List of Vulnerable species in Ethiopia
This is a list of Vulnerable species in Ethiopia according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Hirundo megaensis | White-tailed Swallow | 22712330 | VU |
Lophuromys melanonyx | Black-clawed Brush-furred Rat | 12351 | VU |
Labeobarbus platydorsus | 182341 | VU | |
Chlorocebus djamdjamensis | Bale Monkey | 4240 | VU |
Glareola ocularis | Madagascar Pratincole | 22694140 | VU |
Gymnosporia addat | 128045355 | VU | |
Labeobarbus acutirostris | 182572 | VU | |
Atoconeura aethiopica | 59697 | VU | |
Crenigomphus abyssinicus | 59710 | VU | |
Crenigomphus denticulatus | 59711 | VU | |
Elattoneura pasquinii | 59715 | VU | |
Pseudagrion guichardi | 59768 | VU | |
Cyanochen cyanoptera | Blue-winged Goose | 22679961 | VU |
Gymnosporia serrata | 128045478 | VU | |
Tauraco ruspolii | Ruspoli's Turaco | 22688359 | VU |
Megadendromus nikolausi | Nikolaus's Mouse | 12937 | VU |
Aloe rugosifolia | 201373 | VU | |
Labeobarbus ossensis | 182952 | VU | |
Gymnosporia arbutifolia subsp. sidamoensis | 35508 | VU | |
Aloe retrospiciens | 201398 | VU | |
Aloe pulcherrima | 201402 | VU | |
Aloe gilbertii subsp. megalacanthoides | 201411 | VU | |
Afrixalus enseticola | Ethiopian Banana Frog | 56061 | VU |
Pseudagrion kaffinum | 60271 | VU | |
Carex monostachya | 185241 | VU | |
Sesbania melanocaulis | 128045978 | VU | |
Redunca fulvorufula ssp. chanleri | Chanler's Mountain Reedbuck | 19393 | VU |
Leptopelis ragazzii | Shoa Forest Treefrog | 56279 | VU |
Leptopelis yaldeni | Yalden's Tree Frog | 56286 | VU |
Paracassina kounhiensis | Kouni Valley Striped Frog | 56291 | VU |
Commiphora guidottii | 35815 | VU | |
Ammodorcas clarkei | Dibatag | 1141 | VU |
Eriocaulon aethiopicum | 185510 | VU | |
Grammomys minnae | Ethiopian Thicket Rat | 9459 | VU |
Lagarosiphon steudneri | 185593 | VU | |
Garra duobarbis | 181636 | VU | |
Crocidura lucina | Moorland Shrew | 5572 | VU |
Dicraeopetalum stipulare | 32238 | VU | |
Potamonautes ignestii | 44528 | VU | |
Euphorbia adjurana | 128048676 | VU | |
Dioscorea gillettii | 100890160 | VU | |
Euphorbia doloensis | 34386 | VU | |
Maytenus harenensis | 34393 | VU | |
Boswellia pirottae | 34394 | VU | |
Cussonia ostinii | 34395 | VU | |
Dombeya longebracteolata | 36470 | VU | |
Crithagra xantholaema | Salvadori's Serin | 22720132 | VU |
Garra tana | 181931 | VU | |
Vepris borenensis | 42690 | VU | |
Labeobarbus gorguari | 181988 | VU | |
Crithagra ankoberensis | Ankober Serin | 22720246 | VU |
Caprimulgus solala | Nechisar Nightjar | 22724428 | VU |
Baphia abyssinica | 34657 | VU | |
Myotis scotti | Scott's Mouse-eared Bat | 14199 | VU |
Satanocrater fellatensis | 92458917 | VU | |
Garra regressus | 182226 | VU | |
Pinheyschna waterstoni | Ethiopian Hawker | 184301 | VU |
Desmomys yaldeni | Yalden's Desmomys | 45052 | VU |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: