List of MAGNOLIOPSIDA species in France
This is a list of MAGNOLIOPSIDA in France according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Potentilla delphinensis | 161804 | VU | |
Silene velutina | 161830 | NT | |
Aconitum corsicum | 161861 | VU | |
Sorbus latifolia | Fontainebleau Whitebeam | 79749225 | VU |
Sorbus legrei | 86095987 | EN | |
Prunus brigantina | Briançon Apricot | 172164 | DD |
Hypericum corsicum | 163992 | LC | |
Aquilegia bertolonii | 161950 | LC | |
Mentha requienii | Corsican Mint | 164002 | LC |
Centaurea corymbosa | 161955 | VU | |
Plagius flosculosus | 164028 | VU | |
Biscutella rotgesii | 61630 | CR | |
Ionopsidium acaule | 161985 | LC | |
Centranthus trinervis | 61648 | EN | |
Anchusa crispa | 61654 | EN | |
Limonium strictissimum | 61667 | EN | |
Myosotis soleirolii | 164074 | LC | |
Pinguicula corsica | 157939 | LC | |
Pinguicula reichenbachiana | 164088 | LC | |
Medicago tenoreana | 176408 | LC | |
Cotoneaster raboutensis | 102828360 | DD | |
Armeria soleirolii | 162125 | EN | |
Saxifraga florulenta | 162137 | LC | |
Genista salzmannii | 83759451 | LC | |
Saxifraga valdensis | 162157 | NT | |
Alyssum pyrenaicum | 162181 | VU | |
Angelica heterocarpa | 162184 | LC | |
Arenaria provincialis | 162198 | NT | |
Artemisia molinieri | Molinier's Wormwood | 164249 | EN |
Euphrasia genargentea | 162203 | LC | |
Barbarea rupicola | 176566 | LC | |
Bellium nivale | 164291 | LC | |
Isatis allionii | 176602 | DD | |
Medicago heterocarpa | 176612 | DD | |
Bellis bernardii | 164360 | LC | |
Viola hispida | 162314 | CR | |
Veronica repens | 164367 | LC | |
Gentiana ligustica | 162341 | LC | |
Biscutella neustriaca | 162367 | VU | |
Sorbus remensis | 86098540 | EN | |
Nananthea perpusilla | 164477 | VU | |
Doronicum corsicum | 164515 | LC | |
Ranunculus revelieri | 164529 | LC | |
Genista aetnensis | 79727282 | LC | |
Pinguicula caussensis | 99890028 | LC | |
Genista corsica | 83756047 | LC | |
Cotoneaster delphinensis | 86107331 | VU | |
Limonium legrandii | 173392 | EN | |
Artemisia insipida | 165208 | CR | |
Viola cryana | 165210 | EX | |
Quercus crenata | 79730261 | DD | |
Genista desoleana | 103454396 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: