List of Near Threatened species in Costa Rica
This is a list of Near Threatened species in Costa Rica according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Hyloscirtus colymba | La Loma Treefrog | 55455 | NT |
Celestus hylaius | 203032 | NT | |
Bachia blairi | 203050 | NT | |
Isthmohyla picadoi | Volcan Barba Treefrog | 55600 | NT |
Epiphyllum grandilobum | 151873 | NT | |
Isthmohyla zeteki | Zetek's Treefrog | 55701 | NT |
Quercus costaricensis | 30661 | NT | |
Pseudorhipsalis acuminata | 152222 | NT | |
Dipsas tenuissima | Taylor's Snail-eater | 203504 | NT |
Ninia celata | 203549 | NT | |
Ectophylla alba | Honduran White Bat | 7030 | NT |
Pseudorhipsalis himantoclada | 152513 | NT | |
Barbosella geminata | 44393472 | NT | |
Costus montanus | 56347723 | NT | |
Pristimantis altae | Mountain Robber Frog | 56406 | NT |
Pharomachrus mocinno | Resplendent Quetzal | 22682727 | NT |
Quercus benthamii | 35961 | NT | |
Magnolia sororum | 62599 | NT | |
Trogon bairdii | Baird's Trogon | 22682776 | NT |
Zamia fairchildiana | 42163 | NT | |
Zamia pseudomonticola | 42176 | NT | |
Libellula mariae | 165077 | NT | |
Mccoskerichthys sandae | Tufted blenny | 183535 | NT |
Telipogon biolleyi | 22486299 | NT | |
Costus glaucus | 56345900 | NT | |
Hypsoblennius striatus | Striated Blenny | 154957 | NT |
Platygillellus bussingi | Bussing's Stargazer | 183694 | NT |
Platygillellus altivelis | Sailfin Stargazer | 183705 | NT |
Poeciliopsis elongata | Elongate Toothcarp | 169376 | NT |
Magnolia poasana | 193992 | NT | |
Dracula ripleyana | Ripley's Dracula | 22486477 | NT |
Pristimantis pardalis | Leopard Robber Frog | 56828 | NT |
Calliandra brenesii | 19891720 | NT | |
Craugastor podiciferus | Cerro Utyum Robber Frog | 56870 | NT |
Macrobrachium occidentale | 198281 | NT | |
Narcine vermiculatus | Wormy Electric Ray | 161423 | NT |
Epidendrum cocoense | 132831 | NT | |
Epidendrum insulanum | 132833 | NT | |
Dorosoma chavesi | Nicaragua Gizzard Shad | 98471714 | NT |
Nototriton picadoi | La Estrella Salamander | 59299 | NT |
Nototriton richardi | Richard's Salamander | 59300 | NT |
Bombus digressus | 21215163 | NT | |
Oedipina uniformis | Cienega Colorado Worm Salamander | 59327 | NT |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: