List of AVES species in Ecuador

This is a list of AVES in Ecuador according to the IUCN Red List.

This list was last updated 2019-09-14


This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.

Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.

Herpsilochmus gentryi Ancient Antwren 22724610 LC
Grallaria ridgelyi Jocotoco Antpitta 22724628 EN
Pteroglossus erythropygius Pale-mandibled Aracari 22724652 LC
Synallaxis tithys Blackish-headed Spinetail 22702334 VU
Synallaxis maranonica Marañón Spinetail 22702350 CR
Sciaphylax castanea Northern Chestnut-tailed Antbird 22733153 LC
Myiarchus phaeocephalus Sooty-crowned Flycatcher 22700421 LC
Myiarchus magnirostris Galapagos Flycatcher 22700442 LC
Scytalopus parkeri Chusquea Tapaculo 22733277 LC
Scytalopus robbinsi Ecuadorian Tapaculo 22733280 EN
Tachycineta stolzmanni Tumbes Swallow      22733311 LC
Laterallus spilonota Galápagos Rail 22692366 VU
Myiodynastes bairdii Baird's Flycatcher 22700569 LC
Pachyramphus spodiurus Slaty Becard 22700667 EN
Turdus reevei Plumbeous-backed Thrush 22708869 LC
Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops Red-faced Parrot 22686168 VU
Turdus maranonicus Marañón Thrush 22708875 LC
Turdus maculirostris Ecuadorian Thrush 22708925 LC
Syndactyla ruficollis Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner 22702777 VU
Chloropipo unicolor Jet Manakin 22701128 LC
Pyrocephalus nanus Little Vermilion Flycatcher 103682926 VU
Phaethornis baroni Ecuadorian Hermit 22725731 LC
Heliangelus regalis Royal Sunangel 22687901 EN
Thamnophilus zarumae Chapman's Antshrike 22701280 LC
Thamnophilus praecox Cocha Antshrike 22701299 NT
Psittacara frontatus Cordilleran Parakeet 62293270 NT
Pheugopedius sclateri Maranon Wren 105294254 LC
Thamnophilus bernardi Collared Antshrike 103658059 LC
Pheugopedius paucimaculatus Speckle-breasted Wren 105294259 LC
Aulacorhynchus cyanolaemus Black-billed Toucanet 22726180 LC
Metallura baroni Violet-throated Metaltail 22687993 EN
Metallura odomae Neblina Metaltail 22687998 LC
Petrochelidon rufocollaris Chestnut-collared Swallow 22712441 LC
Ampelornis griseiceps Gray-headed Antbird 22701847 VU
Colaptes cinereicapillus Northern Andean Flicker 22726434 LC
Oneillornis lunulatus Lunulated Antbird 22701879 LC
Nothoprocta curvirostris Curve-billed Tinamou 22678268 LC
Xenerpestes singularis Equatorial Graytail 22702691 NT
Phaethornis porcullae Porculla Hermit 22726671 LC
Asthenes griseomurina Mouse-colored Thistletail 22702225 LC
Forpus coelestis Pacific Parrotlet 22685949 LC
Brotogeris pyrrhoptera Gray-cheeked Parakeet 22685966 EN
Cranioleuca antisiensis Fraser's Spinetail 22702411 LC
Larus fuliginosus Lava Gull 22694452 VU
Crypturellus transfasciatus Pale-browed Tinamou 22678185 NT
Mimus longicaudatus Long-tailed Mockingbird 22711047 LC
Mimus parvulus Galapagos Mockingbird 22711053 LC
Mimus trifasciatus Charles Mockingbird 22711063 EN
Mimus macdonaldi Hood Mockingbird 22711070 VU
Mimus melanotis San Cristobal Mockingbird 22711078 EN
Penelope barbata Bearded Guan 22678357 NT
Clibanornis erythrocephalus Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner 22702956 VU
Geothlypis auricularis Black-lored Yellowthroat 103795612 LC
Campylorhynchus fasciatus Fasciated Wren 22711322 LC
Euscarthmus fulviceps Tawny-fronted Pygmy-tyrant 103681074 LC
Grallaria watkinsi Scrub Antpitta 22703277 NT
Cantorchilus superciliaris Superciliated Wren 22711470 LC
Henicorhina leucoptera Bar-winged Wood Wren 22711532 NT
Grallaricula peruviana Peruvian Antpitta 22703381 NT
Melanopareia elegans Elegant Crescent-chest 22703457 LC
Melanopareia maranonica Marañon Crescent-chest 22703463 NT
Trogon mesurus Ecuadorian Trogon 22736256 LC
Arremon abeillei Black-capped Sparrow 103771714 LC
Amazona lilacina Lilacine Amazon 22728296 EN
Leucippus baeri Tumbes Hummingbird 22687494 LC
Pseudastur occidentalis Grey-backed Hawk 22695789 EN
Phaeomyias tumbezana Tumbes Tyrannulet 103681912 LC
Amazilia amazilia Amazilia Hummingbird 22687618 LC
Spinus siemiradzkii Saffron Siskin 22720386 VU
Buteo galapagoensis Galapagos Hawk 22695909 VU
Coeligena iris Rainbow Starfrontlet 22687847 LC
Heliangelus viola Purple-throated Sunangel 22687898 LC
Eriocnemis nigrivestis Black-breasted Puffleg 22687909 CR
Eriocnemis godini Turquoise-throated Puffleg 22687922 CR
Heliangelus micraster Flame-throated Sunangel 22729181 LC
Myrtis fanny Purple-collared Woodstar 22688241 LC
Myrmia micrura Short-tailed Woodstar 22688248 LC
Chaetocercus berlepschi Esmeraldas Woodstar 22688279 EN
Myiopagis olallai Foothill Elaenia 22729451 VU
Nannopterum harrisi Galapagos Cormorant 22696756 VU
Pyrocephalus dubius Least Vermilion Flycatcher 103682916 EX
Atlapetes seebohmi Bay-crowned Brush Finch 22721465 LC
Atlapetes albiceps White-headed Brush-finch 22721482 LC
Atlapetes pallidiceps Pale-headed Brush-Finch 22721487 EN
Knipolegus signatus Andean Black-tyrant 103683026 LC
Megascops roboratus West Peruvian Screech-Owl 22688790 LC
Certhidea olivacea Green Warbler-finch 103814223 VU
Hylophilus olivaceus Olivaceous Greenlet 22705315 NT
Myiothlypis fraseri Gray-and-gold Warbler 22721958 LC
Basileuterus trifasciatus Three-banded Warbler 22722005 LC
Cyanocorax mystacalis White-tailed Jay 22705735 LC
Synallaxis stictothorax Necklaced Spinetail 103675609 LC
Thlypopsis inornata Buff-bellied Tanager 22722266 LC
Pyrrhura peruviana Wavy-breasted Parakeet 45422316 LC
Contopus punensis Western Tropical Pewee 103683897 LC
Spheniscus mendiculus Galapagos Penguin 22697825 EN
Picumnus sclateri Ecuadorian Piculet 22680717 LC
Certhidea fusca Grey Warbler-finch 103815085 LC
Geospiza difficilis Sharp-beaked Ground-finch 103815127 LC
Oreotrochilus stolzmanni Green-headed Hillstar 60946473 LC
Sphenopsis piurae Piura Hemispingus 103823410 LC
Nyctidromus anthonyi Anthony's Nightjar 22689855 LC
Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron Orange-throated Tanager 22722621 VU
Geospiza septentrionalis Vampire Ground-finch 103815245 VU
Iridosornis reinhardti Yellow-scarfed Tanager 22722678 LC
Geospiza acutirostris Genovesa Ground-finch 103815404 VU
Xenodacnis petersi Streaked Dacnis 103840020 LC
Geospiza conirostris Espanola Cactus-finch 103815509 VU
Geospiza propinqua Genovesa Cactus-finch 103815544 VU
Rhodospingus cruentus Crimson-breasted Finch 22723055 LC
Patagioenas oenops Peruvian Pigeon 22690302 VU
Hydrobates homochroa Ashy Storm-petrel 22698562 EN
Atlapetes leucopterus White-winged Brush-finch 103774822 LC
Piezorina cinerea Cinereous Finch 22723182 LC
Rhynchospiza stolzmanni Tumbes Sparrow 22721248 LC
Atlapetes paynteri Cream-crowned Brush-finch 103774870 LC
Poospiza hispaniolensis Collared Warbling-finch 22723286 LC
Pipreola squamipectus Scaly-breasted Fruiteater 103676648 LC
Sicalis taczanowskii Sulphur-throated Finch 22723367 LC
Sporophila peruviana Parrot-billed Seedeater 22723460 LC
Sporophila simplex Drab Seedeater 22723463 LC
Hemitriccus cinnamomeipectus Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant 22698949 VU
Zenaida galapagoensis Galápagos Dove 22690758 LC
Pyrrhura orcesi El Oro Conure 22685851 EN
Leptotila ochraceiventris Ochre-bellied Dove 22690895 VU
Pyrrhura albipectus White-necked Parakeet 22685860 VU
Geospiza magnirostris Large Ground-Finch 22723729 LC
Geospiza fortis Medium Ground-Finch 22723734 LC
Geospiza fuliginosa Small Ground-Finch 22723739 LC
Geospiza scandens Common Cactus-finch 22723752 LC
Platyspiza crassirostris Vegetarian Finch 22723762 LC
Geospiza psittacula Large Tree-finch 22723768 VU
Geospiza pauper Medium Tree-finch 22723773 CR
Pachyramphus xanthogenys Yellow-cheeked Becard 103677119 LC
Geospiza parvula Small Tree Finch 22723778 LC
Geospiza pallida Woodpecker Finch 22723783 VU
Geospiza heliobates Mangrove Finch 22723786 CR
Progne modesta Galápagos Martin 22731986 EN
Myiopagis subplacens Pacific Elaenia 22699239 LC
Pseudelaenia leucospodia Grey-and-white Tyrannulet 22699251 LC
Saltator nigriceps Black-cowled Saltator 22723889 LC
Mecocerculus calopterus Rufous-winged Tyrannulet 22699322 LC
Anairetes nigrocristatus Marañón Tit-tyrant 22699387 LC
Phylloscartes gualaquizae Ecuadorian Tyrannulet 22699488 NT
Schiffornis aenea Foothill Mourner 103677427 LC
Icterus graceannae White-edged Oriole 22724102 LC
Agelasticus xanthophthalmus Pale-eyed Blackbird 22724172 LC
Onychorhynchus occidentalis Pacific Royal Flycatcher 22699653 VU
Nephelomyias lintoni Orange-banded Flycatcher 22699688 NT
Myiophobus cryptoxanthus Olive-chested Flycatcher 22699708 LC
Lathrotriccus griseipectus Gray-breasted Flycatcher 22699757 VU
Silvicultrix jelskii Jelski's Chat-tyrant 22699905 LC
Ochthoeca salvini Tumbes Tyrant 22699951 NT


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Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups:
  • Extinct (EX) – beyond reasonable doubt that the species is no longer extant.
  • Extinct in the wild (EW) – survives only in captivity, cultivation and/or outside native range, as presumed after exhaustive surveys.
  • Critically endangered (CR) – in a particularly and extremely critical state.
  • Endangered (EN) – very high risk of extinction in the wild, meets any of criteria A to E for Endangered.
  • Vulnerable (VU) – meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention.
  • Near threatened (NT) – close to being at high risk of extinction in the near future.
  • Least concern (LC) – unlikely to become extinct in the near future.
  • Data deficient (DD)
  • Not evaluated (NE)