List of Least Concern species in Guatemala
This is a list of Least Concern species in Guatemala according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Antrostomus ridgwayi | Buff-collared Nightjar | 22689801 | LC |
Fraxinus purpusii | 96444462 | LC | |
Brahea calcarea | 56758344 | LC | |
Eleocharis densa | 44392533 | LC | |
Acianthera violacea | 44392572 | LC | |
Mesaspis moreletii | Morelet's Alligator Lizard | 176254 | LC |
Cryptocanthon brevisetosus | 137346 | LC | |
Salix bonplandiana | Bonpland’s Willow | 126589074 | LC |
Hylocereus guatemalensis | 151699 | LC | |
Chamaedorea nubium | 55953591 | LC | |
Hesperiphona abeillei | Hooded Grosbeak | 22720712 | LC |
Phanaeus tridens | 137442 | LC | |
Chlorophonia occipitalis | Blue-crowned Chlorophonia | 22722787 | LC |
Adelphicos sargii | 63732 | LC | |
Ipomoea murucoides | 126300410 | LC | |
Neotoma mexicana | Mexican Woodrat | 14590 | LC |
Ateuchus guatemalensis | 137471 | LC | |
Cornus excelsa | 126300416 | LC | |
Melozone biarcuata | Prevost's Ground-sparrow | 103776515 | LC |
Coniophanes quinquevittatus | Five-striped Snake | 63755 | LC |
Peromyscus aztecus | Aztec Mouse | 16651 | LC |
Physalis lassa | 105908495 | LC | |
Peromyscus guatemalensis | Guatemalan Deermouse | 16665 | LC |
Peromyscus gymnotis | Naked-eared Deer Mouse | 16666 | LC |
Drymobius chloroticus | 63775 | LC | |
Malaxis brachystachys | Madrean Adder's Mouth | 44392741 | LC |
Geophis carinosus | Keeled Earth Snake | 63791 | LC |
Geophis immaculatus | Downs' Earth Snake | 63796 | LC |
Peromyscus stirtoni | Stirton's Deer Mouse | 16693 | LC |
Peromyscus yucatanicus | Yucatan Deer Mouse | 16696 | LC |
Geophis nasalis | Coffee Earth Snake | 63806 | LC |
Indigofera miniata | Coast Indigo | 19892543 | LC |
Sceloporus lunae | Luna's Spiny Lizard | 203071 | LC |
Sceloporus prezygus | Chiapan Rough-scaled Lizard | 203073 | LC |
Geophis rhodogaster | Rosebelly Earth Snake | 63811 | LC |
Dendropsophus robertmertensi | Mertens' Yellow Treefrog | 55628 | LC |
Junco phaeonotus | Yellow-eyed Junco | 103778667 | LC |
Cryptotis goodwini | Goodwin's Broad-clawed Shrew | 48269679 | LC |
Cincelichthys pearsei | Pantano Cichlid | 192885 | LC |
Amphilophus trimaculatus | Three Spot Cichlid | 192887 | LC |
Pituophis lineaticollis | 63872 | LC | |
Disocactus nelsonii | 151942 | LC | |
Rheoheros lentiginosus | Freckled Cichlid | 192908 | LC |
Theraps irregularis | Arroyo Cichlid | 192907 | LC |
Annona macroprophyllata | 143323535 | LC | |
Echeandia parviflora | 44392850 | LC | |
Thorichthys pasionis | Blackgullet Cichlid | 192915 | LC |
Maskaheros argenteus | White Cichlid | 192917 | LC |
Rhadinella kinkelini | Kinkelin Graceful Brown Snake | 63896 | LC |
Rhadinella lachrymans | Tearful Pine-Oak Snake | 63897 | LC |
Baiomys musculus | Southern Pygmy Mouse | 2465 | LC |
Disocactus speciosus | 151970 | LC | |
Euphorbia pulcherrima | 150008228 | LC | |
Potamarius nelsoni | Lacandon Sea Catfish | 197029 | LC |
Doricha enicura | Slender Sheartail | 22688172 | LC |
Pseudoleon superbus | Filigree Skimmer | 51280302 | LC |
Psittacara rubritorquis | Red-throated Parakeet | 22729157 | LC |
Sorex saussurei | Saussure's Shrew | 41416 | LC |
Hybosema ehrenbergii | 19892682 | LC | |
Tantilla impensa | 63948 | LC | |
Tantilla moesta | Blackbelly Centipede Snake | 63951 | LC |
Sturnira hondurensis | 88154577 | LC | |
Sorex veraepacis | Verapaz Shrew | 41427 | LC |
Tantilla rubra | Big Bend Black-headed Snake | 63958 | LC |
Melozone occipitalis | Grey-crowned Ground-sparrow | 103776727 | LC |
Hypopachus ustus | Two-spaded Narrowmouth Toad | 57817 | LC |
Tantillita brevissima | 63967 | LC | |
Ilex discolor | 20679138 | LC | |
Mammillaria karwinskiana | 152040 | LC | |
Solanum agrimonifolium | 71778791 | LC | |
Thamnophis cyrtopsis | Black-necked Gartersnake | 63975 | LC |
Thamnophis fulvus | 63980 | LC | |
Atthis ellioti | Wine-throated Hummingbird | 22688238 | LC |
Physalis campechiana | 103295472 | LC | |
Clethra suaveolens | 136788476 | LC | |
Apanisagrion lais | Black-and-white Damsel | 51302922 | LC |
Micrurus browni | 64020 | LC | |
Micrurus elegans | 64023 | LC | |
Chamaedorea ibarrae | 58409498 | LC | |
Micrurus latifasciatus | 64027 | LC | |
Tantilla brevicauda | Mertens' Centipede Snake | 203312 | LC |
Tantilla taeniata | Central American Centipede Snake | 203329 | LC |
Plectrohyla matudai | Matuda's Spikethumb Frog | 55880 | LC |
Sceloporus carinatus | 64091 | LC | |
Chamaedorea carchensis | 55949924 | LC | |
Ptychohyla hypomykter | Copan Stream Frog | 55911 | LC |
Palaemnema domina | Desert Shadowdamsel | 51364461 | LC |
Sceloporus internasalis | 64114 | LC | |
Turdus infuscatus | Black Thrush | 22708851 | LC |
Sceloporus melanorhinus | 64125 | LC | |
Sceloporus smaragdinus | 64146 | LC | |
Physalis angustiphysa | 103299731 | LC | |
Sceloporus taeniocnemis | 64152 | LC | |
Chamaedorea keelerorum | 59402905 | LC | |
Myrtillocactus schenckii | 152217 | LC | |
Persea vesticula | 103293598 | LC | |
Muhlenbergia distichophylla | 44393119 | LC | |
Conepatus leuconotus | American Hog-nosed Skunk | 41632 | LC |
Mephitis macroura | Hooded Skunk | 41634 | LC |
Abies religiosa | Sacred Fir | 39592 | LC |
Endotropis serrata | 136778417 | LC | |
Chamaedorea elatior | 55950006 | LC | |
Protoneura cara | Orange-striped Threadtail | 51364534 | LC |
Tripsacum jalapense | 101339846 | LC | |
Crataegus mexicana | 136778448 | LC | |
Batrachoides goldmani | Mexican Freshwater Toadfish | 191194 | LC |
Strongylura hubbsi | Maya Needlefish | 191195 | LC |
Astyanax aeneus | Banded Tetra | 191199 | LC |
Turdus rufitorques | Rufous-collared Thrush | 22708961 | LC |
Sinclairia glabra | 150010595 | LC | |
Physalis microcarpa | 105908964 | LC | |
Tantilla vulcani | 29422 | LC | |
Melanotis hypoleucus | Blue-and-white Mockingbird | 22711023 | LC |
Pilosocereus leucocephalus | 152309 | LC | |
Ictiobus bubalus | Smallmouth Buffalo | 191239 | LC |
Aspidoscelis motaguae | 64277 | LC | |
Diphysa floribunda | 144270108 | LC | |
Ninia pavimentata | 203552 | LC | |
Amerotyphlops tenuis | Coffee Worm Snake | 64295 | LC |
Atropoides olmec | Olmecan Pit Viper | 64301 | LC |
Bothriechis bicolor | Guatemala Palm Pit Viper | 64303 | LC |
Geococcyx velox | Lesser Roadrunner | 22684461 | LC |
Perrottetia longistylis | 136778546 | LC | |
Ortalis leucogastra | White-bellied Chachalaca | 22678331 | LC |
Psittacara holochlorus | Green Parakeet | 62296899 | LC |
Anableps dowei | Pacific Foureyed Fish | 191300 | LC |
Epiphyllum oxypetalum | Dutchman's Pipe Cactus | 152393 | LC |
Atropoides occiduus | 197459 | LC | |
Tropidodipsas fischeri | Fischer’s Snail-Eating Snake | 203607 | LC |
Zea mays | 77726273 | LC | |
Cerrophidion godmani | Godman's Montane Pit Viper | 197466 | LC |
Corytophanes percarinatus | Keeled Helmeted Basilisk | 197475 | LC |
Micrurus stuarti | Stuart's Coral Snake | 203632 | LC |
Lepidophyma smithii | Smith's Tropical Night Lizard | 197496 | LC |
Neomillspaughia paniculata | 146789245 | LC | |
Typhlopseudothelphusa mitchelli | 134014 | LC | |
Opuntia puberula | 152462 | LC | |
Weberocereus glaber | 152467 | LC | |
Oplonaeschna armata | Riffle Darner | 50967446 | LC |
Celtis caudata | 144137132 | LC | |
Lepidocolaptes affinis | Northern Spot-crowned Woodcreeper | 103670723 | LC |
Reithrodontomys fulvescens | Fulvous Harvest Mouse | 19407 | LC |
Reithrodontomys microdon | Small-toothed Harvest Mouse | 19412 | LC |
Vireolanius melitophrys | Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo | 22705130 | LC |
Lile gracilis | Graceful Piquitinga | 183277 | LC |
Megascops trichopsis | Whiskered Screech-Owl | 22688766 | LC |
Vireo bellii | Bell's Vireo | 22705156 | LC |
Tripsacum laxum | Grama-Guatemala | 101340166 | LC |
Astyanax brevimanus | Quiché Tetra | 132578336 | LC |
Diglossa baritula | Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer | 22723636 | LC |
Astyanax angustifrons | Campeche Tetra | 132551767 | LC |
Senna holwayana | 144315490 | LC | |
Epiphyllum crenatum | 152680 | LC | |
Argia plana | Springwater Dancer | 164970 | LC |
Quercus acatenangensis | 89173099 | LC | |
Oreothlypis superciliosa | Crescent-chested Warbler | 22721645 | LC |
Physalis philadelphica | Tomatillo ground-cherry | 109716592 | LC |
Pereskiopsis kellermanii | 152691 | LC | |
Zentrygon albifacies | White-faced Quail-Dove | 22690932 | LC |
Paraphlebia quinta | 164987 | LC | |
Hetaerina vulnerata | Canyon Rubyspot | 164990 | LC |
Magnolia guatemalensis | 62592 | LC | |
Peromyscus beatae | Orizaba Deermouse | 136323 | LC |
Rhamdia parryi | Tonala Catfish | 132653644 | LC |
Malaxis lepanthiflora | 22486165 | LC | |
Anax walsinghami | Giant Darner | 50959519 | LC |
Argia pallens | Amethyst Dancer | 165024 | LC |
Trogon mexicanus | Mountain Trogon | 22682791 | LC |
Erpetogomphus elaps | Straight-tipped Ringtail | 51178689 | LC |
Troglodytes rufociliatus | Rufous-browed Wren | 22711497 | LC |
Tripogandra montana | 44393684 | LC | |
Pheucticus chrysopeplus | Yellow Grosbeak | 22723799 | LC |
Sapranthus microcarpus | 143320282 | LC | |
Brachyrhaphis hartwegi | Soconusco Gambusia | 191722 | LC |
Taxodium mucronatum | Montezuma Bald Cypress | 34029 | LC |
Chiranthodendron pentadactylon | 146822391 | LC | |
Ipomoea wolcottiana | 144305405 | LC | |
Poecilia butleri | Pacific Molly | 191743 | LC |
Juniperus monticola | Mexican Juniper | 42240 | LC |
Poecilia sphenops | Molly | 191753 | LC |
Eugerres axillaris | Black Axillary Mojarra | 154892 | LC |
Poeciliopsis gracilis | Porthole Livebearer | 191759 | LC |
Poeciliopsis hnilickai | Upper Grijalva Livebearer | 191760 | LC |
Brahea dulcis | 55948562 | LC | |
Poeciliopsis pleurospilus | Largespot Livebearer | 191764 | LC |
Dalea obovatifolia | 19891480 | LC | |
Lithobates maculatus | Highland Frog | 58655 | LC |
Xiphophorus alvarezi | Chiapas Swordtail | 191774 | LC |
Tlaloc labialis | Largelip Killifish | 191794 | LC |
Solanum demissum | 71781687 | LC | |
Ageratina mairetiana | 150003003 | LC | |
Incilius bocourti | 54591 | LC | |
Aphananthe monoica | 126373186 | LC | |
Strix fulvescens | Fulvous Owl | 22689097 | LC |
Incilius canaliferus | 54602 | LC | |
Bursera bipinnata | 144311638 | LC | |
Campylopterus rufus | Rufous Sabrewing | 22687066 | LC |
Quercus laurina | 78968154 | LC | |
Cardellina rubrifrons | Red-faced Warbler | 22721885 | LC |
Astatheros macracanthus | Blackthroat Cichlid | 191838 | LC |
Wajpamheros nourissati | Bluemouth Cichlid | 191839 | LC |
Aspatha gularis | Blue-throated Motmot | 22682983 | LC |
Pinus ayacahuite | Mexican White Pine | 42344 | LC |
Glaucidium cobanense | Guatemalan Pygmy-owl | 61791597 | LC |
Sigmodon toltecus | Toltec Cotton Rat | 136559 | LC |
Cordia prunifolia | 146822512 | LC | |
Pinus devoniana | Michoacan Pine | 42356 | LC |
Disocactus quezaltecus | 152951 | LC | |
Momotus mexicanus | Russet-crowned Motmot | 22683001 | LC |
Pinus hartwegii | Hartweg's Pine | 42367 | LC |
Pinus maximinoi | Thin-leaf Pine | 42380 | LC |
Solanum bulbocastanum | ornamental nightshade | 71779724 | LC |
Pinus montezumae | Montezuma Pine | 42382 | LC |
Pinus oocarpa | Egg-cone Pine | 42387 | LC |
Basileuterus lachrymosus | Fan-tailed Warbler | 22721955 | LC |
Bauhinia seleriana | 19891619 | LC | |
Pinus pseudostrobus | Smooth-bark Mexican Pine | 42404 | LC |
Tlaloc candalarius | Headwater Killifish | 169379 | LC |
Sicydium multipunctatum | Multispotted Goby | 169385 | LC |
Eugerres mexicanus | Mexican Mojarra | 169386 | LC |
Erythrina mexicana | 144301487 | LC | |
Archocentrus spinosissimus | 169398 | LC | |
Solanum nigricans | 126692792 | LC | |
Cordia stenoclada | 146822593 | LC | |
Abeillia abeillei | Emerald-chinned Hummingbird | 22687170 | LC |
Hintonia octomera | 126612946 | LC | |
Cassiculus melanicterus | Mexican Cacique | 22724061 | LC |
Dythemis maya | Mayan Setwing | 51273181 | LC |
Basileuterus belli | Golden-browed Warbler | 22722019 | LC |
Aphelocoma unicolor | Unicolored Jay | 22705642 | LC |
Buddleja parviflora | 126623213 | LC | |
Ilex brandegeeana | 135714300 | LC | |
Cyanolyca pumilo | Black-throated Jay | 22705669 | LC |
Antrostomus arizonae | Mexican Whip-poor-will | 22736398 | LC |
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus | Bushy-crested Jay | 22705681 | LC |
Quercus calophylla | 194071 | LC | |
Quercus castanea | 194073 | LC | |
Peucedramus taeniatus | Olive Warbler | 22720027 | LC |
Eleutherodactylus pipilans | 56862 | LC | |
Sciurus aureogaster | Red-bellied Squirrel | 20006 | LC |
Quercus crassifolia | Leather Leaf Mexican Oak | 194090 | LC |
Icterus wagleri | Black-vented Oriole | 22724139 | LC |
Sapranthus violaceus | 136791594 | LC | |
Bursera excelsa | 144315954 | LC | |
Icterus maculialatus | Bar-winged Oriole | 22724157 | LC |
Croton oerstedianus | 150011476 | LC | |
Orthogeomys grandis | Giant Pocket Gopher | 42590 | LC |
Craugastor rupinius | Cliffy Stream Frog | 56937 | LC |
Rhogeessa aeneus | Yucatan Yellow Bat | 136810 | LC |
Heloderma horridum | Beaded Lizard | 9864 | LC |
Quercus polymorpha | Net-leaf white oak | 194221 | LC |
Quercus rugosa | Netleaf oak | 194227 | LC |
Quercus segoviensis | 194229 | LC | |
Chamaedorea liebmannii | 55953085 | LC | |
Basilinna leucotis | White-eared Hummingbird | 22687428 | LC |
Saurauia waldheimii | 149675738 | LC | |
Salix taxifolia | Yew-leaf Willow | 126590688 | LC |
Mastigodryas dorsalis | Striped Lizard Eater | 198382 | LC |
Heteragrion tricellulare | Highland Flatwing | 9982 | LC |
Sceloporus acanthinus | 198413 | LC | |
Colaptes mexicanoides | Guatemalan Flicker | 22726420 | LC |
Heteromys pictus | Painted Spiny Pocket Mouse | 12075 | LC |
Bolitoglossa morio | Cope's Mushroomtongue Salamander | 59183 | LC |
Typhlopseudothelphusa juberthiei | 134962 | LC | |
Bolitoglossa occidentalis | Southern Banana Salamander | 59188 | LC |
Myotis auriculus | Southwestern Myotis | 14145 | LC |
Atticora pileata | Black-capped Swallow | 22712134 | LC |
Myotis fortidens | Cinnamon Myotis | 14161 | LC |
Sphenomorphus incertus | 198486 | LC | |
Empidonax affinis | Pine Flycatcher | 22699868 | LC |
Stelgidopteryx ridgwayi | Ridgway's Rough-winged Swallow | 22712157 | LC |
Amazilia beryllina | Berylline Hummingbird | 22687583 | LC |
Empidonax fulvifrons | Buff-breasted Flycatcher | 22699880 | LC |
Sphenomorphus assatus | Red Forest Skink | 198504 | LC |
Spinus atriceps | Black-capped Siskin | 22720362 | LC |
Amazilia viridifrons | Green-fronted Hummingbird | 61200240 | LC |
Piscidia grandifolia | 19892080 | LC | |
Quercus xalapensis | 34686 | LC | |
Cupania mollis | 32644 | LC | |
Amazilia violiceps | Violet-crowned Hummingbird | 22687624 | LC |
Bombus trinominatus | 21215133 | LC | |
Ptiliogonys cinereus | Gray Silky-flycatcher | 22708132 | LC |
Bombus macgregori | 21215144 | LC | |
Canavalia hirsutissima | 19892144 | LC | |
Lampornis amethystinus | Amethyst-throated Hummingbird | 22687668 | LC |
Lampornis viridipallens | Green-throated Mountain-gem | 22687672 | LC |
Viburnum hartwegii | 136777660 | LC | |
Oedipina taylori | Taylor's Worm Salamander | 59326 | LC |
Lennea modesta | 144248769 | LC | |
Lamprolaima rhami | Garnet-throated Hummingbird | 22687693 | LC |
Copris matthewsi | 137168 | LC | |
Manihot angustiloba | Desert Mountain Manihot | 20746195 | LC |
Carpinus tropicalis | Hornbeam | 194532 | LC |
Mariosousa dolichostachya | 146786279 | LC | |
Ostrya virginiana subsp. guatemalensis | 194542 | LC |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: