List of GASTROPODA species in Germany
This is a list of GASTROPODA in Germany according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Bythiospeum husmanni | 155650 | CR | |
Bythiospeum puerkhaueri | 155657 | NT | |
Bythiospeum heldii | 155658 | VU | |
Spermodea lamellata | Plaited Snail | 156704 | NT |
Medora almissana | 171586 | LC | |
Trochulus graminicola | 22109 | NT | |
Bythiospeum helveticum | 155776 | VU | |
Drobacia banatica | 145204374 | LC | |
Bythiospeum dubium | 155810 | CR | |
Bythiospeum clessini | 155839 | EN | |
Bythiospeum putei | 155847 | CR | |
Bythiospeum exiguum | 155858 | VU | |
Bythiospeum gonostoma | 156152 | CR | |
Bythiospeum senefelderi | 155882 | DD | |
Vallonia allamanica | 22831 | DD | |
Bythiospeum saxigenum | 155953 | VU | |
Vallonia suevica | 22834 | EN | |
Bythiospeum pellucidum | 155957 | CR | |
Bythinella bavarica | 3391 | EN | |
Bythinella compressa | Rhön Spring Snail | 3392 | DD |
Bythiospeum acicula | 3401 | VU | |
Bythiospeum quenstedti | 3407 | LC | |
Bythiospeum turritum | 155984 | CR | |
Bythiospeum sandbergeri | 3409 | DD | |
Emmericia patula | 155994 | LC | |
Alopia monacha | 97142119 | LC | |
Bythiospeum sterkianum | 155525 | EN | |
Arion ater | 170886 | LC | |
Bythiospeum labiatum | 155528 | EN | |
Trochulus coelomphala | 156553 | DD | |
Bythiospeum haessleini | 156042 | VU | |
Sadleriana bavarica | 156072 | DD | |
Vertigo lilljeborgi | 156582 | NT | |
Helicella bolenensis | 156588 | DD | |
Bythiospeum waegelei | 156096 | VU | |
Bythinella isolata | 164822 | VU | |
Bythiospeum suevicum | 155606 | VU | |
Bythiospeum alzense | 155611 | DD | |
Bythiospeum taxisi | 156137 | EN | |
Bythiospeum lamperti | 155629 | EN |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: