 | LC |
Cypselurus callopterus | Beautyfin flyingfish | 184010 | LC |
Atherinella eriarcha | Longfin silverside | 184007 | LC |
Axoclinus lucillae | Panama triplefin | 184009 | LC |
Gillellus semicinctus | Half-banded Stargazer | 184012 | LC |
Pontinus clemensi | Mottled Scorpionfish | 184015 | LC |
Sphoeroides kendalli | Slick Puffer | 184018 | LC |
Stellifer illecebrosus | Silver stardrum | 184019 | LC |
Haemulopsis elongatus | Elongate grunt | 184021 | LC |
Chasmocranus rosae | 167638 | LC | |
Conodon serrifer | Armed grunt | 184023 | LC |
Physiculus talarae | Morid | 184024 | LC |
Herrania purpurea | 150007515 | LC | |
Ophichthus melope | Black-pored snake-eel | 184027 | LC |
Myxodagnus macrognathus | 184031 | LC | |
Larimus acclivis | Steeplined drum | 184032 | LC |
Sphoeroides sechurae | Peruvian Puffer | 184034 | LC |
Halichoeres nicholsi | Spinster wrasse | 184035 | LC |
Characidium purpuratum | 167653 | LC | |
Microgobius miraflorensis | Miraflores goby | 184036 | LC |
Myrophis vafer | Pacific worm eel | 184046 | LC |
Parvilux boschmai | 129511143 | LC | |
Platybelone argalus ssp. pterura | Baja California keeltail needlefish | 184049 | LC |
Oligoplites saurus ssp. inornatus | Jack | 184050 | LC |
Pseudogramma thaumasium | Pacific reef bass | 184043 | LC |
Swartzia panamensis | 150015727 | LC | |
Tylosurus crocodilus ssp. fodiator | Hound needlefish | 184051 | LC |
Doryrhamphus excisus ssp. excisus | Black-sided pipefish | 184055 | LC |
Eretmobrycon emperador | 167673 | LC | |
Sigmodontomys alfari | Alfaro's Rice Water Rat | 20221 | LC |
Orthothelphusa holthuisi | 134910 | LC | |
Bryconamericus plutarcoi | 167682 | LC | |
Leucippus fallax | Buffy Hummingbird | 22687491 | LC |
Cestrum ochraceum | 146116357 | LC | |
Conus glenni | 192262 | LC | |
Squaliforma tenuicauda | 167685 | LC | |
Conus scalaris | 192273 | LC | |
Conus arcuatus | 192275 | LC | |
Lasiancistrus schomburgkii | 167701 | LC | |
Conus poulosi | 192295 | LC | |
Sternopygus aequilabiatus | Blue-green Knifefish | 167725 | LC |
Protosciaena trewavasae | Ethelwynn's Drum | 47148847 | LC |
Dolichancistrus pediculatus | 167729 | LC | |
Chaetostoma patiae | 167736 | LC | |
Pimelodus coprophagus | 167739 | LC | |
Malacoglanis gelatinosus | 167740 | LC | |
Rudgea skutchii | 150015805 | LC | |
Crossoloricaria venezuelae | 167743 | LC | |
Amazilia amabilis | Blue-chested Hummingbird | 22687552 | LC |
Lobodeuterodon euspilurus | 167749 | LC | |
Amazilia rosenbergi | Purple-chested Hummingbird | 22687559 | LC |
Ortalis columbiana | Colombian Chachalaca | 22728519 | LC |
Gelanoglanis stroudi | 167753 | LC | |
Morphnarchus princeps | Barred Hawk | 22695754 | LC |
Amazilia franciae | Andean Emerald | 22687566 | LC |
Pseudocolaptes johnsoni | Pacific Tuftedcheek | 22728530 | LC |
Conus gladiator | 192345 | LC | |
Solanum cornifolium | 146116444 | LC | |
Leucopternis semiplumbeus | Semiplumbeous Hawk | 22695775 | LC |
Conus orion | 192355 | LC | |
Stenocercus iridescens | 44579917 | LC | |
Dasyloricaria filamentosa | Whiptail catfish | 167781 | LC |
Amazilia saucerottei | Steely-vented Hummingbird | 22687590 | LC |
Conus diadema | 192361 | LC | |
Spinus spinescens | Andean Siskin | 22720365 | LC |
Hetaerina duplex | 49254256 | LC | |
Bryconamericus huilae | 167793 | LC | |
Parodon caliensis | 167794 | LC | |
Polythore concinna | 49254268 | LC | |
Bryconamericus deuterodonoides | 167806 | LC | |
Gilbertolus atratoensis | 167808 | LC | |
Formicivora intermedia | Northern White-fringed Antwren | 103657347 | LC |
Hemigrammus pulcher | Black wedge tetra | 167811 | LC |
Hypolobocera martelathani | 135046 | LC | |
Leandra granatensis | 149999494 | LC | |
Phrynonax shropshirei | Shropshire's Puffing Snake | 15183756 | LC |
Stellifer chaoi | Chao Stardrum | 47148940 | LC |
Conus patricius | 192402 | LC | |
Conus regularis | 192409 | LC | |
Schefflera bogotensis | 118214554 | LC | |
Solanum hypaleurotrichum | 146116515 | LC | |
Chalybura buffonii | White-vented Plumeleteer | 22687652 | LC |
Chalybura urochrysia | Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer | 22687655 | LC |
Conus mahogani | 192427 | LC | |
Neostrengeria lindigiana | 135089 | LC | |
Miconia dorsiloba | 150007730 | LC | |
Teinopodagrion mercenarium | 49254326 | LC | |
Anaxagorea allenii | 143323066 | LC | |
Conus cingulatus | 192446 | LC | |
Conus brunneus | 192449 | LC | |
Anisognathus lunulatus | Scarlet-bellied Mountain-tanager | 103845827 | LC |
Conus princeps | 192452 | LC | |
Forpus spengeli | Turquoise-winged Parrotlet | 45428679 | LC |
Conus bayeri | 192474 | LC | |
Clidemia discolor | 149999583 | LC | |
Conus kevani | 192480 | LC | |
Cora klenei | 49254367 | LC | |
Mimosa polyantha | 144281567 | LC | |
Heliodoxa imperatrix | Empress Brilliant | 22687715 | LC |
Rhionaeschna intricata | 49254369 | LC | |
Lonchophylla handleyi | Handley's Nectar Bat | 12265 | LC |
Solanum ovalifolium | 146116586 | LC | |
Lonchophylla robusta | Orange Nectar Bat | 12268 | LC |
Pisonia macranthocarpa | 135835364 | LC | |
Clusia loretensis | 36858 | LC | |
Heliodoxa jacula | Green-crowned Brilliant | 22687740 | LC |
Sternoclyta cyanopectus | Violet-chested Hummingbird | 22687753 | LC |
Miconia caudata | 150007819 | LC | |
Chlorochrysa calliparaea | Orange-eared Tanager | 103845906 | LC |
Oreotrochilus chimborazo | Ecuadorian Hillstar | 22687762 | LC |
Pattonomys semivillosus | 90386452 | LC | |
Platycarpum orinocense | 145707026 | LC | |
Conus dalli | 192542 | LC | |
Conus venezuelanus | 192555 | LC | |
Aglaeactis cupripennis | Shining Sunbeam | 22687788 | LC |
Conus fergusoni | 192566 | LC | |
Lafresnaya lafresnayi | Mountain Velvetbreast | 22687801 | LC |
Ischnura cyane | 49254459 | LC | |
Drepanoneura flinti | 49254460 | LC | |
Ruptiliocarpon caracolito | 128733243 | LC | |
Miconia multiplinervia | 149999678 | LC | |
Conus lucidus | 192576 | LC | |
Coeligena wilsoni | Brown Inca | 22687810 | LC |
Conus vittatus | 192582 | LC | |
Guatteria scalarinervia | 36933 | LC | |
Coeligena helianthea | Blue-throated Starfrontlet | 22687834 | LC |
Coeligena lutetiae | Buff-winged Starfrontlet | 22687837 | LC |
Clusia palmicida | 150007902 | LC | |
Odontophorus erythrops | Rufous-fronted Wood-quail | 22679645 | LC |
Polythore mutata | 49254497 | LC | |
Tangara ruficervix | Golden-naped Tanager | 103846006 | LC |
Ischnura cruzi | 49254523 | LC | |
Boissonneaua flavescens | Buff-tailed Coronet | 22687868 | LC |
Boissonneaua matthewsii | Chestnut-breasted Coronet | 22687871 | LC |
Boissonneaua jardini | Velvet-purple Coronet | 22687874 | LC |
Liotyphlops argaleus | 176259 | LC | |
Heliangelus mavors | Orange-throated Sunangel | 22687877 | LC |
Teinopodagrion caquetanum | 49254543 | LC | |
Heliangelus strophianus | Gorgeted Sunangel | 22687890 | LC |
Opuntia quitensis | 151698 | LC | |
Heliangelus exortis | Tourmaline Sunangel | 22687893 | LC |
Conus perplexus | 192668 | LC | |
Conus virgatus | 192679 | LC | |
Rhynchortyx cinctus | Tawny-faced Quail | 22679720 | LC |
Eriocnemis vestita | Glowing Puffleg | 22687914 | LC |
Miconia simplex | 150016171 | LC | |
Myiothlypis luteoviridis | Northern Citrine Warbler | 105296047 | LC |
Teinopodagrion croizati | 49254577 | LC | |
Conus purpurascens | 192696 | LC | |
Argia kokama | 49254585 | LC | |
Eriocnemis mosquera | Golden-breasted Puffleg | 22687933 | LC |
Colubrina spinosa | 145567942 | LC | |
Eriocnemis aline | Emerald-bellied Puffleg | 22687944 | LC |
Hetaerina aurora | 49254606 | LC | |
Heteropodagrion croizati | 49254609 | LC | |
Conus emarginatus | 192723 | LC | |
Conus bartschi | 192724 | LC | |
Urosticte benjamini | Purple-bibbed Whitetip | 22687962 | LC |
Urosticte ruficrissa | Rufous-vented Whitetip | 22687965 | LC |
Atractus bocourti | Bocourt's Ground Snake | 176351 | LC |
Atractus crassicaudatus | Thickhead Ground Snake | 176352 | LC |
Conus tornatus | 192735 | LC | |
Atractus limitaneus | Limitan Ground Snake | 176354 | LC |
Lesbia victoriae | Black-tailed Trainbearer | 22687971 | LC |
Conus poormani | 192746 | LC | |
Sakesphorus pulchellus | Streak-fronted Antshrike | 103657716 | LC |
Metallura williami | Viridian Metaltail | 22687990 | LC |
Ischnura chingaza | 49254651 | LC | |
Sirystes albogriseus | Choco Sirystes | 103682304 | LC |
Calliandra guildingii | 145658122 | LC | |
Mesamphiagrion risi | 49254666 | LC | |
Leptochilichthys agassizii | Agassiz's Smooth-head | 15601934 | LC |
Conus velaensis | 192783 | LC | |
Conus aureopunctatus | 192784 | LC | |
Dendrophidion prolixum | 48328975 | LC | |
Senefelderopsis chiribiquetensis | 145690899 | LC | |
Thomasomys nicefori | 96801038 | LC | |
Sula granti | Nazca Booby | 22728990 | LC |
Mesamphiagrion occultum | 49254688 | LC | |
Chalcostigma heteropogon | Bronze-tailed Thornbill | 22688033 | LC |
Saurauia cuatrecasana | 135876899 | LC | |
Chalcostigma herrani | Rainbow-bearded Thornbill | 22688036 | LC |
Ocotea tessmannii | 145666341 | LC | |
Solanum vacciniiflorum | 146116903 | LC | |
Conus ceruttii | 192809 | LC | |
Conus xanthicus | 192810 | LC | |
Oreiallagma oreas | 49254700 | LC | |
Opisthoprora euryptera | Mountain Avocetbill | 22688046 | LC |
Phalcoboenus carunculatus | Carunculated Caracara | 22696238 | LC |
Aglaiocercus coelestis | Violet-tailed Sylph | 22688059 | LC |
Conus penchaszadehi | 192827 | LC | |
Conus archon | 192837 | LC | |
Conus tiaratus | 192839 | LC | |
Conus paulae | Paula's Cone | 192857 | LC |
Miconia wurdackii | 135876958 | LC | |
Xiphorhynchus susurrans | Cocoa Woodcreeper | 22729055 | LC |
Conus nux | 192874 | LC | |
Myrmotherula pacifica | Pacific Antwren | 22729067 | LC |
Myiophobus crypterythrus | Mouse-grey Flycatcher | 103682414 | LC |
Hylopezus dives | Fulvous-bellied Antpitta | 22729072 | LC |
Stellifer venezuelae | Venezuelan Stardrum | 47149427 | LC |
Scytalopus chocoensis | Choco Tapaculo | 22729076 | LC |
Meriania nobilis | 135877017 | LC | |
Calliphlox mitchellii | Purple-throated Woodstar | 22688163 | LC |
Acanthemblemaria betinensis | Speckled Blenny | 47141289 | LC |
Melocactus mazelianus | 151981 | LC | |
Protographium anaxilaus | Small Kite Swallowtail | 160184 | LC |
Pereskia bleo | 152000 | LC | |
Progomphus incurvatus | 158842 | LC | |
Anolis anoriensis | 44577227 | LC | |
Psidium pedicellatum | 45517 | LC | |
Pentagonia macrophylla | 145674706 | LC | |
Bucquetia glutinosa | 135877076 | LC | |
Sturnira aratathomasi | Aratathomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat | 20949 | LC |
Sturnira bidens | Bidentate Yellow-shouldered Bat | 20950 | LC |
Sturnira bogotensis | Bogota Yellow-shouldered Bat | 20951 | LC |
Solanum oblongifolium | 146117081 | LC | |
Sturnira luisi | Louis's Yellow-shouldered Bat | 20955 | LC |
Aulacorhynchus albivitta | Greyish-throated Toucanet | 42611196 | LC |
Herpsilochmus dugandi | Dugand's Antwren | 22729224 | LC |
Chaetocercus heliodor | Gorgeted Woodstar | 22688268 | LC |
Blakea quadrangularis | 135877135 | LC | |
Chaetocercus astreans | Santa Marta Woodstar | 22688274 | LC |
Diplodontites cookei | 58602004 | LC | |
Chilomys instans | Colombian Forest Mouse | 4634 | LC |
Umbrina milliae | Miller Drum | 47149594 | LC |
Scytalopus atratus | Northern White-crowned Tapaculo | 22729245 | LC |
Solanum hayesii | 146117152 | LC | |
Chaetocercus jourdanii | Rufous-shafted Woodstar | 22688290 | LC |
Anolis danieli | 44577320 | LC | |
Cupania hirsuta | 145674794 | LC | |
Scytalopus sanctaemartae | Santa Marta Tapaculo | 22729258 | LC |
Dendropsophus manonegra | 78484020 | LC | |
Scytalopus spillmanni | Spillmann's Tapaculo | 22729270 | LC |
Espadarana callistomma | 135738 | LC | |
Cleistocactus sepium | 152133 | LC | |
Scytalopus griseicollis | Andean Tapaculo | 22729291 | LC |
Cybianthus laurifolius | 145527372 | LC | |
Trichodactylus quinquedentatus | 134446 | LC | |
Adelia triloba | 150000213 | LC | |
Ilex kunthiana | 135713368 | LC | |
Rhynchocyclus pacificus | Pacific Flatbill | 22729308 | LC |
Duguetia confusa | 143323773 | LC | |
Siparuna macrotepala | 145691264 | LC | |
Sterculia colombiana | 145658498 | LC | |
Schefflera trianae | 135877258 | LC | |
Posoqueria coriacea | 145666706 | LC | |
Dipsas sanctijoannis | Tropical Snail-eater | 176794 | LC |
Costus villosissimus | 56349339 | LC | |
Dipsas peruana | Peruvian Thirst Snake | 176796 | LC |
Drymarchon caudomaculatus | 176797 | LC | |
Ilex yurumanguinis | 135713436 | LC | |
Croton gossypiifolius | 145707681 | LC | |
Choeroniscus godmani | Godman's Long-tailed Bat | 4772 | LC |
Erythrolamprus bizona | Double-banded Coral Snake Mimic | 176805 | LC |
Helicops scalaris | Hoge's Keelback | 176811 | LC |
Imantodes inornatus | Plain Tree Snake | 176820 | LC |
Ptychoglossus festae | Peracca's Largescale Lizard | 203059 | LC |
Aphelandra hartwegiana | 135877317 | LC | |
Anolis mariarum | Blemished Anole | 44577482 | LC |
Geothlypis semiflava | Olive-crowned Yellowthroat | 103797456 | LC |
Epiphyllum thomasianum | 152276 | LC | |
Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris | Slaty-backed Chat-tyrant | 103682781 | LC |
Dendropsophus molitor | Green Dotted Treefrog | 89117408 | LC |
Pouteria amygdalicarpa | 145584865 | LC | |
Nothopsis rugosus | Rough Coffee Snake | 176869 | LC |
Ocotea veraguensis | 136786663 | LC | |
Ptychoglossus vallensis | 29413 | LC | |
Senna robiniifolia | 144315109 | LC | |
Battus ingenuus | Confused Swallowtail | 160495 | LC |
Melanomys caliginosus | Dusky Rice Rat | 13046 | LC |
Anolis nicefori | Niceforo's Andes Anole | 44577530 | LC |
Costus woodsonii | 56349436 | LC | |
Myrcia popayanensis | 135877376 | LC | |
Telebasis versicolor | Forcipate Firetail | 158911 | LC |
Conceveiba rhytidocarpa | 145675052 | LC | |
Ilex maxima | 135713599 | LC | |
Arremon schlegeli | Golden-winged Sparrow | 22721372 | LC |
Leptodactylus rhodomerus | Red-thighed Thin-toed Frog | 136050 | LC |
Arremonops tocuyensis | Tocuyo Sparrow | 22721395 | LC |
Tangara icterocephala | Silver-throated Tanager | 22722851 | LC |
Thryophilus rufalbus | Rufous-and-white Wren | 22711455 | LC |
Atlapetes pallidinucha | Pale-naped Brush-finch | 22721414 | LC |
Leptodactylus savagei | Savage's Thin-toed Frog | 136079 | LC |
Atlapetes leucopis | White-rimmed Brush-Finch | 22721424 | LC |
Psychotria psychotriifolia | 150008719 | LC | |
Artibeus aequatorialis | 88109970 | LC | |
Atlapetes melanocephalus | Santa Marta Brush-Finch | 22721434 | LC |
Allobates niputidea | 136098 | LC | |
Cojoba rufescens | 37817 | LC | |
Diaphus pacificus | Pacific Headlightfish | 130282441 | LC |
Mollinedia tomentosa | 145691605 | LC | |
Lampropeltis micropholis | 67662806 | LC | |
Calliandra tergemina | 150000599 | LC | |
Argopleura diquensis | 64689112 | LC | |
Atlapetes semirufus | Ochre-breasted Brush-finch | 22721499 | LC |
Cyclarhis nigrirostris | Black-billed Peppershrike | 22705127 | LC |
Siparuna pauciflora | 150008809 | LC | |
Arremon brunneinucha | Chestnut-capped Brush-finch | 22721519 | LC |
Tangara rufigula | Rufous-throated Tanager | 22722875 | LC |
Vireolanius eximius | Yellow-browed Shrike-vireo | 22705138 | LC |
Boana nympha | 136184 | LC | |
Hylocereus monacanthus | Nightblooming Cereus | 152577 | LC |
Abarema leucophylla | 62468 | LC | |
Lampanyctus idostigma | 129389577 | LC | |
Philander mondolfii | Mondolfi's Four-eyed Opossum | 136202 | LC |
Unonopsis pacifica | 143324185 | LC | |
Arremon crassirostris | Sooty-faced Finch | 22721566 | LC |
Megascops clarkii | Bare-shanked Screech-owl | 22688799 | LC |
Hylocereus megalanthus | 152619 | LC | |
Matisia soegengii | 145658938 | LC | |
Conostegia rufescens | 150000712 | LC | |
Megascops petersoni | Cinnamon Screech Owl | 22688840 | LC |
Cryptotis medellinia | Medellín Small-eared Shrew | 136267 | LC |
Microryzomys altissimus | Highland Small Rice Rat | 13407 | LC |
Microsciurus alfari | Central American Dwarf Squirrel | 13409 | LC |
Microsciurus mimulus | Western Dwarf Squirrel | 13411 | LC |
Miconia appendiculata | 145659008 | LC | |
Picumnus squamulatus | Scaled Piculet | 22680720 | LC |
Pachysylvia semibrunnea | Rufous-naped Greenlet | 22705306 | LC |
Pachysylvia aurantiifrons | Golden-fronted Greenlet | 22705309 | LC |
Pimelodella eutaenia | 49829575 | LC | |
Drymophila klagesi | Klages's Antbird | 103658669 | LC |
Craugastor metriosistus | 88298694 | LC | |
Picumnus olivaceus | Olivaceous Piculet | 22680774 | LC |
Picumnus granadensis | Grayish Piculet | 22680777 | LC |
Picumnus cinnamomeus | Chestnut Piculet | 22680781 | LC |
Serranus psittacinus | Barred Serrano | 183423 | LC |
Dichapetalum axillare | 144045290 | LC | |
Sigmodon hirsutus | Southern Cotton Rat | 136426 | LC |
Thamnodynastes dixoni | 49845483 | LC | |
Zalieutes elater | Rounded batfish | 183426 | LC |
Thamnodynastes paraguanae | 49845492 | LC | |
Sachatamia albomaculata | White-spotted Cochran Frog | 54944 | LC |
Aegiphila ferruginea | 38135 | LC | |
Mammillaria columbiana | 152832 | LC | |
Stegastes acapulcoensis | Acapulco damselfish | 183431 | LC |
Thomasomys baeops | Beady-eyed Mouse | 21770 | LC |
Symphurus gorgonae | Dwarf Tonguefish | 183432 | LC |
Melanerpes rubricapillus | Red-crowned Woodpecker | 22680850 | LC |
Oxyrhopus leucomelas | Werner's False Coral Snake | 177431 | LC |
Thomasomys niveipes | Snow-footed Oldfield Mouse | 21784 | LC |
Thomasomys paramorum | Paramo Oldfield Mouse | 21787 | LC |
Pliocercus euryzonus | Black Halloween Snake | 177444 | LC |
Coendou pruinosus | 136485 | LC | |
Alopoglossus buckleyi | Buckley's Teiid | 44578087 | LC |
Schoenobiblus peruvianus | 145700143 | LC | |
Psidium friedrichsthalianum | 146774039 | LC | |
Rhipsalis micrantha | 152885 | LC | |
Alopoglossus copii | 44578102 | LC | |
Rhinella beebei | 54585 | LC | |
Alopoglossus festae | 44578111 | LC | |
Monodelphis palliolata | Hooded Red-sided Opossum | 136516 | LC |
Carollia castanea | Chestnut Short-tailed Bat | 88110411 | LC |
Anadia altaserrania | 44578129 | LC | |
Incilius coniferus | Evergreen Toad | 54614 | LC |
Rhinobothryum bovallii | False Tree Coral | 177498 | LC |
Brunellia comocladifolia | 62822 | LC | |
Rhaebo glaberrimus | 54651 | LC | |
Ixora killipii | 145675651 | LC | |
Rhaebo haematiticus | Truando Toad | 54660 | LC |
Micrurus dissoleucus | Pygmy Coral Snake | 177541 | LC |
Chaetura fumosa | Costa Rican Swift | 22730119 | LC |
Rhaebo hypomelas | Choco Toad | 54666 | LC |
Pheugopedius euophrys | Plain-tailed Wren | 103888269 | LC |
Pogonopus exsertus | 150009232 | LC | |
Myrospermum frutescens | 150001045 | LC | |
Protosciaena bathytatos | Deep-water Drum | 16749978 | LC |
Myioborus flavivertex | Yellow-crowned Whitestart | 22721951 | LC |
Roeboides occidentalis | 169377 | LC | |
Teinopodagrion curtum | 159041 | LC | |
Myiothlypis nigrocristata | Black-crested Warbler | 22721975 | LC |
Phragmipedium lindenii | 43324857 | LC | |
Chaenopsis resh | Resh Pikeblenny | 47142330 | LC |
Oxyallagma colombianum | 65402301 | LC | |
Guatteria atabapensis | 38334 | LC | |
Anadia rhombifera | Rhombifer Anadia | 44578254 | LC |
Faramea suerrensis | 120059358 | LC | |
Baldwinella aureorubens | Streamer Bass | 16750054 | LC |
Sturnira ludovici | Highland Yellow-shouldered Bat | 88159722 | LC |
Cyanolyca turcosa | Turquoise Jay | 22705649 | LC |
Lonchophylla concava | 136706 | LC | |
Bryconamericus dahli | 64689678 | LC | |
Solanum diversifolium | 63008 | LC | |
Conirostrum leucogenys | White-eared Conebill | 22722086 | LC |
Opistognathus panamaensis | Panamanian jawfish | 183488 | LC |
Conirostrum rufum | Rufous-browed Conebill | 22722105 | LC |
Cyanocorax affinis | Black-chested Jay | 22705723 | LC |
Arthrosaura versteegii | 44578365 | LC | |
Bachia bicolor | Two-colored Bachia | 44578378 | LC |
Cryptotis tamensis | Tamá Small-eared Shrew | 136780 | LC |
Bryconamericus galvisi | 64689750 | LC | |
Symplocos theiformis | 135870042 | LC | |
Cryptotis colombiana | Colombian Small-eared Shrew | 136795 | LC |
Quercus humboldtii | 194139 | LC | |
Phragmipedium longifolium | Long-Leaf Phragmipedium | 43325027 | LC |
Veniliornis callonotus | Scarlet-backed Woodpecker | 22681184 | LC |
Potamotrygon magdalenae | Magdalena Freshwater Stingray | 161385 | LC |
Veniliornis dignus | Yellow-vented Woodpecker | 22681187 | LC |
Espadarana andina | Andes Giant Glass Frog | 54902 | LC |
Chlorospingus tacarcunae | Tacarcuna Bush Tanager | 22722167 | LC |
Thomasomys cinnameus | 136822 | LC | |
Elacatinus illecebrosus | Barsnout Goby | 185984 | LC |
Bachia pyburni | 44578433 | LC | |
Chlorospingus semifuscus | Dusky Bush Tanager | 22722177 | LC |
Devario malabaricus | Giant Danio | 169602 | LC |
Centrolene hybrida | Eastern Giant Glass Frog | 54919 | LC |
Nymphargus grandisonae | Red-spotted Glassfrog | 54914 | LC |
Sachatamia ilex | Limon Giant Glass Frog | 54920 | LC |
Bachia talpa | Ruthven's Bachia | 44578442 | LC |
Centrolene notostictum | 54928 | LC | |
Cetopsorhamdia boquillae | 49829518 | LC | |
Centrolene peristictum | Tandapi Giant Glass Frog | 54931 | LC |
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis | 49829519 | LC | |
Espadarana prosoblepon | Nicaragua Giant Glass Frog | 54934 | LC |
Lebiasina astrigata | 66598543 | LC | |
Centrolene robledoi | 54938 | LC | |
Astroblepus chapmani | 49829531 | LC | |
Chlorospingus canigularis | Ashy-throated Bush Tanager | 22722203 | LC |
Gobiosoma spes | Gobio Espes | 186015 | LC |
Kleinothraupis atropileus | Black-capped Hemispingus | 103823004 | LC |
Pholidobolus vertebralis | Brown Prionodactylus | 203052 | LC |
Gymnopithys bicolor | Bicolored Antbird | 22730409 | LC |
Pimelodella modestus | 49829537 | LC | |
Cochranella euknemos | San Jose Cochran Frog | 54960 | LC |
Nymphargus griffithsi | Ecuador Cochran Frog | 54965 | LC |
Nymphargus ignotus | Lynch's Cochran Frog | 54966 | LC |
Otocinclus macrospilus | 49829556 | LC | |
Gephyrocharax chocoensis | 49829567 | LC | |
Sachatamia orejuela | 54976 | LC | |
Nymphargus oreonympha | Caqueta Cochran Frog | 54977 | LC |
Cynodonichthys magdalenae | 49829570 | LC | |
Duguetia antioquensis | 143324866 | LC | |
Pseudospingus verticalis | Black-headed Hemispingus | 22722242 | LC |
Nymphargus posadae | 54981 | LC | |
Cochranella resplendens | Resplendent Cochran Frog | 54985 | LC |
Apteronotus magdalenensis | 49829578 | LC | |
Centrolene savagei | Savage's Cochran Frog | 54990 | LC |
Ptychoglossus plicatus | Taylor's Largescale Lizard | 203060 | LC |
Teratohyla spinosa | Spiny Cochran Frog | 54996 | LC |
Thlypopsis fulviceps | Fulvous-headed Tanager | 22722254 | LC |
Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi | Suretka Glass Frog | 55006 | LC |
Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum | Plantation Glass Frog | 55007 | LC |
Dolichancistrus carnegiei | 49829600 | LC | |
Celeus loricatus | Cinnamon Woodpecker | 22681317 | LC |
Rajella fuliginea | Sooty Skate | 161512 | LC |
Creagrutus magdalenae | 49829612 | LC | |
Chrysothlypis salmoni | Scarlet-and-white Tanager | 22722287 | LC |
Atlapetes albofrenatus | Moustached Brush-finch | 103773936 | LC |
Potamites cochranae | Cochran's Neusticurus | 177901 | LC |
Teratohyla pulverata | Chiriqui Glass Frog | 55030 | LC |
Hyalinobatrachium ruedai | 55032 | LC | |
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi | La Palma Glass Frog | 55036 | LC |
Brycon rubricauda | 49829632 | LC | |
Rhodinocichla rosea | Rosy Thrush-tanager | 22722313 | LC |
Hemibrycon boquiae | 49829642 | LC | |
Schroederichthys maculatus | Narrowtail Catshark | 161544 | LC |
Cestrum glanduliferum | 146118412 | LC | |
Hyloxalus bocagei | 55054 | LC | |
Leucostethus brachistriatus | Stripe-throated Rocket Frog | 55056 | LC |
Mitrospingus cassinii | Dusky-faced Tanager | 22722317 | LC |
Creagrutus guanes | 64689944 | LC | |
Crenicichla anthurus | 49829656 | LC | |
Habia olivacea | Lemon-spectacled Tanager | 22722330 | LC |
Habia stolzmanni | Ochre-breasted Tanager | 22722335 | LC |
Cyphocharax pantostictos | chio chio | 49829671 | LC |
Campephilus pollens | Powerful Woodpecker | 22681386 | LC |
Leucostethus fraterdanieli | Santa Rita Rocket Frog | 55083 | LC |
Ctenochaetus marginatus | Blue-spotted Bristletooth | 177964 | LC |
Zanthoxylum limoncello | 150009652 | LC | |
Loxopholis hexalepis | Six-scaled Tegu | 44578613 | LC |
Colostethus inguinalis | Common Rocket Frog | 55096 | LC |
Creurgops verticalis | Rufous-crested Tanager | 22722363 | LC |
Heterospingus xanthopygius | Scarlet-browed Tanager | 22722377 | LC |
Astroblepus micrescens | 49829706 | LC | |
Brachychalcinus nummus | 49829708 | LC | |
Cichlasoma ornatum | 49829715 | LC | |
Rheobates palmatus | Palm Rocket Frog | 55124 | LC |
Colostethus panamansis | Panama Rocket Frog | 55125 | LC |
Corydoras zygatus | 49829718 | LC | |
Neusticurus medemi | Medem's Neusricurus | 44578647 | LC |
Eschweilera antioquensis | 144119641 | LC | |
Chrysocorypha delatrii | Tawny-crested Tanager | 22722394 | LC |
Colostethus pratti | Pratt's Rocket Frog | 55135 | LC |
Creagrutus amoenus | 49829730 | LC | |
Megalonema xanthum | 49829729 | LC | |
Hyloxalus sauli | 55148 | LC | |
Astroblepus unifasciatus | 49829741 | LC | |
Astyanax orthodus | 49829744 | LC | |
Hyloxalus subpunctatus | Bogota Rocket Frog | 55152 | LC |
Allobates talamancae | Talamanca Rocket Frog | 55155 | LC |
Trichomycterus latistriatus | 49829743 | LC | |
Allobates wayuu | 55166 | LC | |
Habia cristata | Crested Ant-tanager | 22722437 | LC |
Dendrobates auratus | Green And Black Poison Frog | 55174 | LC |
Trichomycterus retropinnis | 49829760 | LC | |
Ammodytoides gilli | Gill's sand lance | 178060 | LC |
Centropomus armatus | Armed snook | 178062 | LC |
Centropomus medius | Blackfin snook | 178063 | LC |
Andinobates fulguritus | Yellowbelly Poison Frog | 55184 | LC |
Centropomus nigrescens | Black Robalo | 178064 | LC |
Centropomus robalito | Little snook | 178065 | LC |
Centropomus viridis | White snook | 178067 | LC |
Chrysobrycon hesperus | 49829775 | LC | |
Gustavia macarenensis | 145504146 | LC | |
Cirrhitus rivulatus | Giant Hawkfish | 178070 | LC |
Andinobates minutus | Blue-bellied Poison-arrow Frog | 55192 | LC |
Lobotes pacificus | Pacific tripletail | 178077 | LC |
Dendrobates truncatus | Yellow-striped Poison-arrow Frog | 55205 | LC |
Apistogramma cruzi | cruzi | 49829802 | LC |
Ameerega bilinguis | Ecuador Poison Frog | 55215 | LC |
Epipedobates boulengeri | Marbled Poison Frog | 55217 | LC |
Citharichthys minutus | Large-tooth Flounder | 16439218 | LC |
Piranga rubriceps | Red-hooded Tanager | 22722486 | LC |
Calochaetes coccineus | Vermilion Tanager | 22722491 | LC |
Allobates myersi | Myers' Poison Frog | 55228 | LC |
Heroina isonycterina | 49829824 | LC | |
Sturnira bakeri | 88152001 | LC | |
Eschweilera caudiculata | 144119748 | LC | |
Ramphocelus dimidiatus | Crimson-backed Tanager | 22722500 | LC |
Apteronotus mariae | 49829835 | LC | |
Evibacus princeps | Shield Fan Lobster | 169969 | LC |
Hypostomus holostictus | 49829875 | LC | |
Cruziohyla calcarifer | Splendid Leaf Frog | 55289 | LC |
Ekemblemaria nigra | Moth Blenny | 47142908 | LC |
Agalychnis spurrelli | Gliding Leaf Frog | 55295 | LC |
Platyrrhinus angustirostris | Slender Broad-nosed Bat | 88160255 | LC |
Emblemaria biocellata | Twospot Blenny | 47142915 | LC |
Cryptobatrachus fuhrmanni | Fuhrmann's Backpack Frog | 55305 | LC |
Tabernaemontana longipes | 150001670 | LC | |
Emblemaria caycedoi | Colombian Blenny | 47142927 | LC |
Bangsia rothschildi | Golden-chested Tanager | 22722576 | LC |
Creagrutus flavescens | 49829905 | LC | |
Riama striata | Striped Lightbulb Lizard | 44578837 | LC |
Flectonotus pygmaeus | 55319 | LC | |
Bangsia edwardsi | Moss-backed Tanager | 22722584 | LC |
Gastrotheca andaquiensis | Andes Marsupial Frog | 55321 | LC |
Brycon oligolepis | 49829919 | LC | |
Astroblepus cirratus | 49829923 | LC | |
Atlapetes crassus | Choco Brush-finch | 103774244 | LC |
Gastrotheca argenteovirens | Popayan Marsupial Frog | 55324 | LC |
Gastrotheca dunni | Dunn's Marsupial Frog | 55331 | LC |
Cnemathraupis eximia | Black-chested Mountain-tanager | 22722606 | LC |
Corydoras pastazensis | 49829935 | LC | |
Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma | 178224 | LC | |
Loxopholis rugiceps | 178222 | LC | |
Rulyrana flavopunctata | 54961 | LC | |
Gastrotheca nicefori | Niceforo's Marsupial Frog | 55347 | LC |
Stellifer zestocarus | Softhead stardrum | 183592 | LC |
Anolis granuliceps | Granular Anole | 178231 | LC |
Paravandellia phaneronema | 49829945 | LC | |
Anisognathus melanogenys | Santa Marta Mountain Tanager | 22722624 | LC |
Anisognathus lacrymosus | Lacrimose Mountain Tanager | 22722630 | LC |
Enyalioides cofanorum | Cofan Woodlizard | 44578890 | LC |
Hemiphractus helioi | 55368 | LC | |
Cetopsorhamdia nasus | 49829964 | LC | |
Hemiphractus proboscideus | Sumaco Horned Treefrogs | 55370 | LC |
Hyloscirtus albopunctulatus | White-speckled Treefrog | 55379 | LC |
Priocharax pygmaeus | 49829973 | LC | |
Tomicodon petersii | Hourglass clingfish | 183599 | LC |
Astyanax microlepis | 49829976 | LC | |
Hyphessobrycon peruvianus | 49829977 | LC | |
Astyanax caucanus | 49829978 | LC | |
Anisognathus notabilis | Black-chinned Mountain-tanager | 22722651 | LC |
Atlapetes latinuchus | Yellow-breasted Brush-finch | 103774301 | LC |
Momotus subrufescens | Whooping Motmot | 61634657 | LC |
Enyalioides microlepis | Small-scaled Woodlizard | 44578920 | LC |
Rineloricaria jubata | 49829993 | LC | |
Anolis fraseri | Fraser's Anole | 178282 | LC |
Anolis megalopithecus | Ruida's Anole | 178283 | LC |
Iridosornis analis | Yellow-throated Tanager | 22722669 | LC |
Iridosornis rufivertex | Golden-crowned Tanager | 22722675 | LC |
Guatteria aeruginosa | 103430262 | LC | |
Dendropsophus bogerti | 55417 | LC | |
Eschweilera gigantea | 144119937 | LC | |
Bauhinia pauletia | 146774146 | LC | |
Platyrrhinus dorsalis | Thomas's Broad-nosed Bat | 88160389 | LC |
Hoplosternum magdalenae | 49830030 | LC | |
Phragmipedium pearcei | Pearce's Phragmipedium | 43325583 | LC |
Brycon henni | 49830035 | LC | |
Euphonia trinitatis | Trinidad Euphonia | 22722709 | LC |
Scybalocanthon trimaculatus | 137367 | LC | |
Euphonia concinna | Velvet-fronted Euphonia | 22722712 | LC |
Euphonia saturata | Orange-crowned Euphonia | 22722715 | LC |
Dendropsophus columbianus | Boettger's Colombian Treefrog | 55454 | LC |
Enyalioides praestabilis | Canelos Woodlizard | 44578980 | LC |
Hippotis albiflora | 145676458 | LC | |
Hamelia macrantha | 150010027 | LC | |
Euphonia fulvicrissa | Fulvous-vented Euphonia | 22722747 | LC |
Astroblepus grixalvii | 49830077 | LC | |
Dendropsophus garagoensis | Garagoa Treefrog | 55485 | LC |
Cordylancistrus daguae | 49830089 | LC | |
Euphonia anneae | Tawny-capped Euphonia | 22722763 | LC |
Boana hutchinsi | Hutchins' Treefrog | 55505 | LC |
Anolis fitchi | Fitch's Anole | 178386 | LC |
Hypsiboas hobbsi | 55504 | LC | |
Chlorophonia flavirostris | Yellow-collared Chlorophonia | 22722778 | LC |
Hemibrycon dentatus | 49830109 | LC | |
Characidium phoxocephalum | 49830112 | LC | |
Brycon meeki | 49830113 | LC | |
Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys | Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia | 22722784 | LC |
Bujurquina moriorum | 49830115 | LC | |
Scinax karenanneae | Vaupes Treefrog | 55525 | LC |
Chlorochrysa phoenicotis | Glistening-green Tanager | 22722793 | LC |
Phyllodactylus transversalis | Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko | 44579049 | LC |
Tangara argentea | Black-headed Tanager | 103848169 | LC |
Hyloscirtus lascinius | 55532 | LC | |
Chaetostoma brevilabiatum | 49830130 | LC | |
Tangara inornata | Plain-colored Tanager | 22722803 | LC |
Hyloscirtus lindae | Linda's Treefrog | 55540 | LC |
Phyllodactylus ventralis | Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko | 44579060 | LC |
Gonatodes caudiscutatus | Shieldhead Gecko | 178422 | LC |
Trilepida joshuai | Joshua's Blind Snake | 178428 | LC |
Dendropsophus mathiassoni | Mathiasson's Treefrog | 55550 | LC |
Tangara palmeri | Grey-and-gold Tanager | 22722816 | LC |
Anolis gemmosus | O'Shaughnessy's Anole | 178434 | LC |
Argopleura chocoensis | 49830147 | LC | |
Bdelyrus howdeni | 137479 | LC | |
Trachelyopterus insignis | 49830153 | LC | |
Dendropsophus minusculus | 55564 | LC | |
Selene brevoortii | Airfin Lookdown | 183636 | LC |
Alinea berengerae | San Andrés Skink | 44579089 | LC |
Dendrophidion vinitor | Barred Forest Racer | 63768 | LC |
Casearia prunifolia | 145578266 | LC | |
Tangara florida | Emerald Tanager | 22722845 | LC |
Trichomycterus spilosoma | 49830173 | LC | |
Dendropsophus padreluna | 55584 | LC | |
Diploglossus monotropis | 203042 | LC | |
Hyloscirtus palmeri | Palmer's Treefrog | 55586 | LC |
Basiliscus basiliscus | Common Basilisk | 203044 | LC |
Basiliscus galeritus | Western Basilisk | 203045 | LC |
Dendropsophus pelidna | 55591 | LC | |
Anadia ocellata | Ocellated Anadia | 203048 | LC |
Anadia vittata | Boulenger's Anadia | 203049 | LC |
Boana pellucens | Palm Treefrog | 55593 | LC |
Croton smithianus | 145701166 | LC | |
Dendropsophus phlebodes | San Carlos Treefrog | 55598 | LC |
Echinosaura horrida | Rough Teiid | 203054 | LC |
Echinosaura palmeri | 203055 | LC | |
Hyloscirtus phyllognathus | Roque Treefrog | 55599 | LC |
Capito maculicoronatus | Spot-crowned Barbet | 22681908 | LC |
Hypsiboas picturatus | 55604 | LC | |
Loxopholis southi | Northern Spectacled Lizard | 203058 | LC |
Dendropsophus praestans | San Agustin Treefrog | 55610 | LC |
Argopleura magdalenensis | 49830204 | LC | |
Castalia ecarinata | 65403196 | LC | |
Enyalioides heterolepis | Bocourt's Dwarf Iguana | 203067 | LC |
Bryconamericus guaytarae | 49830208 | LC | |
Hypsiboas pugnax | Chirique-Flusse Treefrog | 55618 | LC |
Luteolejeunea herzogii | 39232 | LC | |
Euthynnus lineatus | Black Skipjack | 170320 | LC |
Hyphessobrycon oritoensis | 49830223 | LC | |
Hypsiboas rosenbergi | Rosenberg's Treefrog | 55632 | LC |
Boana rubracyla | Valle Treefrog | 55635 | LC |
Eubucco bourcierii | Red-headed Barbet | 22681939 | LC |
Tangara vitriolina | Scrub Tanager | 22722897 | LC |
Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae | 178521 | LC | |
Xiphophorus variatus | Variable Platyfish | 191792 | LC |
Tangara labradorides | Metallic-green Tanager | 22722909 | LC |
Starksia robertsoni | Robertson's Blenny | 194911 | LC |
Pristimantis jaguensis | 78543203 | LC | |
Charax tectifer | 49830244 | LC | |
Hemigrammus luelingi | 49830256 | LC | |
Dendropsophus stingi | Kaplan's Garagoa Treefrog | 55665 | LC |
Astroblepus homodon | 49830258 | LC | |
Dendropsophus subocularis | Rio Tuquesa Treefrog | 55667 | LC |
Alinea pergravis | Providencia Skink | 44579189 | LC |
Trichomycterus chapmani | 49830263 | LC | |
Tangara heinei | Black-capped Tanager | 22722936 | LC |
Chaunacops coloratus | 139901305 | LC | |
Aulacorhynchus haematopygus | Crimson-rumped Toucanet | 22681978 | LC |
Bujurquina huallagae | 49830279 | LC | |
Creagrutus caucanus | 49830281 | LC | |
Dendropsophus virolinensis | 55689 | LC | |
Scarthyla vigilans | 55688 | LC | |
Astroblepus retropinnus | 49830288 | LC | |
Iridophanes pulcherrimus | Golden-collared Honeycreeper | 22722961 | LC |
Marisora falconensis | 44579219 | LC | |
Cestrum scandens | 146119060 | LC | |
Neusticomys monticolus | Montane Fish-eating Rat | 14740 | LC |
Loxopholis parietalis | Common Root Lizard | 178582 | LC |
Sloanea zuliaensis | 150002072 | LC | |
Polychrus gutturosus | Berthold's Bush Anole | 203161 | LC |
Atlapetes schistaceus | Slaty Brush-finch | 103774619 | LC |
Chaetostoma leucomelas | 49830307 | LC | |
Leporinus niceforoi | 49830308 | LC | |
Pimelodella grisea | 49829832 | LC | |
Astroblepus cyclopus | 49830313 | LC | |
Sphaerodactylus lineolatus | Panama Least Gecko | 203177 | LC |
Anolis lynchi | Lvnch's Anole | 178604 | LC |
Dacnis venusta | Scarlet-thighed Dacnis | 22722988 | LC |
Holcosus leptophrys | Delicate Ameiva | 203181 | LC |
Ancistrus caucanus | 49830323 | LC | |
Ptychoglossus stenolepis | 178609 | LC | |
Astyanax atratoensis | 49830326 | LC | |
Liotyphlops albirostris | Whitenose Blind Snake | 203197 | LC |
Sturisomatichthys leightoni | 49830333 | LC | |
Rauvolfia littoralis | 150010305 | LC | |
Astroblepus jurubidae | 49830342 | LC | |
Corallus annulatus | Ringed Tree Boa | 203206 | LC |
Serrasalmus sanchezi | 49830344 | LC | |
Corallus ruschenbergerii | Ruschenberger's Tree Boa | 203211 | LC |
Ungaliophis panamensis | Panamanian Dwarf Boa | 203213 | LC |
Trachyboa boulengeri | Northern Eyelash Boa | 203214 | LC |
Oreothraupis arremonops | Tanager Finch | 22723024 | LC |
Andigena nigrirostris | Black-billed Mountain-Toucan | 22682066 | LC |
Urothraupis stolzmanni | Black-backed Bush Tanager | 22723028 | LC |
Nyctimantis rugiceps | Brown-eyed Treefrog | 55765 | LC |
Pouteria subrotata | 145586645 | LC | |
Selenidera spectabilis | Yellow-eared Toucanet | 22682071 | LC |
Coprophanaeus ohausi | 137693 | LC | |
Gonatodes riveroi | 44579298 | LC | |
Anolis jacare | Jacare Anole | 178663 | LC |
Osteocephalus heyeri | 55795 | LC | |
Hydrobates microsoma | Least Storm Petrel | 22698485 | LC |
Anaxagorea crassipetala | 143325686 | LC | |
Osteocephalus planiceps | 55801 | LC | |
Astroblepus trifasciatus | 49830394 | LC | |
Lepidoblepharis duolepis | 44579322 | LC | |
Osteocephalus verruciger | Ecuador Slender-legged Treefrog | 55804 | LC |
Osteocephalus yasuni | 55805 | LC | |
Ramphastos brevis | Chocó Toucan | 22682105 | LC |
Spatuloricaria gymnogaster | 49830396 | LC | |
Trichomycterus nigromaculatus | 49830399 | LC | |
Caquetaia myersi | 49830402 | LC | |
Diplomys labilis | Rufous Tree Rat | 6663 | LC |
Solanum stellatiglandulosum | 146119174 | LC | |
Lebiasina chucuriensis | 49830410 | LC | |
Cryptopipo holochlora | Green Manakin | 103676429 | LC |
Chironius grandisquamis | Ecuador Sipo | 203281 | LC |
Dendrophidion bivittatus | Forest Racer | 203283 | LC |
Dendrophidion clarkii | 203288 | LC | |
Microgenys minuta | 49830423 | LC | |
Dendrophidion percarinatum | South American Forest Racer | 203290 | LC |
Leptophis cupreus | Copper Parrot Snake | 203291 | LC |
Leptophis depressirostris | Cope's Parrot Snake | 203292 | LC |
Leptophis riveti | Despax's Parrot Snake | 203294 | LC |
Agalychnis buckleyi | 55843 | LC | |
Patagioenas goodsoni | Dusky Pigeon | 22690340 | LC |
Mastigodryas danieli | Daniel's Tropical Racer | 203301 | LC |
Mastigodryas pulchriceps | Cope's Tropical Racer | 203303 | LC |
Oxybelis brevirostris | Cope's Vine Snake | 203304 | LC |
Ontherus aequatorius | 137770 | LC | |
Phyllomedusa coelestis | 55847 | LC | |
Tantilla alticola | Boulenger's Centipede Snake | 203309 | LC |
Uroxys coarctatus | 137771 | LC | |
Uroxys elongatus | 137768 | LC | |
Campsiandra comosa | 144308786 | LC | |
Cryptopipo litae | Choco Manakin | 103676467 | LC |
Leporinus wolfei | 49830450 | LC | |
Anolis eulaemus | Good Anole | 178745 | LC |
Guatteria crassipes | 103430714 | LC | |
Lepidoblepharis intermedius | 44579386 | LC | |
Hydrobates melania | Black Storm-petrel | 22698557 | LC |
Brachygalba salmoni | Dusky-backed Jacamar | 22682174 | LC |
Corydoras fowleri | 49830463 | LC | |
Brachygalba goeringi | Pale-headed Jacamar | 22682177 | LC |
Phyllomedusa venusta | 55869 | LC | |
Astyanax filiferus | 49830467 | LC | |
Guatteria cuatrecasasii | 103430726 | LC | |
Tantilla semicincta | Ringed Centipede Snake | 203327 | LC |
Tantilla supracincta | Banded Centipede Snake | 203328 | LC |
Lebiasina floridablancaensis | 49830479 | LC | |
Anodontites colombiensis | 65403472 | LC | |
Guatteria darienensis | 103430738 | LC | |
Guatteria decurrens | 103430741 | LC | |
Hafferia immaculata | Blue-lored Antbird | 103660125 | LC |
Lepidoblepharis peraccae | 44579427 | LC | |
Lepidoblepharis ruthveni | 44579436 | LC | |
Bujurquina syspilus | 49830511 | LC | |
Sphenopsis ochracea | Western Hemispingus | 103823396 | LC |
Trachelyopterus fisheri | 49830524 | LC | |
Corapipo leucorrhoa | White-ruffed Manakin | 103676541 | LC |
Scinax blairi | Blair's Snouted Treefrog | 55935 | LC |
Notharchus pectoralis | Black-breasted Puffbird | 22682240 | LC |
Scinax boulengeri | Boulenger's Snouted Treefrog | 55937 | LC |
Hafferia zeledoni | Zeledon's Antbird | 103660162 | LC |
Lebiasina multimaculata | 49830532 | LC | |
Coccoloba obovata | 150002316 | LC | |
Phanaeus pyrois | 137868 | LC | |
Scinax elaeochrous | Sipurio Snouted Treefrog | 55952 | LC |
Nystalus radiatus | Barred Puffbird | 22682261 | LC |
Characidium caucanum | 49830557 | LC | |
Scinax ictericus | 55965 | LC | |
Scinax kennedyi | 55969 | LC | |
Grias neuberthii | 144120485 | LC | |
Atractus sanctaemartae | St. Marta's Ground Snake | 203430 | LC |
Atractus clarki | Clark's Ground Snake | 203431 | LC |
Scinax manriquei | 55976 | LC | |
Hirtella mutisii | 144128682 | LC | |
Pseudogonatodes lunulatus | Venezuela Clawed Gecko | 44579500 | LC |
Trichomycterus stellatus | 49830572 | LC | |
Sulcophanaeus miyashitai | 137903 | LC | |
Clelia equatoriana | Equatorial Mussurana | 203440 | LC |
Trogon chionurus | White-tailed Trogon | 22736244 | LC |
Gephyrocharax melanocheir | 49830580 | LC | |
Scinax quinquefasciatus | 55990 | LC | |
Malacoptila mystacalis | Moustached Puffbird | 22682295 | LC |
Scinax rostratus | Caracas Snouted Treefrog | 55993 | LC |
Chaetostoma niveum | 49830586 | LC | |
Scinax sugillatus | 55999 | LC | |
Nonnula brunnea | Brown Nunlet | 22682307 | LC |
Scinax wandae | 56004 | LC | |
Nonnula frontalis | Grey-cheeked Nunlet | 22682310 | LC |
Smilisca phaeota | New Granada Cross-banded Treefrog | 56008 | LC |
Smilisca sila | Panama Cross-banded Treefrog | 56010 | LC |
Smilisca sordida | Veragua Cross-banded Treefrog | 56011 | LC |
Chrysochlamys membranacea | 145677005 | LC | |
Trichomycterus caliensis | 49830604 | LC | |
Hapaloptila castanea | White-faced Nunbird | 22682322 | LC |
Holcosus anomalus | Echternacht's Ameiva | 44579542 | LC |
Conostegia lasiopoda | 150002393 | LC | |
Grundulus bogotensis | 49830621 | LC | |
Pterygoplichthys undecimalis | 49830619 | LC | |
Diaphorolepis wagneri | Ecuador Frog-eating Snake | 203499 | LC |
Chaetostoma thomsoni | 49830636 | LC | |
Holcosus bridgesii | Bridges' Ameiva | 44579564 | LC |
Dipsas temporalis | Temporal Snail-eater | 203503 | LC |
Enuliophis sclateri | Colombian Longtail Snake | 203505 | LC |
Trachycephalus jordani | Jordan's Casque-headed Treefrog | 56049 | LC |
Otocinclus huaorani | 49830643 | LC | |
Erythrolamprus mimus | Mimic False Coral Snake | 203511 | LC |
Lebiasina elongata | 49830647 | LC | |
Erythrolamprus pseudocorallus | False Coral Snake | 203513 | LC |
Holcosus niceforoi | 44579579 | LC | |
Dichotomius podalirius | 137985 | LC | |
Simira cordifolia | 145693444 | LC | |
Ameiva praesignis | Giant Ameiva | 44579592 | LC |
Geophis hoffmanni | Hoffmann's Earth Snake | 203528 | LC |
Amblydoras nauticus | 49830668 | LC | |
Saltator striatipectus | Streaked Saltator | 22731538 | LC |
Holcosus septemlineatus | Seven-lined Ameiva | 44579609 | LC |
Erythrolamprus epinephelus | 203547 | LC | |
Ninia atrata | Hallowell's Coffee Snake | 203548 | LC |
Zygodontomys brunneus | Brown Cane Mouse | 23322 | LC |
Oecomys flavicans | Yellow Arboreal Rice Rat | 15134 | LC |
Sapayoa aenigma | Sapayoa | 22698786 | LC |
Oecomys speciosus | Arboreal Rice Rat | 15141 | LC |
Cnemidophorus arenivagus | 44579622 | LC | |
Cestrum tomentosum | 146119463 | LC | |
Bryconamericus andresoi | 49830697 | LC | |
Diploglossus millepunctatus | Dotted Galliwasp | 44579631 | LC |
Creagrutus brevipinnis | 49830704 | LC | |
Bryconamericus caucanus | 49830705 | LC | |
Hemibrycon colombianus | 49829911 | LC | |
Mesonauta mirificus | 49830708 | LC | |
Pseudocurimata lineopunctata | 49830710 | LC | |
Leptopogon rufipectus | Rufous-breasted Flycatcher | 22698807 | LC |
Cichlasoma atromaculatum | 49830720 | LC | |
Pionus seniloides | White-capped Parrot | 22731587 | LC |
Guatteria goudotiana | 103430980 | LC | |
Pseudotriccus pelzelni | Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant | 22698819 | LC |
Xyliphius magdalenae | 49830732 | LC | |
Poecilotriccus ruficeps | Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher | 22698834 | LC |
Astroblepus longifilis | 49830750 | LC | |
Urotheca fulviceps | 203615 | LC | |
Astroblepus guentheri | 49830752 | LC | |
Urotheca lateristriga | 203617 | LC | |
Triportheus magdalenae | 49830754 | LC | |
Micrurus ancoralis | Regal Coral Snake | 203623 | LC |
Micrurus clarki | Clark's Coral Snake | 203624 | LC |
Micrurus mipartitus | Redtail Coral Snake | 203627 | LC |
Epictia magnamaculata | Black Blind Snake | 203634 | LC |
Aulacorhynchus calorhynchus | Yellow-billed Toucanet | 22731636 | LC |
Trilepida dugandi | Dugand's Blind Snake | 203646 | LC |
Grallaria quitensis | Western Tawny Antpitta | 103660417 | LC |
Grallaria alticola | Northern Tawny Antpitta | 103660427 | LC |
Gustavia superba | 144120715 | LC | |
Diplodontites pilsbryana | 65403790 | LC | |
Oligoryzomys griseolus | Grayish Pygmy Rice Rat | 15249 | LC |
Lonchocarpus atropurpureus | 144300950 | LC | |
Psychotria sylvivaga | 150010776 | LC | |
Tylomys mirae | Mira Climbing Rat | 22572 | LC |
Tolmomyias flavotectus | Yellow-winged Flatbill | 22731691 | LC |
Molossus bondae | 88087507 | LC | |
Ranitomeya defleri | 78584789 | LC | |
Columbina buckleyi | Ecuadorian Ground-dove | 22690789 | LC |
Adelophryne adiastola | Yapima Shield Frog | 56299 | LC |
Miconia laxivenula | 150002675 | LC | |
Agouticarpa isernii | 145497083 | LC | |
Dendropanax caucanus | 145693696 | LC | |
Tantilla reticulata | Reticulate Centipede Snake | 203325 | LC |
Croton draco | 136789002 | LC | |
Ceratophrys calcarata | Venezuelan Horned Frog | 56336 | LC |
Cyphorhinus dichrous | Northern Chestnut-breasted Wren | 103889940 | LC |
Alouatta palliata | Mantled Howler Monkey | 39960 | LC |
Todirostrum nigriceps | Black-headed Tody-flycatcher | 22699035 | LC |
Stellifer fuerthii | White Stardrum | 154662 | LC |
Poecilotriccus calopterus | Golden-winged Tody-Flycatcher | 22699047 | LC |
Agouticarpa williamsii | 145497130 | LC | |
Stenocercus erythrogaster | 44579887 | LC | |
Poeciliopsis occidentalis | Gila Topminnow | 15350832 | LC |
Pristimantis aaptus | 56386 | LC | |
Phyllomyias zeledoni | Zeledon's Tyrannulet | 22699075 | LC |
Diglossa albilatera | White-sided Flowerpiercer | 22723652 | LC |
Miconia aponeura | 136092741 | LC | |
Leptotila pallida | Pallid Dove | 22690886 | LC |
Pristimantis acatallelus | Cauca Robber Frog | 56388 | LC |
Pristimantis achatinus | Cachabi Robber Frog | 56390 | LC |
Matisia obliquifolia | 145685578 | LC | |
Diglossa lafresnayii | Glossy Flowerpiercer | 22723660 | LC |
Gonzalagunia ovatifolia | 150002766 | LC | |
Phanaeus prasinus | 138327 | LC | |
Diglossa humeralis | Black Flower-piercer | 22723673 | LC |
Stenocercus lache | 44579930 | LC | |
Octopus joubini | 162911 | LC | |
Stenocercus santander | 44579939 | LC | |
Phyllomyias plumbeiceps | Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet | 22699110 | LC |
Strabomantis anomalus | Choco Robber Frog | 56422 | LC |
Phyllomyias nigrocapillus | Black-capped Tyrannulet | 22699113 | LC |
Phyllomyias cinereiceps | Ashy-headed Tyrannulet | 22699116 | LC |
Diglossa indigotica | Indigo Flowerpiercer | 22723694 | LC |
Pharomachrus fulgidus | White-tipped Quetzal | 22682735 | LC |
Leptotrygon veraguensis | Olive-backed Quail-Dove | 22690928 | LC |
Atherinella serrivomer | Bright Silverside | 154737 | LC |
Calycolpus moritzianus | 129105010 | LC | |
Pristimantis appendiculatus | 56429 | LC | |
Stenocercus trachycephalus | Duméril's Whorltail Iguana | 44579948 | LC |
Tangara vassorii | Blue-and-black Tanager | 103849068 | LC |
Parodon magdalenensis | 61660278 | LC | |
Niceforonia babax | Narino Robber Frog | 56446 | LC |
Lepanthes prolifera | 22486146 | LC | |
Mataeocephalus tenuicauda | Slendertail Grenadier | 154754 | LC |
Zentrygon linearis | Lined Quail-Dove | 22690946 | LC |
Abramites eques | 61660294 | LC | |
Porroglossum muscosum | 22486161 | LC | |
Sulcophanaeus auricollis | 138386 | LC | |
Trogon comptus | Choco Trogon | 22682771 | LC |
Pristimantis bogotensis | Bogota Robber Frog | 56469 | LC |
Pristimantis boulengeri | Boulenger's Robber Frog | 56471 | LC |
Pristimantis brevifrons | Cali Robber Frog | 56474 | LC |
Miconia costaricensis | 150002843 | LC | |
Ornithion brunneicapillus | Brown-capped Tyrannulet | 22699166 | LC |
Pristimantis buckleyi | 56481 | LC | |
Strabomantis bufoniformis | Rusty Robber Frog | 56482 | LC |
Pristimantis caprifer | La Palma Robber Frog | 56492 | LC |
Strabomantis cerastes | 56502 | LC | |
Zalieutes mcgintyi | Tricorn Batfish | 154806 | LC |
Pristimantis chalceus | 56505 | LC | |
Lecythis minor | 144121019 | LC | |
Heterogeomys dariensis ssp. thaeleri | Thaeler's Pocket Gopher | 15550 | LC |
Pristimantis chloronotus | Green Robber Frog | 56510 | LC |
Caryodendron orinocense | 145669319 | LC | |
Umbrina broussonnetii | Striped Drum | 154828 | LC |
Craugastor crassidigitus | Isla Bonita Robber Frog | 56528 | LC |
Pristimantis croceoinguinis | 56533 | LC | |
Pheucticus chrysogaster | Southern Yellow Grosbeak | 22723803 | LC |
Gongora portentosa | 22486239 | LC | |
Nephelomys albigularis | Tomes's Rice Rat | 15584 | LC |
Pristimantis curtipes | 56546 | LC | |
Transandinomys bolivaris | Bolivar Rice Rat | 15588 | LC |
Conostegia tenuifolia | 150002920 | LC | |
Oncidium hastilabium | 22486250 | LC | |
Scopioricus sutorius | Antioquia False-Leaf Katydid | 107969769 | LC |
Cardinalis phoeniceus | Vermilion Cardinal | 22723822 | LC |
Handleyomys intectus | Colombian Rice Rat | 15598 | LC |
Amyris pinnata | 150011123 | LC | |
Helicops danieli | Daniel's Keelback | 15179004 | LC |
Myrcianthes leucoxyla | 129105149 | LC | |
Transandinomys talamancae | Talamancan Rice Rat | 15615 | LC |
Pristimantis epacrus | 56580 | LC | |
Argonauta nouryi | 163083 | LC | |
Catasetum tuberculatum | 22486283 | LC | |
Pristimantis erythropleura | Colombian Robber Frog | 56587 | LC |
Tangara parzudakii | Flame-faced Tanager | 103849231 | LC |
Stelis tenuilabris | 22486291 | LC | |
Hyalinobatrachium munozorum | Upper Amazon Glass Frog | 195860 | LC |
Lebiasina colombia | 61660436 | LC | |
Pristimantis factiosus | 56596 | LC | |
Craugastor fitzingeri | Fitzinger's Robber Frog | 56601 | LC |
Octopus alecto | 163098 | LC | |
Hylophilus flavipes | Scrub Greenlet | 103693596 | LC |
Tangara lunigera | Yellow-faced Tanager | 103849238 | LC |
Pristimantis frater | Meta Robber Frog | 56606 | LC |
Pristimantis gaigei | Fort Randolph Robber Frog | 56609 | LC |
Elaenia frantzii | Mountain Elaenia | 22699298 | LC |
Dryadella minuscula | 22486306 | LC | |
Elacatinus serranilla | Serranilla Goby | 195875 | LC |
Myrcianthes orthostemon | 129105190 | LC | |
Saltator atripennis | Black-winged Saltator | 22723875 | LC |
Saltator orenocensis | Orinocan Saltator | 22723885 | LC |
Wittmackanthus stanleyanus | 145677614 | LC | |
Lebiasina ortegai | 61660463 | LC | |
Mecocerculus poecilocercus | White-tailed Tyrannulet | 22699316 | LC |
Brassia wageneri | 22486332 | LC | |
Mecocerculus minor | Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet | 22699325 | LC |
Notarius troschelii | Chilisea Catfish | 154942 | LC |
Diasporus gularis | Esmeraldas Robber Frog | 56640 | LC |
Warczewiczella ionoleuca | 22486340 | LC | |
Amazilia viridigaster | Green-bellied Hummingbird | 61201742 | LC |
Inezia tenuirostris | Slender-billed Tyrannulet | 22699346 | LC |
Gilbertolus alatus | 61660505 | LC | |
Conostegia subcrustulata | 144309603 | LC | |
Daector dowi | Dow's Toadfish | 154982 | LC |
Solanum abitaguense | 146118282 | LC | |
Grallaricula ferrugineipectus | Rusty-breasted Antpitta | 103660906 | LC |
Uromyias agilis | Agile Tit-tyrant | 22699369 | LC |
Anthurium debilis | 22486388 | LC | |
Pristimantis labiosus | 56694 | LC | |
Aegiphila costaricensis | 150003074 | LC | |
Pristimantis latidiscus | 56706 | LC | |
Pristimantis leoni | 56713 | LC | |
Pristimantis leptolophus | Volcano Robber Frog | 56715 | LC |
Galeottia fimbriata | 22486412 | LC | |
Craugastor longirostris | Longsnout Robber Frog | 56728 | LC |
Ramphocelus flammigerus | Flame-rumped Tanager | 103816602 | LC |
Caulolatilus hubbsi | Hubbs' Tilefish | 155036 | LC |
Pristimantis lynchi | Lynch's Robber Frog | 56736 | LC |
Pristimantis lythrodes | 56737 | LC | |
Niceforonia mantipus | Mantipus Robber Frog | 56741 | LC |
Microgobius tabogensis | Taboga Goby | 155051 | LC |
Gerres simillimus | 196012 | LC | |
Pristimantis medemi | 56750 | LC | |
Zizaniopsis killipii | 22486447 | LC | |
Epidendrum anthoceros | 22486452 | LC | |
Psarocolius guatimozinus | Black Oropendola | 22724025 | LC |
Pristimantis miyatai | Miyata's Robber Frog | 56768 | LC |
Vireolanius mikettae | Pale-legged Shrike-vireo | 103693760 | LC |
Halichoeres notospilus | Banded Wrasse | 155076 | LC |
Schiffornis stenorhyncha | Russet-winged Mourner | 103677383 | LC |
Pristimantis moro | La Hondura Robber Frog | 56777 | LC |
Pristimantis myersi | 56781 | LC | |
Cacicus leucoramphus | Northern Mountain-Cacique | 22724049 | LC |
Pristimantis nervicus | 56788 | LC | |
Pogonotriccus poecilotis | Variegated Bristle-tyrant | 22699477 | LC |
Cacicus sclateri | Ecuadorian Cacique | 22724054 | LC |
Pristimantis nicefori | 56789 | LC | |
Niceforonia nigrovittata | Black-banded Robber Frog | 56792 | LC |
Atractus collaris | Collared Ground Snake | 44580316 | LC |
Myxine mccoskeri | 196064 | LC | |
Pristimantis obmutescens | Paramos Robber Frog | 56800 | LC |
Myxine robinsorum | 196068 | LC | |
Opistognathus scops | Bullseye Jawfish | 155110 | LC |
Craugastor opimus | 56811 | LC | |
Pristimantis paisa | 56820 | LC | |
Pristimantis palmeri | Palmer's Robber Frog | 56823 | LC |
Icterus leucopteryx | Jamaican Oriole | 22724090 | LC |
Pristimantis parvillus | 56830 | LC | |
Icterus auricapillus | Orange-crowned Oriole | 22724099 | LC |
Pristimantis penelopus | 56841 | LC | |
Phylloscartes superciliaris | Rufous-browed Tyrannulet | 22699531 | LC |
Pristimantis peraticus | Tenerife Robber Frog | 56843 | LC |
Pristimantis permixtus | 56846 | LC | |
Phyllobates aurotaenia | Kokoe Poison Frog | 55261 | LC |
Ramphocelus icteronotus | Lemon-rumped Tanager | 103816722 | LC |
Myiornis atricapillus | Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant | 22699544 | LC |
Pristimantis piceus | 56857 | LC | |
Trachinotus rhodopus | Gafftopsail Pompano | 155159 | LC |
Lophotriccus pileatus | Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant | 22699554 | LC |
Heteroconger klausewitzi | Galapagos Garden Eel | 155178 | LC |
Tachiramantis prolixodiscus | 56879 | LC | |
Pristimantis pseudoacuminatus | 56883 | LC | |
Myiodynastes hemichrysus | Golden-bellied Flycatcher | 131358269 | LC |
Diasporus quidditus | 56895 | LC | |
Pristimantis racemus | Las Hermosas Robber Frog | 56897 | LC |
Oncostoma olivaceum | Southern Bentbill | 22699587 | LC |
Craugastor raniformis | Robber Frog | 56900 | LC |
Caulolatilus affinis | Bighead Tilefish | 155205 | LC |
Pristimantis restrepoi | 56906 | LC | |
Cremastosperma gracilipes | 145702480 | LC | |
Pristimantis ridens | Rio San Juan Robber Frog | 56916 | LC |
Rhinella paraguas | 78585428 | LC | |
Pristimantis roseus | Andagoya Robber Frog | 56924 | LC |
Mulloidichthys dentatus | Goatfish | 155245 | LC |
Myiothlypis chlorophrys | Choco Warbler | 103800433 | LC |
Platyrinchus flavigularis | Yellow-throated Spadebill | 22699638 | LC |
Pristimantis scopaeus | 56959 | LC | |
Myiophobus flavicans | Flavescent Flycatcher | 22699668 | LC |
Pristimantis subsigillatus | 56981 | LC | |
Myiophobus phoenicomitra | Orange-crested Flycatcher | 22699671 | LC |
Pomadasys panamensis | Panama Grunt | 155293 | LC |
Pristimantis taeniatus | Banded Robber Frog | 56991 | LC |
Dussia lehmannii | 150011553 | LC | |
Bothrocophias colombianus | 15204002 | LC | |
Trinectes xanthurus | Yellow-tail Sole | 183920 | LC |
Pristimantis thectopternus | Northern Cordilleras Robber Frog | 57002 | LC |
Aphelandra acanthus | 42532526 | LC | |
Pristimantis thymelensis | 57006 | LC | |
Diasporus tinker | 57008 | LC | |
Saurauia bullosa | 42532542 | LC | |
Pristimantis unistrigatus | 57024 | LC | |
Pristimantis uranobates | Caldas Robber Frog | 57026 | LC |
Andira taurotesticulata | 129105607 | LC | |
Dives warczewiczi | Scrub Blackbird | 22724305 | LC |
Pristimantis viejas | 57043 | LC | |
Deconychura typica | Little Long-tailed Woodcreeper | 103661269 | LC |
Pristimantis w-nigrum | 57057 | LC | |
Brownea enricii | 129105638 | LC | |
Eptesicus andinus | Little Black Serotine | 7912 | LC |
Copaifera canime | 129105642 | LC | |
Strabomantis zygodactylus | Danubio Robber Frog | 57070 | LC |
Dussia macroprophyllata | 129105647 | LC | |
Oreopanax seemannianus | 42532593 | LC | |
Mitrephanes phaeocercus | Northern Tufted Flycatcher | 22699779 | LC |
Inga sierrae | 129105672 | LC | |
Diplostephium cinerascens | 42532620 | LC | |
Leptodactylus colombiensis | 57119 | LC | |
Leptodactylus lithonaetes | 57141 | LC | |
Restrepia trichoglossa | Hairy Tongued Restrepia | 44392247 | LC |
Eremophilus mutisii | 7999 | LC | |
Calamagrostis fibrovaginata | 44392257 | LC | |
Leptodactylus poecilochilus | Turbo White-lipped Frog | 57158 | LC |
Leptodactylus ventrimaculatus | 57173 | LC | |
Turdus ignobilis | Black-billed Thrush | 103890779 | LC |
Cetopsis amphiloxa | 66600816 | LC | |
Bejaria mathewsii | 42532735 | LC | |
Holodiscus argenteus | 136789888 | LC | |
Synchiropus dagmarae | Dagmar's Dragonet | 16506757 | LC |
Silvicultrix diadema | Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant | 22699912 | LC |
Guzmania sibundoyorum | 44392342 | LC | |
Ronnbergia columbiana | 44392345 | LC | |
Physalaemus fischeri | Fischer’s Dwarf Frog | 57256 | LC |
Masdevallia strumifera | Goiter Carrying Masdevallia | 44392363 | LC |
Aegiphila bogotensis | 42532780 | LC | |
Aegiphila cuatrecasasii | 42532788 | LC | |
Engystomops petersi | Peters’ Dwarf Frog | 57270 | LC |
Guzmania calamifolia | 44392376 | LC | |
Oncidium lancifolium | 44392383 | LC | |
Myiotheretes fumigatus | Smoky Bush-Tyrant | 22699997 | LC |
Pseudopaludicola llanera | Lynch’s Swamp Frog | 57314 | LC |
Pseudopaludicola pusilla | Colombian Swamp Frog | 57318 | LC |
Cacicus pacificus | Pacific Cacique | 103792633 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: