List of ACTINOPTERYGII species in Iran
This is a list of ACTINOPTERYGII in Iran according to the IUCN Red List.
This list was last updated 2019-09-14
This list contains only species that have been assessed for the IUCN Red List. It is therefore not representative of all the species in the country.
Species counts by country: Total | Amphibians | Birds | Fish | Mammals | Reptiles | Vascular Plants.
scientific_name | common_name | taxonid | category |
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus | Mesopotamian Sucking Catfish | 19530320 | DD |
Garra typhlops | Zagros Cave Garra | 10849 | VU |
Capoeta buhsei | Namak Scraper | 169605 | LC |
Acanthalburnus urmianus | 169606 | DD | |
Schizocypris altidorsalis | Gorgak | 169608 | LC |
Gymnothorax flavoculus | Palenose Moray | 195729 | LC |
Eidinemacheilus smithi | Zagroz Blind Loach | 14489 | VU |
Oxynoemacheilus tongiorgii | Kor loach | 169625 | DD |
Nematalosa resticularia | Gulf Gizzard Shad | 46075186 | DD |
Omobranchus mekranensis | Mekran Blenny | 46079873 | VU |
Syngnathus caspius | Caspian Pipefish | 112664049 | DD |
Other languages
english | french | spanish | portuguese |
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine groups: